The Mirror Spirit (Date a Liv...

By GerbelZ

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Wake up, take a shower, go to work, go home, and repeat, that is the life of 25 year old hayashida nao, a man... More

Character Bio
Chapter 1 : The world, Spirits, and bad timing.
Chapter 2 : misunderstandings, conversations, and introduction
Chapter 3 : Learning, Talking, Escaping
Chapter 4 : Searching, Bonding, Eating
Chapter 5 : Questions, Meetings, Nicknames
Chapter 6 : Fighting, Saving, Living
Chapter 7 : Old man, Cafe, Work
Chapter 8 : Son, Hot Springs, Number
Chapter 9 : Groceries, Cat, Kurumi
Chapter 10 : Date, Two, Kill
Chapter 11 : Resolve, Unknown, Kiss
Chapter 12 : Copycat, Meggido, Sleeping
Chapter 13 : Explanation, Favour, Close
Chapter 14 : Advice, Worry, Date
Chapter 16 : File, Muriel, New Season
Chapter 17 : Trip, Goal, Favour
Chapter 18 : Preventive Measures, Arrival, Truth
Chapter 19 : Background, Family, Requirement
Chapter 20 : Beach, Declaration, Aircraft
Chapter 21 : Monster, Muriel, Morning
Chapter 22 : Miku, Test, Normal
Chapter 23 : Malahidael, Crossdressing, Barchiel
Chapter 24: Outing, Ability, Planning
Chapter 25 : Partner, Adeptus 3, Chaos
Chapter 26 : Human, Trust, Wrong

Chapter 15 : Obeserving, Distruption, Decision

4K 134 67
By GerbelZ

"The night sky is a beautiful sight to see, truly god has given us everything"

A man says as he lays down on the astral space looking towards the sky, he was not alone however, he was accompanied by his children, all curious as to why he's happy about it.

The children, like their father, decided to lay down and watch the sky, they shared a moment of silence, not uncomfortable, but calming and serene, the father looks at his children and smiles, he points at a star and connects a single line with them, it turned into a crooked 'W' and the children looked at it in wonder as the stars become outlined with a string of light.

"This is the Cassiopeia constellation, named after a Queen who boasted about her beauty, she angered Poseidon and brought calamity to her kingdom as a result"

One of the children sat up and looked at her father, her father in turn looked at her with kind eyes, he clearly sees the confusion in her daughters eyes.

"Father, why did she get punished? I don't think she was bad, she was just proud of her self right?"

The father laughs and sits up, the children following suit, he pats his daughters head and points at the sky.

"Its not a matter of right or wrong, she was arrogant, there is a difference my child between pride and arrogance, remember that"

The child nods and looks at the sky again, the night sky was beautiful, the twinkling stars, the grand constellations, it was hard to believe that her father knew all of them, but i suppose that's a given, he was bestowed the name

Stella Dei ; Star of God

End of memory log 93,828,173,373,728,194

Title : Cassiopeia lesson

Hayashida's P.O.V

"I still think bringing Tohka and Yoshino is a mistake"

"Please understand, its a must for this mission"

"Whatever you say"

Currently, I'm in Fraxinus with the crew observing the date that Kotori and Shido are having, they went to a water park and changed into their swimwear, all of them look nice, but i hope Shido doesn't get side tracked with the other girls, Kotori is the priority right now.

I sigh and lean back on the chair, i was sitting on a chair they pulled out of nowhere, Kannazuki and Reine were standing up giving orders to the crew, they knew that i would be here just in case Kotori goes berserk.

They asked if i wanted to help with the choices, i declined of course, I don't play Otome games much, those dating sims feel weird to play, and using choices for a date, especially weird ones isn't my cup of tea.

But that's besides the point, the date was going awfully well, Kannazuki may or may not have forced Shido to say some questionable things, something about her breasts and how good it looks with the swimsuit.

Currently, they're riding a giant water slide, Kotori, Shido, and Tohka were riding it together in one wheel, with Shido in the middle sandwiched by the two girls, and the excessive skin ship had Shido go red in embarrassment.

