Summer Love That Blossomed in...

By phoebesmith25

588 156 5

Eric Wilson and his siblings Michelle (older sister), James (younger brother), Micheal but everyone calls him... More

Continuation from Last Part (Edited)
First Date? (Edited)
Beach Day (Edited)
My Dad's Back? (Edited)
Last Month before School, Let's Have Some Fun! (Edited)
Tryouts For Football (Edited)
First Day Of Senior Year (Edited)
Halloween and Halloween Party (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week Part 2 (Edited)
Basketball Tryouts (Edited)
Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)
Last Full Day On Cruise (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Eric's 18th Birthday (Edited)
Valentine's Day (Edited)
Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)
First Day Back at School, Since Accident (Edited)
Prom (Edited)
Finally Done! (Edited)
Graduation Party (Edited)
August 2020 (Edited)
College Halloween Party (Edited)
Nice To Be Back Home For Thanksgiving (Edited)
Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)
Physical Therapy (Edited)
End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)
Cruise Round 2 - Couple Edition (Edited)
New Years Eve Party Round 2 (Edited)
New Year, Eric's 22nd Birthday (Edited)
Surprise! (Edited)
Eric's Family Finds Out (Edited)
What We are Having... (Edited)
Gender Reveal (Edited)
Graduation of Undergrad College (Edited)
Welcome To The World EJ (Edited)
EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)
Arthur and Ellie's Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Ellie and Arthur's Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Tessa's Bully (Edited)
EJ's First Christmas (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Baby Number 4? (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Start of Summer 2026 (Edited)
Welcome To The World Baby #4 (Edited)
Halloween/EJ's Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2026 (Edited)
New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)
Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)
1 Year Anniversary (Edited)
Carley's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Ten Year High School Reunion (Edited)
Summer 2027 (Edited)
EJ's First Day of Kindergarten (Edited)
Halloween 2027/ EJ's 6th Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2027 (Edited)
New Years Eve/Twins Are Here (Edited)
Author's Note
Sequel Is Out

First Day Of Summer (Edited)

83 5 0
By phoebesmith25

(June, 2016)

(Eric's POV)

I am currently living at my cousin's house. And have been for the last 2 months because my parents left my siblings and I to defended for ourselves but luckily my aunt and uncle didn't want us to be separated, so they brought us into their house. But the good news is that our cousins Arthur and Alex who are twins are ok with us living here. My older cousin Maria is cool with us staying too. Arthur and Alex actually see me as their third brother. The three of us are that close. And always have been

I go downstairs and see little Mikey my little brother having trouble getting up on the kitchen chair. He is only 5 years old

"Here buddy let me help you" I said and helped him up

"Thanks Eric" He said

"No problems. Brothers help each other out. Remember that alright" I said to him pointing at his chest

He nods. Then my cousin Arthur who is my age comes down

"Hey coz" I said to him

"Hey coz" He said back giving me a bro hug. "Oh Eric there are people who you have to meet today" He said to me

"Oh yeah? Who?" I asked confused

"Well first my girlfriend Ellie. She's very sweet. Then her friends. And some of her friends are single" He said with a smirk

"Arth, man I don't know if I want to date anyone yet" I said going over to the fridge for apple juice

"Why not? Her friends are hot" He said

"I wonder what Ellie would say about you thinking of her hot friends?" I said thinking

"She wouldn't be happy. Anyways Eric. You have been sad about Ava since you moved here. She broke up with you. Well she cheated on you but anyways the point is...Move on" He said

"Wow Arthur thank you for being considerate" I said and walked upstairs to my room. 

I lay on my bed and thought to myself. I'm really annoyed at him right now. I heard a knock on the door

"If its Arthur don't come in!" I yelled

"Coz I'm sorry" He said through the door

I sighed deeply. I got off my bed and went to open the door.

"I didn't mean it in a mean way E" He said

"Your right i should move on. But I don't think I'm ready. Can you my cousin and take my side alright?" I asked him

"Of course Eric. I'm always gonna be on your side. Oh by the way Ellie and her friends are coming over now for the pool. So get dress" He said

"Alright" I said. Arthur left so I could get dressed for the pool that my aunt and uncle own.

