An Unexpected Engagement

By colacejohansson

38.9K 2.1K 782

Natasha Romanoff has a huge crush on CEO Steve and decides that the company's Christmas party is the perfect... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
+ bonus 📲
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Quarantine Diary of Natasha Romanoff-Rogers
Chapter 80
Capítulo 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Capítulo 87

146 13 0
By colacejohansson


- Amnesia? I repeat what the doctor just told me.

Should I feel relieved? I thought after all the exams and weird questions like "what year are we in?" he was going to say something that made sense and I could go back to my usual life. But now he tells me I have amnesia?

- Yes, apparently you forgot two years of your life.

- Two years? My scream comes out high-pitched and for a moment I fear I'm going to pass out again.

Of course I passed out earlier because I was attacked by the crazed fury of the crazy employee named Natasha Romanoff as if it wasn't enough that she sexually assaulted me.

- It makes no sense!

"I know it's confusing and scary, but I assure you, yes, that's exactly what is happening.

I run a hand through my hair, still sitting on the hospital gurney where for the last few hours I've had a battery of tests that make me feel like a lab rat. And all I wanted was to get back to work. Back to my normal life. But if I forgot two years of my life, what is normal now?

- What am I going to do? Is there any medicine... cure I don't know?

Okay, I can be practical and objective. I have money. There must be some treatment for this. I will do whatever is necessary.

"Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing. Physically you are fine, except for the bump on the back of your neck and now this one on your forehead.

I run my hand across my forehead, where Natasha Romanoff dropped her cell phone. Could I file an assault report with the police? And where could Natasha Romanoff and her murderous rage be now? Probably working at DBS as if nothing had happened. But it's good for her to take advantage of her last moments because as soon as I'm released I'll return to the company and fire her. And I'll tell you that you should be glad I didn't put you behind bars for assault. And sexual assault.

I confess that when I think about Natasha Romanoff, I get mixed up with conflicting feelings. I'm furious that she put me in this situation.

Though it's not her fault that I fell and now I'm out of memory.

However, I cannot deny that I feel a certain fear of her. What if I fire her and she starts stalking me like a vengeful stalker? Yes, she's quite capable of that, if you take her conduct as an example since she accosted me in that elevator.

Suddenly something terrifying crosses my mind. What if that elevator wasn't the first time I'd seen her? Yes, it makes sense. I try to remember the things she told me. She seemed to be furious with me. She was talking about something that happened last night... How? What if... No, it's too absurd to think I have any relationship with Natasha Romanoff outside the company. But if she's just an employee, why did she walk into my room ready to put her mouth on mine...

Holy shit she gave birth!

I feel dizzy, like she's on a runaway roller coaster not knowing how to get down. And downstairs waving her sly smile is Natasha Romanoff.

"I know it sounds scary, but her memory can probably come back.

I face the doctor.

"But can I stay like this forever too?"

"Like I said, there's no way of knowing.

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my sanity. Yes, I need to regain control. Okay, I forgot two years of my life. And? It's not that long. I am still the CEO of DBS and I imagine that in those two years I must have done a fantastic job, as usual. But... What else?

The dark hole in my mind seems to want to swallow me and that's not good. What the hell was I doing in front of that house yesterday? Why was Natasha Romanoff there? Why does she seem mad at me for something I have no idea what it is? And he'd tried to seduce me today as if it was something he'd done many times. And the kiss... Yes, the kiss had been amazing.

Shit. A thousand times shit! What the fuck is going on?

- Stay calm. The doctor puts his hand on my shoulder and I realize I've cursed aloud. "I'll call you here. Surely Mrs Rogers can help you remember and...

- What? "What the hell did he say?" What Mrs Rogers? My mother is here? He can't be talking about Florence, my brother's wife, certainly.

But before the doctor can respond, the office door opens and Natasha Romanoff enters sporting a hopeful smile.

"Steve, honey, I'm sorry! - She advances towards me with outstretched arms and in a reflex I cringe, afraid she's carrying a knife, trowel, or anything that might attack me.