Hang in there Shido, remember that one of them is your sister!

"I can't tell if this is going well..."

"Not to worry Hayashida! This is going extremely well! The sight of the commander's breasts getting pushed against Shido is a blessing! With the added embarrassed face, MY LORD! THE GODDESS! SHE HAS DESCENDED"

Kannazuki says with a weird smile and his nose bleeding, i move away from Kannazuki by picking up the chair and shimmying closer to Reine.

Yea, this man is bad news, a lolicon.... He's not even trying to hide it.

A few minutes pass and Shido with Kotori are eating in the food court, Tohka was eating a lot, and Yoshino with Shido were eating normally, but Kotori, she wasn't eating at all.

"Kotori's meter isn't going down or going up, just stable"

Reine reports to Shido, i look at the so called meter she was talking about, and as i read it, i couldn't hold back my surprise.

"Wha- isn't it already fu- mmph!"


My mouth gets closed my Kannazuki, oi! What did i do!

I look around and see the crew looking at me with their finger in front of their lips, as if telling me to be quiet, i slowly nod and Kannazuki releases his hands.

The comms closes and i started asking them.

"What was that for?"

"Well.... Keep it a secret, but the commander can be sealed whenever"

"Eh? Then shouldn't it be better to be sealed right now?"

"Of course it is, but Kotori was looking forward to the date, i didn't want to stop her"

Both Kannazuki and Reine explain to me with embarrassed faces, so that's it! She was fine all along! She will never go berserk since she's already basically sealed!

"And i came all the way here worried for nothing....."

"Don't be like that Hayashida! Today is a blessing for you and me! We both get to see the commander wearing a swimsuit! IF I DIE THEN I WILL HAVE NO REGRETS!!!"

"Umm... Sure.... Whatever you say"

We stop when we heard a cough, we look at the monitor and see Kotori coughing, she gets up and walks away.

"Kotori, where are you going?"

"Hee~ asking a girl where she's going after eating? if it was any other girl you would be dead you know"

She walks away, Reine looks at Kotori and walks away, curious, i followed her, she noticed me and we walked together.

"Where are you going?"

"To give Kotori her medicine"

"Is it to suppress her powers so she doesn't go berserk?"

"Yes, but i would like it if she would not use it.... I'm worried she's going to overdo it and hurt herself...."

She clenches the medicine in her hand with a sad expression, i look at her and she notices my gaze, she looks at me with a confused look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, it's just... You're kinder than i thought"


"Well, you look like a cold person from outside, but on the inside you seem to care for them, I'm glad they have you on their team"

"Is that..... So...."

She looks at me and turns away again, she asked if i wanted to accompany her, of course i want to! I wanted to check Kotori's condition myself, as we walked we finally arrived at the teleport room and immediately teleported down.

As the light fades away, i look around where we are, we seem to be in a closed alleyway inside the water park, since no one was here, i guess this is where Kotori and Reine would meet.

"Reine so where are we goi- WHAAA!?"

"Hmm? What's wrong Hayashida?"

I turned around and see Reine unbuttoning her clothes, i close my eyes to not see the great mountains.

"W-What are you doing!?!?"

"Changing to my swimsuit"


I open my eyes and see Reine wearing a swimsuit, she had those under her clothes all along, i feel my face heat up in embarrassment, and Reine noticing it giggled at me.

We walked along the alleyway until we hear someone, it was someone breathing harshly, i run towards the source of the breathing and find Kotori slumped beside a vending machine clutching her chest.

I kneel down and hold her head, she was leaning her head against the hard concrete wall, so i gave her my shoulder to rest.

"Haah-... H-hayashida?"

"Yea, I'm here, just rest for a while, Reine has the medicine"


She closes her eyes and rests on my shoulder, Reine finally reaches here and walks up to us, Reine looks at her resting on my shoulder i asked to give her a minute and she agrees.

Kotori opens her eyes and leans against the wall while looking at us.

"Reine, give me the medicine"

"Kotori..... Your body can't handle this type of trauma anymore, you might break down"

"I don't care, Today..... Today might be the last day i have with my brother... My last chance to have a date..... So please...."