Once I am ready. I went downstairs and saw more of my cousins and family up for the day

"Hey brothers and sisters" I said kissing each of my siblings head

"Hey Eric" My brothers and sisters said

"Where you going E?" My cousin Alex said. He's twins with Arthur

"Well Alex, your brother Arthur here" I said hitting Arthur's back. "He said that his girlfriend and her friends are coming over for the pool. So I am ready for the pool" I said with my sunglasses in my hand

"You look ready" Maria, their older sister/my cousin said with a smile.

"Thank you Maria" I said hugging her

"Wait Ellie's friends are coming over?" Alex asked

"Arthur, do you not talk to Alex?" I asked my cousin

"No he does not. Now I got to get ready" Alex said running upstairs

After an hour the doorbell rang. And some girls came in. Like 10 of them. Arthur kisses one so I know it's my cousin girlfriend

"Ladies this is my cousin Eric. He is living with us for a long time" Arthur said to the girls

"Hi Eric. I'm Ellie. Arthur's girlfriend" Ellie said. She was a cute girl she was shorter than me and had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Nice to meet you Ellie" I said putting my hand out

"Oh put that away I'm a hugger" She said giving me a hug

"Oh ok" I said as I hug her back

"So Eric these are my friends" She said pointing to the girls. "Starting with Santana" She said pointing to her a girl in a dress. She was probably 5 feet and 6 inches. But Arthur and I are around 6 feet 2 inches. So we are definitely taller than her. "Then Lauren" She said pointing to another girl who is cute. She looked shy though. "Then Ava" She said pointing to a girl who had the same name as my ex. "Then Daniela" She said pointing to another girl. "Then Brittany" She said another girl name. "Then Kendall" Now Kendall probably the tallest out of the girls. She looks about 5 feet 10 inches tall. "Then Gabby" She said pointing to another short girl. "Then Julie" She said. "And finally Carley" She said pointing to the last girl

"Uh hi everyone. I'm Eric" I said waving my hand

"Alright so now that everyone is done being introduced to each other. Time for the pool" Arthur said taking Ellie's hand and walking away with her

"Hi" Santana said coming over to me

"Hi" I said back to her

"So you're cousins with Arthur?" She asked

"Yep. We were born on the same year" I said. "But i'm older" I said with a laugh

"That's cool. I like older guys" She said while she touched my arm then walked away

"Hi" Carley said

"Hi. Carley right?" I asked making sure I got the right name

"Yep" She said with a laugh

"Sorry it's just Ellie said a lot of names all at once" I said with a chuckle

"No worries. And that's what Ellie does, normally" She said with a laugh

"Gotcha" I said with a smile after hearing her laugh

"So Eric why are you staying with the Rogers?" She asked

"Well they are my cousins. So they are family. But the real reason why me and my siblings are staying with them is because our mom and dad left us for a vacation for a long time. Well not really vacation more like just didn't want to be parents my siblings and I" I said upset

"Oh I'm sorry" She said

"It's alright. You didn't know" I said putting my hand on her back. Then I noticed she shivered so I took my hand off. "So Arthur told me some of your friends are single" I said

"Yeah some of us are" She said with a chuckle

"Which ones?" I asked interested. Hoping she is one of the single girls

"You really want to know?" She asked me

"Yeah I do" I said

"Alright well I'm single" She said with a smile. I smile back. Carley is definitely cute and on my radar. "Then there is Lauren" She said pointing to the girl I thought was cute earlier. "Then Santana" About the girl who touched my arm then walked away. "And Gabby" She said. "All the other girls are taken" She said

"Well i'm glad your single" I said with a smile

She blushes. "So wanna go in the pool?" She asked

"Yeah. I mean I'm dress for it. Let's go" I said showing her the way

We both walk out. I took off my shirt and put my phone and wallet on my shirt that was on the seat.

