The Decision (An Avengers/X-M...

By Marvel890

34.2K 1.5K 587

[Discontinued at the moment] Sequel to Terabyte (An Avengers Fanfiction). I will post a description of this s... More

Description/Short Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 3

2.4K 96 40
By Marvel890

"Spill it,"

I looked at Natasha confusingly.

We were in my room, spending sometime together. We had never spent some "girl time" or gossip, or whatever the hell they call it, together during the battle.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

She rolled my eyes and then looked at me, as if expecting me to answer her. I didn't.


She raised an eyebrow at me, and suddenly - don't ask me how - I knew what she was talking about.

I rolled my eyes. "Not this again."

She laughed. "Oh, come on! We never got to finish this conversation!"

"We had three months to finish it." I said.

"Well, I'm sorry if we were too damn busy with green elves from outer space." She shot back sarcastically.

I sighed. I was hoping she would forget about this by now. Obviously not.

"Come on, Savannah." Natasha said seriously now. "I know there's something going on between you and Th-"

"Shh!" I clamped a hand over her mouth. "The door is open, people can hear you!"

I let go and while I walked across the room to close the door, Natasha laughed successfully.

"Ha!" She said pointing a finger at me. "I knew it! I was right!"

I sat back down on the bed across from Natasha, sighing in defeat.

"You were right about one thing-"

"And what's that?" She asked stupidly. I knew she just wanted me to admit it.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not saying!"

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"You're not going to take a no for an answer, are you?"

She smiled. "I can do this all day, Savannah."

I sighed and put my chin in my hand. "Fine."

Natasha squealed excitingly - which was not a very "Natasha" thing to do - and crossed her legs.

"I might have f-"

"Nope." Natasha interrupted me. "You do. Say it."

"Alright, alright!" I said waving my hands in the air. "I do have feeling for Thomas, okay? Happy now?"

"Yes!" Natasha said suddenly, scaring me a little. "Yes, I finally got you to admit it!"

I laughed. "Since when do you act childish?"

"Since I learned to get comfortable around you." She said. "I've never had an actual girlfriend here. You're my friend, and since we've became friends, I've never knew I had this side to me."

I smiled - and might've blushed a little.

"I know what you're doing, Savannah. You're trying to change the subject."

I cursed mentally.

"Anyway," Natasha said, "back to what we were talking about. Lets backtrack, shall we? You said I was right about one thing. What was I wrong about?"

"We don't have anything going on." I said.

"Why not?"

I shrugged. "I don't even think he feels the same way."

"Of course he does!" Natasha smacked me playfully.

"I think he has a girlfriend." I said. "He was kissing somebody - a blonde, I think - at Tony's party."

Natasha looked at me with pity. "Well, maybe-"

"We're just friends, Nat." I told her, failing to hide my disappointment. "That's all we can ever be. Just friends."

We sat in silence for a while. I decided to change the topic.

"Well, what about you and Steve?" I asked.

She chuckled. "Me and Steve? There's nothing to talk about."

"I know he likes you, Nat." I told her. "I see the way he looks at you."

She looked at me, and I swear I saw tears in her eyes. "He has a girlfriend, Savannah. He doesn't look at me the way you think he does."

"He doesn't like her, Nat!" I said. "I can tell."

"Prove it."

I hesitated. Then, I sighed. "I can't."


"I know it, Natasha! I just know it."

"Whatever." She said, her head hanging down a little. "Savannah, can I tell you something?"

"Anything." I smiled at her.

She sighed deeply. "I . . . I t-think I love him, Savannah."

"Love who?" said a voice.

Both our heads snapped towards the door. Standing there was Steve.

Natasha's eyes widened and she wiped her eyes quickly with the back of her hand. "What, huh? N-Nobody."

"Oh, okay." Steve looked at me. "There's someone here to see you, Savannah."

I nodded. "Okay. Thanks."

"Yeah," said Natasha standing up, "I should get going. See you later, Savannah."

