By jmhallewell

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Marcelle and Vittoria are on a path that challenges their union and choice to be in love. Will they cave into... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: For Love
Chapter Two: Locked Doors
Chapter Three: Incompetence
Chapter Four: Succumbing
Chapter Five: An Admission
Chapter Six: It's A Sin
Chapter Seven: Intention
Chapter Eight: Ex Wife
Chapter Nine: Aged Fine Wine
Chapter Ten: Untold Secrets Part 1
Chapter Eleven: Understanding
Chapter Twelve: An Older Friend
Chapter Thirteen: The Sister
Chapter Fourteen: The Siblings
Chapter Fifteen: The Bid
Chapter Sixteen: Si Signor
Chapter Seventeen: She Loves Me
Chapter Eighteen: He Loves Me Too!
Chapter Nineteen: Labelled
Chapter Twenty: Reactions
Chapter Twenty One: Silence
Chapter Twenty Two: Solved
Chapter Twenty Three: Precedence
Chapter Twenty Four: Untold Secrets Part 2
Chapter Twenty Five: In Marseilles Part 1
Chapter Twenty Six: In Marseilles Part 2
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Parents
Chapter Twenty Nine: Welcome Home
Chapter Thirty: Home Is Best
Chapter Thirty One: The Hit
Chapter Thirty Two: Messages For You
Chapter Thirty Three: Transition
Chapter Thirty Four: Her Jealousy Part 1
Chapter Thirty Five: She's Back
Chapter Thirty Six: Little Diavolo
Chapter Thirty Seven: It's Personal
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ciao Chica
Chapter Thirty Nine: Her sisters
Chapter Forty: Her Jealousy Part 2
Chapter Forty One: A Good Day?
Chapter Forty Two: Unexpected
Chapter Forty Three: Red Part 1
Chapter Forty Four: Red Part 2
Chapter Forty Five: Love Me Forever
Chapter Forty Six: A Good Streak
Chapter Forty Seven: A Dream
Chapter Forty Eight: Wake Up Dear
Chapter Forty Nine: The Parking Lot Beef
Chapter Fifty: Too Many Hands
Chapter Fifty One: The Mothers
Chapter Fifty Two: Bickering Pair
Chapter Fifty Three: Love Me Forever Part 1
Chapter Fifty Four: Love Me Forever Part 2
Chapter Sixty: Love Me Forever Part 3

Chapter Twenty Seven: Rehab

415 68 70
By jmhallewell

Marcelle's POV
"Good heavens! What are you doing here? How did you get in here?"

"Through the door. You need a new lock." The housekeeper is seated in a chair in the corner of the living room. Rocco is keeping her company. "Sit down Vicar, let's talk."

"You realize that this is my house!"

"Of course it is! No one is disputing that."

"Then you can't just come in here and tell me what to do!"

I frowned at him. "Rocco, can you please tell this boy to watch the bass in his voice when he's speaking to me?"

"Tone it down buddy."

"W-what is this about?"

"That's more like it." I smiled at him. "Sit down Vicar." He took a seat looking at Rocco timidly. "This about Vittoria."

"I swear! I only looked. A thought or two crossed my mind but I did not do anything. I swear it! I did not touch her."

I wonder how he will feel once he finds out that Vee is his half sister. It's not my business to tell him. That should come from their mother.

"The audacity is appalling really. If you can cross that line are you really a trustworthy business partner?"

"I am. I am good for my word. That thing with Vittoria was a mistake. I apologize."

"Do you know what a ripple effect is? If I walk, I take Ethan with me. He's one of your biggest clients. If Ethan leaves, how many follow him?"

"Please, I swear that nothing happened. My intentions were not clean but nothing happened. I won't have ven entertain such thoughts anymore."

"You're going to write a check."

"What for?"

"For a save the bunnies foundation. Or chickens. I don't care. You'll write a check worth half a million."

"That's a lot of money."

"It is."

"Help me understand what it's for!"

"Watch the bass buddy." Rocco reminded him.

"Hmm... Rocco?"

"Si signor?"

"What would El call this kind of compensation? What is it for?"

"Emotional trauma."

"Aha! That's the word! It's for Vee. You will compensate her for your ill thoughts. Are you waiting for pigs to fly? Write one already!"

He got his check book out of his bag. He wrote one and quickly signed it. With reluctant trembling hands he brought it to me.

"Give it to Rocco." I instructed him.

Rocco gladly received it.

"Are we good?" He asked me.

"For now, yes. Try to hit on my girl again and I will drag you through the mud. I will leave you with ashes and rubble. Do you understand me?"


"Good talk. Your house reminds me of a shoe box." I gestured Rocco to follow and we left.

"Where to next?" He caught up with me.

"We are going to rehab. Mayb they can get you to stop smoking."

"I'm down to one cigarette a day! Isn't that progress?"

"Just quit."

Vienna's POV
"Just one phone call! Please! One! It's my daughter. I have to call her!"

I don't like the way I left things with Vittoria. This bloody place doesn't allow me to make phone calls.

"Mrs Northcott, I already said no. I already broke the rules for you last time."

"I'll compensate you."

"Unless it's enough to last me ten lifetimes, no. Now stop fussing. You have a visitor."

"But I'm not allowed visitors." I frowned at her.

"This one must know people. He is in your room."

"My room? Visitors are not allowed inside the rooms."