I saw Carley taking off her clothes. She looked very cute. I saw her in a bikini and she looked good. I kept looking when I felt a lot of water splash me. I saw my cousin Arthur with a smirk

"Come on Eric get in" He said

"Fine" I said and ran jumping in. I did a cannonball and landed next to Arthur. "What's up?" I asked after coming up from the jump

"Dude i didn't mean on me!" He said splashing me

"Whatever Arth" I said splashing him back

"Hey why don't we have a chick fight?" Ellie asked

"Sure. But against who?" Arthur asked

"Eric and his partner" She said to her boyfriend

"Alright coz. Pick your poison" He said pointing to the girls.

I looked at the girls that were standing in the water but my eyes land on Carley.

I swam over to her. "Wanna be my partner?" I asked nicely

She smiles and nods. I smile

Arthur and I go under water so the girls can get on our shoulders. Then Arthur and I are making our way to each other with the girls on our shoulders. The girls started to push each other.

I push Arthur trying to move him. He pushes me back but I stand still making sure Carley wont fall. 5 more minutes of that and Carley and I won.

"Ha" I said to Arthur

"Yeah yeah" He said after getting back up from under water

I go underwater so Carley can get off safely

"Hey Arthur is it ok if we bring our boyfriends over?" Daniela asked my cousin

"Yeah. Bring them. There's plenty of room here" He said to her

"Great. Lets go invite our guys then, girls" She said to her friends that have boyfriends. Then who's left is Lauren, Santana, Carley, Gabby and I with Ellie and Arthur

"Hey Arth why don't you bring Alex and James out?" Ellie asked her boyfriend

"I'll go ask them. Eric you wanna come with?" He asked me

"Sure. Be right back girls" I said and got out of the pool with Arthur.

Before going back into the house we dry our feet and legs and swim trunks. Then go in the house. We saw Arthur's mom/ my aunt Evie but her full name is Evelyn

"Boys. No water in the house" She said to us

"Sorry Aunt Evie but we are only here for 2 seconds just to get James and Alex" I said to her

"Alright fine. Be quick" She said

She and her husband/my uncle Matt (short for Matthew) are so cool.

"I'll get Alex while you get James?" I asked Arthur

"Sounds good" Arthur said

We go upstairs then go to separate rooms since James and Alex don't share a room

I knocked on Alex's and Arthurs room.

"Come in" Alex said

I walked in. "Hey wanna come in the pool?" I asked him

"Yeah. I mean I am dressed for it" He said standing up

"Alright let's go" I said

We walked downstairs and saw James and Arthur are already in the pool outside

"Wow. They got there fast" I said with a laugh

"Yeah. Let's go" Alex said

I go back in the pool and swim over to Carley. But she doesn't see me so i decided to scare her

"Hi" I said once I was right behind her

"Ahh" She said jumping then saw me. "Hey. That wasn't nice" She said hitting my chest

"I'm sorry" I said to her

"So why did you come over to me when Santana is over there?" She said pointing to Santana who is talking to James but looking at me

"I don't know....I guess I just like talking to you" I said softly looking at her

She smiles. "I do too even though we really don't know each other yet" She said

"I agree" I said with her with a laugh

"So looks like Alex and Gabby are getting along" Carley said pointing to my cousin talking to Gabby. They are both laughing

"Yeah. Do they have some history?" I asked her

"Not that i know of. But I know Gabby has had a crush on Alex for the longest time" She said

"Really?" I asked interested

"Yeah why do you think she always comes over?" She said

"Well seeing as I have been living with my cousins for 2 months and this is the first time meeting you girls. I wouldn't know" I said

"Right"  She said nodding

"Yeah.....So who is gonna talk to Lauren?" I asked her

"You can go talk to her if you want" She said

"Why don't we go together?" I asked putting my hand out for her

"Ok" Carley said taking my hand

We walked against the water in the pool over to Lauren

"Hey Laur" Carley said

"Hey....Lauren right?" I asked the girl

"Yeah" She said

"Sorry just making sure. There was a lot of names" I said chuckling

"Yeah I understand that" She said smiling

"So Lauren do you have a crush on a guy?" I asked her

"I do but he's not gonna come here" She said

"Why not Lauren?" I asked her

"Well he lives like 30 minutes" She said

"That's not too long. I used to live an hour away from my cousins before moving in with them but we always saw each other every weekend" I said to her

"Maybe I will call him. Thank you Eric" She said giving me a smile. Then got out of the pool

I turn and see Carley smiling at me

"What?" I asked with a smile

"That was really nice of you, Eric" She said

"Yeah well I try to give good advice to people" I said to her

I heard some voices come in from the front.

