Don't Worry About Me

By GreysMeredithSwift

36.1K 2K 578

Little Meredith Grey hasnt been feeling very well for a while. Will she convince her mother that something se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Ch 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 23

691 37 21
By GreysMeredithSwift

"Carolyn, wake up. Dr Robbins is coming." Christopher says, waking up his sleeping wife. They're in the surgical waiting room and have been there for the past few hours.

"Is Mer okay?" Carolyn woke up and asked Dr Robbins.

"She did well during the surgery. She's in the recovery wing now and should be waking up shortly. Dr Torres had to put screws in her hip to prevent it from dislocating again." Dr Robbins said. "And she was also fitted for a brace during the surgery. It's important she keeps it on for 23 hours each day. She's only able to take it off when she is getting dressed and showering. It's extremely important that her leg is kept still. She cannot move this leg while it's healing."

Christopher nods. "How long does she need to wear the brace for?" He asks, clutching Carolyn's hand.

"We'll start with four weeks and then check on how her hip and leg is healing. It's possible she'll need it for a few extra weeks." Arizona said. "And I'm just warning you guys that she's not going to like this brace but it's imperative that she keeps it on for 23 hours a day."

Carolyn and Christopher nod. "We'll make sure it stays on. We want her leg and hip to heal correctly."

"I can take you to her now." Arizona says.

"Please." Carolyn says.

Arizona leads them to the peds recovery wing and brings them to Meredith.

Carolyn gasps at the sight of Meredith. "Oh my poor baby."

Meredith is intubated from the surgery still and looks even tinier in the huge hospital bed.

Carolyn rushes over and sits down next to the bed and takes Meredith's hand in hers. "Oh baby girl."

"She's going to be okay." Christopher says, quickly wiping a tear away.

"Look how big this brace is. She's going to hate it." Carolyn cries softly.

Meredith's brace covers part of her stomach and her right leg. The brace covers right up to her knee.

"She could barely move before and now it's going to be even harder for her!" Carolyn cries.

Christopher is about to say something to comfort his wife when he notices Meredith's hand moving slightly.

"She's waking up." Christopher says. "Open your eyes Mer. We're right here baby."

They hear Meredith start choking on the tube and then all of a sudden her eyes fly open, looking panicked. She moves her hand to her tube but Carolyn quickly grabs her hand.

"No sweetie, you can't touch that. Daddy is going to go get Dr Robbins so she can take that out. Are you in any pain baby? Blink once for yes and twice for no."

Meredith blinks her eyes twice.

Just then Dr Robbins comes rushing into the room. "Welcome back Meredith! Let's get that tube out sweetie. On the count of three I need you to cough for me. Can you do that for me?"

Meredith nods.

"Okay. One. Two. Three."

Arizona pulls the tube out as Meredith coughs.

"Good job baby girl." Carolyn puts some water with a straw up to her lips. "Drink this sweetie."

Meredith takes a few sips of her water. "Mommy." She rasps.

"I'm right here sweetie. I'm right here. I've got you."


"Okay Meredith, I hope you have a great Christmas! Are you excited that Santa's coming tonight?" Dr Robbins asks.

"Yeah!!" Meredith says.

"You've been a good girl all year so I bet you'll get lots of cool gifts!" Dr Robbins says smiling at the child. "Okay sweetie, let's get you into this wheelchair so you can go home!"

Dr Robbins along with Christopher help Meredith into the chair. Meredith cried as they moved her.

"Owwww. It hurts!!!" Meredith sobbed. "I don't like this brace!"

"I know sweetie, I know. But it's very important you keep it on." Christopher said, running his hands through her hair, trying to comfort her.

"I want mommy!!!" Meredith cried.

"I know, baby. She's home with the other kids. You'll see her as soon as we get home I promise."

Meredith has her puppy rub its paws over her cheeks in an effort to comfort herself.

"Okay let's get you home Mer. Say thank you to Dr Robbins."

"Thank you." She whispered.

"You're so welcome. I'll see you soon Mer. Merry Christmas." Dr Robbins says kneeling down in front of Meredith. "I have a little gift for you sweetie."

"For me?" Meredith's eyes widen.

"For you!" Dr Robbins gives Meredith a gift bag.

Meredith immediately opens it up and squeals with happiness when she sees a pink unicorn stuffed animal. "I love it! Thank you!!!" She hugs the unicorn to her chest.

"You're very welcome!" She says smiling.

Arizona then says goodbye and leaves them.

Christopher grabs Meredith's bag and wheels the little girl out to the car. "Let's go sweetie."

"Daddy, my brace hurts. Can I please take it off at home?" Meredith asks softly.

"I'm sorry sweetie not until bathtime." He picks her up and places her in the car and buckles her in. "I can give you some more pain meds at home if you need it."



"Mommy, when will Mer be home?" Amelia asks, putting the final touches on her sign.

"Your dad texted that they just left the hospital so they'll be here in ten minutes or so. Are you almost done with your sign?"

"Yeah! I'm just finishing coloring in these little parts mommy! Do you think she'll like all of our welcome home signs?" Amelia asks her mom.

"She'll love them! And she'll love the donuts you picked out at the store also."

"I had to get the ones with the pink sprinkles! They're her favorites!" Amelia giggled.

"That was a good choice sweetie."

"Mommy?" Amelia says softly.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"Is Mer going to feel better now that she had surgery?" She softly asked.