"Like I said, this one must know people. I don't question instructions. Go."

I left her to see who is visiting me. If it's my children I'll be shocked. They haven't come to see me once. Vicar was quick to commit me and Viola to condemn me.

I was surprised to find a man standing outside my room. His arms are covered in tattoos. Even his neck. His gaze is intrusive. Who is he? What dies he want? "You must be Vienna. We have been waiting for you.

He opened the door wide. There is a man standing with his back to me. He is looking outside the window. "The view is therapeutic. Right?" He faced me.


Vittoria's boyfriend.

"Mr Bale."

"No one calls me that. But I'll respond. How are you Vienna? Are you making any progress with your rehabilitation?"

"I don't see how that is any of your bloody business."

He chuckled to himself. "We need to talk."

"What about?"

"Vittoria. You know now that I'm looking at you in a different light, I realize that there is no resemblance between you and Vee. Absolutely nothing."

"That's sad. You carry a baby for nine months and she comes out looking like her father. I'm assuming you know. Right?"

"Right. And you can imagine I  am concerned about why you have suddenly showed up. Twenty five years of absence and here you are, squeezing your way into her life. Why?"

"I'm her mother."

"Do you know the meaning of that word? Bringing a child in this world isn't enough to earn you that title. Mother's love, nurture and make sacrifices for the or children. You gave birth to her but you're not her mother."

"Look at you being all protective. It looks good on you. And thank you for being like this with her. But please refrain from branding me. You don't know me."

He got closer to me. Vee was right. He smells ridiculously good! "And you don't know me. But I believe in fair game. So here are my terms. Vee is going to look for you. She knows the truth. When she comes around, you won't lie to her. You will be nothing but honest not just about your intentions but about why you left her. You're also going to tell her about her father. Do you understand Vienna? Nothing but honesty."

"And if I don't uphold your terms?"

"If you don't, I'll make sure you are never found."

I swallowed with difficulty. "Are you threatening to kill me?"

He leaned close to my ear. "There are far worse things than death." He gazed at me. "I wish you a quick recovery."

I felt suddenly chilly after he left. I hurried to the door and I turned the lock.

Vittoria's POV
Marcelle has been helpful, more than I thought he would. He told me where I can find my mother. I'm here today to see her.

My heart feels many things, one of them being a strange happiness that I have a mother. I'm happy to know that I belong somewhere. But I'm also disturbed by how quickly she gave me away.

I remember when I was a girl, other orphans would get adopted. They would go to good families but no one ever wanted me. Growing up unwanted like that is heartbreaking. I have never made peace with it but now it seems I won't have to because I belong somewhere.

"Good afternoon. I called earlier? I called about Vienna Northcott."

The woman at the reception desk smiled at me. "Guests are not allowed to receive anything."

"They are just flowers Signora."

"It's policy. You have to take them back with you. But I can hold on to them as you visit." She stretched her arms out. I gave her the flowers.

She asked a man to lead me to the back where there is a garden. It's w beautiful place. It feels calming. I can already see her on a swinging bench all alone. Her red hair is floating in the slight breeze of the afternoon. I smiled to myself.

She's my mother.

I can't believe it but I have found my mother!

"Mrs... Vi... Mom?" She turned slowly. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Vittoria!" She hugged me. "Oh my dear! I have been trying to convince these bloody idiots to let me call you! You're here!"

"I'm here." I held my face as she's holding mine. We don't resemble each other. A part of me can't help but worry that Emilia could be lying or that this is just too good to be true. "How are you?"

"So happy to see you! I'm so sorry about London. I was a bloody mess. I really hate that you saw me like that! I promise that I'm not usually like that... maybe on most days but sometimes I'm well put together. I want to be well put together... for you."

She's fidgeting and speaking quickly.

I once volunteered in a rehabilitation center and I know how addicts behave when their vices are taken from them. I know how many promises they can make.

I ran my hand over the side of her hair. I pressed a kiss on her forehead. "I know you want to be the best version of yourself. I'm here to support you."

"How can you when you're so far away?" She asked me.

I'll be even much further when I move to Napa Valley. I appreciate how much Marcelle tried to go back and forth between Napa and Manhattan just to see me. It's really tiring. I'm happy we will be living together but how will I be keep going back and forth between there and here? I want to see her often. Perhaps if she can be moved to a center close to Napa.

"We will think of something."

She gripped my wrists. "Please get me out of here! It's driving me bloody bonkers! They are so mean to me! Please take me with you!"

"I wish I could. Let's sit down and talk a little, no?" We took a seat. "I saw Emilia. You know the nun you left me with? I know about what you did. She told me everything."

She pulled her hands away. Even her gaze left me. "I'm so ashamed. I'm sorry Vittoria."

"We can't take any if it back. It's too late. But please, just help me understand why you did that."

"I'm not sure you will understand."

"You owe me an explanation."

"You're not the only one who will be demanding explanations." She faced me. "How about we don't talk about it?"

"We can't just ignore it. I have been without answers for 25 years! We can't just ignore it."

"I wish... There is no day that went by when I didn't want to find you and tell you. For 25 years, I fought the urge to come back for you. It's not because I didn't think about you or I didn't miss you. It's because I had too much to lose."

"And what else was more important than a child you abandoned?" I asked her with my eyes tearing up. "What else was more important Mrs Northcott?"

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