"Arthur!" A group of guys said

"Hey guys come on in" Arthur said from the hot tub

I looked at Carley. "Do you wanna go in the hot tub before all the guys decide to jump in and make a big splash" I asked her

"Sure" She said with a smile

We go in the hot tub with Ellie and Arthur

"Hey Carley can you come with me to the bathroom?" Ellie asked Carley

"Um....sure" Carley said unsurely. "I guess i will be right back" She said to me.

"Don't worry, i'll hold your seat" I said smiling at her

She smiles and follows Ellie out of the hot tub and into the house

"So.....Carley" Arthur said

"Carley....what?" I asked with a laugh

"You have a crush on her coz" He said

"I don't know Arth. I mean it's too soon to tell. But she is very cute" I said thinking about her

"You know Ellie and Carley have been best friends since babies. So if you and Carley get together then it would be best friends having boyfriends who are cousins" He said

"Arthur you are thinking way too far ahead alright? I don't even know if I like her like that yet and she might not like me if anything" I said to him

"Well you won't know unless you try to get to know her. So Ellie and I were thinking of doing spin the bottle tonight." He said

"Is that really smart? Cause you and some of the guys are taken. And Gabby has a crush on your twin" I said

"Oh I know that. But the way we are gonna play the game spin the bottle. The couples will be paired up so it's really just for the single people" He said

"Where do you come up with this stuff? Honestly?" I asked my cousin laughing

He laughs too. "It wasn't just my idea like I said it was Ellie's and I's idea" He said

"Really?" I asked him

He nods. Then Ellie and Carley came back after 10 minutes. Carley sat right back next to me

"See I saved your seat" I said smiling at her

"Well thank you kind sir" She said with a laugh

"So why did you two take forever?" Arthur asked his girlfriend

"Just girl talk" Ellie said kissing her boyfriend/my cousins cheek

"Well Elle wanna go in the pool or sunbath?" He asked his girlfriend

"Sunbath. See you two later" Ellie said winking at Carley

They get out of the hot tub and go over to the resting area. Leaving just me and Carley alone in the hot tub by ourselves. Once they left I just kept looking at Ellie and Arthur because I'm pretty sure I know why they left but I really don't want to be wrong. So I turned to Carley who was also looking where Arthur and Ellie were laying/sitting.

"Have any idea why they just left us alone?" She asked me before I could ask her

"I have somewhat an idea but I'm not 100 percent into it. Also I was just about to ask you about that. I guess you can read my mind" I said to her. Then joked at the end about her reading my mind

"Yeah me either" She said. "And maybe I can, you know read your mind" she said continuing what she was thinking. She smiled and touched my arm at the end. She smiled both when saying i could possibly read her mind and when she touched my arm.

"Well before Arthur or Ellie calls one or both of us over to them. Do you wanna play 20 questions? So I can get a better picture of how you are" She asked but then explained why she wanted to play.

"Sure. And by the way I wanna get a better picture of you too" I said and gave her a wink at the end.