How annoying

She keeps thinking that today is her last day, as if this is the last chance she's going to have with her brother, like this is the end for her, i clench my hand in anger and look away from her when Reine injects the medicine.

Kotori groans in pain as the medicine is injected, i look at her and see her complexion getting better, she takes a deep breath and exhales through her mouth, she gets up and thanks Reine before going back.



Kotori looks back as i called her, she looks at me with with furrowed eyes brows and motioned her head to ask me what's up.

"Its going to be alright, trust your brother"


"Pfft! I already do idiot~ there's no one that trusts my brother more than me!"

"Heh, good to know"

She walks away from the alleyway and enters the busier side of the water park with me and Reine watching over her.

"Reine, what's Kotori feeling right now"

She opens her tablet and looks at the table of emotions.

"Excitement....... With fear combined"

"Sigh, knew it, she's scared the date won't be a success, Shido better step up his game to comfort her"

"Don't worry, Shin is reliable when it comes to comforting"

"Is that so?........ Wait who's Shin?"

"Now let's go back to the Fraxinus"

"Wait you didn't answer me! Who's Sh-!?"

Before i could finish, we get teleported back to the Fraxinus, i look around the room and noticed that Reine isn't with me, haaa whatever, I don't care anymore.

I walk towards the command room and enter, i look at the screen and see Shido and Kotori in an entirely new place, they're not at the water park anymore.

I poked Kannazuki's shoulder and got his attention.

"Why are they there? Isn't this the amusement park?"

"Ah, Hayashida, Yes, they're in the Amusement park, Shido decided that using the Fraxinus's dating system would backfire on him, so he threw the earpiece and derailed our water park plan"

"But this might be for the best, this type of plan is effective for someone like the Commander" Reine says as she buttons up her shirt and stands next to me.

I look at the screen and see Kotori and Shido riding a rollercoaster, Kotori looked angry and Shido was snickering, they drop down and their screams reverb in the command room.

They went off and went inside a haunted house attraction, Shido makes fun of Kotori and. kotori in turn called him out on being scared, Shido, surprisingly confirmed he was scared and asked to hold hands with Kotori, it was obviously an act, but Kotori agreed and held hands with him while blushing.

I feel something off and look beside me, Kannazuki was shaking, i grabbed his shoulder and asked him if he was ok, and to my surprise.





"Ha ha ha.... Alright then..."

I walk away from Kannazuki and went behind Reine, the crew and Reine was looking at Kannazuki as he went down on the floor and whined like a child, scary, he's scary, how is he even allowed here?

As Shido and Kotori go out, they look at the racing track and went in, they raced together in the race track having a good time, all of the crew and i smile at them, but Kannazuki suddenly screams and breaks the nice atmosphere.


I summon Ambriel and made a copy of a baseball bat, i walk up to Kannazuki and hit him in the head with it.



"oi, no horny, calm down"




"i said no horny!"




And our battle began, the unstoppable force VS the immovable object, i keep hitting him with the baseball bat, and Kannazuki keeps getting back up and goes on with his speech of Kotori's body.

This went on for a long time.... Longer than it should be, the crew started cheering for me to beat up Kannazuki, i hit him for soo long that i completely forgot about the date.

The longer it went, the weirder it felt, since Kannazuki..... Who was just spreading about his love to Kotori's body and demeanour... Started to change, he started to provoke me to him more, and the sounds he makes every time i hit him was, to put it simply, off putting.






"Reine I'm scared, is he starting to enjoy this?"

"Most likely" Reine says as he pulls me behind her, the crew looked at Kannazuki who was writhing in joy with disgust, i put away the bat and Shrink behind Reine in fear.

"Hayashida...... I'm about to awaken something"

"Don't you dare you goddamn idiot!"


"Hayashida, when it comes to Kannazuki, its better to not interact with him" Reine pats my head as she brings me back to the chair.

I sat down and try my best to ignore the 'thing' on the floor, i look at the screen and saw Shido's date, they were sitting on a bench, just the two of them, it was already in the afternoon, and Shido should seal Kotori right about this time.

