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The next day, I was (literally) carried out of my bed and dressed like a doll, then lead to a room with a few tutors with a ruler in hand.

I guess that they'll hit me with that ruler if I don't give the correct answer. (I watched too many animes and read too many books to act dense about that)

-greeting to the First born daughter, Hertha.

And they introduce themselves. I bow the correct way and introduce myself because we can't get enough of my name.

The first day wasn't bad, we were talking and learning about each one of us. They gave me the schedule of the next month and told me that I am free to do whatever I want for the rest of the day.

I didn't really want to be beaten up by people younger than me, so I went to the library and tried to memorize every single thing we were about to learn in the next week and finish at around 3 am.

I get carried out of my bed 3hours later and get dressed. And the whole day, not once did I get a break. And I got beaten at every little mistake, like mispronouncing a word or being too fast/slow in reading/reciting, taking too much time/too little time doing my greetings etc.

I wonder how much I'd be beaten already if I didn't memorize every single thing of the week. Well, now, every night I try to memorize every single thing present in the library.

Sabo often brings me snacks from outside and cheers me up. He's so cute.

A year and a half later, I don't remember anything from my past life. I just know that I'm in an anime, called One Piece and some basic things about my past life. I wrote the details of what I should know about the anime on my diary in English because there is no English in here.

I wrote seven names on the first page, but I don't know what they mean. I feel less overwhelmed and more relaxed, and the anger and hatred I feel daily is smothered and appeased every time i look at these names. I guess I'll make them my new lucky charms.

-hey sister, aren't you overworking yourself? You're as pale as a cloud and you even have dark circles under your eyes... are you sure you can keep up?

I hug him.

-of course I can keep up, but as much as I hate doing this, I must do it anyways.

I can see thay he is pouting even without looking.

-i'll take care of myself from now on, just as you wish. But you have to do the same if you want me to follow the lead right?

He nods.

-you should go now, we don't want our parents to know that we're too close to each other, they'll try to separate us.

-okay, I'll come back later to give you a few snacks.

-Thank you, I'll be waiting for you then.

I like this kid so much! He's so cute~

I go back to what I was doing earlier while stretching (since I don't have time, I must multi-task).

As I read in my notebook, I notice that the One Piece characters get strong with just hardwork. So if you want to be as strong as Zoro, you just need to go through the same training. And since I'm a kid, I learn many times faster than adults.

And the fact that my mind is more developed than other people's, I have much more time than the original Hertha if she stopped rebelling. My schedule used to be hard to manage, but as the time pass. I eventually get used to the harsh treatment and often give up my sleeping hours so as not to be beaten.

Anyways, I need to go dine with the two sadistic creatures. I sit at the table and wait for them to start eating their food, so I can start eating mine.

-My sweet Hertha~ Did you know that your eleventh birthday is around the corner? (Brithgiver)

-right, and your mother and I decided to throw a banquet for the occasion. (Sperm-donor)

Time to show my actress talents.

-Really?! Uhm.. I-I mean. Thank you, Mother, Father.

I saw that, I saw their eyes shining with malice. They are thinking "a kid will always be a kid, no matter how she hides it. She will always be easy to manipulate... muhahaha!" something like that.

We eat, the two of them talking, and I stay silent. Acting uninterested but noting every useful information. I leave first, bow and go to the library.

I will need allies, and It's in that shitty banquet that I'll find them.

I ask a servant to give me the list of the people invited to that banquet. I hoped that Sabo would be invited but I guess not.

Talking about Sabo, I feel like we're getting even closer as time passes. He often tells me about the adventures with Ace. And was even more excited to tell me about Luffy and his simple minded nature, and the fact that he's a huge dumbass.

He told me that he'll soon completely run away and stay in the wild with his two brothers. Honestly it feels like he's cheating on me, I am his sister. So why would he say that they are too? But since he seems to enjoy his life with the two cutiepies, I don't intervene.

I didn't get to meet any of Ace or Luffy, but that is because I have servants observing my every suspicious move. They don't follow me everywhere, but they took precautions as to not let me because it seems like they noticed Sabo's secrets hangouts.

Anyways, there is Sarie Nantokanette, Sterry's future wife. And some nobles they badmouthed, tsk.. they're such hypocrites. WELL, I am one too considering the fact that I act as if I like them when I just want to slice their throats. But I'm a hypocrite to survive, not to lick someone else's boots. I'm a good snake.

I do a background check on everyone on the list and prepare what am I going to use against them in case they try something on me. I also prepare subject they may like, so I can avoid us having constant blanks.

The kids invited are all between 8 and 14 years old. I might be able to fix them before they grow into piece of shits or annoying snakes. If they're not fixed... well... they'll see my dark baka side muhahaha. I... Let shut up. It's better for my mental health..

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