She left the room, and Steve's eyes followed her all the way.

* * *

I went to the front door and opened it.


Standing there was . . . the X-Men.


But what were they doing here? Maybe I was just imagining things.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them again. They were still standing there. Okay, maybe they weren't just my imagination. But if they really are the X-Men, then that means . . .

"We're looking for Savannah Dane Bricks."

I ignored whoever said that - I think Cyclops, the one with the crazy red laser eyes or something - and looked around for Wolverine.

But he wasn't there.

"Yes, I am she." I told him.

He stuck his hand out to me and I reluctantly shook it.

Why were they here? And for me? Did I do something wrong?

"We need to talk." Cyclops said seriously.

I chuckled nervously. "About what? I didn't do anything wrong, whatever you think I did, I didn't do it!"

"Woah, slow down, girly." said a teenage boy with blond hair.

I took deep breaths. For some reason, I was really nervous. Were they here because of my father?

"Where's Wolverine?" I blurt out, without even thinking. "I want to talk to him."

"Why?" asked Cyclops.

"Because," I said, "he's my fa-"

"Who do we have here?"

I spun around and Tony was standing next to me.

"Well, well, well," he said. "If it isn't the so-called-superheroes-who-do-absolutely-nothing-"

"And if it isn't the stuck up jerk, who only saves the world for himself-"

"You know, you and Steve Rogers would get along really well." Tony told the blond teenager.

The boy glared at him.

"Enough." Cyclops ordered.

"Why are you here?" Tony asked. "Here as in my tower. I don't remember inviting you."

"We're here to see Savannah." The leader of the X-Men said. "Professor X ordered us to talk to her."

"Sorry, well, you can't." Tony said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "You see, Tony Stark orders you to leave and never come back."

Now, Cyclops was the one glaring - I can't really tell since he had his visor on, but, I'm pretty sure he did.

"Goodbye, and goodnight. Don't let the Wolverine bite." And Tony left, probably expecting me to close the door.

I started to close the door, but stopped midway, stuck my head out and whispered to Cyclops: "Meet me at the cafe a few blocks from here in 10 minutes."

* * *

After taking the quickest shower of my life, dressing in sweatpants and a tank top, and tying my hair in a sloppy ponytail - I know what you're thinking: it's the X-Men we're talking about, shouldn't I be presentable? Well, the answer is I don't want to be late and I definitely don't want Cyclops as an enemy - I went downstairs to the front door.

But as I grabbed the handle of the door, someone stopped me. I cursed and turned around slowly, with an innocent smile on my face.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Well, you see, Tony," I began, trying to come up with something as quick as possible, "I'm going out."


"You didn't let me finish." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going out to see some old friends."

"Oh," said Tony. I shut my eyes, waiting to hear the words you can't leave.

"Okay. Have fun." And with that Tony left.

I opened my eyes in shock. But I didn't have time to process why he let me go. (Tony never lets anybody leave the tower unless an absolute emergency.) I had to get to the cafe.

When I got to the cafe, I looked around for the group of mutants. It wasn't hard, considering the fact they were dressed in their uniforms.

I walked over to them, ignoring the stares from the people around us.

"Um, don't you think, you guys are a little . . . overdressed?" I asked them.

They all looked down at theirselves. Cyclops looked at me and shrugged. "What's wrong with it?"

I smiled. "Nothing."

"Sit down." He gestured to the empty seat in front of him.

I sat down and folded my hands. "So . . . this is fun."


I cleared my throat. "Anyway, w-"

"We're here to recruit you to the X-Men." said Cyclops, rudely interrupting me.

I laughed. "Well, that escalated quickly, didn't it? You guys must like me a lot to ask me to join you."

Nobody laughed. Not a single chuckle. Not even a grin. How serious were these guys?

I looked at the faces.

"Wait. Y-You mean you're serious?" I gasped.