But... Before it could happen, the alarms blare inside the command room as red lights turn off and on and the crew panicked.

"Everyone stay calm, Kyouji! Status report! What happened"

"Sir! We've detected a moving territory closing in on the dating site! They will make contact in one minute!"

"Show me!"

Kannazuki changed quickly from the helpless man on the floor to the vice commander, he ordered the crew and they got to work.

The screen changes and something flying in the air can be seen, the video zooms in and a white haired girl wearing the AST uniform can be seen, but she wasn't wearing the normal combat realiser, on her back was a giant machine that attached itself on her back.

Her hands were attached on the machine, two giant cannons point out from her and guns with missiles can be seen on the white and blue machine, the machine was flying towards the amusement park, with the cannons charging some sort of attack on the way.

"Origami Tobiichi, what the hell is she using?"

"Sir! It might be a new type of realiser! Its combat power is unknown but the territory it created is bigger than any combat realiser we've seen soo far"

"Tch-! So a new type huh... Dammit... If kotori fights her then..."

The entire situation was annoying, we were soo close to our goal but someone had to disrupt that.

As the crew looks dejected on the incoming enemy, i nervously raise my hand which caught the attention of the crew, they look at me as they tilt their heads.

"I can just fight her for Kotori right?"




" " " " " WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THAT! " " " "

"Why are you soo surprised!?!?"

They quickly start up the teleporter and i run towards the room, alright, i may not be stopping Kotori from going berserk, but i am helping her to beat a potential enemy that will get in the way of that date, so it's a win-win situation!

The teleporter starts up as the light envelopes me, alright.

Time to have some fun~

Shido's P.O.V


A cloud of smoke appears right next to me where Kotori was sitting, i tried to go in but i was stopped by something, i grab the invisible barrier that encased me, it was similar to the things the AST use, i look up in the sky and see a giant machine wielded by.


"Shido, get out of here, it's not safe"


"Haa- why do you have to ruin it in the good part"

The cloud of smoke suddenly disappears, a wave of heat hits my body, Kotori activated her Astral dress and took out her weapon, Camael.

"I finally found you, EFREET!"

Before i could say anything, Origami attacks her with missiles and bullets, a cloud of smoke forms as the blast knocks me away from them, i couldn't see Kotori anymore in the cloud of smoke and i feel my heart panicking.

The Smoke disappears and Kotori was unharmed, she either healed or dodged the attacks.

"You're certainly using some unruly weapons"

Kotori flies up and accelerates with her flames, i thought she escaped but before she can get far, a giant green sphere appears with Kotori inside.

I look at Origami to find her aiming her weapons, the missiles shoot out and hit Kotori, along with the Ferris wheel behind her, the debris falls down and hits the concrete floor, but.... It was oddly quite, and no damage was done.

I look away from the damages and see Kotori in the sky, she sustained some damage from the attack.

"Not bad, I'm guessing that's a new unit?"

She heals her clothes and wounds and looks at Origami menacingly, but she staggers and clutches her head in pain.

Don't tell me... Is she going to!?


"Tch- cleaveleaf... DEPLOY!"

Laser like whips come out and grab Kotori.


Time seems to slow down, Kotori struggles to get out of the whips, Origami tightens the hold and throws her towards a premade territory.






The whips were cut before she could get thrown, Kotori was caught by someone, he had black hair and eyes, he wore a priestly outfit, he had a smile looking at me as if to say everything is fine.

He looks at Origami, and his kind smile contorts to a sinister one, he was smiling but his eyes were not, his stare was piercing through Origami, and even if it wasn't directed at me, i felt a chill down my spine and cold sweat runs down my back.

"Sorry I'm late, had to save the civilian's from dying, and you...... You're doing more harm to people than spirits..... Hypocrite"



Origami opens her territory and fires at Hayashida and Kotori, the explosions were bigger than the ones Kotori endured.

The debris from the explosions went everywhere, but it never hit the buildings, even the floor.

"What did i say about harming people? You never learn don't you"

Something shiny can be seen inside the territory, and it was Ambriel, the giant mirror had portions of it gone, i look around and see the shards of Hayashida's angel forming into a shield in the places where the debris would've hit.

