By writes_danica

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Consist of different pairs in their alternate universe. With some genres being romance or tragic. Some are al... More

On Past, Jealousy, and Alcohol
Deaths and Birthdays
The 7th of February
Queen Of My Heart
If Ever You're In My Arms Again
A Trip To Remember
She Used To Be Mine
A New Chapter
Someone Like You
Exchange of Hearts
Best Part
More Than Just The Two Of Us
Happily Ever After
To Love You More
Stuck With You
How Do I Say Goodbye
Rewrite The Stars
Midnight Rain Strangers
Wish Granted
The Sound of Goodbye
Can't Help Falling In Love With You
From Here To Eternity


204 4 4
By writes_danica






"You take care, okay?" Ate Kamiyah reminds me as she parks her car.

"I will, Ate, no need to worry." I smiled at her.

"Control your temper on that girl please, Maze. I don't want you to end up on my office yet again."

Right she is also my principal at my school.

We were quite opposite here in school.

She was loved by the students and I was not.

Even though I am the sister of the principal and daughter of the school owners, my classmates seems to hate me. I was being bullied by them but I held on myself. I fought back sometimes resulting in me ending in my sister's office.

Of course, Ate would ask me why I did what I did but I would always lie. I don't want to worry her.

I also didn't report anything because that would just cause more problems. They'll call me abusive to power becuase I was blood related to the official and such.

But I'm glad I found my own circle of friends for almost a year now and also Lucian, my boyfriend of almost two years. They made school bearable to me.

I pretend everyday that everything was alright. I don't want to burden my family.

"I will if that bitch stay in her fucking line." I sneered in reply.

"Maze! Language!" Ate Kamiyah immediately scolded me.

"What?" I rolled my eyes at her. "It's the truth though."

"Well as your sister, you're right about that." Ate Kamiyah laughed at me.

"Lucian just seems to be so dense."

"Ate! Lucian is not like that."

"Here we go again, Maze, if he loves you, he would stay away already from that girl." Ate Kamiyah turned serious.

"He loves me, Ate. I trust him, I just don't trust that bitch." I answered.

"Anyway Maze, let's go. You're gonna be late to class."

"Ate, come on. You're the principal, I'm sure you can pull some strings on why I was late."

"Maze, Maze," Ate Kamiyah shook her head and flicked my forehead.

"Ouch!" I complained at her. "That hurts!"

"I may be the principal but that doesn't mean I would tolerate you, Mazikeen."

"Geez, so serious. I was just joking."

"Let's just go, Maze." Ate Kamiyah said and went out of the car.

I followed her suit and went out the car. We walked together until we reached her office before I bid goodbye to her before I went to my classroom.

The classroom was so lively but everyone became quiet when I made it inside. I raised my eyebrow at them. Well I was already used to this.

I just make sure to excell in my studies to prove myself to them. Of course I would still hear comments that my high grades are fake because of my family, but they all shut up when I showed them the transparency of my grades.

Some still doesn't believe but I don't care anymore.

"What? You all look like you had seen a ghost." I commented before going to my seat.

After I took my seat, everyone started chatting again and going around the room. Some are still finishing their assignments and others are copying the assignment from some of our classmates.

I took out some papers in my bag and put in on the teacher's table. Those were my spare answers to our assignments. I would my assignments and prepared spare answers if it was an essay one so that they could copy.

I also put in there my answers on our Mathematics and Science homework that required computation.

"My answers are on the table, just copy what you need and please paraphrase a little." I announced before going back to my seat.

Even if we would have group projects, I would always end up doing the work all by myself but I would still put their names in. I'm afraid of what they will say to me if I don't. I still can't help myself but to help our class even if all I could get sometimes are suffering.

Of course, almost everyone immediately huddled together in the teacher's table so that they could copy. I just bow my head down on my seat trying to sleep a little bit more.

"Hey, babe." Lucian greeted and hugged me.

I raised my head so that I could kiss his cheeks.

"Hey," I answered back. "What a miracle, I'm earlier than you today."

"There were just a few errands." He nonchalantly answered.

"I understand." I answered and snuggled closer to him.

"Lucian!" A girl screamed in a high pitch tone.

"Great, the bitch's here." I whispered almost inaudible.

"Oh, hey, Athena." Lucian greeted her.

"EIC is looking for you." Athena informed and tried to pull Lucian away from me.

"Why? What does he need from me?" Lucian asked and stood up.

I also fixed my sitting to see things unfold.

"I dunno, he didn't say anything." Athena replied and clinged in his arms.

"Could you please not flirt in front of me." I sneered and rolled my eyes.

