MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor...

By Greyninja27

276K 7.8K 5.9K

Verdant Emperor by TheHinokami is one of my favorite stories of all time so I decided to write the reaction f... More

Setting up the stage.
The Divergence
Interlude: Friends and New Watchers
Finding Shelter & First Steps
Interlude- Broken Flames
Physical Conditioning, New Home & Two New Members
Verdant Guards & Training
UA Exam & All Might's Regrets
Expanding & New Bases
Heroes & Villains & Anti-Heroes!?
Sports Festival & Verdant Movements
Hosu Aftermath
Verdant Expansion & Advamcenets & Unkown Enemy!?
Heroes Vs Meta Liberation Army
Prelude to Summer Break
Summer Camp
Kamino Incident
Shock & The Sealment of Fate
Saying Goodbye
Interlude: Confession!
Advancing Plans & Growing
Growth & Overhaul!?
Save Eri!
Aftermath of the raid
Military Line Assault!
Battle Aftermath
The fall of Aichi
Prelude to Meeting
Meeting Pt. 1
Meeting Pt. 2
Large Scale Combat!
Interlude-Troubled Hearts.
UA's Surrender & Effects
Meeting & Ackowlegements
The Future Within Reach!
Japan's Fall!
The Verdant Emperor's Will!
Meeting the Emperor!

Results & Giran

9.4K 226 139
By Greyninja27

Narrator:- Izuku Midoriya

A few days have passed since I transferred the information to the info broker.

"So it seems we are moving ahead in time," Aizawa commented.

"I don't think by much tho," Dabi said, "the brokers do not waste their time on their first clients very often. Not to mention the kid has advance with him as well."

I was sitting in my hotel room doing some hacking and gathering information that I thought I would need in the future. This information was about local gangs, their locations, suppliers, clients, and who was fighting who. I was planning to gain control of everything and everyone to build up my army.

"The boy is very ambitious," Stain scoffed, "it is an extremely hard job to make any one gang loyal to you and the boy wants to make multiple such gangs work under him."

"But why does he need an army tho? Isn't that a little overkill?" Kirishima asked.

"To become an Emperor of the underworld," All Might replied, "that's how All for One became this powerful. He was the only person in the history of Japan to gather the entire underworld under his banner during the dawn of quirks."

"So Deku is going to become the next All for One?" Ochako asked.

"Either that or," All Might sighed, "or he will join with that demon himself."

However, I also needed absolute loyal men and women to serve as my top individuals, and then I found one such individual.  

"I wonder who that person is?" Toga asked no one in particular.

"I don't about that but loyalty is not in trend in the underworld. You cannot trust someone with your life even if you know them for years," Dabi said. 

"In that case, I am glad I became a hero. At least I have people who can watch my back," Kaminari said. 

This person was a vigilante currently who was operating under the name of Dabi.

"Fat chance kid. I don't even trust myself," Dabi said.

This person was a fire user but something was off about the man so I was trying to dig into this guy and find out who he was before becoming the man known as Dabi.

"Well it seems we will finally get something on you, Dabi," Nezu said with an evil grin.

"Yeah right, like a kid like him could find information on me," Dabi rolled his eyes, "let me remind you that even you pros with a bunch of resources failed to get anything on me."

"Hey blue flamethrower, we are talking about this nerd here," Bakugo said with a grin, "bastard destroyed his entire body only to make half and half use his left side. The nerd is persistent if he wants the information on you, he will have it by end of the week."

"Bakubro are you all right?" Kirishima asked, "you just praised Midoriya!!!"

"Shut up I am doing this for myself," Bakugo said which earned him more questioning looks from his classmates. Bakugo groned and explained, "I am just recognizing nerd's strong points so that I can improve on those myself and then kick his ass."

Everyone sighed in relief. It was their Bakugo all right.

As I was working, my phone went off, and I saw it was the info broker. 

'One day before my estimate of when he would call me.' Izuku thought. 

"It's time I guess," Nighteye said, "now we will see if the kid is really some kind of genius as he thought or if he was just hyping himself up."