He managed to protect himself while also protecting the surroundings, amazing... The amount of concentration needed to do that must be mentally taxing.


"Why? Well its mostly because you're ruining everything"

"You!... What do you gain FROM THIS!"

"Nothing really... I mean, do you even need a reason to help out a friend? But then again, you probably won't understand since you don't have one, a friend that is"


"Hmm? Are you angry? Did that actually hurt you?"

"Shut up"

"Ah! It probably hurt you since what i said just now was true huh? If you really don't have any friends, why not be friends with me?"

"Shut up!"

"I mean, even if you are a human, you're kind of similar to spirits right? You make explosions, you break the surroundings, and you kill people in the process...... And to think you call yourself a righteous person.... Or maybe not, who knows, you should ask your friends about what you're like..... Oops~"


H-hayashida, what are you doing!!! Why are you provoking her! Look, even Kotori is terrified of what you're doing right now!

Origami uses her territory again and grabs both Hayashida and Kotori, Hayashida doesn't panic and laughs at the situation he's in, while Kotori was angry with being tied again, especially tied up with Hayashida.

The whips release, leaving the two restrained, the two cannons of the CR unit charges up, each aiming at one of them, it fires and hits both Kotori and Hayashida.

But of course, it was blocked by Ambriel, the cannon fire went everywhere, hitting the amusement park, and again, the residue was blocked by Ambriel, Hayashida snickers with Kotori looking at him weirdly,

"If you really want to destroy my defences, then you have to focus on me you know~ if both cannons attacked me at once, who knows~ maybe it will break"


So that's what he's trying to do! He's trying to get Origami's attentions to himself so Kotori can escape! I thought it was weird that he provoked Origami, he never did that before, he was just trying to redirect the anger from kotori to himself!

The cannons charge up and aims at Hayashida, he opens his arms, inviting the attack to hit him, he gathers the shards and recovers Ambriel to be whole again.

The cannons activate and shoots at Ambriel, the laser like blast gets reflected into the sky easily and it did almost nothing to him.

Origami was getting tired, her breathing was getting rougher and she was flying weirdly.

"Huh, well i did say maybe, but who would've thought it would do nothing"

"Haah- damnit!"

"Alright, you look like you're about to pass out, let's finish th- UGH-!"

Hayashida was sent flying into a building, breaking it and the things around it.


"Tch- ruining the fun, how dare you get in the way of my fight!"

I look in the sky and see Kotori with her outstretched arm pointing with her fist at where Hayashida was, did she... Punch him?

"K-kotori, why?"

"Hey~ mirror man~ come on! You were running your mouth before! If you're so confident! Fight me!"

Her eyes were glowing red and her mouth widened with a wicked grin, dammit, i was too late, she used her powers too much, but when? She was fine just a second ago!

Suddenly, blue flames appear around Kotori's stomach and chest, it was healing her from something.

"And you! Origami, sneaky bastard, to think you would attack me with your gun while attacking Hayashida over there, not bad"

"Just drop dead"

"Try me"

Kotori lunges at Origami with Camael in hand, Origami turned on her barrier and prepared to defend, but before the axe could even hit her, a shield made of glass stopped the attack midway.

"Tch, stop meddling the fight, or do you also want to die?" (Kotori)

"I don't want to die you know, and plus, my promise with you would be broken if i don't subdue you" (Hayashida)

"Efreet, after i kill you, I'm going to kill you Mirage!" (Origami)

Hayashida floats up using a piece of Ambriel, Ambriel materialises and appears behind Hayashida, Kotori spins her axe and readies her stance, and Origami readies her whips along with her missiles and bullets.

Origami wants to kill Kotori, and the Kotori right now wants to kill Origami, but Hayashida is protecting both of them so they don't kill each other, making him a target for both of them.

It's going to be a three way fight....

3rd person P.O.V

Three people can be seen in the sky, Hayashida, the spirit of Mirrors, Kotori, the spirit of fire, Origami, the AST member using the experimental CR-unit white licorice that has enough fire power to destroy multiple buildings.