"Yes, we're serious." said a voice behind me. "What did you think? We're comedians in disguise?"

I turned around in my chair and my jaw dropped to the floor.

Standing there was the Wolverine. My father.

"Y-Y-You're-" I stammered.

He waved his hand. "Yes, I'm the Wolverine, okay? Want an autograph or something?"

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. He was right there. Standing right in front of me. I looked like a fish gasping for air.

"Hello?" He asked, snapping his fingers in my face. "You alright, kid?"

I shook my head. "Yeah, I-I'm good."

"So you joining us or what?" He asked, sitting on the table.

A young lady came walking up to us. "Excuse me, sir. The sign says no sitting on the tables."

The Wolverine turned to her, glaring. "Well, that's a bummer, isn't it?"

The lady looked terrified - she probably recognized him - and scurried away.

Wolverine turned back around and looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"O-Oh, U-U-Umm,"

"What's with you and stuttering?" He asked me.

"Logan." said a woman with white hair and dark skin. "Don't be rude."

He shrugged and folded his arms over his chest.

"You're my father." I blurted out stupidly.

I cursed over and over again in my head and banged my head against the table. Why was I so stupid? Who just blurts that out when they just met?

Logan looked at me like I was crazy - which I was. "I didn't know this restaurant sells alcohol. Okay, who got her drunk? Was it you Bobby?"

The blonde shook his head and put his hands in surrender. "I didn't do anything."

"She ain't drunk, Logan." said a girl with brown hair and a white streak in the front.

"Then why'd she just say I was her father?" He glared at her.

Nobody answered that one. I made the mistake of opening my mouth again: "Because you are. I'm your daughter."

Logan looked at me with no expression, then looked at Cyclops. "I'm gonna wait in the car."

And he left the cafe.

"What now?" asked the teenager with the blond hair, Bobby.

Cyclops looked at me and I wish I could tell what he was thinking. "We take her to the professor."

* * *

"This is considered kidnapping, you know."

I was in the back of the X-Men's car. I wasn't tied up or anything, but I was still in the car. I wasn't asked to get in the car. They just put me here.

"I prefer the word taking you without permission." Bobby said.

"That's four words, actually." I pointed out.

Bobby glared at me. "Don't make me shut your mouth."

I tilted my head. "And how are you going to do that? I don't see any duck tape."

"With this." Bobby raised his hand and ice formed out of it.

"Who are you supposed to be, exactly?"

"Iceman." Bobby said, looking proud.

"Oooh." I said. "You know, I really don't get what's so great about your power. I bet you-"

"Yeah, well, I don't get what so great about you and why the professor a-"

"Bobby." Cyclops glared, making his visor light up which wasn't a really cool sight. Scary, actually.

"Sorry." Bobby looked down sheepishly.

I smirked and Bobby glared at me.

The car stopped sharply.

"Finally." I muttered.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be here. But the long car ride was making me want to throw up and I needed fresh air.

Once I got out, I dropped to my knees and breathed in the air.

Everyone was staring at me weirdly. I looked up and said: "Car sick."

After I felt better, they took me inside a big building. The front had a sign that read Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.

Inside looked like a regular high school. Kids ages from 10-18 walked through the halls with books in their arms. They were millions of steps and thousands of doors.

I looked to my right and saw a kid about 17 bullying a kid around 13.

I marched up to him and pushed the bully off of the little kid.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

The bully eyed me up and down. "Well, hellooo, Miss-"

It happened in a flash, and I didn't even know I did it. Something punched the bully in the nose, hard. He staggered back and looked at me with a scared expression, holding his now bloody nose.

"Go pick on someone your own size." I glared so hard, he nodded and ran off.

I was bullied in middle school through high school, being called names and I never handled it. Now, seeing a kid being bullied pissed me off and I somehow had the courage to stop it.

I looked at the kid who was being bullied and smiled. "It's alright, he won't hurt you again."

But the little kid looked terrified of me and ran off, too.