"Alright. My first question to you. What is your full name?" She asked me

"Eric Brandon Wilson" I said to her

"Alright your turn to ask me a question" She said

"Alright what's your full name?" I asked her back

She laughs. "Carley Jennifer Levi" She said

"Nice name" I said with a smile

"Alright my second question for you. When is your birthday?" She asked me

"January 3, 1999. How about yourself?" I asked her

"May 24, 1999" She said

"Hmm so I'm older than you" I said smiling

"Seems like it" She said laughing

"Well I think it's your turn again" I said to her

"Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what are their names?" She asked

"That was 3 question Carley" I said laughing

"You can ask 3 back" She said laughing with me

"Deal. So I have 4 siblings. 2 brothers and 2 sisters. But counting me there's 3 brothers. I am actually the oldest brother. But not the oldest in the family that is my sister Michelle. It goes Michelle, me,James, Mikey and Tessa. They are twins but Mikey is older by 10 minutes" I said

"Wow that's a lot" She said with a laugh

"Yeah but we all love each other.  How about you?" I asked her

"How about me what?" She asked with a laugh

"The same question you asked me, I'm asking you" I said

"You know you can ask me other questions than the ones I ask you" She said

"I know but I don't know you yet. So we could play this game again the next time we see each other. But it will be better because this time we are getting to know each other. Like all the stuff we need to know to be friends" I said to her

"Ok. Um so I have 1 older brother and 1 older sister. It goes Anthony, Emily and then me. So I'm The baby of the family." She said

"Nice" I said with a smile

After doing more questions and getting to know Carley. We start to talk even more. We had a balloon water fight. It was guys vs girls. Guys won obviously. We also did another couple rounds of chicken fight but it was better this time because there was more people. That took up to 3 hours. So while we were having fun we all got hungry so when I saw my aunt coming I got excited

"Please let her say it's dinner time" I said praying in my head

"Dinner time!" Aunt Evie yelled for everyone

We all cheer and got out of the water. We had to wrap a towel around each one of us because we were wet. And my Aunt Evie hates water in the house. So once we all wrapped towels around of bodies we all went inside and got good for ourselves.

"I'm starving Aunt Evie. You came at the right time" I said rubbing my stomach that growled loudly

"Dude that's your stomach? I thought it was mine" Arthur said laughing

"I thought it was mine honestly" Alex said laughing then

Then the rest of the guys said the same about their stomaches while the girls were all grouped up and talking, probably about us guys.

"Well enjoy. Since you guys were in the water and need to dry off more. Why don't you all go eat outside. It's a nice sunny day out. Enjoy the weather. Oh and boys" She said to Arthur and Alex who are grabbing food out of the tins. "If you want the fire pit on for tonight please call either your father or I to turn it on. I don't want either of you doing it. Got it?" She asked pointing to them to get the point across.

"Yes mom" they said nodding in understanding what their mom was saying

After everyone finished eating we all sit around the fire pit near the pool. Uncle Matt came outside and turned it on for us. I sat next to Carley. She's very cute. I wouldn't mind seeing how this summer goes with her

"Alright so Ellie and I talked earlier today" Arthur said

"Oh no" Carley and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and burst out laughing

Arthur coughs to get our attention. Carley and I stopped laughing and started to listen. "So as I was saying. Ellie and I have decided to play spin the bottle. However couples will be with couples. No kissing other guys or girls. But the singles you can kiss the other singles" He said

Alex puts his hand up

"Yes twin?" He asked his twin

"What if we don't want to do it?" Alex asked

"You can't skip it. It's a must" Arthur said

Carley and I roll our eyes at him and Ellie

"Alright so starting off kissing. I'll be kissing my girlfriend" Arthur said standing up and bringing Ellie too. They started to make out.

5 minutes later and they are still going

"Come on coz it's been 5 minutes" I yelled at him joking

He flips me off. Everyone laughs. I join in on the laughter because it is funny

After 2 more minutes they finally get done

"Alright who's next?" He asked

"We'll go" Devin and Kendall said

They started to make out too. 7 minutes later they were done. We ended up just doing 7 minutes make out for everyone who kisses someone

Then it was my turn. But since I don't have a girlfriend I had to spin the bottle. It goes round and round until it stops on Carley. I smile and she blushes

I put her cheek in my hand and kiss her passionately. She kisses back with passion. Then what felt like 2 minutes was really 7 minutes the guys said stop. I pull away from Carley and smile

"Alright Carley your turn to spin" Arthur said

"Can't someone else go? I just got kissed by Eric" Carley said

"Fine but next round your going" Arthur said

As the game continues Carley lays on my chest. I put my arm around her holding her securely.