These three powerhouses are facing off against each other, all three waiting for the first to make a move.

"Everyone! You don't have to fight!" (Shido)

"You think i want to? You idiot" (Hayashida)

"I won't stop until she's dead, please leave Shido, its not safe here" (Origami)

"Shut up" (Kotori)

All three shut down the young mans plead, and with the interruption of Shido, the fight begins, Kotori makes the first move and lunges at Origami, a shield quickly forms in front of origami and protects her, Kotori smashes the shield but Origami managed to get away in time.

Origami fires her missile at Hayashida and Kotori, and again, Hayashida blocks the missiles and also defended Kotori, Kotori breaks the shield protecting her and throws Camael at Hayashida, Hayashida defends himself with Ambriel, but it cracks it and Camael bounces off, returning to Kotori.

Origami fires her cannons at Hayashida, hitting Ambriel and cracking it even more.

"This isn't fair you know?"

Hayashida complains as he uses his Spirit power to restore Ambriel, after restoring Ambriel once when it first got hit by Kotori's Meggido, but, the usage of spirit power managed to expand its usage, at best he can restore his angel three times.

And now its reduced to two, Hayashida breathes heavily as Ambriel recovers from the attack, the other two notice this and attacked Hayashida at once.

"Fine, have it your way"

Ambriel bursts into pieces and starts to move around, shooting them with the copied spears, the shards shoot their spears and combine into a giant sword.



"Misericordia ; Mercy"



The sword drops down and attacks both Kotori and Origami, they raise up their defence with Kotori using her axe to defend and Origami using her barrier at max.

But before it made contact with them, the giant sword shatters and scatters around them, multiple glass needles were made from the giant sword and it stabbed into Origami's white licorice, the other pieces combined and became a chain that tied itself to Kotori.

The needles break through the defences effortlessly and breaks the CR-Unit, and Kotori, who couldn't react in time was chained up, both of them drop down and hit the ground roughly.



The air in their lungs were forcefully pushed out, Origami tried to get up but her legs gave out and she drops down again, Kotori recovered from the fall and tried to take off the chains, but she couldn't.

She tries to heat up the glass chains but before she could even try, Hayashida slowly descends on a piece of glass, looking down on her, the pressure he gave off was strong enough to make Kotori flinch.

"Hey, give it up, even if you did melt it, i can just make more chains to replace them"

"Tch!- then kill me, being caught like this is disgraceful"

"Nah, i won't do that"

"Do it, kill me, stab me, skewer me, i don't care! This is the essence of war! Take no prisoners!"

"You might not care... But we do"

".... We?"

As the dust settles down, a hazy figure could be seen from afar, he had blue hair and blue eyes, he wore a black jacket with a grey shirt underneath and had blue pants along with it.

The young man runs towards, in a panic and worry, Kotori sees him and her head starts to hurt, she drops down on the floor and screams in pain, she couldn't hold her head so she bashed her head on the floor.

The blue haired man quickly comes and holds her head, and in a caring tone, he looks at Kotori.

"Kotori, it's going to be fine, everything is all right..."


"Yes, it's me, and always will be"

"I-I-I just!"

"It's alright, just as i am your brother, you are my adorable little sister, you're the greatest sister in the world... And i really..... Truly.... Love you, I love you!"


"Kotori, do you feel the same?"

"H-huh~! I-its so sudden, b-but.."

"Kotori, do..... You.... Feel the same?"

Silence fills the place, as if the world was waiting for an answer, Kotori looks around embarrassed, she knew that she needed to confirm her feelings so Shido can seal her.

It felt like an eternity for Shido, she didn't know what would happen, will he fail to seal her? Does she not love her? Was it too late?


Those thoughts would be just needless worry, since, anyone can tell, the tint of pink on her cheeks, and the fact that she can't look at Shido, she was, and always will.

"I Love you too!! Brother, I love you! I love you more than anyone in the world!"

And with that, Shido wastes no time, the chains disappears and Shido goes in, giving her a tight hug and a kiss on the lips, it was a long and love filled kiss, memories of the incident five years ago flow into their heads, the hazy memory was suddenly cleared up.

