The Big Reveal

By bangkook27

147K 4K 4.8K

Mi Hana, a newly certified makeup artist from America, comes to Korea and has to find a nice job, in order to... More

Chapter 1│Impression
Chapter 2 │Chances
Chapter 3 | Glimpse
Chapter 4 | Rush
Chapter 5 | Surprise!
Chapter 6 | Apology
Chapter 7 | Beginning
Chapter 8 | Contract
Chapter 9 | Pink
Chapter 10 | Awkward
Chapter 11 | Busy
Chapter 12 | Prank
Chapter 13 | Handsome
Chapter 14 | Angst
Chapter 15 | Misconceptions
Chapter 16 | One Table
Chapter 17 | Close
Chapter 18 | Free
Chapter 19 | Lift
Chapter 20 | Wrong Question
Chapter 21 | Curiosity
Chapter 22 | Mistake
Chapter 23 | One Bed
Chapter 24 | Tragedy
Chapter 25 | Impulsive
Chapter 26 | Oppa
Chapter 27 | Eavesdrop
Chapter 28 | Advise
Chapter 29 | Breathe
Chapter 30 | Let go
Chapter 31 | Bitter Sweet Kiss
Chapter 32 | Pen Down
Chapter 33 | Family
Chapter 34 | Kiss me more
Chapter 35 | Asset
Chapter 36 | Se7en
Chapter 37 | Dance
Chapter 38 | Pain
Chapter 39 | Brink
Chapter 40 | Finally
Chapter 41 | Intimate
Chapter 42 | Guilt
Chapter 43 | Reunion
Chapter 44 | Banished
Chapter 45 | Punish me
Chapter 46 | Kiss me?
Chapter 47 | Almost dead
Chapter 48 | Euphoria
Chapter 49 | Dedication
Chapter 50 | Boys
Chapter 51 | Surprise (2)
Chapter 52 | Truth?
Chapter 53 | Distance
Chapter 54 | Missed you
Chapter 55 | Escape
Chapter 56 | On my way!
Chapter 57 | Need
Chapter 58 | Pay me
Chapter 59 │Breathless
Chapter 60│Home
Chapter 61 │Confession
Chapter 62│Pal
Chapter 63 | The
Chapter 64 | Big
Chapter 65 | Reveal
Chapter 66 | Broken
Chapter 67 | A friend in need
Chapter 68 | Care
Chapter 69 | Void
Chapter 70 | Blame
Chapter 71 | Tears
Chapter 72 | Forgive, Forget
Chapter 73 | Back at it
Chapter 74 | Falling
Chapter 75 | Fix you
Chapter 76 | Restart
Chapter 77 | Connection
Chapter 78 | Outcomes
Chapter 79 | Acceptance
Chapter 80 | Decision
Chapter 81 | Irrevocable
Chapter 82 | Heaviness
Chapter 83 | Dialogue
Chapter 84 | Line
Chapter 85 | News
Chapter 86 | Farewell
Chapter 87 | Still with you

Chapter 88 | Make it right

2K 41 279
By bangkook27

"Jimin, I can't eat more, I swear my stomach would burst out,"

"So? Let it." He fills the spoon once again with the soup and brings it closer to my mouth.

"I would tell Jin you didn't finish it because you didn't like it," he smiles at me, sheepishly.

"Don't you dare," I warn him, and he giggles. Thank god I am alive to hear that.

"Okay, last," he brings the spoon closer, his hand under it to avoid it dripping onto me.

"Ya! You have been saying this, and literally fed me ten more spoons."

"Okay, I promise this is the last time," he smiles and I drink the last draught of soup. Jimin picks up the food tray and places it on a side, while I wipe my mouth. His phone suddenly pops up, and his hand dives into his pocket to take out his phone. He looks at it and smiles.

"It's Taehyung," he runs towards me and sits beside me, I scoot a little to make space for him. He picks up the video call, and when Tae sees me, his expression brightens up.

"Hi, taeeee!" Jimin shrieks, but Tae shushes him by putting his finger on his mouth. He moves the camera and Hobi's face appears. He is sitting all-serious, unlike him, dressed in his normal bodyguard suit. It's good to see the boys back. I say Hobi's name to alert him, but Taehyung shifts the phone once again towards his face and shushes us.

"Why did you call if you don't want to talk?" Jimin whispers in anger, and I swear he looks the cutest while doing it. Tae smiles and looks somewhere around. He then brings the phone to a straight angle and swipes at the back camera. There he is; sitting handsomely on the chair, answering something to the host. Jungkook is wearing pink denim, along with a white shirt underneath and nevertheless, his eye-catching green belt and shoes. He looks unreal. Jimin instantly takes a screenshot, before Tae turns the camera back to his face. He then brings his mouth closer to the speaker and whispers that he is hanging up now. As he does, I let out an annoyed huff. He could have shown him a bit more.

Anyways, Jimin once again catches my attention when he zooms in on Jungkook's photo; specifically his hair.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask. Why didn't you go along?" I ask him, while he gets up to sit on the couch.

"Miss Ombre said she needed to finalize some recruits. Therefore, this was their kind of passing out thing," he says, without taking his eyes off the screen. "Hmm, he did well. I like it."

"I thought you would have refused yourself to spend time with me," I teased him, acting sad. He instantly looks up, shoving his phone in his pocket. He gets up and walks to me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Ohhh, noona! I was glad they were dropping me off so that I could be here," I hold his arms that were nearly choking me now. He pulls back and squishes my cheeks while giggling. I never want to lose him.

"Time for a new nail color!" he screams and walks to the closet to take out the box of nail paints. "You know I get easily bored." He changes my nail color after every two days and complains to himself for not changing it sooner. Back when I was active, there wasn't a single day I took off my nail paint, but when I got here, the nurses took it off. He chooses a color and comes back with a light pink shade, and sits on my side.

"Come on, give me your hand," he places my hand on his knee and starts to apply the nail color onto it.

While I silently watched him, something stuck in my mind.

"Where's Yoongi, Jimin? Been days he came here," suddenly, Jimin's face jerks up and he looks around.

