Beastars: The Beast and Louis

By volleyball_Love_002

129K 4K 792

(NO STEALING, ADAPTING OR WRITING THAT HAS THE PLOT OR MY CHARACTERS!) Diesel is a ' vicious' Doberman, at le... More

Character information
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter: 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Birthday Special 💕
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Not a chapter, just wanna say stuff ✨
Chapter 58
Sorry another non chapter: just wanna talk
Chapter 59
Life update!
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Hey all
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Im back!
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 30

1.6K 61 4
By volleyball_Love_002

Louis' POV:

The African wild dog spoke into the microphone, addressing the audience.


Everyone gave a range of woos and cheers.

"I'm glad to hear that! I'm Dustin and this is the crew! We are the High Flyers, the band of Enigma. We have a range of entertainment tonight lined up for you tonight. We have the one, the only DJ Ben The Bernard! And give it up for our special guest tonight who will be revealed shortly! And our band will be giving the first hand experience of our new material this evening, but first, put your paws and hands together for our big sold out performers of the night, the duo with the big hits and the big looks, it's Reen and Daisy!"

The wild dog left the stage and two girls entered. The brown cocker spaniel with two pink bows were tied on her ears. She took the right part of the stage while the Viverridae Banded Palm Civet took the left hand part of the stage. The band backed up into the left corner of the stage to make room for the two stars. Everyone was cheering wildly. A line of backing singers entered too and stood at the back right hand side. They were all wearing the same red sequinned top with black skirt.

"Good evening yall! I'm Reen!"

"And I'm Daisy!" The cocker spaniel spoke excitedly.

"And we will firstly be singing a bang of a song called Swish Swish!" Reen shouted over the mass of cheers and wolf whistles. "You ready boys. Let's hit it!"

The music started immediately.

(A/n: Imma just gonna change the names in this song to my own. So instead of Katy Perry, it's Daisy honey :3)

Music: They know what is what, but they don't know what is what, they just strut. What the ~

Daisy: 🎶 A tiger doesn't loose no sleep, don't need opinions from a shellfish or a sheep. Don't you come for me. No not today.

Daisy: you're calculated, I got your number. 'Cause your a joker and I'm a court side killer queen. And you will kiss the ring, you best believe.

Both: So keep calm, honey, I'ma stick around for more than a minute, get used to it. Funny my name keeps coming out your mouth. 'Cause I stay winning. Lay 'em up like...

Swish swish, bish. Another one in the basket. Can't touch this. Another one in the casket.

Daisy: Your game is tired. You should retire. You're 'bout cute as an old coupon expired. And Karma is not a liar. She keeps receipts.

Both:So keep calm, honey, I'ma stick around for more than a minute, get used to it. Funny my name keeps coming out your mouth. 'Cause I stay winning. Lay 'em up like...

Swish swish, bish. Another one in the basket. Can't touch this. Another one in the casket.

Swish swish, bish. Another one in the basket. Can't touch this. Another in the casket.

Music: They know what is what. But they don't know what's what.

Reen: Daisy honey.

Music: They just know what is what.

Reen: Young Money.

Music:But they don't know what is what. 

Reen: woah

Music: They just know what is what. But they don't know what is what. They just strut.

Reen: Hahaha, yo

Music: What the ~

Reen: Pink Ferragamo sliders on deck. Silly rap beefs just get me more checks. My life is a movie, I'm never off set. Me and my amigos, no, not offset. Swish swish, aww I got them upset, but my shooters'll make 'em dance like dubstep. Swish swish, aww my haters obsessed. 'Cause I make M's, they much less.

Don't be tryna double back I already despise you

Daisy: yeah

Reen: All that fake love you showin' couldn't even disguise you

Daisy: yo-yo

Reen: Ran? When? Nicki gettin' tan. Mirror, mirror, who's the fairest bish in all the land?

Damn, man, this bish is a Stan. Muah, Muah, the generous queen will kiss a fan. Ass goodbye, I'ma be riding by. I'ma tell my n- Biggz, yeah that's the guy. A star's a star, da ha da ha. They never thought the swish god would take it this far. Get my my pimp cup, this pimp is shez, baby. I only rock with Queens so I'm making hits with Daisy.

Both: Swish swish bish. Another one in the basket.

Music: And another one, and another one.

Both: Can't touch this.

Music: Can't touch this.

Both: Another one in the casket.

Music: And another one, and another one.

They know what is what is what.

Reen: Do they know?

