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The day after, I start creating my social circle to back me up when I start a rebellion. I need to be the Social Flower so when I decide to lead the rebellion, no one will be able to utter a single word and also because I would have killed them if they are not fixed until that day.

And for months, I would be attending as much parties as possible(most of them with Toka) work out in the morning before the servants would come in for the bath and memorizing the Academy's whole 4 years program at night right before sleeping. I asked a professor to leak it for me and he did it for a few gold coins (as in 40 coins).

Tokababe attends most of the parties with me, so we can share our progress. I shared with her the academy's program and we explain to each other what we didn't understand in the weekends, when meeting in Athenaeum. We would ask the librarian who always seems enthusiastic when seeing little kids interested in books for help and she would always help us.

We both get famous quickly as we're natural beauties and well mannered genius girls. They think that we're rivals, they think we're both trying to get to the top and would spread rumors about us hating each other.

We don't try to correct them as we don't want them to shift their attention to something that might put us at a disadvantage and because we know that it just makes us more interesting to talk about. Every little public interactions feels like we're acting some unique piece in a huge theater.

I'm 15 and I founded a few businesses with the great help of Toka, because she's surprisingly very good at doing it! And even if I know the theory of it by reading books about business, I'm just not meant to be a business woman.

Anyways, thanks to those businesses, our funds are growing at a rapid pace, and we're pretty rich on our own.

We have a lot to take care of, and the pressure is sometimes very overwhelming. So once a month, we would sneak out of the house and go to that same place in the forest and bawl our eyes out to relieve some stress. Toka would cry her eyes out while I would bully trees and curse their whole family tree (get it? Bullying TREES and insulting their family TREE, okay I'll shut up).

We started all those things when we were 11, the Academy, the always perfect composure infront of other people, managing businesses, trying to find trustworthy and useful people to accompany Toka when she becomes queen, trying to fix the nobles, and all sort of annoying stuff are exhausting and overwhelming. So this is the least we could do to not break our minds.

And about our relationships, Ace and I grew close to each other. Even if we always fight and talk shit about each other, I think we're kinda close. Though he only ever act brash and unpolite with me, he seems to think highly of me.

Toka and Luffy have a great time talking to each other, Toka admitted her platonic love for Luffy as he's so much simpler than nobles. She says that he's easier to talk to, that she can always be straightforward with him, and that she loved that fact about him.

17 year old Toka and I are already used to the charged schedule. But we didn't stop doing that monthly screaming and crying, it's like a ritual by now.

We have our eyes on many nobles (a lot didn't change even after our many attempts to do so). I prepared an army in complete secrecy and choosed myself the ones to accompany Toka when she becomes the Queen. Since she's not of royal blood (she's not a royal duke's daughter or a princess) she has to get engaged to a royal blood to be able to get closer to her goal.

A year later, Nantokanette married Sterry and they both became the ruler of this land after the previous ones died from an unknown disease. And none of the ones on my side liked the fact that such a boy (not a man of course because of how of a coward he is and also because he's still 16) will rule over this whole country.

The night of their marriage ceremony, after all the papers were done. I signaled to my troupes the start of our attack. The soldiers entered the banquet hall and killed everyone on the list (they spared the ones that weren't there). All the parents' children were killed too, as it would be even more painful to live with your parents being killed infront of you. And we don't want to risk one of them plotting a revenge.

The ones that weren't on the list were directed to the exit, making sure they didn't witness any blood splattering. We don't need traumatized citizens in our kingdom.

And the guards weren't killed, just restrained. We don't need any unnecessary bloodshed if the guys were just doing their job of protecting the castle. And we need manpower incase we have a war in a near future.

Toka and I prepared for every kind of scenario, we are not ready to be defeated yet.

I was in the frontlines, as I'm the leader of all of this chaos. And I am the one to kill the ones who gave life to me. And as expected, they were screaming and cussing at me.


-I can't believe my own daughter would kill me! After all the hardwork we put into raising you! You're such a DISGRACE!

BG was crying and the man was red from rage, I glare back at him.

-You two are the reason why Sabo died. If it weren't for you, treating him like trash and pushing him into running away... he would be still alive...

-oh really?! Well, let me tell you something. He wasn't even your real brother! HAHA yes! You're not our daughter!(SP)

-do you think I'm gonna feel betrayed or something? I feel happy knowing that you are not my real parents.


-whatever, I'll try and make it the most painful for you two, as I've always craved for revenge.

I stab them a few times and put salt on the wounds. I made sure they were alive before force-feeding them a poison that would make them squirm in pain and break their vocal cords from wailing.

I wasn't disappointed by the noise they made, and left the room after a few minutes of watching that amazing show. They'll die in a few more minutes, and I have more important things to take care of.

I tell one of my men stay with them, to make sure they are dead.

I close the door after Thomas and notice something falling on the floor.

I head to the Grand Hall where is located the throne after wiping my tears. I see, blood everywhere and many of my men on the floor, exhausted and injured. They steady themselves when they look at me enter the room.

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