By jmhallewell

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Marcelle and Vittoria are on a path that challenges their union and choice to be in love. Will they cave into... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: For Love
Chapter Two: Locked Doors
Chapter Three: Incompetence
Chapter Four: Succumbing
Chapter Five: An Admission
Chapter Six: It's A Sin
Chapter Seven: Intention
Chapter Eight: Ex Wife
Chapter Nine: Aged Fine Wine
Chapter Ten: Untold Secrets Part 1
Chapter Eleven: Understanding
Chapter Twelve: An Older Friend
Chapter Thirteen: The Sister
Chapter Fourteen: The Siblings
Chapter Fifteen: The Bid
Chapter Sixteen: Si Signor
Chapter Seventeen: She Loves Me
Chapter Eighteen: He Loves Me Too!
Chapter Nineteen: Labelled
Chapter Twenty: Reactions
Chapter Twenty One: Silence
Chapter Twenty Two: Solved
Chapter Twenty Three: Precedence
Chapter Twenty Four: Untold Secrets Part 2
Chapter Twenty Six: In Marseilles Part 2
Chapter Twenty Seven: Rehab
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Parents
Chapter Twenty Nine: Welcome Home
Chapter Thirty: Home Is Best
Chapter Thirty One: The Hit
Chapter Thirty Two: Messages For You
Chapter Thirty Three: Transition
Chapter Thirty Four: Her Jealousy Part 1
Chapter Thirty Five: She's Back
Chapter Thirty Six: Little Diavolo
Chapter Thirty Seven: It's Personal
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ciao Chica
Chapter Thirty Nine: Her sisters
Chapter Forty: Her Jealousy Part 2
Chapter Forty One: A Good Day?
Chapter Forty Two: Unexpected
Chapter Forty Three: Red Part 1
Chapter Forty Four: Red Part 2
Chapter Forty Five: Love Me Forever
Chapter Forty Six: A Good Streak
Chapter Forty Seven: A Dream
Chapter Forty Eight: Wake Up Dear
Chapter Forty Nine: The Parking Lot Beef
Chapter Fifty: Too Many Hands
Chapter Fifty One: The Mothers
Chapter Fifty Two: Bickering Pair
Chapter Fifty Three: Love Me Forever Part 1
Chapter Fifty Four: Love Me Forever Part 2
Chapter Sixty: Love Me Forever Part 3

Chapter Twenty Five: In Marseilles Part 1

416 65 70
By jmhallewell

Marcelle's POV
"As promised." I gave him a quick hug but he held on, refusing to let go. I heard him sigh audibly, the kind of sigh that is nostalgic. I sank into his embrace, allowing him to have the moment. I think it's okay since we haven't seen each other in a while.

When he was ready, he let go. His warm hands held my face. His serious blue eyes still hold the same seriousness but there's that familiar warmth of the man I first called my father.

"Tu m'as manqué." He smiled at me, with glistening eyes.

"Tu m'as manqué aussi." I pressed my forehead against his. "How have you been?"

He blinked away the tears. "Getting old. There is still no elixir for immortality." He chuckled. "Let's sit down. Sit down." He insisted that before Vee and I get to the chateau, I must meet him privately. "How are things? Your young daughter?"

Everyone must have heard about Nerina's theatrics. "She left with her mother." I answered. Nerina didn't even hesitate. She packed up and by evening, she was gone. My heart shattered when I watched her leave with Reina. My sisters forced me into an online chat room and they consoled me in the best way they know how; bringing up embarrassing childhood stories that made me laugh. I gave Gio the same option but he didn't leave. He is also not speaking to me and I'm not eager to find out why.

"Don't take it personally. Children pick the parent they relate to the most."

"It's not any easier." My eyes shifted around the cafe. We are at the corner table, his favorite table in this cafe. "It feels like I lost."

"We all lose sometimes. It's the balance in life. You win some, you lose some. Where is the good catholic girl?"

"At the hotel." I chuckled. "What did dad say to you?"

Sinclair started laughing. I think they have thoroughly discussed my relationship with my Vee.

"A lot. But my biggest question is how is she still a virgin? How?"

Because my patience is yet to run out.

"Let's just say she is a good catholic girl."

"For now." He smiled ruefully. "Don't leave France when she's still in that state. I believe as much as there is love in a relationship, there is also give and take."

"I'm not going to rush it. When she's ready, she will come to me." And this time unlike all the other times, I will not decline.

"Are you sure about her?"

"As sure as I need to be at this moment. Do you have concerns?"

"Of course I do. You have hit the kind of age young gold diggers look for. You look good and your pockets are deep. Is she the kind?"


"I know you're not the kind to want casual arrangements. So are you sure? Because if she uses you, my face will be the last thing she sees. With Reina it's complicated. She's Bruce's daughter. I can't do anything. But this girl, she better not hurt you."

I'm moved by his need to protect me. When Pascal and Maia got married, he threatened Pascal, his own son. He told him that if he ever hurts Maia there will be consequences to pay. I can't help but feel special right now.

"Meet her and then judge for yourself. She's honest and kind. You'll love her. She will be here soon."

"Don't get your hopes up." He shrugged. "You know how picky I am with what I choose to like."

"I know."

"I was thinking a few of us should go to Cape Town."