I answered the phone and the man on the other side replied in an excited voice, "Congulruations kid, the information you provided was accurate and allowed two gangs that hated each other to work together and wipe out the two annoying heroes. It's even set a temporary peace between the two sides since they are curious about you. Anyway, my boss Giran would like to meet you and establish permanent business between you and him. Can you meet XXXX at 2:00 PM?" Asked the low-rank info broker.

"Welcome to the big league Midoriya," Compress said, "now that you are in contact with Giran. You will never have to worry about resources if you have sufficient cash."

"Umm! sorry to interrupt but who is this Giran?" Momo asked.

"Giran is a top broker in all of the underworld," Naomasa said, "he has connections everywhere. From top businessmen to lowly chain snatchers. And he knows how to make use of all of them."

"He is also very well hidden," Aizawa continued, "you don't see people like him walking on the streets very often."

"That's right in the past 20 years. Giran has only been captured three times and was released the very next day due to lack of evidence to build a case against him," Naomasa said.    

"To summarise the situation Midoriya has gained a potent ally and he will be more pain in the ass for the heroes moving forward," Shinso summarised.

I informed him that I could do it and that I would be there. After that, we talked about a few more details before the call ended and I started to pack my things before getting ready. I wasn't going to return to his hotel after tonight regardless since I knew, the first payment for the killing of two heroes should be high enough to rent a home or apartment for a while.

"Does it really pay that much?" Ochako asked.

"Yes," Himiko replied, "but it depends on the rank of the hero."

"What do you mean?" Ochako asked.

"I mean where they are placed in the hierarchy of hero system," Himiko explained, "for example, you can get approximately 20 thousand yen for an unranked hero. 40 for the top hundred. 80 for the top 50 and million yen for anyone in the top 20."

"What about the top 10?" surprisingly the one who asked the question was Endeavor himself.

"Don't know," Himiko said with a shrug, "there are only a few people in this country that can fight top 10 heroes as equals. That's why no one really puts a hit on you guys."

"Sir, may I ask you something if you don't mind?" Izuku asked Naomasa.

"Sure kid and just call me by my first name," Naomasa said.

"Are you sure?" Izuku asked surprised.

"Yeah, I don't mind, besides we do meet quite often don't we?" Naomasa joked and Aizawa groned in the background.

"Yeah sorry about that," Izuku said rubbing the back of his neck, "and as I was saying do you know how much money villains were offered during the USJ attack?"

"5 thousand yen for each student you kill. 10 for teachers," Naomasa replied.

Students were utterly shocked. The price for their life and lifetime worth of trauma was only five thousand yen.     

Killing heroes isn't an easy thing to do but my plans made it easy.

An uneasy feeling rose in Izuku's heart when heard himself talking about killing heroes so easily. That too using the information he collected all these years which he thought would help him become a hero.

Soon I finished packing everything and left the hotel. Later I arrived at the location where we were supposed to meet. I looked around and noticed that his old broker was sitting and chatting with someone else. 

I quickly got to work and started analyzing the man.   

"Finally something useful," Naomasa said excitedly which was rare for a calm and composed man like him.

"I don't get it what is exciting about it?" Mina asked.

"And don't expect any of you to get it but I am after this man for five years now and unfortunately I haven't got anything solid on him. That's why anything on this man is a bar of gold for me," Naomasa said.

"What is so special about him anyway? I get that he is a man with a lot of connections but is he that valuable to get that reaction out of you?" Shoto asked.

"You don't get it, kid," Compress said with a chuckle, "Giran is not just a broker or an information dealer. He is literally the backbone of many gangs and underground businesses. If anyone actually manages to take him out of the underground scene many gangs and businesses will destroy themselves due to lack of buyers and suppliers."

From what I gathered before since I knew of the name Giran already is that his quirk allows a memory fogging type ability so people always forget where they met him, what they talked about, and other things. It's usually used on people who won't be doing business on a long-term basis   

"So that's how there went any records of any of his dealings and none of the clients that we planted got anything on him," Naomasa commented. 