She stops her footsteps just inches from me and her smile dies on her face.

"Oh... what is it?" She looks from me to the doctor, confused.

"Mrs. Rogers, may I remind you that your husband does not remember you-"

What? Husband? Is Natasha Romanoff Miss Rogers? Or rather... Natasha Rogers? No... It can't be. This must be a joke. Maybe a bad prank.

- What the fuck? "I jump off the gurney, not worrying about beingair wearing a ridiculous hospital gown.

Now this madness has gone too far!

"Mrs. Rogers?" Husband? I'm not married, let alone you!

"Of course, you don't remember. Natasha sighs and smiles again. "Steve, we are married! Almost two years ago. The doctor explained to me that he fell yesterday and he doesn't remember. I bet you don't even remember that I asked you to put the Christmas lights in front of our house and you probably lost your balance and fell!

"No... this is ridiculous...

"And I was there, remember? Last night? You got in the car and didn't hear me! And this morning I was mad at you for disappearing and I argued with you who didn't understand anything. And even after when I walked into your office, you know..." She blushes, reminding me of exactly what she'd been trying to do. "Anyway, and then Holly sent me those pictures... so I got mad and attacked you... I'm so sorry if I knew you didn't remember me and..."

" can't be serious!" - I look to the doctor for help. "Do you want me to believe that?

"Mr Rogers, calm down..."

'How can I be calm?' You want me to believe I'm married to someone I've never seen before?

'Don't you believe it?' Natasha looks offended and I hear her voice rising again.

"I'm sure Mr Rogers is just confused right now. With time the lady explains everything to him. - The doctor signs some paper on the clipboard in his hand. "I'm releasing you. Then you can leave with your wife.

"I can't believe you're doubting it!" Natasha continues and the doctor gives her a reproachful look.

"Mrs. Rogers needs to be patient, okay?

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes and when she opens them again she is smiling sweetly.

I have to say these mood swings are kind of scary.

"Right, of course. I am an understanding and patient wife who will help her husband remember everything. Clear. I can. Okay Steve, if you don't believe me I can prove it to you! She picks up her cell phone and quickly dials it, handing it to me.

I see Henry's name flashing on the display.

"How do you know Henry?" I ask in amazement.

She rolls her eyes.

"Of course I know Henry. Talk to him and I'll wait for you outside, okay?

She leaves the room and I hear Henry's voice on the other end of the line.

- Natasha?

"No, this is Steve...

- Hey dude. How are you?

"Henry, what the fuck is going on?

- What you mean?

I explain to her all the oddities that have been happening since yesterday, ending with Natasha's attack and the discovery that I have amnesia.

Henry is laughing his ass off when I'm done.

"Man, what a bizarre story... Hey, baby, you won't believe it," he yells at someone. "Steve is out of memory!"

- With who are you talking to? And it's not funny, stop laughing.

"Okay, sorry, but he's funny. I wonder what Natasha is thinking! Dude, you're screwed. Natasha must be crazier than she is right now with this story.

'So it's serious?' This... Natasha is really mine, mine...

- Wife? Course is.

"Fuck, what the fuck did I do? I sit up again, scared as hell.

So it's all true, Natasha Romanoff is my wife. The crazy employee. How could I have married an employee? How did that happen? And I didn't even want to get married!

"Look man, I need to hang up, we're in the middle of an event here and my mom and Sophia are going to kill me if I stay on the phone...

- Who is Sophia?

- My wife.

"Damn, you too?

Henry laughs.

"Yeah, sometimes I think it's weird too..."

"Henry, what am I going to do?" All this... I don't understand anything!

"Stay calm, okay? It must be just a momentary thing, I'm sure tomorrow you'll wake up and remember everything. I would give you a hand, but I'm in Durham.

"Did you go back to Durham?"

- It's a long story. When it's all over here I'll call you again, okay?

- OK.

I hang up and stare at the device.

Then that's it.

I'm married now. With Natasha Romanoff. Or rather, Natasha Rogers.

Had the world turned upside down or what?

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