"So jealous, how could you stand her, Lucian?" Athena mocked me and clinged even more to Lucian.

"She's just being clingy, Athena. She's not a jealous type." Lucian explained which made scoffed.

"Just go babe, it might be urgent." I smlied at Lucian.

"I'll be quick." Lucian replied and hugged me.

"He's only mine, bitch. Know your place." I hissed at Athena and glared at her as Lucian hugged me.

"What was that, babe?" Lucian asked when he let go.

"Nah, it's nothing." I dismissively answered.

"You sure?" Lucian asked and I just nodded. "Okay then."

The two of them left the classroom and I went to the teacher's table to get my papers. I don't want to be caught by our adviser.

The two of them just came back in time before homeroom started. We all took our respective seats while waiting for our adviser to arrived. When homeroom started, our adviser only gave a few reminders for the upcoming weeks and also the deadlines for some of our projects.

After homeroom, my most hated subject started.

Physical Education.

It's not that I don't love sports, I love them. It's just that it's the time of the year again.

The dance curriculum part again.

I admit I suck at dancing.

We would be grouped again and it's what I hated the most.

I would always be the last one to be picked. Every year it was always the same that I grew used to it. But it would still hurt. It would always feel like I was useless.

"Who wants to be a leader?" Our teacher asked.

When no one volunteered, he ended up picking who will be the leaders. I didn't dare to volunteer to be a leader, it would just bring back bad memories.

One of my friends was chosen to be a leader. I hope this year's dance would be different from the previous one.

I was wrong.

The leaders started choosing their leaders. As the students that were seated gets fewer, the more my hope is being crushed. Lucian was already picked by our friends so I'm still optimistic they would select me.

"Mr. Ontiveros, who would be your last member?" Our teacher asked Oslo, my friend.

He shared a look with Vanessa who is also my friend before answering.

"I would take, Athena, sir." Oslo answered.

Everyone whistled, teasing Athena and Lucian together.


"Atcian! Atcian!"

They cheered as if I wasn't here, they cheer as if I wasn't Lucian's girlfriend.

The selection continued until I was once again the last one left.

I was hurt but I didn't dare to show any emotion that I was hurt. They would talk about how weak I was if I ever showed anything.

"Ms. Rodriguez, you will be joining Mr. Galvez's group." Our teacher said and I just nodded my head.

"Alright, everyone line up! We're heading to the gymnasium." Our teacher announced and I immediately followed.

When we arrived, we went on to our respective groupings. As always I ended up with the worst group. I just watch as others planned our own respective performances.

"Just call me if you had something in mind." I announced at my groupmates who still had nothing in mind.

I wanted to cut classes so bad already.

I looked at Vanessa and their group having fun. But my blood boils as I see Athena continues to flirt with Lucian.

They were laughing at their own little group.

That's it!

I'll cut this class!

I can not take it anymore.

I just stared at them for a few more seconds before I walked away.

Vanessa seems to see me staring at them at her peripheral vision that's why I withdraw my gaze and turned my back at them.

"Hey Mazikeen, wait up!" Vanessa tried calling me but I ignored her and continued walking.

"Mazikeen!" She ran and pulled my shoulder so that I can face her.

"What?" I asked with a blank expression.

I'm exhausted already with pretending I'm okay. I don't have the energy to play bullshit and pretenses with them anymore.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this." Vanessa explained while avoiding my gaze.

"Meaning to do what?" I asked while trying to keep my tone cool.

"To left you out." She answered and completely avoided my gaze.

What a lying bitch she is.

"Oh, really?" I asked her with sarcasm in my voice.

"You did it on purpose, Vanessa!" I continued with the tone of my voice raised up. "You did this to spite me."

"No, Mazikeen. I didn't."

"You purposesly paired them up to spite me! You know how much insecurities I had with them together and here you are together with Oslo doing this to spite me." I huffed at her in anger.

"You thought I didn't see the look you two shared back at the classroom? You think I'm that dumb not to see that?" The tone of my voice ar her was rising.

"Well, you're wrong you motherfucker." I continued while pointing my finger at her.

"Didn't mean to left you out." I mimicked her voice to ridicule her. "Nice try."

"Look at your group, she's the only one odd, right?" I pointed at their group who's looking at our heated exchange. "I'm the only one who's missing. So don't you dare say you didn't mean to do this."

"I thought I was part of your group." I clicked my tounge while shaking my head. "Looks like I really don't belong and I'm the one who wants this friendship. Such a waste of money and effort."

"Are you saying that we're after your money?"

"What else would it be, huh?!" I snapped at her.