I nodded my head as well and started to talk. "Indeed I am Kagero Okuta aka Giran. However, that doesn't really matter. What matters is what I plan for in the future and how we can both profit from working together. No?" Izuku stated and Giran's eyes widened for a split second. He goes to great work to keep his real name hidden most of the time and there are only a few places to find it that he couldn't get rid of but most people never find it to begin with.

The Ex-villains in the audience looked at the screen with disbelief in their eyes. A child, a fuking quirkless child just told Giran what they all probably assume his real name was. 

"Did he just-" Dabi asked.

"Yeah, he told Giran his real name. Something that even All for One didn't know as well," Himiko said somewhat recovering from the shock.

Now Dabi was on the edge, no scratch that he was outright terrified that the kid was going to reveal his secret.

"So that's his real name," Naomasa said, "that will be useful."

"But I doubt that he is using that name anywhere at all," Izuku said.

"Yes, I am well aware of that. But his real name gives us a chance to find something related to his past that can lead us directly to him," Naomasa explained. 

"Indeed kid... indeed. Now, what are you planning?" Giran asked.

Everyone leaned slightly forward wanting to hear that as well.

Izuku smirked at that. "I have many plans but one such plan... I plan to change the very fabric of our society and likely the entire world. It will take a lot of work and I will need people to be loyal to me but those will work out as my plan goes along. As it stands right now I need money to start up a lab, a living place, food, clothing, and general things. I am offering the type of analysis I did on those two heroes on other villains and other heroes. As long as I have some video of people fighting I can easily produce whatever information is needed to take them down most of the time." I said while revealing some details of my overall plan but not everything. 

Giran just smirked even more. He was interested in the kid before him.

"The boy on the screen sounds just like Shigaraki but there is a key difference," Stain said surprising the people in the audience, "Sigaraki lacked conviction. All he wanted to do was destroy but the boy on the screen wants a change. Not just destroy but rebuild as well but still, he will not succeed."    

"And why do you say that?" Nezu asked.

"Because his judgment is clouded by anger and thought of revenge. He isn't moving forward with the right motivations. But if he managed to get rid of those clouds in time he will be unstoppable," Stain said.

As we were talking a new broadcast came on the TV that showed the results of my plans. It showed that the two heroes that got killed by the gangs were slaughtered in a brutal manner. 

'The gangs really overdid it but oh well since that works in my favor.' Izuku thought. 

The reason for that is beforehand it would look a bit too 'clean' for two gangs to pull off but a more brutal killing would seem like they put a lot of work and resources into doing it instead of figuring out how the heroes operate and then killing them.

"Wow! despite Izuku giving them a three-page long analysis they still managed to make this much mess on the crime site," Momo said astonished.

"When a bunch of no brain cell people gathers in one place. Tactfulness remains a distant dream," Aizawa commented with a sigh. 

Though the irony was that people did get scared of two heroes dying but the way the media talked about it made it get downplayed since they talked about how the killings took a sheer amount of effort to be accomplished which made people calm down. That is because if it took two whole gangs to take down two individual heroes then the heroes must be overall more powerful due to the number difference that the gangs had to employ. Right? Yea... wrong!

"The sheer amount of sarcasm in his words is something else," Jiro chuckled.

"I don't understand why they downplayed the death of two heroes?" Ochako asked, "I mean why does it matter how they died? Isn't it bad enough that two heroes were killed in the first place?"  

"Because they don't care," Midnight replied without sugarcoating a single word, "the number of heroes who die each year is very high. And many amongst them are the new heroes who haven't even made name for themselves."

"And the sad part is that most of the time the death of these new heroes is often ignored by media outlets in the favor of some celebrity hero doing a campaign for their merchandise," Mic explained.

Anyway, back to the negotiations! Giran and I worked on some agreements and soon we had an overall business deal setup. Giran would locate and furnish everything I needed for my lab, new home, and everything else and I would provide a certain amount of analysis at Giran's request that could be called in whenever he wanted. Otherwise, Giran would put my services out and individual villains and criminals could request the service since they would deem it trustworthy since it was Giran offering it out for a client.