Carolyn sighs. She starts to talk but is interrupted by Mark and Derek.

"They're here! They're here!" The boys were watching by the window, waiting for them to arrive home. "Amy! Get your sign!" The boys run to get their sign.

Mark and Derek made a sign that says we missed our cheerleader.

"Get the donuts mommy!" Amelia squeals.

Carolyn laughs. "Those can wait sweetie. Let's get Mer situated first.

The door opens and Christopher carries Meredith into the house.

"Mer!" Amelia yells, dropping her sign and running to her.

Carolyn laughs and shakes her head at her daughter.

"Mer! You're home!" Amelia yells.

"Hi!" Meredith smiles.

"Welcome back Mer!" Derek says.

"We're glad you're home!" Mark says. "We needed our cheerleader!" He shows her the sign which Meredith giggles at.

Christopher gets Meredith settled on the couch and puts a blanket on her. Amelia goes and sits right next to her on the couch.

"Amy, be careful please." Carolyn says.

Amelia nods. "Mer! Who's that?" She says, pointing at her unicorn.

"It's my new unicorn!!! Dr Robbins gave him to me! I love him!"

"He's so cute! Wait! Mer! Want a donut! We got donuts for you! With pink sprinkles!"

Carolyn laughs. "Oh Amy." She shakes her head and walks off to get the donuts. She passes them out.

"Mer, eat what you can." Carolyn says. She helps Meredith's body stay upright so that she doesn't choke.

Meredith eats a few bites but then starts crying.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Carolyn asks.

"It hurts!" She cries about the brace.

"Oh baby, I know."

"Want it off!" Meredith tries to pull the brace off but Carolyn takes hold of her hands.

"Mer, baby, we need to keep it on you."

"No! Don't want to!" Meredith sobs. "It hurts mommy!"

Amelia looks at Meredith and is confused. "Mer are you okay?"

"No!" She wails. "Want it off!"

Amelia has no idea what Meredith means by that. "Do you like your donut Mer? You still have a bunch left."

"Not hungry!" She cries. She's so full already after just a few bites. She loved the donut but she's just so full.

Carolyn looks at Christopher and sighs. "Mer, do you want to go put your Christmas pajamas on now? It'll give you a little break."

Meredith nods.

"Okay, let's go get you changed then." Carolyn says and picks up Meredith.

"Mommy? Can I come with you?" Amelia asks.

"Yeah come on sweetie. Do you want to put your pajamas on now too?"

"Yeah! Wanna match Mer!"

"Okay, come on."

She brings the girls upstairs and has Amelia get changed into hers while she helps Meredith.

Carolyn takes Meredith's sweater and leggings off and goes to take the brace off. "Oh Mer, it's really cutting into you baby."

"What's that?" Amelia asks when she sees Meredith's brace.

"Hold on Amy."

"It hurts mommy!"

"I know. I'm going to go get some bandages and stuff to clean it with. I'll be right back."

Amy follows her mom. "Mommy! What's Mer got on?"

Carolyn leans down in front of Amy. "She has a special brace to protect her leg and hip sweetie. She needs it to help her body heal. She can't move her leg so this keeps it from moving."

"Oh. But it hurts her?" Amelia questions.

"It does unfortunately but it will help her."

"Oh. I wanna help her Mommy!"

"You already are helping her sweetie." Carolyn smiles at her daughter. "Okay come on we need to go back to Meredith."

"Okay Mer, let's get you cleaned up." She cleans the cuts and bandages them up while Meredith tries to squirm away. "I need you to stay still Mer. It's okay sweetie."

After she finishes bandaging her up she puts the brace back on along with her new Christmas pajamas.

"No Mommy! I don't want it back on!" Meredith wails.

"You need it sweetie. I'm so sorry."

"No! Please Mommy!"

Amelia runs her hands through Meredith's hair. "It's okay Mermer! You're okay!" Amelia is trying to help Meredith feel better. "You're my bestest friend ever Mer! Don't cry!"

"You're my bestest friend too." Meredith says while crying  to Amelia. Amelia helped distract her while Carolyn put the brace back on her.

"Mer! We match!" Amelia says, excited about their matching pajamas. "Mommy! Can we watch a Christmas movie before bed?"

"Of course, we'll all watch one together."

They go downstairs and all watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Meredith falls asleep halfway through, she's just completely exhausted.

After the movie ends Carolyn brings Meredith and Amelia upstairs to bed.

She puts Meredith in her bed and gives her a kiss goodnight. Meredith's eyes flutter open. "Is it Christmas already?"

"Almost. It's bedtime now and when you wake up in the morning Santa will have come!" Carolyn says.

"I'm so excited!" Amelia says, bouncing on her bed.

"Me too." Meredith says sleepily.

"Close your eyes sweetie. Go to sleep so Santa will come."

Meredith's eyes slowly close and she falls back to sleep.

Carolyn goes over and tucks Amelia in. "Good night baby girl. You excited for Santa to come?"

"Yes Mommy! So excited! I can't wait! I don't want to sleep!" Amelia says all excited.

"Santa won't come if you're awake so you need to go to sleep sweetie."

"Okay fine! Goodnight mommy!" Amelia immediately closes her eyes to sleep so Santa will come.

Carolyn chuckles softly. "Goodnight sweetie."

We hope you enjoyed! Thanks to my co-writer _Ktje_

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