dottore x reader {the mad doc...

By Hannahhh32123

101K 2.9K 9.9K

MANGA DOTTORE!! DIFFERENT THAN INGAME! At first Diluc and you have feelings for eachother and decided to go... More

the day everything changed
the ball
Il Dottore
puppy dog
Behind the mask.
His touch
Her majesty
the Tsaritsa
πŸ‹ promise
off to Inazuma
death of a friend
starsnatch cliff
childhood friends no more
things you weren't supposed to see
πŸ‹ little to no time
The Jester
The Rooster
Cicin Mage
I hate you
Kiss me
πŸ‹ praise
Back to Her Majesty


1.2K 41 38
By Hannahhh32123

I'm going to say damsellete has red eyes since we don't know what color they are yet!


You were standing in the 3 feet snow, barely any clothes on, on the brink of freezing to death. The only thing you had was a rusted iron sword and your vision to defend yourself.

Knave threw you outside after you "accidentally" talked back to her. She had warned you it was apart of your "training" and there would be people specially trained by her that would attack you at any given minute.

Clattering your teeth together as your feet were gripping the snow beneath you, your body shook as you picked up the rusted sword.

It didn't have any shine to it, maybe because the sun was blocked or the fact it looked like it was going to snap with one blow from all the erosion on it.

This has to be some sick joke right? You don't know who all those people are and you just got kidnapped.

They all believe it's your fault for the gnosis but you didn't even know what a gnosis was until Signora, Scaramouche, and you went to Inazuma.

Your ankle had an uneven, nasty slit in it, while it wasn't bandaged so dried blood mixed with fresh blood and snow sat in the cut.

That must've been where Dottore placed that tracking device. At this point, you wish you still had it in you so you could be saved.


A crunch in the snow made you come back to your senses and stop thinking about everything and anything.

The once light snow started to turn into a blizzard as it was getting harder and harder to see anything around you. You didn't know how to use your vision on free will, it came when you needed it most.

You were spinning in circles as you gripped your eroded sword trying to see if there was anyone out there or if you were just losing your mind already.

"Hello?" You called out into the snowy void.

"Hello, y/n, Kanve wanted her little orphan soldiers to attack you, but I think you're fine enough to fight me." The smaller female finally stepped into your sight of view, as she was fully clothed.

She wore a white coat with that was lined with grayish black fur. The wings on top of her head blended in with the coat she wore along with the snow surrounding us.

Her mask still on her face as her eyes were now finally open. Her red eyes reminded you of Dottore and Dilucs, although hers were a dark ruby red that could easily reflect off the snow.

The mask she wore crossed out parts of her eyes, yet she didn't seem bothered by it. Her long hair flowed behind her, almost dragging against the snow as the snow was up to her kneecaps.

You held your sword out in front of you as you tried to stay as steady as possible, wanting to ignore how you most definitely have frostbite now.

She stopped walking as she was a couple of feet away from you. The two of you just stayed put for a few minutes as she observed your frail body in this weather.

She just had a slight smile on her face as she moved her hands above her head and intertwined her fingers together.


She cracked all her fingers at once.

"I'll take it easy on you, y/n. I wont use my delusion. I'll allow you to use your vision though, that is.. if you know how to activate it." She mocked a smile.

In a blink of an eye, she was right a few inches away from your face, as her hand was in a fist, smashing right into your rib cage.

It all went in slow motion as you felt yourself being knocked off the ground, flying backwards, pain all over your body.

Your back smacked into a tree as snow shook off from the leaves above, causing it to fall around your body and onto your head.

Crunch crunch crunch

The female walked over to your injured body, singing a new melody with her mouth wide open.

Her red eyes looked down upon you as you were trembling.

Your whole torso was in excruciating pain as your eyes were squeezed shut.

You ungripped your rusted sword, as you held onto your rib cage.

She stopped singing as she took a deep breath.

"Mymy.. you really are weak, we have less than a month before the ball. If we don't get any leads at the ball, we use you as bait." She giggled to herself.

"I don't understand why you guys are so obsessed with using me as bait? You're acting like Scaramouche wants me or something!" You tried to shout at her, but your lungs quickly shut you down.

"Oh.. Kunikuzushi may not want you, but Kaeya sure does." Her voice was faint as she just threatened you.

"You Harbingers love to spread lies about Kaeya. He would never do something evil. You're just trying to piss me off!" You coughed out those words as you clung onto the tree behind you to help you out of the snow.

"Dottore didn't tell you? It's known all through the Futui. Kaeya and Kunikusushi are in the abyss together! Or dare I say, prince of Khaenri'ah." Her red eyes glistened when she saw your expression change.

A spark of ash flew close to your eye, causing you to snap out of your tantrum.

A muffled clap came from Damsellete as a red glow lit up her pale body.