Ate Kamiyah mighthave reminded me to keep a cool head but I can't take this anymore.

"You're just being irrational Mazikeen." Oslo butted in.

"Now, it's my fault now!" I glared at him. "You planned this too you bastard so don't act so innocent."

Our arguement started to caught the attention of the rest of the class. They started to looked at us watching things to unfold.

"It's just a groupings, no need to be bitchy about it." Athena butted in and snaked her arms at Lucian.

This wannabe girlfriend of my man has the guts to interrupt me and pin the blame on me. And she really is seducing him right in front of me.

The nerve of this bitch.

"You, slut! Shut your mouth before I stitched that up!" I snarled at her and gave her the deadliest gaze I can give.

"How dare you call me that!" Athena rebutted.

"I'll call you whatever I want, you bitch! Wannabe girlfriend!" I shouted at her.

"Mazikeen! Stop this nonsense." Lucian interrupted and remove Athena's arms from him. "This is too far now. Apologize, now."

I felt a sharp pain in my heart when I heard him say that. But I didn't show it and continued looking at them with nothing but hatred in my eyes.

"Why would I? You're my boyfriend, you're supposed to be on my side."

"This is not right anymore, Maze." Lucian explained and tried to hold me but I refused.

"All I'm saying was the truth. Now, you want me to apologize. What the hell is wrong with you Lucian?!" I asked him in disbelief.

"You're accusing Athena nonsense."

"Wow! Her seducing you infront of me is nonsense, Lucian?! She flirts with you even though I'm just around. You call that nonsense?" I clenched my fist to prevent from slapping the shit out of him.

"She is just a friend, I thought I already made it clear." Lucian tried reasoning out.

"Her actions speaks otherwise. So what, you're siding her than me?"

"Yes! Because you're being irrational now Maze."

I couldn't belief that he chooses her over me. I never thought he could do this to me. Turns out he can do this to me.

"So what? You want to be called a fucking two timer by our class? In case you miss it, Lucian, they call you that because of what you do with Athena!" I sneered at him out of anger.

He's not the boyfriend that I used to know anymore. I blame this slut, Athena for ruining my life like this. It's already ruined but she made it worse.

"You're just being petty, Rodriguez." Someone from the class shouted which made me snapped totally.

"You're not the one who's always left out! You're not the one feeling that you belong! You're not the one who is always last to be called and last one sitting. So don't act like you know what I feel! Because you all don't know that!" I bursted out before walking out of them.




They yelled at me but I never listened and looked back at them.

I ran towards the exit of the gym. I had no idea where I wanted to go but I just wanted to go. I can't stand the pain anymore.

It's official, they don't like me and they despise me so much that they are willing to gaslight me.

I ran until I reached one of the college buildings of the University. I went inside it and ran towards the nearest comfort room.

Once I was inside I went to the farthest cubicle and locked myself in and cried my eyes out.

I can't let them see me cry like this. They can't see me weak like this. No one can see me like this.

I spent minutes crying in the cubicle until I heard a voice.

"Are you okay?"

I stopped crying then I went to fixed myself. I don't want anyone to see weak. I went out of the cubicle with a tear stained faced.


I looked at the other person.


Do I have to be so unlucky!?

It was Cream, one of my classmates. Looks like she didn't saw the altercation.

"Are you okay?" Cream asked me again.

"Obviously, I'm so so okay." I replied sarcastically.

"I saw you running away from the gym so I followed you." She handed me a handkerchief.

I hesitate for awhile before I accepted her handkerchief.

"Thank you." I said as I wiped my face.

"I shouldn't be saying this because I'll get into trouble but you deserve to know." She said and handed me her phone.

"What's this? And what do you mean you'll get into trouble?" I asked her consecutively.

"The truth."

I looked at her phone and it was enough to break my heart into a thousand pieces.

It was a picture of Lucian and Athena with there lips locked into each other. I can't help but to let fresh tears fall from my eyes.

"There's more." Cream said and swipped the screen.

It was pictures of them kissing in different places of the campus.

"I should have told you sooner but they threatened me to take my scholarship away from me. I'm so sorry, Maze." Cream apologized after showing everything.

"Who threatened you?" I asked with anger as my tears continue to fall.

"Lucian and Vanessa. They told me you would never believe me because you'll take their side." Cream replied.

"I promise no one will take your scholarship." I answered as I dried my tears again.

"Where are you going, Maze?!" Cream worriedly asked as O walked out of the restroom.

"End things with those bastards!" I snarled.

I went back to the gymnasium and I immediately pulled Lucian to give him the hardest slap I could give him.

"Maze?!" He asked in shock as he rubbed his red cheek. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You fucking cheater!" I shouted and slapped him again.