"Well, he might be...sleeping. That's why Taehyung went to his place." My eyes automatically squint. I know he is lying.

"I have not seen him hang around you all. He wasn't even here when you all had a meeting." Jungkook has never left my side; he just goes home to quickly take a shower and comes back. Even yesterday, they all had their meeting here beside my bed.

"Yeah, he said he was...busy somewhere..."

"Jimin," I call him, but he is so lost in painting my nails. I jerk my hand lightly to catch his attention, and it works. He instantly looks up at me, his lips round.

"Jimin, stop lying to me. Tell me what's wrong with Yoongi."

"Noona, I told you..."

"Fine," I snatch my hand out of his grip and turn my face sideways. Jimin sighs in annoyance but grabs my hand back. "Let me finish first, I'll tell you."

I knew there was something fishy. I wait for him to finish, meanwhile my mind is clouded by several thoughts. I think I might know the reason. After he finishes, I eagerly watch him close the cap and when he gets up, I grab his arm.

"Tell me," he points out to keep the color back in the closet. "now." I leave his arm and he relaxes back.

"Well, Yoongi had a fight with Jin hyung, and they have not talked ever since."

"When did they fight?"

"Two days before you were hospitalized," My mouth opens in shock.

"You are telling me now?" I ask. It has been two months ever since. One month of me in unconsciousness, but the last month was all okay, while I was receiving therapies to make my body work again. They never talked to me about it, only Yoongi's absence made me realize it.

"Why did they fight?" Jimin stares at me and opens his mouth slowly. He is going to lie again.

"It's between-"

"Jimin!" I say his name in an irritated tone. "I know you know, don't lie to me!"

"Noona, they just had a small fight I swear-"

"And because of that so-called small fight, they haven't talked for two months? I think you all don't consider me that important in your matters. That's fine."

"No! It's not that." He bows his head. "I just fear it might hurt you," I raise my eyebrows once again. I had a feeling.

"They fought on me, didn't they?" Jimin looks at me in horror, but nods. "Because I was going to America."

"How do you know?" his face is surprised.

"I know. Now tell me everything, and by everything I mean everything."

Jimin sighs, but tells me the whole story. The way they fought, while Jin sided with me and Yoongi was my rival. And how things went ugly and Yoongi brought Jin's personal matters into the fight. It broke me to pieces. It was a highly sensitive matter that got dragged so carelessly for no reason, whatsoever. Yoongi's anger issues were known to all of us, but all for the right things. But now, it felt like going over the line.

"Jin hyung even texted him, but he ignored him as if it was Jin hyung's fault." Jin's face instantly came in front of my eyes. It was visible how down he was. He didn't joke around anymore or even scolded everyone as he always did. I can't believe that they are suffering because of me. It's stupid. It doesn't make sense. I never wanted to be a reason for them to fight, and every passing second makes me guilty. Mom was right, "Decisions in anger take the worst turns."

"Oh come on, don't be sad," Jimin says when he looks at me. "They will be fine. Although I don't understand why Yoongi hyung is being so arrogant? He was the most understanding one between us, and now he is doing all this."

"Jimin, it's not his pride. I know what it is," I nod, aligning my thoughts.

"Call Yoongi," I told him. "Call him and tell him to rush in, and that I am not feeling good."

"What? I am not lying. He would kill me, at the least."

"Jimin, just do it." Jimin takes out his phone and dials his number. I tell him to put it on speaker, but when the phone is about to hang up, he picks it up.

"What?" Yoongi initiates.

"Umm, Yoongi hyung," I tell him to act nervous. "What is wrong?" Yoongi asks when Jimin remains silent for too long.

And suddenly, as if he has been crying, Jimin acts too well. "Hyung, come to the hospital. Hana isn't feeling well."

"What?" I imagine him jumping off his bed or couch or wherever he is lying on. "What happened? She was okay, no?" Jimin confusedly looks at me and I tell him to continue.

"She was. It's suddenly, I don't know," Jimin starts to sob and I shake my head disapproving of him. I tell him to hang up before Yoongi recognizes his dramatic sobs.

"I am on my way," Yoongi says and hangs up the phone.

"Bury me somewhere, now. I have done a sin, for which I will be killed," Jimin says, standing hurriedly.

"Stop overreacting, Jimin," but he is serious as hell. "I will run away when he comes, or I'll hide behind you." I folded my lips inside, controlling my laughter. I have never seen him this terrified before.

"Calm down," I tell him, and he looks at me with doe eyes. "Okay, okay." He sits on the couch and gazes at the ceiling.

"Text Jin to visit me as well, whenever he is free from his restaurant."

"If you are planning a patch-up, you are too late. No one can fix Yoongi's mood," he says, swinging his hand in the air. But when his eyes meet my dead stare, he takes out his phone and texts Jin.

Twenty minutes pass by, while Jimin plays a game on his phone. His anxiety has finally gone, and he doesn't even remember how worried he was a second ago. Suddenly, the door opens, and Yoongi barges in. He is holding the door's knob, breathing heavily as if he ran all the way here. His hair is longer, almost forming a mullet, and surprisingly black which makes his white color pop up even more. I saw him the first week I woke up, and then now. He was missing for a long time. He walked in, his eyes fixed on me and eyebrows rose. He stops in front of my bed; meanwhile, Jimin hides between the wall and the couch. He doesn't say anything for long which terrifies me even more. Yoongi's gaze finally shifts to Jimin who thought that he was hidden. He instantly gets up and passes an awkward smile to Yoongi.

"Noona, I am hungry. I am going to eat something, bye!" and there he flies away from the room.

"Ah, you both fooled me, did you?" He shuts his eyes close, hands placed on each side of his waist.

"I wanted to see you, Yoongi." He smiles and shrugs his shoulders, walking around the room. "Why do you miss me, suddenly?" he asks, not looking at me.

"We all miss you, Yoongi," his gaze stops at the precautionary measures written on the wall, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. He has heard me. But he walks back to the couch and sits down, relaxing his back and man spreading his leg. "Okay, see me enough to not miss me again in a while."