Music and Reen: But they don't know what's what. They just know what is what. But they don't know what is what. They just know what is what. But do they know what is what. They just strut. What the... 🎶

The music ended and the joined hands and bowed while the crowd went wild.

"We thank you so much!" Daisy spoke smiling and giggling.

"We will continue to entertain you this evening but we would like to introduce our special guest! He's so special, he doesn't even know that he's the special guest of this evening. Please put your paws and hands together again and love him like we do, our very own security guard, please welcome to the stage, the one, the only Diesel!" Reen shouted into the microphone. A spotlight landed on Diesel in the corner. The crowd all turned to look where the spotlight had landed.

He removed his sunglasses to see a mutual face, unfazed by the sudden attention. Two stage hands, a lioness and a caracal, pulled him to the stage and pushed him up the stairs onto it, being showered in light and handed a microphone that he held loosely in his paw.

This is going to be interesting. Leaning back in my stool against the bar, watching the whole palaver unfold. This will be interesting.

Diesel's POV:

Noooo why today? Why of all days do I have to be dragged up on stage when the whole of drama club is here! Whyyy Reen, whyyyy??

I looked around the audience. Bill, Tao, Heidi, Sheila, Hellen, Els and everyone else was down on the floor ready to dance. They all looked up at me. There were a faces missing from the crowd. I looked over at the booths. Legoshi and Juno were sat there but were now looking over at me. My eyes then everted to the bar for reassurance.

Then my eyes caught a deer. A male deer. An attractive male deer. An attractive male deer...that is LOUIS???

I suddenly felt a twang of shyness and stage fright hit me. I started sweating a lot. Maybe from the lighting. Yeah probably.

"Diesel! What song are you going to sing for us?" Reen asked me. I gave her my death stair which made her cower a bit in fright. I lifted the microphone and switched paws.

"I would like to sing a little hit with a big effect called silence." I said shaking a bit but managed to regain my confidence.

They music started playing and the band plugged in their microphones and their instruments. I was ready. I'm going to light this place on fire!


Dustin: noooooohhh ohhhhh yeahhhh, ohhhh yeahhh

Me: Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than I fighter.

Band: fighter

Me: 'Cause all my life, I've been fighting. Never felt a feeling of comfort, oh

All: All this time I've been hiding.

Me: And I've never had someone to call my own, oh nah. I'm so used to sharing. Love only left me alone. But I'm at one with the silence.

All: I found peace in your violence. Can't show me there's no point in trying. I'm at one.

Me: And I've been quiet for too long.

All: I found peace in your violence.

Me: Can't tell me there's no point in trying. I'm at one, and I've been silent for to long.

I've been quiet for to long. I've been quintet for too long.

All: I found peace in your violence. Can't show me there's no point in trying. I'm at one, and I've been quite for too long.

Me: I'm in need of a savior.

Band: Savior.

Me: But I'm not asking for favours. My whole life I've felt like a burden.

All: I think to much and I hate it.

Me: I'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring. Loving never gave me a home.

All: So I'll sit here in the silence.

Me: I found peace in your violence. Can't show me there's no point in trying. I'm at one, and I've been too quite for too long.

All: I found peace in your violence.

Me: Can't show me there's no point in trying. I'm at one, and I've been silent for too long.

I've been quite for too long. I've been quite for too long. I found peace in your violence. Can't show me there's no point in trying. I'm at one, and I've been silent for too long.

The music ended and I was immediately enveloped with a hug from Reen and the whole club cheering and clapping me.

I looked around everyone I knew were all cheering me or looked astonished. I patted Reen's head as she let go to look up at me.

She turned to the front again and brought her microphone a few inches away from her mouth.

"Well you have it! Witnessing this first hand. Diesel's very first performance here on this stage!  Let's give him another cheering 'cause let's be honest that was incredible!"

Everyone clapped and cheered again.

"Thank you. Thank you for the support." I said as everyone died down to hear what I was going to say next. "As Reen said, that was my first time singing here, and singing in front of an audience, actually. Ive never sung in front of anyone except my shampoo bottles in the shower as that's where I mainly sing. I've been wiggling my way out of preforming many many times but I knew my time of good luck was running out and that I'd have to preform, and I must admit I was and still am a bit nervous. But I'm glad it was in front of an audience that is respectful and so kind so this time let's give you a round of applause!"

They laughed at my speech in all the right places and complied with my commands. I started clapping on the back of my hand and the other stage crew did the same. The other floor and bar staff were clapping also. The audience clapping others and themselves alike.

After we all clapped each other and it died down a bit, I again raided my microphone.