I looked at the X-Men confusingly and Cyclops nodded. "We have to go see the professor now."

And this time, I didn't argue.

* * *

We walked into a badge office. It was big, and it looked like a classroom too because they were desks and chairs and kids were sitting in them.

At the front, teaching the kids, was an old bald man in a wheelchair. He had a blanket over his legs.

His eyes locked mine and I felt an weird feeling - like I could trust him; like I have never trusted anybody before, not even Nick. Then he looked at Cyclops, and Cyclops nodded. The old man nodded too and turned to his students.

"Class dismissed."

After the kids were gone, the door was shut and the old man looked at me and smiled. I didn't smile back.

"Hello, Savannah." He said. "I am Professor X, founder of this school."

He stuck his hand out at me, but I didn't shake it.

Instead, I asked: "Why am I here? What did I do? Why do you want me to join you? What's wrong with me?!"

"Slow down." He said calmly and I took a seat, taking deep breaths.

"Before we explain, I want to introduce you to my team."

"You probably know Cyclops."

"Call me Scott." Cyclops said with, surprisingly, a smile.

I smiled back.

"This is Storm." Professor X gestures to the woman with the white hair and dark skin.

"Ororo." She said and smiled sweetly at me.

"Bobby Drake."

"Oh, yes." I said with a grin. "Iceboy."

He frowned. "It's Iceman, actually."

"You seem to childish to be a man, for my taste." I smirked.

Bobby glared at me before crossing his arms and pouting. He muttered something, but I didn't quite catch it.

"This is-"

"Anna Marie." interrupted the girl with the white streak. "Or Rogue. Sorry about Bobby, he is kind of childish."

I laughed.

"Anna!" Bobby whined. "You're my girlfriend, you're supposed to be on my side! Not her's."

"She has a name." I said.

Bobby rolled his eyes and muttered, "Whatever."

Professor X introduced the next person. "This is Kitty Pryde."

A small girl - probably in her late teenage years - with curly brown hair smiled a wide smile at me and suddenly hugged me.

"Oh!" I laughed and returned the hug.

"Sorry!" Kitty said sheepishly. "I just love meeting new people."

"Next is Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin."

"Wow, long name." I chuckled.

"Just call me Peter." He said.

"Emma Frost." A woman with blond wavy hair in a blue icy uniform shook my hand.

I smiled at her, too.

"And James Howlett."

I looked at my father and put up a small smile, but he just looked at me. He then switched his gaze to Professor X.

"This girl is crazy." He complained. "She says I'm her father."

Professor X looked at him for a few moments and then at me. "We'll discuss this later."

"Discuss this l- there isn't anything to discuss! I'm not her father!"

I forced myself not to tear up in front of these people.

Professor X ignored him and Logan growled and walked to the back of the room, crossing his arms angrily.

I stared at him, failing to show my sadness.


I snapped out of it and looked at the professor.

"I believe you want your questions answered."

I forced a smile. "Yes, I do."

"We know you're a mutant." He said, right off the bat.

"Yeah, well, everybody knows now." I said, shrugging.

"But you want to know why."

"I do know why." I said. "I am the daughter of Wolverine and P-"

"I AM NOT YOUR FATHER!" Logan shouted from the corner, making all of us jump. "STOP SAYING THAT!"


I didn't tear up. But I wanted to. So badly. How can he say that? I thought he knew.

"Logan." Professor X said sternly. "I think it's best you leave until further notice."

Logan was still for a moment, then glared at me and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Everyone looked at me with pity, but I didn't show my disappointment this time. I forced a brave smile.

"I am . . . sorry about Logan, Miss Bricks." Professor X told me.

"It's not your fault." I said. "You don't have to apologize."

"Anyway," he said, "I believe you want to know why I wanted to recruit you."

I nodded.

"This team, this school, is for mutants." He explained. "You're a mutant. I believe you would be a great addition to the team. We can help you to control your telekinesis."