"Yoongi, where were you?"

"I was-"

"I know everything. I know you fought," he looks at me all surprised.

"Who told you?" He asks, immediately.

"Yoongi, it's not about that-"

"Jeez," he bows his head, swinging it lightly. "Jimin. He's such a-" and he curses him inside his mouth. But he never looks back up.

"Yoongi, can we talk?" As I said, he checked his wristwatch and when he was about to excuse me, I spoke first.

"Nobody would have ever told me if I didn't force Jimin. You all hide so much from me," but he doesn't respond and silently listens to me, hands clenched together.

"Yoongi?" He still doesn't talk, so I get up from my bed and he stops me by placing his hands on my shoulders. "Where are you going? Sit."

"No, you sit down." Our eyes met for the first time in a long time, and I could already see it; the sadness in his eyes was speaking volumes. I get up despite his pressure on my shoulders and he sits on the couch, joined by me beside him.

"I always considered you my elder brother, Yoongi. I thought we could talk about this," I say, brushing his shoulder.

"I know. I just feared it might hurt you. I was acting so stupid that day," he says, his head bowed down, concealed by his hair.

"You didn't lie, anyway," his head jerks up and he looks at me. "I was wrong. My decision was terrible and I was being too selfish." He keeps his eyes fixed on me, while memories flood in my mind. "The day I decided it, the first person to strike my mind wasn't Jungkook. It was you, Yoongi. I know you will be angry, and you will see me as nothing but a traitor,"

"I didn't mean-" he cuts me off.

"Let me finish," and he looks down once again. "When I met you all, you were the most admirable, despite hearing enough that you were elder and cold. And you were the first one to tell me that you are like my brother and that I shouldn't thank you,"

"I am sorry,"

"Shhsshhh," I shut him again. "But your bond with Jungkook made me surprised. The little things you did for him, advising him on almost everything, made my heart so soft for you, Yoongi. I don't see you as rude or cold; you are the kindest person I ever knew." Yoongi moves his hand and covers his face.

"And that day when you came to my house to talk about Jungkook, I had no doubts left in my heart for your love towards Jungkook. And not just for him, Yoongi, for everyone. You take everyone along with you, and nevertheless, your fear and anger are always helpful. I mean see yourself how funny they all are, thank god they have you, or else I don't know what would have happened."

He removed his hand, and I knew he was on the brink of crying, as he couldn't speak, but he wanted to. So, I waited for a while.

"I always care for you, Hana. Not just as my teammate, but as my little sister. I could do anything to protect you, but that day..." he takes a break. "I was just too angry. I never expected you to leave the country. All I thought was about Jungkook, and I know that's selfish too. If I called you my sister, I would have considered your point of view as well."

"It's okay, Yoongi. After all, I think it was needed. I was heading somewhere I wasn't supposed to. And if you had told me that, or scolded me, I would have given it a thought. I never wanted to be a traitor, but that was all I was doing. You said the facts, nothing else." He raises his head and looks at me. His eyes are sparkling and his nose is red. But there's a relief on his face.

"Thank you for understanding, Hana." He pats my head, and I knew everything was alright now. "Just don't ever ghost me, again. I hate it, Oppa." He lets out a snort and nods.

"So? What about the boys? Why are you avoiding them?" His smile disappears and he doesn't reply again. "I know it's because of Jin."

"Ah, I know I am on the bad side, and I am the one to blame. But I can't apologize."

"Yoongi?" I say his name as a question.

"Call it my pride or whatever, but I can't do that," he says with a smirk as if it's a joke.

"Look at me," I say strictly and he does. "Stop it, Yoongi. You are not the bad guy." He gazes at me for a long, but jerks his head.

"I know why you aren't talking to him," Yoongi nervously plays with his hands. "You are too embarrassed, aren't you?" His silence is always a yes. I knew Yoongi had nothing to do with arrogance; he was too ashamed to mention it again. That was the only reason he was avoiding it.

"Yes," he whispers after a long time. "I am the worst kind of human. I speak too much sometimes, and that always comes to my loss,"

"Yoongi, you can-"

"I tried apologizing. I tried to talk this out, but I am too ashamed of myself. How could I even do that? It was the worst thing I could have done to Jin. How could I even attack him personally?"

We both sit in silence.

"I remember telling him to not make his dad his weakness when he used to cry all night long. And what did I do? I made him guilty in front of all. The truth that he was trying to hide so much, I brought it forward and threw it on his face. What a disgrace I am."

"Till today, he is always hesitant to talk about his father to all of us. He still thinks all he is doing is just to compensate for the loss. And I made him believe it," The sentence is followed by a sob. Yoongi was crying, again. I know he just doesn't cry for anyone. I lightly tap his back, while he lets out the emotions that he has been hiding for months.

"It's okay, Yoongi. Things happen, people change, and no matter what the truth always prevails. We might try to not highlight it, but somehow it just comes out. That's how we are created."

"But it's wrong. I never wanted to hurt him. And I know it's just not Jin, it's all of them. They all were hurt. Even you, I know you felt it when Jimin would have told you,"

It's true, I was at a loss for words.

"How will they trust me again? They would always be hesitant to talk to me, about their past or even their life, in case I throw it back on them."

"Oh Yoongi, you have spent more time with them than me, you should know that they aren't like that. They are mature and understanding, they won't ever think like that." I lean forward to grab his hand and sandwich it between my hands.

"You are a pillar to this team, Yoongi. There's nothing without you. I know you love them when you can easily spend your life on your luxuries, but you don't. You stood with them, you nurtured Jungkook. He is what you made him into today, and I am sure he won't disagree with this."

He cleans his face and looks at me with pressed lips, and nods.

"Now if you feel like apologizing, do it. And if you have any other way to do things, I would always support you." He smiles yet again, and the tension from his face has gone. I am glad I had an impact and everything was okay. "You are my favorite Oppa!" He lets out a grin and ruffles my hair, scattering them all over the place, and I slap his arm.

