Believer's Sins [Reborn In On...

By movingdildo

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In an island, there is a nameless 35 year woman. Despite all the shit she's gone through in her life there, s... More

Chapter I
help 2


685 33 1
By movingdildo

Mako-chii and I talked for hours, I was comfortably resting on my chair in the control room and he was drawing. We talked about the random-est things non-stop in case the connection between us might cut off.

I finished 1/4 of it, I kind of want to sleep now.

Sleeping without eating anything? Don't even dream about doing that. I used to do that too, and I could barely keep up with my lessons and therefore, often got beaten up by the tutors.

That's sad.

That's pathetic. Don't be pathetic you old man.

Old man? I'm not even THAT old.

How old are you?

I'm 34.

Pffff, you're so old.

And you're a baby.

Nope, I'm a beautiful young woman. *flips hair*


As if you're not an eccentric old man yourself.

I may be a little eccentric but I'm not annoying like you.


The alert alarm goes off and breaks my ears.

What the hell is that? Do I get to hear your background noise too?!

I check what's happening while ignoring the complaining old man. I see that there is a pirate ship that spotted me and decided to break my submarine.

After a few minutes of me, shooting them with my SUPER HERTHA CANON 2.0. I know the name sounds lame, but the offensive mode in itself is quite cool. And them, shooting back. I win and their boat sink.

I collect the useful tools such as guns, canons, a box with food, fishing tools, and a huge chest with probably money in it.

I bring the chest in the storage room and go check what's inside. I open it and see a shivering kid sleeping on the goods.

-what the fuck.

He opens his eyes and start looking at me weirdly?

-did I already die and enter heaven? Please angel! Give me some food.

I blush and laugh proudly. The truth comes from little kids' mouth they say.

-hehe, I'm not an angel but I'm still giving you food.

I go back to business mode.

-that is... if you're useful in any way.

It's heartless but I'm not a Saint, I'm not wasting the only food keeping me alive on a kid just like that.

-I.. I'm very good at the sword...?

-are you asking me?

-uhm.. and... and my grandpa is Shimotsuki Kozaburo!


He get startled. I sigh and give up.

-well, tell me your name.

-my n-name is Popoko..

-okay, Poop.

I ask him where he used to live and how he ended up in that chest. Popoko tells me that he was kidnapped one night from Shimotsuki and that he overheard them saying that they were about to sell him.

-that's sad. That doesn't mean I'm not going to dump you in the ocean.

-nooo! Please help me!

-what will I- wait a second, where did you say you used to live?


I fetch my one piece predictions and see that shimotsuki is zoro's homeland. Now I remember! The question I've always wanted to ask!

-do you know kuina?


-is she really dead? Did she kill herself or did she really die by falling off the stairs?

-I... I can't say it...

-oh? You want to get out of this submarine?

-Okay! Okay! I'll tell you...

-actually... it's neither...


-no one knows where she is, she disappeared eleven years ago and no one knows where did she run off to. After a few days of research they gave up and just concluded that she went and killed herself in the water.

-oh the assholes...

-maybe she really did, but I'm not sure about that... she used to always say that she'll be the best swordswoman ever with such determination in her eyes...

-well whatever, this is the only thing I needed to know. Let go to Shimotsuki then.

-so you'll help me?! Thank yo-

-Uh uh uh, stop right there. If you want a place here, then don't touch anything in this room and do the cleaning and cooking. I'm not used to do all these chores.

-aren't you a pirate traveling alone?

-but I used to be royalty. And I was literally carried out of my bed and dressed like a doll.

-that's pathetic.

-that's money, you poor ass kid.

-i'm not a kid, ever since, you don't stop calling me that.

-then how old are you?

-i'm 16.

-pardon? You? Bitch please.

He looks at me with a dull face.

-c'mon, there is no way you are.


-sheesh... you look 8. You should go to Joe.

-who's Joe.



-forget about that, you should go push in the gym.

-what's that.

There is no gym in this world? The most important thing isn't here.

-go train. And how the fuck do you look like that if you're training the sword.

-well, I'm talented and I don't need to work.

-that's the cockiest shit I've ever heard, talent without training is nothing. Look at your body for proof.


-start training once we get to Shimotsuki. For now, you gotta clean the place and cook me food everyday.

He accepts quite quickly and I just go show him around. I also forbid him from entering the control room. After that, I go to my room and call God.

God, God, God. (Ref to Heaven official's blessing)

I was sleeping what do you want.

Damn, your morning voice is hot Mako-chii~

Ew. Just tell me what you want.

I'm going to Shimotsuki.

Why would you do that, didn't you say that you would leave the original characters alone? Don't ruin my work.

Yeah yeah I know I just wanted to know the truth about Kuina.

What truth? She just killed herself.

What if she didn't.

Bitch, I'm the one that wrote that shit.

But did you write me? I don't think so. But I still exist. Who says there isn't someone else ruining your work? Or it might be that I already ruined everything only by existing.

Oh my friking lord, do whatever you want, just don't meet Zoro, just in case.

Yeah don't worry. But can you put there a devil fruit? Surprise me with its powers.

You will trust me in giving you a good devil fruit when you know that I want you dead?

I literally give you the opportunity to sleep and to use your money in the week. Won't you find yourself ungrateful if you ever ruin my life?

You really know how to guilt trip.

I'm just showing you how important I am to you. Anyways, I'll arrive at the island in a week. I don't know if time works the same in your world but I'll call you when I get there.

Yeah yeah.. good night.

It's morning for me but whatever.

Now that I think about it, I didn't read the letter that showed what's that fruit is useful for. I need to go look at it.

The fruit is a round ball, completely white with shades of pink.

It's cute. Now the letter...

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