Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)

By MyLadyOfStories

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(Sequel to The Fall Of Arcadia) The Doctor and Sera, finally together, finally a family. But there are things... More

Late For The Wedding
The Wedding Part 1
The Wedding Part 2
The Wedding Part 3
Mr and Mrs Christmas
Really Confusing...
The Siren Song
Polyamorous Relation
Our Precious Song
Lost and Found
Don't Skip 9
A Demon
Popping In
One Last Good Dream
Daughter or Murder?
Burnt and Lost
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Remember Me?
Little and Broken, But Still Good
Date Night
Girls Night
Running to the Ponds
Last Dance
Goodbye Magickal Princess
The Unknown Girl
Impossible and Unknown
Wifi Soup
Past's & Future's
Goodbye Song
That Sinking Feeling...
Fury of the Night
Body Swap
Journey to the Centre of Time

Find the Babies

584 24 2
By MyLadyOfStories


They were being weird. The Doctor and Sera, they were messing around under the console while Rory and I watched, and they were just being very, very quiet.

They had to be up to something.

"OK, I'll bite, what are you two up to?" I asked, and they both slid out, Sera back in her Elizabethan Alice in Wonderland dress, and the Doctor in his usual, minus the tweed jacket. "You've been doing something under there for half an hour, and that's suspicious."

Sera stood up, folding her arms at me. "Would you really understand it if I told you we were bio-dampening the artron energy tri-back injector with a seal of solid Limanon nectar to stop the TARDIS from losing energy and meaning we only have to fill up with fuel every 200 years?" I blinked at her. "Didn't think so."

Rory put his hand up. "I got it. Basically, Amy, they're covering over any holes in the pipes to stop the TARDIS leaking." Aw, he was so smart. "See, I have been paying attention, Doctor."

The Doctor walked over to him now, putting his face really close as he was getting grumpy. He just reminded me of the kittens Martha showed us once, where one was trying to be all big and tough, but it really didn't work. "I like it when people are amazed by our science, Rory, but you keep messing that up. Also, I was fixing the time matrix, different to Sexy, this one determines how quickly or slowly time passes in the TARDIS. I want to slow it down."

"Won't that mean we age slower as well?"

Sera nodded. "Yeah, and also you get to sleep for longer. Doctor, remember, we have to press those buttons at exactly the same time. I don't know what will happen if we don't." They both took up positions, one ready to press a blue button, and the other ready to press a red one. "Ready? 3... 2..."

"1" The Doctor pressed the button a good 2 seconds before Sera did, and then there was a bright flash and a bang, making Rory grab me and hide my face in his chest. We when looked back, they were gone.

"Doctor? Sera?" Rory asked, motioning for me to stay put and going to look to where they had both been stood. And then he took in a shocked breath, covering his mouth with his hands. "Oh, my, god..."

"What?" I moved forwards a little. "Rory? What?" He bent down, and picked up a tiny little toddler, with big brown eyes and long brown hair. "Oh, my god..." I moved around to where the Doctor had been, finding a tiny little baby Doctor, complete with bow tie and suspenders. His big green eyes were confused as he pulled at his tie and pinged his suspenders. Which obviously hurt, as he started crying. "Oh, hey, hey, shh. It's all right, I've got you." I told him, picking him up and shushing his cries. "Rory, what the hell?"

He was still transfixed by tiny Sera, who was grinning at him, playing with his fingers and ring while he smiled. He would make such an amazing dad... "I don't know, but isn't she adorable!"

"Well, yeah, and look at the tiny Doctor?" I laughed, going over to him. The Doctor had tangled his hands into my hair now he was distracted, not pulling it, more just playing with it, kind of like he was trying to plait it. "He's so tiny!"

Putting the married couple close to each other, they suddenly weren't interested in us adults, they wanted to play with each other, so I shifted the Doctor into Rory's arms, and the two babies hugged each other and started playing a sort of pat-a-cake game. "Who's the Mini-Ponds now, huh?" I laughed, getting out my phone to take a photo of them, Rory grinning in the background.

The problem with this was, we had no clue how to turn them back into adult Seraphina and Doctor, and even the little babies were actually little babies, all gurgly and sing songy. "I think, that we may need to see if there are any nappies or something." Rory said, suddenly looking up at me instead of the baby Time Lords.

Oh... I was not looking forward to that... "Um, bagsy not changing the Doctor. I'll change my sister, but there is no way I am changing her husband." I blinked. "Wow... That is really weird, they're babies and they're married to each other."

"How the hell are we going to get them back to, you know, proper size but with the same mentality?" Rory asked, starting to head towards the store rooms, where there were hopefully nappies and baby stuff left over from their first try at having a kid together. "Because yes, I can understand them when they geek up car terms, but when it comes to making them at least 700 years older, I haven't got a clue."

I paused, thinking a moment as we took a baby each, now starting to fall asleep, and looked through the shelves for things. "I don't know, it could just be temporary. I mean, they can't stay like this, no matter how cute they are. Maybe if we get the to press the buttons again, this time at the right points." I looked down at the sleepy Doctor in my arms, his jade eyes starting to close. "That's right, because you're such a little monkey, you got yourselves all little and cute again! Yes you did, yes you did!"