"Yeah, with Izuku's skills and Giran's name backing him up he is going to make some good money," Toga said.

Giran also provided the other money that he owed me and it was going to be enough for me to survive for about 3 months which was fine for me since I had plans to make the money grow.

"Now that's something I am interested in," Ochako said as she snatched a page from Iuzku's notebook.

"Ochako I don't think other me is going to do anything league to make it grow," Izuku said with a wry smile. 

"No, it's not what you think. Trust me I am... yeah right I am just taking notes that's all," Ochako said averting her eyes.

Giran added his contact information to my phone. Soon we finished our meeting and went our separate ways. Giran would get to work on my requests while I would work on the first handful of notes that Giran wanted to be completed. They were all relevantly middle-ranked heroes throughout all of Japan. Giran said that these heroes were being annoying for some of his top clients so he could use this information to help them out while setting up potential clients for Izuku in the future if they liked what they got.

"It seems more heroes are going to lose their lives," Dabi unintentionally said out loud. 

"You can't say that for sure," Kirishima objected, "I mean even they have Midoriya's analysis with them. Heroes could still counter them right?"

"It depends on which school they graduated from," Izuku said, "if they are graduates from some second-rate hero school, then they only have their degrees because of their quirk."

Most of the audience was shocked and confused. They were shocked because Izuku who always has a positive outlook on things, had such a strong view on something and was confused because they weren't sure what was he talking about.

Shinso understood what they were thinking and sighed disappointed, "Midoriya, I don't think they know what you are talking about."

"Wait! really?" Izuku made a shocked Pikachu face, "I mean didn't you guys research into hero schools during middle school?" All of them shook their heads indicating that they didn't.   

"In that case, I will stop talking I don't want to waste everyone's time," Izuku said.

"Midoriya, please tell them what you found during your research, I insist," Nezu said, "they should also know why they are fortunate to be studying in U.A."

"Ok if you say so," Izuku said, "so, did you guys know that U.A and Shiketsu are the only two S-ranked hero schools in Japan?" many in the audience nodded their heads, "then there are some A-ranked schools, like Ketsubutsu Academy. These by the way are all funded by the hero commission."

"Wait so U.A and Shiketsu aren't funded by the hero commission?" Ochako asked surprised.   

"No, our school along with Shiketsu are completely private schools," Nezu explained, "that is the only reason why we can get away with building life-size cities and destroying them."

"Coming back to the topic. These A-ranked schools have quite a good record on paper but that is because the students who graduate from these schools are directly employed by the commission for god knows what but every year they have an above-average, crystal clear record."

Hawks almost choked on his chicken nugget. He knew what these children are told to do.

"And then there are these B-rated schools. Which are mostly situated in the countryside," Izuku said, "these are your low-class regular colleges but they have hero course as an option in their curriculum."

"I am surprised that schools like that exist," Momo said, "but why would anyone even want to join a school like that."

"Because most of the students who attend these schools are not allowed to attend the first two kinds of school," Izuku explained, "Among the two S ranked schools only U.A allows the quirkless children to take part in the hero course. While Shiketsu does allow quirkless children in other courses the hero course is no go. And the Commission-funded schools straight up reject the application of children with a villainous quirk or quirkless children."          

"Wow! I didn't know stuff like that happens too," Kirishima said, "but if so many kids go to these schools then why don't we hear bout them more often."

"Because of two reasons. First, these schools do not market themselves in a traditional sense. They instead market their schools on the internet forums where children who have just been rejected the opportunity to become a hero come to find some help from similar people," Izuku explained.

"So they prey on venerable children who just have their dream broken, how disgusting," Iida said with an angry frown.

"And the second is because those who graduate from these schools are too ashamed to even admit that they went to these schools because they teach next to nothing about heroics in these schools and that too after taking a stupid amount of money from the students," Izuku finished. 

"Not gonna lie that's very cheap," Jiro commented, "but how are these schools even allowed to function if they are nothing but a huge scam?"