"I guess you trigger your vision when your angry, now fight me." She jumped up in the air before she got lost in the snow.

You looked around frantically, although you couldn't see nor hear her. All that remained evidence wise, were her footprints, where she just stood a second before.

You just stood there, baffled, as to where she could of gone. It's like she evaporated into thin air, even though she just threatened you to a fight.

Your head and eyes traveled down to see your pyro vision, stuck on your belt loop, glowing much more than it does normally.

"Rule number one is never take your eyes off your opponent, I expected you to know that much." Her voice was right above your head, coming from the pine tree covered in snow and sharp forest green leaves.

You gripped your sword back in your dominant hand, as your other hand was wrapped around your throbbing rib cage.

With any strength you had left, you looked above you to see the woman standing on a lone branch, balancing perfectly as her dark black and hot pink hair flowed with the blizzard forming around us.

The branch shook as the freshly made snow that hugged the tree branches bounced off as Damsellete jumped off the tree, doing a flip mid air.

She was coming down, exactly where you stood. Your first instinct was to jump out of the way before getting crushed by her.

Her foot came piercing down as you merely moved out of the way in time. Rolling in the snow which now covered your whole body causing your eye sight to be blocked for a few seconds.

You heard the snow ruffle as Damselette released her body from the soft snow.

You groaned as you forced your body up since you couldn't just lay in the snow or you'd die right here and now.

Not that dying sounds terrible at this point.

"Fight me or you die, y/n." She put her hand on her check as her middle and ring finger spread open to show off her red eyes.

She looked like a porcelain doll by the way her pale skin with a soft face suited the snowy weather. Her lips that were a soft rose color without any bit of chap in them. Her red eyes complimented the white surrounding her body. The wings on the back of her head reminded you of a doves wings as they were pure white.

"I don't have the strength to fight you!" You snapped out of admiring her beauty as she stepped forward.

You couldn't see her ever getting a drop of blood on her, as she looked like an angel. Much more of a person for display than someone for battle.

She just shook her head and removed her hand from her face. Her wings were flimsy, causing them to flow back and forth.

"It's not about fighting anymore, It's about surviving. You are well aware I am third in the Fatui Harbingers, not many people trust me. They fear me in fact." The look on her face was serene as her eyes told a different story.

You groaned as you gripped your sword that left residue on your frozen hands. Her lips formed into a bigger smile when she saw you finally stand up to defend yourself.

You ignored any of the pain going through your body as you wobbled up to stand straight. The soft blanketed snow forced you sink to the icy ground below.

She was standing in a vulnerable position, as she also sunk to the bottom the snow. This was not a good fighting area but the way she moved didn't seem to bother her.

Snow flakes flew past your eyes as some landed on your eyelashes, staying perfectly shaped as your body heat wasn't enough to melt them.

The Damselette stepped forward, as she had to lift her whole leg up to just take a step forward.

As her body jerked downwards, hitting the ground below, she continued that same movement until she got closer and closer to you.

Your body frozen with fear as to what this woman could do to you with just her fist made you want to pray to the Anemo archon knowing he was still alive.

"Dear Anemo archon, give me the freedom I so desire." You body jolted around, trying to ignore the snow that weighed you down.

Your back was turned on Damselette as you heard her giggle. Goosebumps crawled up your whole body as you heard her little giggle.

"May Barbatos help me." Your whisper was blown away from the whistling wind.

Just like that, you sprinted, well not exactly sprint, more like jump through the snow as fast as you could.

The point was to survive and how do you survive best? by running.

Your legs trampled through the snow as your body was freezing. You couldn't feel anything anymore as the sheer cold was now freezing your blood.

A pout came from a far-ways behind you as Damselette wasn't impressed with your actions.

"You truly are weak, y/n." Her voice raised up a little to be able to reach your ears as the wind muffled it for the most part.

You didn't care though, your legs continued to run as fast as they could to the forest that surrounded the place. You had no clue where you were or how far you were from any civilization but you had more of a chance to find someone to help you and survive then fight the Fatui one on one.

"This is no fun." Damselette's voice now had a tone of anger in it as you approached closer and closer to the forest that you could take shelter in.

It was like a game of prey and predator at this point and of course, you were the prey.

A blow hit the left side of your face, as a shoe came into your vision. Damselette kicked you into the snow, thankfully that saved your fall.

Damselette had a huge grin on her face as she looked down at your body in the snow.

"Don't run, I've been itching for a fight." Her hands were on her hips as she had a steady foothold on both sides of your body.

Meanwhile, your face felt like ice that had just been broken. Your cheeks were already red from the cold but now they were beat red from the tears that filled your eyes and the giant mark left on it.

Your hand reached over to the sword that was flung to the side of your body, that was thankfully resting on top of the snow.