The door creaks once again, and I look back with hair over my eyes. Jin's head peaks in and he stares at both of us.

"Hana?" he questions and I assemble my hair. He smiles looking at me, but Yoongi's presence doesn't go unnoticed.

"Here, I made this for a guest. Made some for you too," he hands me a box, and just the smell of the box is delicious. "I will come some other time," he smiles and turns back.

"No, wait." I stand up, and he turns back. I gaze at Yoongi who's once again playing with his hands, I know he is nervous.

"Hmm?" Jin asks.

"Well, Yoongi wants to talk." I walk back to the bed and open the box to eat the pasta. Meanwhile, Jin sits on the couch along with Yoongi.

"What's up, hyung?" Yoongi doesn't talk but keeps on babbling in his mouth.

"Ah, I think I might need some air," I say, getting up from the bed and keeping the box aside. "Wait, I cannot do this without you," Yoongi says to me, but I tap his shoulder. "Tell him in your hyung way. I know you might not say things in front of me."

And there, I walk out of the room. I would either return with both of them hugging or worse. I walk out to the balcony. My muscles were finally easing up and I could walk normally. Just a few more days and I would be out of here. As I went out, there was a beautiful sky over me, with a plethora of colors in the sky. I am glad I came out. I stood near the fence and gazed over the hospital's garden. There aren't too many people in sight, but this place looks lively. The light breeze against my skin is overwhelming and I breathe in the fresh scent in the air. I could easily do that now, with no more limitations, no more artificial supply.

I remember when dad asked Dong Woo for my lung transplant when I was 16 or 17, but Dong Woo refused to say that it's a difficult process and there are only a few people that can live after it. I placed my hand on my chest, breathing in more. It's unbelievable how things went so wrong, but we all came back from where we started. I know I have been given this life for a purpose, and to ensure that I have no regrets when I die. I have no time to wait for worse, and whatever is on my mind, I need to get it done. T

o this day, I can't believe how I met mom or was it even real, but when I remember every word that she said, I know it was true and everything was happening in my consciousness. Nevertheless, it brings so much peace to my heart that she is fine there. Though it was disappointing that you don't remember anything there, God has His way of doing things. It's for the best. I sigh in and walk a bit on the balcony. No wonder Jimin went to eat or he was hiding somewhere around.

After I was sure it had been quite a long time, I walked back to my room. My ear was against the door, but sadly, I didn't hear anything. I wonder if they left already. I slightly slide the door just enough for my eyes to see them. They both are standing side by side, looking out of the window. I am still unsure if they have resolved it because they just stand silently. Just when I decide to walk in, Jin turns towards the side table and picks up the food box. He uncovers it and dives the fork into it. When I realized I left the box in the room, I knew he would eat it himself. He loves what he cooks.

After picking enough pasta on his fork, he turns toward Yoongi and offers him to eat. I don't even know what is going on. It looks as if Jin is convincing Yoongi, instead of the opposite. And when Yoongi turns too and eats the pasta off the fork, I almost grin.

"Ya!" Yoongi shouts as soon as he finishes. "How many times have I told you not to put this much salt in your food?"

"What?" Jin replies, taking a bite himself. "There's barely any salt in there."

"Are you kidding?" Yoongi snatches the box out of his hand and starts to eat the pasta as quickly as he could, without any break. "It's good, duh."

Jin laughs, seeing him gulping down the pasta. The sight was beautiful. Something that could easily make you cry. I love their way of expressing love, and I think it's not something that lies in expressing openly, but in small things; caring for you, making your food, driving you home, to text if you are fine, or even fighting sometimes. Thinking this, I never realize when my eyes get teary and I am sobbing. Jin hears me instantly, while Yoongi looks up too, with the pasta hanging in the air. I walk in, and they stare at my crying face.

"Why are you crying?" Jin stands next to me, his hand at the back of my head.

"Yoongi ate my pasta," I giggled while cleaning my face.

"Ya!" Jin shouts and snatches the box out of his hands. "I totally forgot I made this for her." Yoongi laughs with his shoulders and cleans his face with a tissue. I take the box and keep it aside.

"You guys okay?" They both look at each other and nod. "Hug then. I don't believe you," They both smile looking at each other, but jump towards each other. I know Yoongi isn't really a hugger, but this proves it.

"Ahhhhh Jin hyung!"

"Ahhhh Yoongi!"

And they both pat their backs. I pick up my phone and get their picture, they don't even notice it. I threw my phone on the bed and admired both of them. They are a support to each other and all of us. Jin finally pulls back, but from one side. They both look at me.

"Wanna join?" I smile intently and run towards them to join the hug. I am too small in front of them, but manage to make my place. After we pulled back, Jin and Yoongi thanked me, because they thought I did it.

"Huh, it's not enough. I need more," I roll my eyes and sit on my bed to finally eat the leftover pasta. Jin and Yoongi stare at me, rather enjoying seeing me eating the pasta.

"Free recipe from me for whatever dish you want," Jin says, and I am shocked under my breath. He never shares his recipes, not even letting anyone stand around him when he is cooking. This is huge. I show him thumbs up, while my mouth is filled. We both stare at Yoongi now. He pretended to think for a moment.

"When are you getting married?" My mouth stops churning the food and Jin is still smiling. I gulp down in amazement.

"What...why?" I babble, in case Jungkook told them that too. He can't really hide things.

"I will pay for your honeymoon," I laugh out, hysterically falling on my bed. When I return, they both are as serious as I left them. "Are you serious?"

"Where was the joke? Jin didn't say it, I did." Jin slaps Yoongi's arm almost immediately.

"Umm...well..." I babble in my mouth, while my face turns red. We never discussed this subject and I never knew I would be this shy at the mention of my marriage.

"Okay, done!" Jin shrieks. "I am the witness. This is done." He assures me.

"But!" Yoongi shouts out of nowhere, making me jump. "It has to be with Jungkook."

My mouth drops to the floor, and Jin slaps him on his arm yet again. "Of course, what do you mean?"

"I was just making sure," he says jokingly and picks up his jacket from the couch.