"That's why you don't care being called a two timer because that's the truth!"

"What?! No! I could never do that!"

"Please stop lying already! I knew the truth already. Enough with your games."

"You too Vanessa, how dare you betray me like that!" I slapped Vanessa hard on the face.

"Cream told me the truth and she has evidence. What a slut you are Athena. Is that your dream, to be a mistress?" I snarled at Athena.

"Because Lucian doesn't want you anymore, you're too controlling and we are much more very alike." Athena proudly replied.

"Me, controlling?!" I asked in disbelief.

"You want me to be like you, Maze." Lucian answered.

"It's for your own good!" I answered back.

I can't take anymore and I walked out from them. I don't know but I wanted to go home already. Since I don't have a car, I took a cab home. The maids were surprised to see me back so early without Ate. I immediately locked myself in my room.

I cried my eyes out from all the pain I was feeling. I was betrayed with the people I trusted. I was constantly bullied by my peers. They make me feel that I don't belong. I want to end my suffering already.

I looked for my sleeping pills for my insomia and I took a lot from the bottle. I ingested them all. I called Ate one last time before I die from overdose.

"Maze? No phone during class, right."

"I'm sorry Ate, I can't take it anymore." I cried at the phone.

"Where are you? What's happening?"

"I'm home. Don't come home. I love you Ate. I'm sorry." I said weakly as my eyes began to close.

"What's happening Mazikeen?!"

"I'm ending things." That's what all I said before everything went black.

I woke up and the first thing I saw was that I was in the hospital. Why am I still alive? I should have died already from the the pills that I took.

"Maze? Maze!" Ate Kamiyah hugged me when she saw me awake.

"I thought I lost you already." She cried on my shoulder.

"Why am I still alive?" I asked her and she cried harder.

"Tell Ate everything, I'll listen to you Maze. Who did this to my baby sister?" She cried.

I had no choice but to tell her everything. The hell that I went through that made me give up on my life.

"Ate will avenge you, don't worry. We love okay?" Ate Kamiyah hugged me tight after I finished talking.

"Mom and Dad was so devastated and worried for you."

"No one can hurt our baby Maze." Ate Kamiyah said angrily.
After a day of stay from the hospital I was allowed to go home and Ate didn't let me out of her sight. She even slept in my room. She was afraid that I would attempt again.

I also went back to school because exams were coming up. Everyone was shocked to see me back. I don't know if they found out about my attempt. I was just wearing my hoodie to cover my face. Homeroom started but we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Ma'am Kamiyah? Chairwoman Margaret? President Kirk?" Our adviser were shocked to see my family and I just tightened my hood.

"May we come in?"

"Of course."

They went inside and everyone greeted them with respect.

"You all know that our university doesn't tolerate any kind of bullying." Ate Kamiyah started. "I just wanted to know if there were any kind of bullying that happened in this room?"

When no one answered or moved, it angered Ate Kamiyah.

"I said, was there any instance of bullying in this classroom?!" She asked with anger.

Ate Kamiyah rarely got angry but when she does it's scary.

"So, no one would admit that you pushed my sister to attempt suicide?!" She added in anger. "I could expelled everyone single one of you here right now!"

"How dare all of you bully and gaslight my daughter!" My mom added while restraining herself. "I can summon your parents and tell them of what kind of a child they are raising."

"Mr. Antonio and Ms. Domingo, how dare you blackmail a student from telling the truth to my daughter!" Dad added and curled his first.

"Tito-" Lucian tried to explained but Dad cut him off.

"It's Mr. Rodriguez to you. And how dare you cheat on my daughter like that!" Dad exclaimed and raised his fist.

"Mom! Dad! Ate!" I shouted and stood up from my seat.

"Enough please, it's not worth it." I pleaded with them.

"No, there will be consequences for their actions." Mom said and shook her head at me.

"See, you're just using your power to intimidate us." Athena rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Ms. Athena Lopez, let me tell you that my sister is no way involved in this. We all took action as Maze's family." Ate Kamiyah glared at her. "You destroyed my sister may I remind you, and I know so many dirty secrets about you that you don't want anyone to know."

"So if you don't want your reputation ruined her and to the others school you might applied for, you better shut your mouth." Ate Kamiyah added.

In the end, only Vanessa, Oslo, Lucian, and Athena were expelled from school. Others were given a day suspension. I just went on to finish the school year before I went abroad to stay and study. I went far away from them to forget and moved on from everything. I can't bear to stay at that school for much longer it would only remid me of everything devastating.

What a mistake it was.

To fall in love with a traitor.


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