"Because they pay a huge amount of money to hero commission to keep them off their tails," everyone did a double-take. Did Midoriya just accuse the entire hero commission of taking a bribe? While everyone had shock written on their faces Nezu had a terrifying smile on his face.

"Ok everyone let's end this discussion before it catches any more heat," Nezu said, "and Midoriya let's continue this discussion in my office some other time."

I soon left my old hotel and headed to a new one since I didn't want to getcomplacent in one location.

"Yeah staying in location is not good for people on the run," Dabi said.

Once I got settled in my new hotel room I immediately opened a bank account in a shady bank that would not ask too many questions. Once the money was in my account I got to work and divided themoney into different things. Some money went into an emergency fund that was in a different account under a whole new name at a different bank and then some money went into aninvestment account where I invested the money into some stocks.

"Hmm, interesting," Nighteye hummed, "I was under the assumption that he needed quick money but investing the stocks seems much more time-consuming to me."

"Well, I am sure Midoriya knows what he is doing," Mirio said, "he is Midoiya after all."

Now you might be wondering why would I invest the money since it wouldtake time for it to grow? Well! here is the fun little trick! You see I am smart enough to hack said companiesand well... leak sensitive and compromising information on their CEOs or thingsthey did. This would cause the price of the said stock to drop which wouldresult in me earning money due to my shorting of the stocks. It's called shortselling and is done by an investor who borrows a stock, sells the stock, andthen buys the stock back to return it to the lender. Short sellers are bettingthat the stock they sell will drop in price.

"See I told you. He has everything planned," Mirio cheerfully said.

"Mirio, that's illegal, please don't appreciate it," Nighteye sighed, "you are a hero for god sake!"

"But the Midoriya in that universe isn't so at least we can appreciate his intelligence," Mirio said.

But I wasn't an idiot. I was careful to not invest a larger amount of money into onesingle company. Too much and it might cause regulators to look into thesudden purchase that happens before a market drop in the stock. As such, theamount was large but not too large. It would earn me some money over timeuntil I could build up enough to just leave in normal investments to grow for my plans.

"Solid plan but not sustainable for more than a year," Izuku said humming to himself, "but it can still work outside your resident country."

"Hmm?" Ochako raised a brow towards him.

"I think my onscreen self will explain it soon," Izuku said and pointed at the screen.

But I knew this short-selling tactic could be only useful for around a year orso before I needed to stop, or else it would cause too much attention for somany companies to keep getting hit like that. Though that won't stop me fromstill doing it in foreign markets though and only stopping in the Japanesemarket since I was more worried about domestic heroes getting on my trail.

"Izuku color me impressed," Momo said, "you have such an intricate knowledge in so many fields."

"What can I say, lack of social life gives you time to study various things," Izuku said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, ok," Momo said with a forced awkward smile.

That is how I spent about 2 weeks of my time. I was working on the information for Giran while growing more moneywith the money I already had. Soon I managed to grow 3 months' worth of fundsinto about 1 year worth of funds for me solely to live on.

"Well, well, well," Ochako said tapping the piece of paper.

"Ochako I don't think I like that look in your eyes," Izuku gulped.

"I don't know what are you talking about Deku," Ochako said with a terrifying smile.

Now if I were to take on more people then it would without a doubtrequire more money but right now I was alone. 

But not for long as I was also digging into thatDabi individual as well and had found some interesting things.

Suddenly Dabi's entire body tensed and " Fuck," was the only word he could utter. 

One being he was a Todoroki! Toya Todorki to be precise.

The auditorium was silent and every single person except one had the same thought in their mind that being, 'What the Fuck!!!!'

Endeavor was in shambles. His hands were shaking and his breaths were ragged. The son he thought died all these years ago is alive and was actively trying to kill him for the past six months.   

Shoto on the other hand was just staring at the man named Dabi trying to get answers.

Dabi who got annoyed by the Shoto and other people's gazes said, "I am not going to either confirm or deny my identity. Whatever that brat on the screen finds is the only information you are going to get."