"Wait-what?" Bobby exclaimed. "She has telekinesis? Just like Psylocke."

Professor X and I were silent. Somehow - I don't know how - the professor knew who my parents were.

Bobby looked at me, then at the professor, then at me again. "Ooooh."

"So Logan is Savannah's father." Anna said.

Professor X nodded.

"But, Logan and Elizabeth? That doesn't make any sense." Kitty wondered.

"I will inform you later." Professor X told them. "Right now, I need to have a word with Miss Bricks and Logan. Bring him in on the way out, please."

They left and a few minutes later, Logan came in, looking a little less angry than before but still mad.

"Look, professor," Logan started, "I'm-"

"No need to apologize to me, Logan." Professor X waved his hand. "Savannah is the one who you should be apologizing to."

Logan didn't dare look at me, and I turned to the professor. "No, professor, really, there's no need."

"You both deserve to know." Professor X told us.

We waited.

Professor X looked at Logan. "Do you recall that night we threw Elizabeth a goodbye party?"

Logan nodded.

"Wait-" I said. "Elizabeth as in my mother?"

Before Professor X could answer my question, Logan shot me a look. "Your mother?"

I nodded.

Logan shook his head. "What is going on, here professor?"

"That night, Logan, you and Elizabeth had gotten drunk." Professor X explained. "And . . . well, you could take it from there."

Logan's jaw dropped. "No, that's impossible. I didn't-I would never-"

He stammered and then looked at me. "You really are my daughter?"

I smiled and nodded. I took a big risk and took a few steps forward to try and get a hug, but he backed away. I didn't push it.

"Professor," Logan said, with a little disappointment, "how come you never told me?"

Professor X sighed, as if expecting this. "I wanted to tell you, Logan. By I thought I should wait until Savannah agreed to join us."

"Wait, wait, wait." I said. "I never agreed to join you."

Both looked at me.

"You seemed pretty happy." Professor X said.

"Look, when the team came, I only agreed to meet with them because, well, because of you." I said, pointing not to Logan.

Logan stayed quiet.

"Like I said, you would be a great addition to the team, Savannah. You could learn to control and use your powers wisely, here. This is your home. We're your family."

I shook my head. "It's a great opportunity, really. Thank you, but I'm an Avenger. I belong there, I can't just leave them."

Professor X didn't look like he was about to give up. "What about your boss? Nick Fury. I know you don't trust him. He lied to you, not just once."

I didn't say anything. He did have a point. I mean, just because of that, I'm not going to leave my friends, my family. They took me in.

But . . . my father is here. He is my really family. We could learn to have a father-daughter relationship. This building is full of mutants. I'm a mutant. This is full of people like me. These people understand me. Nick doesn't.

"Savannah, think about it. This is where you belong." said Professor X.

I nodded and forced a smile. "Thanks. I should get going now."

I walked out the room, and past Logan. I could tell he didn't want to talk to me. I may never see him again.

I hung my head down and walked forward, but an arm grabbed mine and stopped me.

I spin around and was face-to-face with my father. He let go of me and cleared his throat.

"Look, I love the professor. He's like a father to me. But this . . . father thing. It's a lie. I'm not your father, I did not have a child with Elizabeth or anyone else and I never will."

This time, I let my tears spill. He's rejecting me. My own father is rejecting me.

"I'm sorry, kid." Logan said and without saying or doing anything else, he left. I watched him go until he turned a corner and disappeared.

I let out a quiet sob, turned around and walked toward the door.

"Hey, where you going?"

I looked over my shoulder and Kitty Pryde was standing there with a long face.

"I have to go." I told her and smiled at her. "It was nice meeting you, Kitty."

And with that I headed towards the Avengers Tower - my home.

~ ~ ~ ~
Authors Note: Okay, so you either hate me or Logan right now.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. You finally know how Logan and Elizabeth had Savannah.

P.S. I put a picture on the side of the actors that are playing the X-Men.



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