"Amy, he may be a baby at the moment, but he may actually remember everything you are currently doing. If so, he is not going to be happy about being in a nappy, but needs must." Rory told me, hefting tiny Sera's little form up in his arms. In her little Alice dress, she looked like a girl going to a party, apart from the fact she currently couldn't be more than 3. "I am not looking forward to this argument, but your sister is currently cuter than you, Amy."

I stuck my head around the shelves, looking at her asleep, head on his shoulder, long dark lashed casting tiny shadows on her chubby cheeks and her curls covering half her face. Her tiny little nails were even still colour changing, a light happy yellow. For once, I really didn't care about that. "I agree, which should mean that you won't mind if I say the Doctor is currently cuter than you, Rory."

"I am going to agree. Normally he looks like some awkward giraffe or something, and now he's just... well, he still looks like a giraffe, but maybe just a baby one."

We kept looking, and eventually we managed to find some nappies, not that they'd been needed yet, luckily, so we quickly changed them both and tucked them up in their bed, being careful not to smother them. They kind of curled up in a default position, right next to each other and heads resting on the others. I had to take another photo, sending it to Martha and Mickey.

Then we settle down on the floor, watching them. "We need to get them back to normal." Rory told me, though I could see he'd been enjoying looking after them as little ones. "I mean, we'd be stuck here for the rest of eternity other wise, just raising them until they remembered how to fly the TARDIS."

"Which would be fun, I admit. I mean, look at how peaceful my sister is, she hasn't had a decent night sleep in such a long time, and whatever was causing her nightmares seems to have gone with her being a baby again." I sighed, cuddling into him as they kind of muttered to each other in their sleep. "But, then they'd grow up with each other all over again and they might not fall in love this time. We should probably check the scanner in the console room."

Rory nodded his agreement. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Pass me your phone a second." I did so, giving him a strange look. "If I call you and leave the line open, we can hear when they wake up instead of one of us having to stay behind. Like a baby monitor."

"That is a very good idea, Mr Pond." He left it on the bedside table, putting the mic on sensitive, and then we started walking back to the console, keeping an ear out for the two baby Time Lords crying.

The console was just as we'd left it, the Doctor's tweed jacket still on one of the chairs and Sera's screwdriver still on the floor. I switched on the monitor, seeing it fizz right off a photo of Sera, meaning the Doctor had last used it, and showed me what I wanted to see.

"OK, Rory, according to this, they are both frozen in the past, which is wrong because we've seen baby Sera, and she was as ginger as I am. Regeneration, whoo. They're currently about 2 and a half, and the Doctor needs to eat something." I told him, while he had a look at the two buttons. "Rory, we already know why this happened, the Doctor pressed his red one too early."

"Yeah, but look. I don't think the Doctor even pressed it. Sera's is all the way down, his is still upright." He poked Sera's blue button and it popped back up. "If we get them to actually both press them, I bet you a tenner that they'll go back to normal."

I didn't want to lose a tenner, but I also wanted my big sister to not be so little any more, so I agreed and we headed back to their bedroom.

Where they weren't there.

"Rory, we were listening to the phone the whole time, how did they get out without us knowing?" I asked, running and looking in the bathroom to see if one of them was in there. Nope.

He checked under the bed, the wardrobe, anywhere they could have hidden. "I don't know. The Doctor's so clumsy you can normally hear him coming a mile away, but they've both disappeared."

Oh no, this was not good. Nope, nope, nope, nope. Not good.


We split up to look for them, saying to text each other if we did and then I headed off to Sera's usual places, the library, the observatory and the lab, all places where tiny toddlers shouldn't be, and Amy headed for where the Doctor would be, under the console, with sharp pointy things that liked to spark, the kitchen and in the ball room. That was basically a giant ball pit.

There was no sign of her in the library, or the lab, so I headed to the observatory. It was on, showing a picture of Dave, who turned out to be the Doctor, ginger her, heavily pregnant, and then Donna. I missed Donna, she was brilliant. But Sera was still not in here.

"Sera? Seraphina, where are you?" I called, looking around the room, under the desks, behind the star charts and in the cupboards. There was a half eaten banana, but other than that, there was nothing.

I walked back out into the corridor, seeing that there was an open door a little way along, and headed in there, finding a big room full of toys and teddies, as well as a tiny slide in the corner. It was a play room, and there was a photo of a pale blonde man and a pretty black girl with long braids next to him, along with three children, 2 boys, and one girl. His old family, Sera had told me that he'd married before her, and that he'd had both children and grandchildren.

There was nothing obvious in here until I saw a second small door in the far wall, that was also open. Crawling on all fours, I climbed through, finding myself in a tiny, tiny little room, that was just like a giant cushion. It was battered, scratched up and it looked like someone had gone in there just to let off steam.


She was angrier, and if she didn't want to hurt us, or visibly show that she'd hurt herself, then she'd come in here.

She wasn't in here now, but there was a crayon, in TARDIS blue, and I felt that she couldn't have gone far, she wasn't big enough to have. I closed the door to the tiny room after me, and made a note to talk to her about it later. She needed to tell us when she was feeling like that.

