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"Are you coming or not?" Junghwan asked while cleaning his table and put some of his things in hid bag and some in his table's drawer.

"Where to?" Jeongwoo who heard us asked.

"Yang Gun High School. Doyoung said they'll have a practice match with, I don't remember what school. But that school was one of the top 4 team last year," Junghwan said.

"If Yang Gun, it definitely soccer, right? I didn't know that Jihoon interested in soccer?" Jeongwoo said.

"He only interested in Yang Gun's team," Junghwan said. Yeah. Since I watched them in their friendly match with our school's team last year, I've been following following their team's matches and practices whenever I have time to do so. Well it's not really because of their play. It's just because of Choi Hyunsuk. But maybe because the way I focused while watching him playing make Junghwan thought that I'm actually interested in their play.

"I'm going," I said after confirming my schedule for today. I have no cram school after this so I can follows Junghwan to watch Hyunsuk playing soccer.

"Can I come too?" Jeongwoo asked.

"If you want to," Junghwan said.

"Oh! Okay. Wait for me. I need to hand in my homework first. Don't leave me okay?" Jeongwoo said.

"Okay. We'll wait at the gate," Junghwan said. "Don't be too late. We'll actually leave you if you're taking too long,"

"I won't," Jeongwoo said before disappeared from our sight. He's fast. Me and Junghwan walked toward the main gate to wait for Jeongwoo. I open my phone to scroll on the high school soccer fanclub community. Yes. There's a thing. Hyunsuk is really popular that it's so easy to get his updates. And I even make a private account on Instagram just to stalk him. Because I don't want any of my friends know that I have a crush on Hyunsuk because they'll definitely will make fun of if nonstop.

"Oh! This kind of community is quite famous these days, right?" Junghwan said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Yesterday I saw a quite trending post about YGHS's team's manager. The name is Junkyu if I not mistaken. And it turned out that person is the one who make planned for the team's strategies," Junghwan said. Junkyu? I remember hearing Hyunsuk calling out that name a few times before. But I haven't seen that person. I scrolled at the yesterday's trending posts list and tapped on one of the post about Junkyu. There's no pictures of this Junkyu kid at all. There're just some posts talking about how flawless the strategies made by Junkyu and things.

"Let's go!" Jeongwoo shouted as he run toward us.

Three of us took the bus to Yang Gun High School. We arrived at Yang Gun High School 10 minutes before the match started. And we're quite lucky that there's still some empty seats left when we arrived.

As always, I will look for Hyunsuk as soon as the game started. But something feels off about today. Is it Hyunsuk? Or the whole team? I can't pin point what's the actual thing that doesn't feels right today. Or maybe it's just me.

"They're great as always," Junghwan praised them. The Yang Gun's team to be exact. After a few minutes, Hyunsuk scored a goal. But just like 3 minutes after that, their coach make a player substitution. And they're taking Hyunsuk out of the game making many surprised. "Why did they took him out? Didn't he just scored a goal just now? And he did really good since the game started,"

"I'm pretty sure there's a reason," Jeongwoo said.

"Is it Junkyu?"

"You mean the strategy maker? I think he make a mistake this time,"

"Right? Hyunsuk did good and he took him out,"

I heard some of the spectators talking about the substitution. I can see there's an argument about it as well among the teammates.

"I need to use the toilet," I said.

"Oh. Okay," Junghwan said. On my way to the toilet, I saw some of the Yang Gun's soccer players are talking to a student who's still in his uniform.

"What the hell are you thinking, Kim Junkyu? Do you want us to lost or something?" one of the player asked. So. That guy is the Junkyu?

"Do you think that you get the praised, you can do whatever you want? And why the hell the coach let this kid make the decision? It's not like he can play," the other player said.

"If you only care about the score and not your teammates, you'll just ruin your team," Junkyu said.

I don't understand why he said that or why he make the the decision to took out Hyunsuk. But I feels like he realized that something is off about Hyunsuk today as well.

I tried to secretly followed Junkyu after he done arguing with the players. He walked toward a locker room but he didn't entered there right away.

"I still don't understand tho. Why Junkyu substitute you out," I know that voice. It's one of the player, Mark's voice. So, there's Hyunsuk and Mark in the locker room.

"He probably noticed my ankle injury," Hyunsuk said.

"You're injured?!" Mark shouted.

"It's not that bad. I kind off twisted my ankle when I fell down after trying to help my sister to change her curtains," Hyunsuk said. "I still can run and do things like always. It's just a hurt a bit sometimes,"

"And that kind of injury can be worse if you keep on forcing yourself," Junkyu said as soon as he entered the room. "You can act like you're just fine but you can't deceived my eyes. I can noticed it right away if you're not in your best condition and I'm not going to let you forcing yourself and make your injury even worse than it is right now,"

"Wow. I don't even noticed it," Mark said. Well. I knew that there's something is off about Hyunsuk today. But I'm still impressed that Junkyu can point out what's off about Hyunsuk and make a fast decision on it. Maybe he is actually a genius strategist like what the community claimed him to be.

"I've called the nurse. He'll check your ankle and decide if you need more treatment or anything," Junkyu said. "And please don't keep it to yourself. I know that you want to give the best but please think about yourself as well,"

"Alright," I heard Hyunsuk said.

"Ah! I think there's other kid is worried about you as well that he followed me here," hearing Junkyu said that, I got panicked. Junkyu opened the door and looked at my direction. We exchanged glances for a second before I walked away as fast as I could. How did he noticed me? I didn't think there's anybody else beside me who's following him just now. Kim Junkyu. You're really scary.


A/N- pardon for this boring chapter.. i'll make a better one so come back here everyday, okay? Just like Sour Grapes, this will be get updated everyday (i'll try my best). Thank you for reading and supporting! Enjoy and have a nice day

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