"I would personally like to thank you all on behalf of every performer, and every band member, for being her tonight. You are the best! Now the for the next performers of this evening, it's Dustin and the High Flyers!" I said as the spotlight left me and I exited the stage left.

That... was tough. Never again. And what the hell is Louis doing here!? I never thought I would see him here, it's not exactly his scene. And I had to sing in front of him. Why did it have to be today?

I need the bathroom, to cool off.

I made my way along the halls so not to be noticed by my classmates or upperclassmen and fast walked straight to the customer bathrooms.

I entered the toilet only to see Louis leaning on the sink looking in the mirror in front of him. His head immediately whipped round to look at me. I looked at him as I walked a bit into the room, making the door shut.

"Louis." I spoke looking at him.

"Diesel." He replied. He cleared his throat, breaking the thickness of the atmosphere. "That was quite the performance out there." He spoke with a little smile.

"Thanks." I said walking slowly towards the room, letting my footsteps linger before taking another step. "Does that mean you... enjoyed it?"

"I didn't say that." He said with a hinge of happiness and jokiness in his voice.

"But you admit you thought I was good? Do you like my voice Louis?" I said walking closer and closer to him. He didn't back up like last time.

He didn't reply, only something changed in his eyes. He took a step forward towards me, surprising me, making me walk backwards. He kept walking at me, making me reverse into the wall behind me. He had a small smirk on his face that u couldn't read.

"You carnivores love the sound of your own voice way too much."

"Oh is that right? Well there is another sound that I absolutely love." I said back.

"And what sound is that?"

"Your voice Louis." I said as I grabbed his wrists and pulled him towards me.

Our lips crashed together as I kissed him. It took him a moment to kiss back but he did. Our lips again forming the missing pieces of the jigsaw. They were meant to be together. His soft, delicate herbivore lips on mine, kissing each other passionately. His wrists slithered out of my grip and around my neck. We took a second to get some air, but immediately kissed again. My hands now around his waist and slithering up his back, keeping him near me, so he couldn't escape.

A creak of the door opening caught our attention as we both broke contact, still remaining where we were in each others embrace. A familiar someone stood at the door.

"Well, well, well. Hey pup. Did I... interrupt something?" Jase asked leaning on the door frame, using his paw to prop the door open slightly, and his tail wrapped around his right leg. A smug look over his smug snout.

"Jase... I..I..." I stuttered trying to think of an excuse to say to explain out situation other than saying 'hell yeah you are; you were hard core making out just then and you had to ruin it!'

"So... that herbivore you were interested in, is this guy. So he's a red deer huh? Well I'm not surprised. I had my suspicions as soon as he walked through the VIP door with Heidi and the others." He spoke walking into the bathrooms. "Anyways, that performance you did on stage, yeah, the boss wants to speak to you i your break."

"What... did he say what it's about." I said letting Louis go.

"Yeah.. he wants you to be a full time performer." Jason laughed.

"Haha very funny, listen to my genuine laughter." I said annoyed. "Now tell me what he really wants to see me for."

"No I'm serious. Everyone was static after your performance that they all requested to see you again."

"Stop pulling my tail!"

"I'm not! Especially because you don't have one." Jason laughing, making Louis snigger.

"Wow... you really snoop that low huh?" I said. "To pick on my genes like that. Okay okay if you wanna play it like that, at least I don't scream like you've seen a murder in the DEAD of night."

"Oh okay so it's like that is it?" He asked giving me his jokey messing around face. "I say we settle this fair and square!"

"You read my mind." I said knowing exactly what he was talking about."

"JAW WARS!" We both exclaimed.

"Jaw wars?" Louis asked concerned and confused.

"Yep! It's like tug of war but with your jaws." I explained as I walked over to a long locker and withdrew my personal key to it. It was a locker filled with carnivore repellents, tasers, first aid kits and other hand stuff like that, but at the back was a long rope and some duct tape.

I pulled out the roll and the rope, which had two equal sized grips on the end to bite on, and a red strip on the exact middle part.

I put a line on the floor of where the majority of the rope has to be over for the remaining contestant to win.

"This is what us carnivore staff do before work to bide the spare time we have on our hands." Jason spoke sitting in a kneeling position on the floor. I gave him his end of the rope. And he placed it in his mouth, gripping it loosely at this current moment.

I did the same and sat in a kneeling position too.

"The rules are simple, no biting, no fowl play, the first one to pull the other one over the line wins. You may show your fangs, but that is all."

"MAY THE BEST CARNIVORE WIN!" We both shouted getting ready.

To be continued...

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