"Yoongi," Jin grabs his arm, saying his name so softly.

"What?" Yoongi jerks his hand from his arm in cringe. Now I know, everything is perfect.

"Won't you offer me a favor too?" Yoongi eyes him irritably. "Please-"

"What? Hurry up, I got some business." Jin smiles and his eyes switch between me and Yoongi. He is suddenly acting too shy.

"Well, umm, I want your car tonight," Jin stares at him, his teeth full-on display; while Yoongi raises his eyebrows, in a manner to ask him if he really said it. "My car broke down and it's gone to the workshop...and I...I have a date tonight."

I let out a chuckle at how cute he was acting. Jin looks at me now.

"Hana, you tell. Wouldn't that be weird to see your boyfriend coming out of a taxi on your first date? Or when you are leaving, he would lead you to a taxi, but not his car?"

"That's so true. I'll tell him to go back. I only date men with a car." Jin smiles in a way that I can't really explain. "And not just a car, a Mercedes, or a Rolls Royce."

Yoongi is not entertained at all. He keeps on poking his tongue on the inside of his cheek. "Jeez," he finally says and throws the keys towards Jin, who catches it instantly. The Mercedes sign shines bright on the key, and Yoongi pats my head once again. "I'll see you later."

"Wait, how will you go?" Jin shouts, and Yoongi never turns back.

"I'll get a taxi," he says and rushes out of the room.

[3 days later]

The whole corridor applauds and even the people in the emergency join the wave, while I walk down the corridor, with dad on one side and Jungkook on the other. Mom Ombre walks at the back, along with the boys carrying my bags and other things. The feeling is so overwhelming. I am finally leaving this hospital after two months. Though I hated being here and missed home, I value every single person who works here. As I walk down with a sad smile on my face, the doctor appears, along with Dong Woo at the back.

"What a wonderful sight it is!" he almost cheers up, and I smile. He pats my head and rests his hand on my shoulder. "Hana, you've fought so well. Your case was a surprise to me; the way you came back after being declared dead. I am sixty-one right now and never in my life have I been so happy. Go and live your life. I don't want to see you here anytime soon, except for your checkups."

"Thank you for everything. I truly appreciate your efforts towards me," I bow down a little as a respectful gesture, and he smiles. Suddenly, we hear a voice from behind. I turn back to find the two nurses running towards me, taking their gloves off. The boys make a way for them and they stand in front of me.

"We are so happy to see you healthy. Please take care of yourself." I smile with sparkling eyes. These girls have done so much for me. I step forward and hug both of them, and they respond.

"Thank you," I almost whispered. It's weird how attached I am to this place now. My respect for every person has increased to no limits. "You do the work that no one else could. I hope you always find peace in your life, the way you bring it into others' lives." I say, after pulling back. They smile too and another nurse joins them handing one of them a bouquet of fresh tulips. They give me that and I bow to them. No one can match their devotion. Jungkook turns me back and we walk out of the hospital.

"You guys can go. I have to join Dong Woo for dinner, see you later," Dad hugs me and goes back inside. Before sitting in the car, I look at the building. I hope it was my last time here. I hope no one has to go through what I did. Smiling, I sit in Jungkook's car, and he leans in to fasten the seat belt. The boys have already fitted into the car behind us, and I know their exact arrangement.

"I can't believe I am here again."

"You had to be," Jungkook kisses the back of my hand while turning the steering for one last time. He parks in front of his apartment building and hurriedly gets out of the car. I take off my seat belt and when I open the door, he's already standing for me. He takes my hand and I get off.

"I am okay now, Jungkook."

"I know," he says, but still doesn't leave my hand, and gently grips my shoulder with his other arm. We walk to the building and I am greeted by the receptionist who I always used to wave to whenever I passed by. We go to the elevator and everything feels the same. The day I lay on the road, I never knew I would make it here. The boys had already rushed in when we stopped for a while so Jungkook could buy me some fresh juice. The elevator opens and the nostalgia hits me hard. It has been over three months since I came here.

We walk towards the apartment and Jungkook types the password. The door opens and as soon as I enter, the shrieks make me jump. Namjoon, Hobi, and Jin are wearing hats that look like birthday ones, while Jimin and Taehyung blew the party poppers, wearing some funky eyeglasses. Yoongi stands at a side with a feather boa around his neck, clapping calmly. I laugh at the sight. I couldn't have been welcomed in a better way.

"Noona is back!" Jimin runs to hug me and I smile wide. Later, Taehyung is followed by all the boys. I stood in the center with everyone surrounding me, and I could barely get some air to breathe, but this moment was worth living. Finally, they back off and I keep laughing. They all admire me, while I clean the corners of my eyes; tears of happiness.

"Okay now, hurry up!" Jungkook says that everyone disappears to different corners as if they were engaged in some activity.

"You come here," Jungkook held my hand and we rushed to his dressing room; my room. The table is the same, barely touched. But we don't stop there and Jungkook walks me into his closet, across the partition. My eyes fell on the dress that was hanging in front of me. It was a short dress that would go until my knees, with a V neckline and a belt at the waist. I would rather call it a short-gown, because of its frills.

"Wow," it came out of my mouth spontaneously. Jungkook hugs me from my back, swinging lightly. "You liked it?" he asks, and I nod. "I love it, but what is this for?"

"Promise me something," he says immediately. "What?"

"No questions for today. You'll know everything." I open my mouth to question, but my lips are met with Jungkook's instead. He gives me a long peck and pulls himself back.

"Get dressed up, quickly." He rushes out of the door but peeks his head in. "Call me if you need help."

He shuts the door, disappearing behind it. I walk closer to the dress and take it off the hangers to wear it. The fit is perfect, despite the weight I have lost in the last few days. Suddenly, the door knocks, and I shout to come inside. Jimin peeks his head, and his gaze remains fixed on me, with his mouth opened, eyes sparkling. I still remember how they all reacted when I wore the dress to the party.

"You made the dress look so pretty," he says, smiling. I smile at him too, though I have just worn my dress only. My feet are bare and my hair is tied in a ponytail. Seconds later, I noticed the bag Jimin was holding. It was my makeup bag. I almost jump in excitement and snatch it out of Jimin's hands. He never minds but watches me eagerly as I open it and touch everything.

"Oh damn, I almost forgot this. I miss my job now," I say, still brushing my fingers against the brushes and tools. They are not new but cleaned as if they were just bought. I know Jimin always took care of my things when I wasn't around.

"You are back on your job now," he says to me and I nodded, gratefully. "I'll ask you a week later about Jungkook's packed schedule. I bet you would need another getaway," he snorts and I laugh. He suddenly pulls me from my shoulders and makes me sit on the chair in front of the mirror.

"Okay, let me do your hair now," Jimin runs back to the closet and takes out his heavy bag, full of hair equipment.

"Jimin, what is even happening?" He ignores me fully while placing his hair tools on the counter.

"Noona, just wait for a little," he says and stands on my back. Within a matter of time, my hair is blow-dried and Jimin curls the end of my hair, giving a little volume to my head. This is the first time I am being dolled up like this. I wonder why I never asked Jimin to do my hair before. He finally sets my strands with his hands and there it is; my hair all done.

"Jimin!" I almost shout looking in the mirror. "This is so good!"

"I know," he smiles and packs his bag. "Do your makeup, now"

"Makeup? Do I need to do some?" I ask him, stretching my face from every corner.

"You don't need makeup, honestly. But I think you should do something seeing the occasion." I jerk my head towards him; meanwhile, he is just busy gathering his tools. "Are you guys giving me some kind of welcoming party or what?"

"Yeah, you can assume that." I pouted and hit him on his arm. "You guys-"

"Hurry up, we just got a little time. Do your makeup!"

Jimin leaves the room and I pick up my bag. I pick up a brush and my hands almost tremble. I haven't forgotten it surely but there is a hesitation of not doing my best. As I blended the foundation around my face, my heart was nearly jumping. It was like my hand was working by itself and I had no idea about it. I have worked under time pressures and I smiled when I remembered how fervently and fast my hand used to move against Jungkook's skin. Sighing in, I tell myself that I haven't changed. Everything is the same, and the way I left it behind. Minutes pass and I am all done with my face; just a minimal coverage, not a fancy one as I was still unaware of the kind of event they were taking me to. I am all done now; my hair, makeup, and dress. I suddenly feel like a celebrity.

I get up and pack my bag, and walk back to straighten my dress when my eyes fall on the carpet that shows I am wearing. Of course, I can't go out with them; they are ruining the whole look. I tried remembering if I left any pair of shoes here, but I didn't. I barely wore fancy heels in here. I walk to Jungkook's shoe closet and open it to find almost a hundred pairs of shoes. There are derbies, sneakers, slippers, and even flip-flops. I tried looking for some sneakers or boots, but only heels would compliment this dress. I close his closet when the door knocks again. Before I could reply, the door opens and Hobi enters. He is holding something in his hand. He keeps it on the chair and gushes out without saying a word or looking around.

I walk and two boxes wait for me. One is quite big, and the other is quite small. I pick the small one first and open it to find the most beautiful pair of earrings. They are shining, and look like pure crystals. A small chit is attached inside the cap. I take it off and open it.

"From Joonie ;)"

I smile and almost cry out for his affection. I wear them, and it matches the dress perfectly too. Now, my hands open the bigger box and it is all covered with parchment papers. The paper on the top says,

"From Hobi, saranghae. ☺"

I threw them away, and a pair of shining heels came into sight. They are beautiful, unlike the shoes in my collection. I turn it around and they look like a high-end brand. I wear them and they fit perfectly. My look is complete now, and there's everyone's effort in it. What would have I done without them? I stand in front of the mirror when the door knocks and Jungkook appear from behind. My mouth drops, and my gaze shifts up and down.

He is wearing a suit, a white suit; my biggest weakness.

While I watch him, he watches me too. We both are lost admiring each other from head to toe.

"Why the hell are you wearing a suit?" I ask him. My mind is so confused right there, I would have expected a party, but who wears suits to a party? Or is it some kind of party that we attended earlier? He never replies but steps forward, and takes my hand in his. I follow his command and he pulls me for a hug. He grabs my waist as tightly as I could, while I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Ah, Hana, you look beautiful. So beautiful." He mumbles against my shoulder and I brush his hair lightly. He pulls back, but his face remains near my neck, planting kisses on it. His lips rest on my ear and he sniffs. Finally, he pulls himself back and stares at me intently.

"I am falling for you, even more, every passing second." I fix the white tie he is wearing on his white suit, while he just strokes my back.

"You only wear a suit when it's serious. What are you up to, Jeon?" He smiles and takes my hand in his to walk me out of the room. I expect the boys to be sitting around, but there's no one in there. The silence could already tell.

"Where's everyone?"

"You promised me something?" He says while picking the keys from the drawer. I huff in irritation, and he leads me out of the apartment.

After a long ride, Jungkook finally stops the car on the side of the road. His hand dives into his pocket and he takes out a black cloth.

"Turn around," he orders and I stare at him blankly.

"Why?" he sighs again, making me remember my promise. "Fine, but you can't just tell me nothing. I am so confused."

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course, I do."

"Then, just a few more minutes. Please?" I stare at his innocent eyes, filled with love. Damn, those eyes always get me. So, I turn around and Jungkook places the blindfold around my head.

"Don't ruin my hair. Jimin will kill you," he snorts, and carefully ties it around my head. "Won't you stop him from killing me?" My vision is black, but I can imagine him sexily staring at me.

"No," I say, bluntly. "He would still do that out of love." Jungkook laughs out loud and I smile brightly. I hate the blank vision and not seeing him laughing. He was a wreck in the last few days, and I was the reason. But now, I want to see him laugh all the time and I want to be the reason for it.

Jungkook steps on the accelerator and I realize that this wasn't the place. The place we stopped led to so many places around, and I have no idea where we are heading.

After driving for five more minutes, the car finally stops. I sigh in relief, and before I could speak, Jungkook was already out of the car, shutting the door behind. He opens my side door and gets me out of the car. He holds my hand and I blindly walk behind him. There are so many questions in my mind, but I can't say anything. We walk for quite some time when he stops me. I stopped at my place and when I thought it was finally time to take off my blindfold, Jungkook picked me up in bridal style.

"God, Jungkook." I hit his chest lightly. "If it's not worth it, I swear I am going to kill you all."

"Oh I am all ready to be killed by you, babe," I can hear him smirk, and my cheeks turn pink at the mention of 'babe'. He can make my heart jump within a minute. Suddenly, my teeth rattle and I know he is climbing stairs, or even getting down.

"Jungkook, you will get tired."

"Shhsssh," he instructs while breathing fast. After I was sure he had climbed more than a hundred stairs, he placed my legs on the ground. I stand while gripping his arm and fixing my dress. Jungkook's hand is on my hair, fixing it.

"Don't move," he whispers in my ear and suddenly, he disappears.

"Jungkook?" I reach my arms out to him, but he is nowhere. Yet, I stay where I am in fear to stumble on the ground. Minutes pass and nothing happens. There's a weird feeling springing in my gut. I hate the dark now.

Suddenly, I heard the mic disturbance and its piercing sound made my heart jump. I wasn't expecting that at all.

"Hana?" my name echoes. It's Jungkook on the mic saying my name, but the echo is loud and wide. "Can you hear me?" he says again and I shake my head.

"Of course, I can," I say, enough to be heard by myself.

"What? I can't hear you!" he says again.

"Yes!" I scream my lungs out, and I hear his laugh on the mike. "Jungkook, stop this now. I am so done-"

"Take your blindfold off." He finally says and my hands rush to open the knot. I take it off and open my eyes. It's dark everywhere, but I can see the stars over my head. It's the open sky. I look around the dark place and recognize it instantly.

It's a stadium; a freaking stadium.

Suddenly, a light pops up from the stage. It was a spotlight shining onto the middle of the seats, far from where I am standing. I was standing on the stage as if I were a singer doing a concert, but with no audience. The empty stadium was now making me terrified. Hence, I follow the spotlight and Jungkook pops up from behind the seats, shining under the spotlight. I smile as he smiles.

"Thank you for keeping your promise. I just wanted to tell you that I love you, the most. You're beautiful, and I want to-"

Play- Make it right ft. Lauv.^

Suddenly, music sprang up, and my body jumped up. I look around and on my back, but there's not a single soul. I look back and Jungkook has come down the rows, while the music goes on.

And the magic starts...



I was lost, I was trying to find the answer

In the world around me

Yeah, Iwasgoing crazy

All day,all night

You're the only one whounderstood me

And all that I was going through

Yeah, I just gotta tell you

Oh, baby I

I could make it better

I could hold you tighter

'Cause through the morning

Oh you're the light (Oh)

And I almost lost ya

But I can't forget ya

'Cause you were the reason that I survived

You were there for me through all the times I cried

I was there for you and then I lost my mind

I know that I messed up but I promise I

Oh-oh, I can make it right

All right

All right

Oh-oh, I can make it right

All right

All right

Oh-oh, I can make it right

My smile disappears when the spotlight turns off, but instead points to the left section of the stadium. And from nowhere, Hobi appears.


I became a hero in this world

The loud screams that seek me out

My hand, trophy and a gold microphone

All day, everywhere

But all of this is about reaching you

It's the answer to my journey

I'm singing to find you

Baby to you

Shocked in surprise that he could actually sing so well, the spotlight now shines in the lower-left section, and another shock awaits.


A little taller than I was before

With a voice a little more solid

All of this to go back to you

Now I'll spread wide a map called you

My rehab

Look at me, why can't you recognize me?

I don't want to hear other people's noises

Your fragrance still penetrates and breaks me down

Let's go back to that time

The spotlight now shines in the right column, where Jin and Jimin are standing.

Baby I know

I can make it better

I can hold you tighter

All those roads

Are pointing to you

Everything was useless

Anything other than you

Just touch me like that time

Jungkook and Taehyung joined them.

This eternal night with no end in sight

It's you who gifted me the morning

Now can I hold that hand?

Oh oh

I can make it right

All right

All right

Oh I can make it right

All right

All right

Oh I can make it right

The stadium turns black again, while I clean the tears off my eyes. After a moment, the light shines over me and the stage is lightened up, while Yoongi stands behind me.


You are still beautiful

Just hold me silently like you did that day, that time

The reason I survived in hell

It's for you, it was not for me

If you know, don't hesitate and please save my life

I'm thirsty wandering this desert without you

So hurry and grab me quickly

I know the sea without you is the same as a desert

All of the boys are on stage now, circling me and the whole stadium lights up. I am sobbing, with a smile on my lips.

All right

I can make it better

I can hold you tighter

Oh I can make it right

Everything was useless

Anything other than you

Oh I can make it right

All right

All right

Oh I can make it right

The song ends and everyone is happily staring at me. Not just Jungkook, but all of them are dressed in white suits. I can't believe this. I never expected this out of everything, for not just Jungkook singing for me this time, but all the boys. The words have touched me to no bounds. My heart is beating fast and my blood is running like a bolt in my veins. I feel overwhelmed, blessed, and most of all loved.

Recommended song> Perfect by Ed Sheeran

They all stand around me in a circle and I go around, again and again, looking at them, my hands placed on my mouth. Finally, I stop and Jungkook steps forward. We stare at each other for long; his eyes speaking so much, while my eyes are teary and filled with love for him. I know he will make everything right now. He always told me that he would and only his presence could do that. He can fill in my voids, he can understand me better than anyone, and he can love me like no one ever did. He's my hero.

I step forward to hug him, but before I could he was already on his knee. Only now do I understand everything. He wanted to propose me, just on the day I was discharged. He was waiting for it, desperately. I laugh out loud when I remember how we teased him in the hospital room.

"Don't marry a man until he is on his knees for you."

My mouth opens and I look down at him, smiling.

"Umm..." he starts. "Well, I don't have much to say. If I had, I could have written you another song, but they told me I had to say it out now," He eyes the boys around who are eagerly watching us, while Hobi is recording it in his Handycam.

"I would have made so many mistakes in life, of choosing things, letting go of things, or even failing to recognize the reality. But you," he grabs my hand. "You are the best decision I made in my life, and I will never regret it. I am glad that I am a part of your life, and I am surrounded by your love."

"Jungkook," I whisper, almost crying out.

"My biggest fear in life was seeing you go away; whether it was when I was fifteen, or now that I am twenty-five. Only your absence made me realize how important you are to me, and how we were always supposed to be together despite the problems."

His eyes sparkle as they become teary.

"Now when I look back, I think it's like a miracle. Our story isn't normal at all," he snorts and I follow. "But the point that we stand here today, after all the pain we went through and how much we fought against our will, I am grateful. Things could have been worse, but now you are here, I am sure we are going to face everything together. I might not promise you a life full of happiness only, but I promise, I'll be your shield. I'll protect you from every harm and I would never make you suffer in your life again, never. And I wanted to find, to tell you that I need you all my life, from this day on till the rest of my life."

I look up, pursing my lips, trying to hold back my tears.

"So," he dives his hand in his coat's inner pocket and takes out a tiny box; a ring box. I watch him opening it and finally offering it to me. "Will you accept me as your husband?"

My eyes are a blur from tears. He said everything so beautifully and it made my heart ache. What did I do to deserve a man like him in my life? He's perfect, flawless. I clean my tears off, carefully not to ruin my makeup.

I shift my eyes towards the boys who are watching me without blinking.

"What should I do?" I ask them, and they all smile at me.

"You still have more options," Taehyung screams and I laugh at his comment. Jimin hits him on his arm and they all laugh, even Jungkook.

"I need proper approval from my oppas to say a yes," I shout to them.

"Well," Yoongi says. "I know him very well. You can say a yes." I look back at Jungkook who's still offering me the ring, gazing at me like an innocent child.

"How can I not say a yes to you, Jungkook?" he admires me non-stop. "Yes!" I scream my lungs out, the most I could now that I could scream a bit louder.

Jungkook smiles and passes the ring into my finger. The sudden pop makes me jump, the stadium shines bright and there's confetti everywhere. The boys are jumping in excitement; I wish I could get a picture of Yoongi right now.

Jungkook gets up and I hug him tight, enough to choke him. He places his chin on my shoulder and we both stay like that for a long time. Finally, he pulls off and grabs my jawline to place his lips on mine. I have never felt this happy kissing him. We are so in love.

I detach my lips from his and join my forehead to his. We both pant like crazy but smile simultaneously.

"I can't wait," he whispers.

"I can't either," I tell him.

I hug him again but pull back when I remember the boys. I look at them and they all are busy taking selfies. I walked and struck Jimin's back; he jumped and turned around. The boy follows.

"You all can sing so well!" I tell them and they all exchange glances. "I mean I couldn't believe you all sang a song for me, like?"

"We never knew we could sing too. It was all Jungkook's idea." They all point to him and he walks to stand at my back.

"Wow, I mean you guys can make a band or something."

"Oh we don't want to," Jin says. "Or else we would rule the world." The boys laughed and struck him one by one.

"Thank you," I tell them and they all look at me. "I have got the best brothers one could ask for." I open my arms as much as I can, and they all jump onto me in no time. I am yet surrounded again, by them, their laughing sounds, and nevertheless, Jungkook beside me.

After a while, we walked down the stairs. Jungkook asks me a dozen times if he can pick me, but I refuse him because I never felt tired with all the boys around me who are planning our wedding now.

"I am going to be her professional hairstylist," Jimin says aloud.

"That would be nice, actually," Jin says.

"Only because you would eat up our minds if we kept you around us," Taehyung teases him.

"Ya!" I pass him a dead glare. "Don't tease him!" The boys laugh, while Jimin hugs me from my side.

Suddenly, Jungkook pulled me and we froze where we stood, while the boys kept on walking.

"I'll look for a nice design for Jungkook's tuxedo; kinda bored of LV now," Hobi says, as their voice fades away. The last thing I could hear was Namjoon's venue suggestion, while Yoongi argued with him about the weather. They never look back and soon disappear. It's already too dark here.

"What?" I turn to him and he pulls me from my waist onto him. Our bodies are tight against each other, and I could feel his bulge against my lower bottom. He leans in and kisses me aggressively. His pace is fast and feels like he was devouring me. I let him do that and let his tongue discover the inside of my mouth. He is so into me that he can't even wait for anything anymore. His lips detached from mine but fell on my cheek. He keeps on kissing me from my jawline to my neck and my collarbone.

"Jungkook?" I pull him back, and he gazes at me, his eyes hungry, burning with passion.

"I can't stop myself." He breathes against my face.

"Take me home, Jeon," I tell him and he looks at me, biting his lower lip. He steps back and picks me up again and hurriedly climbs down the stairs.

"Calm down," I tell him, but he never listens. His lust is driving him crazy, for sure. We finally reach the entrance and he takes me to his car. The boys, who were waiting for us around the car, looked at us and their faces turned worried as they saw Jungkook running with me in his arms.

"What's up? Is she-" Jungkook closes the door on my face, and I adjust on my seat. After a minute, he sits in the car and starts the car.

"What did you tell them?"

"I told them," he leans on my side, near to my ear. "Not to call us tonight."

My mouth dropped, but I couldn't stop smiling.

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking around.

"Where no one would disturb us."

He faces me and licks his lower lip. I look into his eyes and he winks at me, driving the car faster. It's going to be one heck of a night.

And this time, I am ready.

A/N: I can't believe, the story has finally ended. I am so attached to it, as it was my first ever book, and I am so emotional right now haha.
Thank you for your time and all your love to this book. It will always remain close to my heart and remember to live for others. Do leave your feedback.

Live, Love, Life.
Love you all.

-T 🫶🏼

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