Shido and Kotori separate, the two had shocked expressions as they recall the memory.

"T-that was"

"I-i remember, 5 years ago..."

Due to exhaustion or maybe mental damage, Kotori falls down on Shido's shoulder and passes out, her breathing stabilises and the flames surrounding her disappear, she was finally sealed.

Origami manages to get up, albeit still struggling, she takes out a handgun and points it at the downed Kotori, Shido, without saying anything stands up and stretches his hands out to protect her.

"Shido, g-get out of the way!"

"No, Origami, you always said that if you ever find the spirit that killed your parents, you will kill them, then kill me"

"Negative, you're not a spirit Shido"

"Are you sure?"

Shido grabs a piece of rock on the floor, aiming the sharp side and plunging it in his arms, but before it could stab Shido, he was stopped by Hayashida, he grabs his hand and throws the rock.

Hayashida made a small needle and pricked Shido, Shido then showed the blood that bled out of the wound, and it disappears as blue fire surround the wound.

"What the...."

"Origami, you said you wanted to kill Efreet right? Then kill me! KILL EFREET!"

"I-i can't, n-not you"

"Then please Origami! Don't kill my sister! Don't take her away from me! She SAVED my life! Please.... Don't kill her"

"Haa- dammit"

Origami collapses and drops down, Shido tries to catch her but Hayashida was faster, he catches her and lays her down on the floor, Origami looks at him with disdain, as if being saved by him is a sin.

"Hey, Origami right? Do you want to hear a word of advice?"

"No, get away from me!"

"I'll take that as a yes"

Hayashida summons Ambriel and uses the mirror to reflect Origami's face, she looks at the reflection and her eyes open in shock.

"I'm guessing your parents died because of a spirit, since Shido said that, if that's the case I'm sorry, i know it doesn't sound much since I'm kinda new and have no idea how much you've lost"

"If you don't then-!"

"But, since you lost someone dear to you, then you should know that killing Kotori will make Shido sad..... Do you really want to make him go through th same pain you did?"


"The current you right now, was this what your parents wanted?"

Origami looks at her reflection through Ambriel, she had bruises all over, luckily no damage, the only one that actually sustained serious injuries was actually Hayashida.

Origami looks at herself, her damaged self, her lonely self, she doesn't know if this is what her parents wanted, and yet.

"I.... Don't know"

Hayashida smiles and pats her head, Origami looks up at him with disgust.

"In the mirror right now, all i see is a little girl, lost with no guidance, deep in depression without anyone to help, and a girl that will eventually destroy herself in the pursuit of revenge"


"Don't be blinded by rage, remember your values and keep them close to you"

Origami, for once listened a bit to him, she would never listen to anyone other than Shido, she doesn't know why, but his words, she wants to believe them, and yet, her hardheaded decision remains true.

She finds it futile to fight back, and decides to close her eyes, relaxing her body, and passing out.

"She's out cold, Shido i hope you take care of them"

"Yea, leave it to me!"

From a distance, someone drops down from the sky, when they see the downed people and Shido with Hayashida, they immediately ran towards them.

It was Tohka and Yoshino, Tohka tackles Shido and hugs him on the ground, while Yoshino dispels Zadkiel and hugs Hayashida, Hayashida pats her head and hugs her back.

"Y-you're safe" (Yoshino)

"Why wouldn't i be?" (Hayashida)

"Shido!! We were soo worried!" (Tohka)

"Haha~ sorry about that" (Shido)

As they take their time to huh each other, the AST have come, likely because of the multiple spirit readings they got, seeing the AST everyone readies to fight.

But it was all for nothing since they immediately get teleported back to the Fraxinus, in the teleporting room, the crew, along with Kannazuki and Reine come in.

Seeing Kotori's state, they immediately take her to the medical bay, Reine and Kannazuki hugs Shido, telling him he did a good job before following Kotori to the medical bay.

Tohka, Yoshino, Shido, and Hayashida stood there and decided to go to the med bay to check on Kotori's condition.

