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"You called us here just for this?" Yujin asked.

"Why? I can't?" I asked him back. "Only you guys know about my crush,"

"You have a crush?" Sungchan asked.

"Yes. And it's Choi Hyunsuk," Yujin said.

"Eh?! Really? You?! You like Choi Hyunsuk?!!" Sungchan looked really shocked hearing that. "Ah! That's why you always watched the soccer matches during our high school days. You've been crushing on him since then? Wow?"

"Eh? He has been crushing on Hyunsuk since high school? And still?" Yujin asked. "Wow,"

"Okay now. Which one is the best?" I asked showing several outfits.

"And you're going to go on a date with him?" Sungchan asked.

"As friend. We're going to an exhibition. Before than we'll have a lunch first," I said.

"Aye~~ I didn't know that our Jihoon is a very loyal to his first love," Yujin teased me.

"Our Jihoon is grown up already," Sungchan said while wiping his invisible tears. Why are these kids teasing me?

"Are you guys going to help me or not?" I asked. After teasing me for a while, they finally helped me to choose an outfit for me to wear on my first date with Hyunsuk. Even only as friends, I want to look the best in front of him.

Am I late? I run as fast as I could toward the place we've promised to met yesterday. Yujin and Sungchan won't let me go even I've done getting ready and keep on teasing me. Because of them, I'm late now. I was planning to go there 10 minutes earlier just to wait for Hyunsuk.

I stopped as I saw Hyunsuk standing there. Waiting for me... My plan to be the one who's waiting is ruined. Why did he looked like something is bothering him? Did he doesn't like the idea of us hanging out together? Or because I'm late?  I let out a sighed. I looked at my reflection on the tinted glass of a vehicle near me. I'm fixing my hair and outfit. After I'm sure that my look is okay, I walked toward Hyunsuk.

"Hyunsuk-ah~~" I called him out. He turned at me and his face looked slightly brightened up as he saw me. Why are you being so cute, Choi Hyunsuk. Seeing his face at least make me confident that he doesn't dislike hanging out with me.

"Oh! Jihoon-ah," he responded. He's still lowkey fixing his outfit. He looked stunning by the way. He always know how to look fashionable but appropriate. One of thousands of his traits that I fall for.

"How long have you waited? I'm sorry of I'm late," I said. He smiled at me.

"No. No. You came on time. It's just I'm excited to go to the exhibition that I was early. I didn't realized it myself until I arrived here," He said. He looked at his watch. "So, you've made a reservation at that restaurant, right?"

"Oh, yes!" I took out my phone to checked the reservation I've made. "I've made a reservation for 10 a.m. There's about 15 minutes. Are you hungry already?"

"No. I just want to look around. I saw an interesting shop on my way here but I afraid if I went in I will be here late or something," He said. Aww... So cute. I know that he's the type that will lose the track of time if he found or do something he likes.

"Aye. I can wait for you. You don't have to worry about it. I can even accompany you if you want me to," I said. I would gladly accompany him wherever he goes and whatever he does. "So. Where's the shop?"

"Oh! Here," he hold the end of my jacket's sleeve and slightly pulling me toward a shop nearby. I just let him. I looked at his small hand holding my sleeve.

Same Same | HoonSuk [✓]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें