A Summoner's Story of Love an...

By Equirzon

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After the events of the Orc war, summoner Lord Fletcher Raleigh continues to fight his front. When he is call... More

Some Information
Fixing Spirits - Chapter 1
New Foes - Chapter 2
Battle of Orcs and Wills - Chapter 3
For the Road Ahead - Chapter 4
Unknown Enemy Strategies - Chapter 5
Finding Bonds (and New Friends) - Chapter 6
Battle Ready - Chapter 7
Deceiving at its Finest - Chapter 8
Time For a Little Scavenging - Chapter 9
Homeward Bound is We - Chapter 10
Going Downhill - Chapter 11
Late-night Meetings - Chapter 13
In the Dark and Terrible - Part 14
Travellers - Chapter 15
Trial and Co. - Part 16

In the Barn - Chapter 12

118 4 8
By Equirzon

Hey guys. I was gonna combine this chapter with the next one, but that would make it too long. Also, my friend Onion is laughing at me because I ended up making 12 summoner memes. The Onion thinks I've gone crazy; they might not be wrong. Anyways, enjoy, and don't be afraid to comment thoughts and suggestions. I love interacting with whoever wants to.


3 weeks passed by Fletcher while in hiding. They had decided to make a temporary base near a canyon next to the Vesanian Sea in a few old, abandoned stables and barns. Only Arcturus and Elaine knew where they were, and rarely visited. The four of them hadn't seen the two since the first two days when they had dropped them off and given them supplies of food. They had fashioned a tack room into their bedroom, using the blankets they had been given by Arcturus, straw that was lying about, and old saddle pads. The four of them had their demons out on a constant to keep watch, and provide safety if needed. Living like this made them all on edge. They had been given a pack of cards by Arcturus, as well as a few empty books and charcoal pencils to ease their boredom as much as possible. So far, Fletcher had won seven of fifteen games, and used four of his pages.

Fletcher cracked his back and sat up from the hard floor. He was frustrated at being cooped up in the stable that smelled of must and grime, and that he was being treated like a lowlife criminal just for loving someone. He strode to a horse stall with a broken gate and kicked a manger of hay. The only one who bothered to look was Seraph. The random movements of aggravation and violence were common for all of them by now. Ignatius mewled from beside Fletcher and Sylva's bed and continued looking at his master, chewing at bits of hay. Fletcher lowered his shoulders. He went to Othello, looking down. In those three weeks they had been here, Fletcher had apologised to Othello and Seraph so much at had become like a prayer. He had given up by now. He still felt guilty, but repeating that he was sorry didn't change the fact that they were still here. They could hear rain drumming against the roof above them. A rat scurried on the rafters, and Fletcher saw Athena silently speed past, and seconds later he heard the death throes of the rat. Fletcher's demon returned to the ground with a thin tail peaking from her mouth. She slurped it down and fluffed her feathers. Fletcher would have tried to strike up a conversation, but all that wanted to be said had already been uttered days earlier. The only good conversation they had was on the appearance of Seraph's new demon, one that he acquired from King Harold after Arcturus and Elaine's wedding. It was an akhlut, an orca-like demon that walked like an encantado, and had a long, fleshy tail. Seraph had named it Aloc. Sylva picked up a whetstone from her bag and began to sharpen her blade. The rhythmic, continuous scraping of the stone on the steel lulled Fletcher. He would go mad with no noise. Solomon grumbled from his spot on the floor and knocked Othello's foot. The dwarf barely paid any mind.

From beside the dripping water tap, Erilite raised her head and pricked her ears as Athena sat up. The two demons looked at the large, barricaded doors. The group noticed this behaviour, and Sylva stopped sharpening her blade, and shifted it to her sword hand. Fletcher grabbed his bow and nocked an arrow as Othello grabbed his tomahawk. The door was knocked, and the demons relaxed. A moment later, Arcturus' voice was heard from outside.

"Open up, it's sopping wet out here." The Quadro made a collective sigh of relief and unbarricaded the door, letting Arcturus in from the torrential weather. A horse was led in after him and stored in an undamaged stable. He took off his coat and hung it up on a peg. He rubbed his hands together, looking at each of the teenagers. He dragged a crate over and sat on it.

"Right then. First off, how are you all doing?" The only response the man got was a collection of grumbles and shoulder shrugs. Arcturus sent them pitying looks.

"That bad, huh? I'm sorry it's like this. We're doing the best we can. It's chaos out there. The Pinkertons are out like maggots, turning towns upside down looking for you all. They've only made it as far as Vocans castle, though, so it'll take them a good while to get up here. Even so, we're keeping you all here for another week before we move you all. Good news is, all of your families have been warned and moved. Of course, your homes were the first place the law searched, and afterwards, they left your family be, Seraph, and your mother too, Fletcher." The two boys relaxed slightly. Athena mewled.

"Othello, your family went into hiding, just to be safe. We couldn't be sure that the Pinkertons wouldn't act violently to them. Cress too. Sylva, Elaine and I took a trip up to the elves before Old Alfric could send a message up. We phrased it best we could. Some took it well, but others weren't too happy. They were still discussing it when we left. There's still hope, so don't you worry." Sylva nodded, and took fletcher's hand. Arcturus smiled sweetly at the sight before his face went back to a sad, drained expression. It worried Fletcher.

"What's going on that you're not telling us, Arcturus? You seem far too stressed." Fletcher stated. Seraph nodded. The older man sighed and rubbed his face with his hand.

"Can't slip anything by you four. Alright. I'll tell. Keep in mind, the only one we told about this was Alice, but I trust you kids." He sighed again, and took his hand away from his face. Sacharissa, who had came in with her summoner, nuzzled his hand in reassurance. Arcturus' lip twitched upwards as he pet the canid.

"Elaine's pregnant." He said, looking at his demon. Sylva gasped and put a hand to her mouth. Fletcher sat upright, clutching the elf's other hand. Othello stopped fiddling with Pria's tail, and Seraph stiffened. Othello was the one who broke the tension.

"Well, congratulations! That's fantastic news; albeit not convenient for the current situation, but fantastic nonetheless!" He said energetically. Arcturus looked at him and smiled. Seraph leaned forward and shook Arcturus' hand, grinning at him.

"You're gonna be a father." Fletcher said, dumbfounded, looking at the battlemage. "A father." He repeated. He stared blankly at Arcturus until it finally clicked in his head. He shot to his knees.

"Oh my fuck, a child! That's amazing! How do you feel?!" Fletcher exclaimed. Arcturus chuckled at him.

"I feel overjoyed about it. Still a bit numb, but happy."

Sylva looked at Arcturus.

"How far along is it? How's Elaine doing?" She asked.

"The doctor says about a month, maybe a few days more. Elaine's doing fine. Me and Lysander have been keeping her in the house, and she's not much happy about that." He joked. Sylva smiled before asking,

"Then why look so downcast?" Arcturus' face went down again at that.

"Well, she's more vulnerable now, and with the law suspicious at us, and the nobles angry, I'm worried for her. There is only so much I can do, and it's not like I can put her into hiding. She is going to need a doctor at some point. Also, neither of us know anything about children or pregnancy, so..." He ranted. He looked at the rafters for a moment before back to the group. No one said anything. Arcturus reached a hand into his hung jacket and pulled something out of its pocket. It was a letter folded into an envelope. The seal on the opening had already been ripped.

"Enough about that. We received this a few days ago. Here. Elaine and I already read it." He passed the envelope to the nearest person: Seraph. The young noble pulled the note out of the envelope and scanned through it. the group watched his facial expressions change.

He didn't say anything once he was finished, only passing it to Othello beside him. the dwarf took it and grunted a thanks. His eyes flicked it, too, but his face didn't change.

"Huh." Was all he said before giving it to Fletcher. He saw cursive, neat writing in ink and started from the first line.

I address this letter to Seraph Pasha, Sylva Arkenia, Fletcher Raleigh, Othello Thorsager.

I know that me speaking with you is looked down upon at this time, and is possibly deemed suspicious by you all, but let me make a proposition. I want to help the people who I think are in the right, as one might say, so I ask that you accept my aid. Please, if you do, meet me at the small village by the forest beside the Western Farmlands on the twenty-second of this month, at the twentieth hour. I will await there, but know that you all may not appear. Please understand that I want to help.

Yours dearly and truly,

Verity Faversham

Fletcher blinked.