Viewing back at the woman who stands on top of you, you threw your leg up as far as you could, trying to throw yourself up.

Your body swayed as you finally got back to your feet.

She removed her legs from both sides of you as she looked up to you. She was shorter but much more fierce than you could ever be.

You looked like such a coward running away.

Looking into Damselettes red eyes reminded you of Dottores. You missed him and wanted to be with him right now.

You knew he was a bad man which is why you couldn't die here. Not until he was dead with you.

You loved him while hating him but you can't let him get away with the things he did to you and other people.

You couldn't feel your fingers but you knew you were gripping your sword. As tears flooded your eyes and made the figure in front of you blurry, you got into a defensive state.

The sword was in your dominant hand as you other hand was supporting your arm up. You were weak but couldn't give up.

Your pyro vision glowed up every few seconds as the sword right in front of your face started to embark with flames.

The flames grew over time as the heat it gave off started to travel to your hands, allowing you to feel something in your fingers.

Damselette just had the same grin on her face while her rosy lips stayed moist and puckered. Her cheeks were starting to turn a blush pink, probably from the cold even though she had warm clothing on.

You couldn't stand to look at this woman anymore. You were getting distracted by her beauty and elegance that it started to make you grow angry.

As your anger filled your body, your flames on the rusted sword grew in size until it finally reached the peak.

It was weak compared to other peoples pyro visions, especially Dilucs, but it was what you had to deal with for now.

Damselette saw your vision was at its max now and just giggled. Her long and thin fingers covered her lips that glistened as her nails were a short length.

"Y/n, you're a wonder. Just tell me if you're mesmerized by my will be the last thing you see." Just like that, she lunged forward to your body, as her hand was pointed forward with her nails sharpened.

You quickly dodged out of the way before she could pierce you with her own hand. She landed right where your chest would've been if you didn't move out of the way in time.

She looked over to see you holding up your sword while backing away from her. Her eyes narrowed as she knew you wanted to flee.

The way she talked reminded you of Signora. Confident in her looks because she knew she had beauty in her.

You heart started to hurt as you never wanted to be reminded of your friend that died for you again.

As tears dropped from your eyes you picked yourself up and faced Damselette. Even though you were ready to shit yourself you knew you had to fight to be able to see Dottore.

Less than a month and you can see him again.

You swung your sword that was infused with pyro forward to where Damselette stood. She was amused by your sudden courage which made her eyes spark with joy.

Of course, she jumped out of the way, so gracefully. She wouldn't fall that easily, actually she won't fall at all.

You got absolutely demolished by Dottore when you fought him, and now you're fighting someone with higher power than him.

Her body peacefully landed back in the snow as it consumed her bottom half. Her ruby red eyes met with your e/c as the flames in your sword reflected off your skin.

She was a couple feet away from you as you could see the condensation come out of your mouth from catching your breath.

Her breathing wasn't hitched at all though. It's like she hasn't moved a muscle. You were starting to get annoyed with her teasing.

Swinging your sword forward once again hoping to come in contact with Damselette once again failed. She effortlessly jumped off to the side.


A yawn escaped her mouth as she closed her eyes no longer revealing the redness. The same hum she sang the first day you met her started to be sung once again.

"Are you seriously humming right now? What in the princess shit is this?!" You growled as you took a step forward to attack her once more.

As you stepped forward you felt an utmost darting pain in your chest.

"I lied, maybe I will use my power." Her humming continued as you fell to your knees in pain.

You let go of your sword as both of your hands gripped onto your chest, tugging at your skin.

Your painful eyes looked up to see Damselette reaching forward to you as her humming grew more loud.

All of a sudden, three icicles shot forward, just barely missing your head. That almost pierced Damselette's hand but she backed away just in time.

Her eyes opened once more as she was interrupted from her singing. Her face that was once so peaceful with barely any emotions, turned to alarmed real quick.

"Fights are supposed to be fair, although, this is the Fatui i'm talking about. Nothing is fair." A family voice called out from over you.

As your body was in the snow, being frozen into the ground, you slowly turned your head to see the man everyone said was bad.

"Kaeya?!" You cried out his name as you tried to stand up.

Unexpectedly, he just pushed you back into the snow, making you practically eat it.

"I knew y/n was in on the abyss. They're using the Fatui!" Damselette's voice was now filled with anger as she stomped her way over to the two of you.

"Y/n is not in my business, but they will be soon. I need them alive, number 3 of the Fatui Harbingers, or you will never get back the electro gnosis." Kaeya threatened the girl in front of him.

You heard the stomping stop as a growl came from Damselette's mouth.

You desperately tried to free yourself from the snow. Kaeya saw your struggles and pushed you further down.

"Wait for me, y/n. You're time will be up soon."


As y'all can tell, i have a huge crush on Damselette by the way i complimented her this chapter 💪😍

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