On the way, they noticed something odd, mostly because of Hayashida, he was noticeably walking slower than them, and his breathing was become laboured.

They thought he was just tired after the fight, but it changed when he started to lean on the wall.

Hayashida's P.O.V

"Hayashida, are you alright?"

"Not at all! I got hit point blank by Kotori in the ribs and my spirit power is almost depleted, so no, I'm not"

"Wha-! Why didn't you say so! You could've asked them to carry to the medbay along with Kotori!"



Tohka and Shido supports me to go to the medical bay with Yoshino following behind, as we arrive, the door opens and the crew looks at me, the looks in their eyes slowly turned to worry and they immediately carried me to an empty bed.

A small territory was created around me and i started to feel warm, my wound were healing faster and i got sleepy.

"Hey..... thanks for keeping your promise"

I look to my side and see Kotori already sitting up, seems like her healing powers were still active, she looks at me with a smile, i smile back and wave my hands.

"It was nothing, besides, shouldn't you be sleeping right now? You were taking a lot of damage"

"Heh! I should ask you the same thing, i punched you pretty hard there, i felt a rib or two breaking.......

Sorry about that"

She looks away in regret, and everyone looks at her and me, i sigh and stretch my body.

"Like hell a punch as weak as that can hurt me~ don't feel bad about it"


"And plus, i agreed to help, so i expect some help later on in the future"

"Haaaa- you got it"

"And Shido"


I call out to Shido, i looked at him with a questioning look, he fidgets around, nervous for what I'm about to say, i smile mischievously and cover my mouth.

"I didn't know you had a thing for your sister~ and to think you had to kiss the spirit to seal them, are you some sort of serial kisser?"


"I'm just kidding~ but...... if you do try to seal me"

I stare at him in the eyes, my cold expression can be seen from the shiny walls, everyone in the room gets nervous as i stare at him, some even got ready to attack me if i was going to do anything.

"Don't think I'll be willing"


"Well that's about it! I can't stay awake right now, so I'm just going to take..... A quick.... Rest..."

And before i knew it... I fall asleep.

Shido's P.O.V

"Well that's about it! I can't stay awake right now, so I'm just going to take..... A quick.... Rest..."

And like that he falls asleep, seems like he was really tired from the battle, everyone in the room exhales in relief, the sudden pressure Hayashida gave off made everyone get their guard up.

As everyone calms down, Kotori stands up and walks towards me.

"Hey Kotori, shouldn't you rest more?"

"Haah, i don't think i can, with the information from 5 years ago, i need to make a whole new report on that incident and this incident"

"I-i see"

"And also, Shido"

She points at the sleeping Hayashida, she walks over and pokes his cheek.

"What are you going to do about this one? He doesn't want to be sealed, and his powers were stronger than we thought, his rating would probably increase after i file in the report"

"Yea... He was strong"

The giant glass sword he made with Ambriel's shards was beautiful and dangerous, it was as big as a three story building, thankfully he didn't bring it down in them, but what would happen if he did?

"Mirage A.K.A Hayashida Nao is a peaceful spirit, and yet he wields a power that had endless potential, he might be fine if we don't seal him, but taking those chances....... What do you think Shido?"


I look at the recovering Hayashida, he's a great ally, and an even better friend, a person worthy of respect, and if he says he doesn't want his powers sealed... Then.

"I won't seal him then, not until he creates a spacequake at least"

"Haaaa, fine, have it your way, i don't really want you to seal him either"

"Eh? Really?"

"Of course, i don't want his first kiss being take by you after all"

She snickers and heads to the door, she turns around and looks at me, with a slight blush she opens her mouth.

"Were you saying the truth before you sealed me? That you.... Love me?"

"Of course, I love you"

She smiles brightly at me and i feel my heart skip a beat.

"As a sister of course"

And for moment, the whole world flipped upside down, well, i did at least, Kotori dropped kicked my head and i spun around.




School is tiring, but fun i guess, sorry for late uploads, blame it on my horrible sleeping schedule and teachers, or maybe not.

Also point out grammar mistakes please, i wanna fix them.

Word count : 6586

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