"Are we doing this?" he asked as he gave the letter to Sylva. He watched her read it, waiting for the group's response to his question. Once Sylva had read it, she silently handed it back to Arcturus.

"Maybe. Me and Elaine's doubtful, and think it could be a trap, but you all might know her better. We only know her father, but she might be different. I want to hear your opinions." He stated, before crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, observing. Seraph spoke first.

"Worth a look into, at least. Sure, it could be a trap. Yes, she could be lying. If she is? We'll be walking into the lion's den, with all of the lions up and hungry. But, what if she's not lying? The odds are still against us if we don't go. If it turns sideways, we could have our demons ready to flee." He finished. Arcturus nodded and looked to Sylva. She looked down for a moment, brow furrowed, before shaking her head vaguely and looking to Othello. He coughed.

"Well, I don't overly think it's a good idea. I mean, we have everything to lose with this. Her father was the one who gleefully filled Fletcher with manticore venom like a balloon. Like the saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But, I don't know. I don't like our situation right now anyways. I'll go with what you all choose if we come to an agreement." He looked to Solomon and rubbed the demon's hard arm. Arcturus then passed his gaze to Fletcher. The young Lord was quiet before speaking.

"I think we do it. There's both benefits and risks if we go, and honestly, why not? Verity wasn't outwardly hostile when we were sent into the Orc jungles, and was fairly calm and cooperative with everyone, unlike the rest of the nobles. And, if it's not a trap, and she is willing to help, the advantage she'll bring us is astounding. No one would assume she's helping us, because the rest of her family hates us. Not to mention the insider knowledge she'd have. Then again, that's only if she isn't lying." Fletcher looked at Sylva, as did the rest of the group. Her eyes were closed.

"I don't know. It's a half-chance either way; a gamble. But, if we don't play, we don't win anything; or lose anything. It's a very odd proposition, and a suspicious one, like she said, and I don't like it. But I'll gamble if everyone else is." Arcturus nodded and leaned away from the wall.

"Then, what's everyone's final vote?" Silence ensued, before Sylva spoke first.

"Do it." She said simply, opening her eyes. Othello spoke next.

"Maybe... we risk it."

Fletcher went next. "I say yes." Seraph voted last.

"Let's see her then." Arcturus stood. He nodded at each of them.

"So it is decided. We have a few days to get ready. I'll be back the night before we leave, and go with you all. You should plan and make preparations while I'm gone. I'll consult with Elaine." He itched the back of his head.

"I'll take my leave now. Have a good night, the lot of you, and good luck." He took his coat off the peg and put it on before walking to the horse he had come in with. He retrieved it and infused Sacharissa into her leather before making for the door. He halted suddenly as he was about to reach it, and moved towards the four younger summoners. He reached out a hand, and ruffled their hair, and smiling fondly at them. Before any of them responded, he led the horse out the door, and shouted back to them,

"Close this door and barricade it." He mounted up in the horse's saddle and spurred it on, disappearing into the rain. Solomon walked over and did as the Captain commanded, before plopping back on the ground.

"I think the Captain likes us." Seraph joked, coaching a laugh out of the rest of them. Their moods were lifted slightly, and they began to talk about what Arcturus had told them until they all got dozy and decided to retire for the night.


When Arcturus returned a few days later, he was joined by Elaine, who came over to them and pulled them into a hug. When they escaped her grasp, they congratulated her on her pregnancy. She blushed slightly and laughed, thanking them. They talked as they prepared dinner, and talked about what was to transpire the following night.

"We were thinking that we should get there earlier and beat them to it. That way, if it is an ambush, we can see it early, and get out as quickly as possible." Sylva supplied. The married two nodded and served food.

"Yes, that sounds wise. We had a look on where they wanted to meet. It's lightly forested, open, but not so much that it's suspicious. There isn't much room to hide an ambush, and once someone's there, they could spot people coming for about a mile. So, if we get there first, we'll be better off. We brought some extra horses that are grazing just a few fields over, and new clothes for all of you. Anything else?" No one had anything else to say, so they sat and ate the food given to them. When the moon was right up in the sky, they called for sleep. They fixed up an extra bed for Arcturus and Elaine, and everyone headed to rest, with their demons out in the main area. Fletcher huddled up to Sylva in their shared bed, thinking of the day ahead.

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