"The house with a view of the park?"

"Yes. Just a few of us. I'm thinking my wife, Maia,Pascal, you, the girl and myself. Thoughts?"


I have plans to propose to Vee pretty soon. I have already been looking at locations.

He looked through his phone. "I have an opening a month from now. The last week of the month. Thoughts?"

I checked my calendar. "I can move a few meetings around and be available. Date."

"Wonderful." He smiled.

A waiter brought us hot cocoa and slices of chocolate mint cake. I couldn't conceal my laughter. When I was a boy he would bring me here and I would fill up on this very cake. I tasted a piece and closed my eyes. "Exactly as I remember it!"

"I loved those Saturday afternoons. Your mother used to be upset when you could not eat dinner. I still remember that one time I had to carry you from the table because you were so full!"

"And I threw up on you."

"I'm fond of those memories."

"Between Marcella and I, who is your favorite?"

"I love you both. It's just that Marcella chose Nick as soon as the truth cane out. You hanged on to me and I have never forgotten that. Marcella and I still spend the day after father's day together. She's still a sweetheart."

"She's always a sweetheart." I agreed. "I'll be around more often. I'm stepping down from being the godfather. Let's do stuff."

"Is Juan Carlos ready?"

"He can never be ready enough. I don't want that kind of life for Vee. I'm thinking something really simple, away from everything."

"And Bale Industries?"

"I thought Juan will take care of it but I don't want him to feel the strain I felt. That's why I have settled on the dynamic duo. I think they will make a great team if they work together."

"I like your retirement plan. It's a good idea to shed the weight off. I know you'll be happier. If you had remained my son, your life would have been easier. I keep going back to the night I kicked your mother out. If that night had played out differently, maybe you would still be my son."

"I appreciate the sentiment but all roads always lead to Nick."

My mother has set the record on the most marriages. It was dad who got in between her first marriage. He did it again when she was with Sinclair. Even when she was with Mancini, she still went back to him. Mrs Burke, Mrs Sinclair, Mrs Bale, Mrs Mancini and Mrs Bale again. She's been married five times and it's always Nick.

"I still remember the day you were born. It was a hot night. Kei had been in bed all day, the maids at her every beck and call. She kept saying her back is breaking in half. She was nervous about giving birth. I had the doctors come over everyday that week and you two kept flaking out until that night. At 10:45pm Marcella was born. That's when things got complicated. You didn't follow as expected. Thirty eight agonizing minutes later, you came out. You weren't breathing. Keira was a panicking mess. I remember holding your little body in my hands... you were smaller than Marcella and very pale. The doctors tried to revive you. They knew my wrath would consume them if something happened to you. Just when they were giving up, you took your first breath and you cried."

"I didn't know that."

"Your mom doesn't talk about it."

"Wasn't I was born before Marcella?"

"No. She came first. We just told you it's you, to stop you from asking a million questions more. You were such an inquisitive child. You had to know everything!" He chuckled.

"I nearly died."

"We have never known why you were smaller or why you weren't breathing."

"I was smaller because Marcella is a foodie." I laughed. He laughed along with me.

"The days that followed, I paid extra attention to you. I was always with you, telling you to be strong and make it for your mother. Your foodie twin was finishing all the milk." He chuckled. "A month in is when you started to look normal. The blue in your eyes even darkened. You started to feed a little better. And now look at you. Those sleepless nights were worth it."

"Thank you."

My eyes shifted towards Vee. She's standing right behind Sinclair. I stood up and he followed suit.

"Theo, this is Vittoria, my girlfriend. Vittoria, this is the man who raised me when I was very little."

"You're quite a beauty!" Theo exclaimed. "I'm Theo Sinclair."

"I'm Vittoria Bernardi. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Sinclair."

Vittoria's POV
"My love you are uncharacteristically quiet. What's on your mind?"

I can't help but remember what Emilia said. He knows who my mother is. Why won't he tell me? Should I confront him?

"Just a few thoughts, here and there." I studied my surroundings, moving past me quickly. We are driving to Mr Sinclair's house. I think we are already in his estate but it feels like we are still on the road. There are trees on either side of the road. It's beautiful.

"Care to share them?"

"Si." I looked into his blue eyes. "I saw Emilia."

"How did it go? Did you two resolve your issues?"

"She wants me to end our relationship and take my vows at the convent."

"Okay. What will you do?"

"I love you. It will be hypocritical to pretend I want to take my vows at the convent. The only vows I'll make are to you Marcelle. She mentioned seeing you.'

"Yeah. We spoke."

"What about?" The car came to a stop. The chauffeur opened the door before I could get a response out of him. "What did you talk about?"

"We talked about you. I won't get into it now but I promise that we will talk about it when we get a chance to be alone."

"Marcelle!" A woman is clapping her hands enthusiastically while walking towards us. She has a head full of grey hair and beautiful green eyes.

"That's Nicole's mother. You know Nicole and Aidan, right?"


He embraced her. Her green eyes refused to leave mine. "Hello! I'm Bea Bianca."

"Vittoria." I received her hug.

"I used the be so pretty and young. How time flies! Come along, there are people waiting to meet you."

She dragged me away while Marcelle smiled and followed.

We must have the conversation about my mother. We must.

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