Once I had found out that it was likely Toya Todoroki under all thatscaring, I dug into the Todoroki family very carefully not to alert Endeavorand soon I found quite a lot of disgusting things.

Dabi sighed. He knew that he cannot hide his real identity his entire life. He knew that one day he will have to face his past and more importantly face that man who made him want to kill himself.

"Shoto are you really ok with this many people knowing about... you know the things you told me," Izuku asked with a concerned voice.

Shoto thought for a moment and said, "I don't think I am comfortable with so many people knowing about my family's past but right now I need an answer. I need to know if that man is really my brother."

One being the mother is in a mental hospital, two, she was likelypurchased via an illegal quirk marriage, and three, Endeavor was abusive! 'Justanother fraud at the top like All might...' Izuku thought. 

"Endeavor, please tell me that whatever the boy on the screen is saying is not true," All Might said glaring at the no.1 hero. Moments like this are proof that despite losing his quirk and basically looking like a stick figure All Might still hold the aura and the pressure of the No.1 hero.

Endeavor sighed knowing full well what is coming ahead, "I cannot deny what the boy said,"  Endeavor said shocking many in the audience, "I have made mistakes All Might. Mistakes that I am not sure if I will ever be able to atone for."

"We will keep this matter on hold until we finish this episode," Nezu said calming the situation, "but after that, we are going to have a serious chat Endeavor."

Endeavor nodded.

I decided to have Giran look for this so-called Dabi since I wasinterested in pulling him to my side. A person hurt by a top hero would make apowerful ally and when it came time to tear the hero world down... Dabi's storyif I was right would be devastating!      

'What a shit life I have,' Dabi thought to himself, 'I got used by All for One for his goals and my other self will be used by the brat. I guess no matter the universe am nothing more than a puppet in the games of masterminds,' then suddenly he chuckled to himself, 'but at least my other self will actually do something impactful there.'

However, it was now time for me to focus on other matters! One suchmatter was getting my body physically fit and start training with weapons like swords or guns. I knew that I would need someone to train me inthose fields but the physical portion he would be able to do himself. He wouldneed to focus on speed over strength but he still needed to be able to pack apunch.

"I don't know about swords and guns but I do know someone who can teach him how to fight with speed," Himiko said.

"Who are you referring to?" Izuku asked. 

"That's none other than me of course," Himiko said with a proud smirk while Izuku rolled his eyes, "I will throw in some knives lessons for some added measures."

As such, I did some research and found a beach that wasn't too far awaythat was covered in trash due to illegal dumping. I decided to do workouts there and use them to get physically fit.

Izuku and All Might both blinked a couple of times and then looked at each other. 

"Both of you, whats with that reaction?" Aizawa asked.

"The beach that other me mentioned was the same beach that All Might made me clean as my training before he gave me One for All," Izuku said.

"Wait! You are telling me that you are the mysterious person who cleaned the Takoba beach?" Mina asked.

"I don't know about the mysterious part but I did clean the Takoba beach on my own," Izuku said slightly embarrassed.

"Dude that's so manly," Kirishima said.

"It seems it is in your fate to clean that place and gain physical strength as a reward for it," Tokoyami said with a profound expression. 

A sweat drop appeared on Izuku's face as he replied, "Yeah sure let's go with that."

I was also planning to scavenge the trash for any working parts to use in the inventions that I was planning to build. Why use a quirk when you can just build something better than mostquirks?

"Finally! Something interesting for me," Mei suddenly shouted startling many people in the audience.

"What the Fuck Pink Hair? Where did you come from?" Bakugo asked.

"I was here from the first episode," Mei said.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Kmainari asked.

"I didn't find anything interesting enough to comment about," Mei shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah sounds like the Mei I know," Izuku chuckled to himself.

As such, Izuku got to work after the second week of doing research andinvesting. And then the screen goes black and the words appear on the screen, EP.3 'Results & Giran.'

"Now that we are finished with this episode. Endeavor why don't you tell your side of the story," Nezu said bringing everyone's attention to the previous matter.

... to be continued.

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