"Sera? Seraphina, sweetie, where are you?" I called, going back out of the play room and seeing a trail of crayons up the corridor. Of course, that was her perfectly, loving pens and pencils, anything that could draw. She was scribbling on the wall, drawing a pretty little flower and I knelt down next to her. "Seraphina, you worried us so much!" I told her firmly, trying to tell her that it was wrong. Not that she was ever going to listen. "You're not supposed to do that, and the Doctor too!"

She looked up at me, her pretty brown eyes glinting as she giggled at me. "Come on, little one, we need to get you back to the right size." I laughed, picking her up.

I text Amy, telling her that I'd found her, and then got back to the console room, seeing her wrestling with a baby Doctor, who was coated in what looked like icing sugar and custard. "Guess where I found him?"

"I'm going to say the pantry. We're going to have a lot of explaining to do when we get them back to normal size." I sighed, looking down at baby Sera, who was still giggling, mostly now at her husband. She even had tiny little marriage and engagement rings on her finger. I'd love to have a little girl like her, sweet, giggly, happy, and I knew that if she stayed like this then she'd be so, so smart. And she wouldn't have to go through what she did on her home planet. But it wasn't to be.

"When we get them back to normal size, I'm telling them off for wandering off for once. And telling the Doctor he owes me a new shirt." She grumbled, still trying to keep him in her arms. Looks like that nap had returned him to his usual ADHD self. "Let's just get this done, shall we?"

We positioned them both over the correct button, blue for Sera, red for the Doctor, and looked at each other. "Remember, at the same time, or we could end up as kids like they have, all right? OK, in 3... 2... 1." We both made Sera's and the Doctor's hands hit the buttons, and then everything went blindingly white for a moment, then when I could see again, I was holding full sized Sera, who was asleep.

I looked over at Amy, seeing she was struggling with a full sized Doctor, and quickly went to help, putting one of his arms over my shoulder. He wasn't coated in custard like he had been. "Right, I think we can get away with this, if we sit them down in the chair, and pretend that they were just sleeping. They can just think that it was a dream or something."

"I like your thinking, Mr Pond. I'll text Martha not to let too many people know, or it could end badly. And I am never telling them that we lost them when they turned into 2 year olds." She muttered, helping me sit the Doctor down and then position Sera onto his lap. They automatically cuddled into each other, making me wonder if Amy and I did that. I guess we'd never know unless we recorded each other while we were asleep.

We sneaked off back to our room, where we just curled up and watched a film for a while before Sera knocked, blinking confused. "Hey, um, how long where we asleep?" She asked, looking quite a bit better than she had for a while.

"You were asleep? We've been in here all day." Amy said, climbing out of bed and walking over to her. "You're looking good, are you feeling better?"

Sera nodded and the Doctor appeared, resting his head on her shoulder from behind. "She was fast asleep when I woke up, no nightmares or anything. Come along, Mini-Ponds, time for an adventure."

Honestly, I was so, so tempted then to tell them what had really happened. I was taller than both of them and I was really not enjoying being called Mini-Pond. But we had to leave it, or they really wouldn't be all that happy about us losing them for about an hour.

I was really tired, and I could see that Amy was too, but we swallowed it and followed them to the console room, where Sera looked at the monitor quickly, and I was glad that we remembered to go back to the main screen before leaving it earlier. "According to the TARDIS we were asleep for about 6 hours, my Angel. And apparently, we fixed that fuel leak while we were."

"Oh, I love it when we manage things like that, don't you? What about that time thing? Did we do that?" Amy and I froze, hoping that the TARDIS wouldn't ruin it for us.

Sera looked that up then, a cool circular language coming up on the screen that only she could read. "Uh, yeah... We managed to synchronize us pressing buttons in our sleep, yet we would never have managed it awake, meaning something bad would have happened to us."

Yeah you became babies and decided to wander off on us.

They both shrugged and got to work, programming in wherever they wanted to take us next, and we sat by and watched, glad that we'd managed to get away with babysitting them as tiny kids. Maybe if he really did annoy me some day, I would tell him, but for now, I was just going to leave it.

And then Sera's phone went off.

"Uh, OK... Why has Jack tagged me into photo's on Facebook?" She asked, and we both sighed. Martha... It took a moment for them to open, and then she stared at us. "You lying toe rags. We pressed the buttons wrong, and we turned into babies, didn't we?" We both nodded dumbly. "And you sent the photo's to Jack?"

"Actually, we sent them to Martha, and she sent the to Jack?" Amy tried, giving a wary smile while the Doctor looked at the photo's.

"Why didn't you just tell us? We wouldn't have minded, you looked after us, right?" The Doctor asked, smiling a little at the one where they were asleep in bed.

We both paused. "Well... We left you sleeping while we checked the results of the scan. Our phones were connected to each others like a baby monitor, mind, and well.. you both managed to escape silently. And... Amy found you in the pantry covered in custard Doctor, and I found you drawing flowers on the wall, Sera."

They both stared at us. And then Amy and I started running as they ran after us. I preferred them as babies....

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