After the second round and Carley and I made out again. Everyone decided to sleep over. Arthur told everyone that we all were gonna be in the basement for the sleepover.

Luckily my aunts and uncle place is huge so every one can stay

"So....." I started to talk to Carley while walking

"Yeah?" She asked with a smile

"You're a really good kisser" I said to her

"You  are too" She said looking at me

"But.....I got to be honest" I said to her

"About what?" She asked concern

"A few months ago I got out of a relationship. Well what really happened is that she cheated then dumped me. So I'm really not looking for a relationship right now. But I do want to keep hanging out, and possible get into a relationship in a few months" I said to her

She smiles and takes my hand. "Don't worry Eric. Well just go with the flow this summer. And if it turns out into a relationship then good" She said

"alright cool" I said to her. "Well since everyone's gonna be in the basement. Do you want to come sleep in my bed with me?" I asked nervously

"You want to share a bed? Isn't that going a little too fast?" She asked with a laugh

"Well it's gonna be crowded in the basement. I just thought you would be more comfortable in a room not in a basement with 12 or so people" I said

"That is true......alright sure" She said

"If it makes you uncomfortable I'll take the floor" I said to her as we walked into the mansion

"I'm sleeping on the floor" She said

"No way. My mom and aunt raised me with manners. And no guy should let a girl sleep on the floor. The guy should do it" I said to her

"Well I guess we both aren't gonna win this little fight, are we?" She asked looking up at me

"Nope" I said with a chuckle and my arms crossed

"Alright how about this. We sleep in the same bed but we build a fort" She said

"Smart" I said with a smile

"Thank you" She said with a smile

We walked into my room.

"If you wanna take a shower it's open" I said to her

"I would but I didn't bring a change of clothes" She said

"You look around the size of my older sister. I'll go see if she's here. If she is here I'll ask her if it's ok for you to borrow some clothes" I said and went to Michelle room. I knocked on the door. But there was no answer. "Michelle? Are you in there?" I asked

"Just a minute Eric" She yelled

Then 5 minutes later she opens the door

"Yes?" She asked me

"Do you have any clothes my friend can borrow?" I asked her

"Isn't all your friends from our old house and they are guys?" She asked

"Arthur brought his friends over and their girlfriends. So the friend I have is a girl" I said

"You have a girlfriend! You're finally over Ava!" She said excitedly

"Michelle be quiet! And I like this girl but for one I don't know if I like her like her. Also we aren't dating but maybe soon. So calm down would you?" I asked her cause she's been like this always

"Alright. Alright I'm cool. I'm cool" She said and tried to calm down

I heard ruffling in the closet

"Another boy?" I asked her after hearing the noises in the room

"Maybe" She said not looking at me

"Hmm. Want me to talk to him?" I asked her

"No Eric. Just give me a minute to get the clothes for your friend" She said closing the door in my face

"Thanks for the door in my face!" I yelled through the door

"Your Welcome Eric!" She yelled back

I sigh and waited for her to open the door again. When she does she gave me the clothes

"Thanks" I said and went back to my room

"That took awhile" Carley said with a laugh

"Yeah, Michelle is hard to get anything from" I said putting the clothes on the bed. Then looked around. "So I'm gonna go take a shower in Arthur's room since he's probably using the one in the basement. I'll be back in like 15 minutes" I said grabbing some clothes and went to Arthur's room.

After taking a 10 minute shower I go back into my room but forget Carley is in there so when I open the door I saw Carley with her towel off

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" I said and went outside after closing the door

2 minutes later she opens the door

"I Um....can take the floor now. You know since I open the door" I said to her

"It's fine Eric" She said waving it off

"Ohhh ok" I said

We did a fort.

"I'll see you in the morning Carley" I said to her

"See ya in the morning Eric. Goodnight" She said then turned around

"Goodnight" I said then turned off the light on my side.

I fell asleep.

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