The pretend

By SulainahDiamante

29.8K 1.7K 202

What are you willing to do for the one you love? Can you pretend not to be in love with the love of your life... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 25

979 58 7
By SulainahDiamante


"It's ok baby I'm here, I'm not going anywhere" Everett cooed in that soft voice of his as I cringed to him tears still flowing down my face. When I saw him standing outside of my parent's house, I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe that the love of my life was there in front of me and no matter how much I tried to not cry, the tears wouldn't stop flowing.

My emotions were everywhere and I don't know which I can settle with coz first I was happy that Everett was here with me and second, picturing the look of disgust in my parent's eyes made me cry more. Good thing Everett was able to get me out there and took me to his apartment and when we reached, I couldn't help but break into his arms again bawling my eyes out.

Good thing he hasn't stopped holding me for a second and I'm glad.

"They hate me" I muttered in his chest sobbing.

"I know" he took a deep breath pushing his hand through my hair trying to calm me down. We spent another hour or so like that with him holding me close until I stopped sobbing lifting my head out of his chest as I looked at him with hooded puff eyes. "Do you feel a little bit better?" he asked with a small smile. I nodded still not believing that he was here with me. He was here holding me "Let me get you a glass of water" I stopped him, seeing that he was struggling to get up.

"It's ok, I'm not thirsty," I say with a small smile.

"Jar, go get a bottle of water and drink some, your lips are dry" he ordered. I sighed standing up not wanting to defy him as I walked toward the small refrigerator pulling out a small bottle of water and downing it. I really needed it, he was right.

My eyes wandered around looking at his small peaceful apartment. It suits him. I went back sitting next to him biting my lips nervously not knowing what to say right now.

"Nice place" I blurted out coz it was getting awkward, it was like we'd just met and we didn't know what to talk about.

"Thanks," He said fumbling with his hands which were placed on his belly nervously. "I'm so sorry Jared," he says swallowing hard.

"Why are you saying sorry, matter of fact, I'm the one who has to say sorry," I ask confused.

"I made you come out and look what happened..., I'm sorry" he looked at me with worried eyes.

"It's not your fault Ev, you didn't make me come out. I decided to do it and I knew the consequences" I shrugged.

"If I didn't leave you, you wouldn't have done it so it's partly my fault. I forced you which isn't cool at all" he says with regretful eyes.

"You didn't force me Everett, soon or later I would have done coz no matter what I wouldn't have hidden that part of me any longer. I'm a grown-up ass man, I had to do it" I say softly biting my lips. "I spent this whole past weeks thinking so hard, I love you and I love my parents but you Everett, you loved me unconditionally, did things no man can do for me and I thought if my parents love me, they would also love me with all my flaws, that's what love means and it will get better" I rumbled feeling bad for myself.

"It does get better but it still leaves inside us forever and it hurts sometimes" he whispered touching his heart "when I lost my family I fault like I have lost the biggest part of my life. But I was happy and free, to love who I wanna love coz that's who I am but it gets hard sometimes. They are part of us, the people we had known all our lives so it hurts trust me I know" I sighed deeply.

"How do you make it hurt less," I asked coz his always so damn happy.

"I have friends who care about me," he replies lowly "and most especially I had you Red, you made my coming out and losing my family worthy, waking up in your arms, made me the happiest and I never regretted coming out to them since I met you. You made every day worth losing them" he says looking deep into my eyes.

"You can still have me, baby," I whisper breathlessly. "We can still have each other sweetheart.  The minute I saw you outside that house, it was worth it. It felt better immediately. You holding me was worth losing my parents. I'm sorry I didn't see it before but baby, you're worth my coming out. Looking at you now, makes me forget everything that had happened hours ago. If they can't accept me the way I am, then they're not worth my love either" I say crouching closer to him looking at his delicious lips dying to taste them.

"Jared..." he whispered not moving away. My lips were dangerously close to his just an inch and I will be tasting him.

"I miss you baby so much" I whisper caressing his cheek softly "I'm sorry I didn't see it earlier but from today onwards if you give me a chance, I promise to treasure you. I will even shout to the whole world that you're mine and I'm yours" I whispered pushing my tongue out licking his lips. "You and our daughter are my family now, not that you were an option coz trust me, baby, you were never an option. You were my number one priority from the start. I was just stupid not to see it but you're my life and my everything"

"Just kiss me please" his voice came out breathlessly and I didn't waste a second as I pressed my lips to his in a deep kiss. I couldn't help the deep moan that slipped out of my throat. His lips are so delicious I can't believe I have taken this long without tasting them, how the hell did I survive all these weeks? I held his cheeks sucking on his lips as he opened up for me our tongues meeting desperately.

Everett moaned in my mouth when I let him dominate me as he pleases. He pushed his tongue deep into my throat as if he couldn't get enough and hell, I couldn't get enough either. He tastes wonderful I could eat him up.

"Oh baby, I love you so much" he whispered when we broke the kiss pecking my lips again and again not getting enough.

"I love you too," I said panting.

"I have missed you so much, baby boy," he says pecking my face.

"I missed you too please don't leave me" I sobbed,

"Oh my baby, I love you, I love you" he kissed my lips softly  "I will always be yours" he whispered with a smile kissing me again deeply.

"Strip baby, I want to see you" he commanded after breaking the kiss sending shivers all over my body. I gulped as I stood up pulling my clothes off in a hurry and standing in front of him naked. He looked me up and down lust lacing his eyes as he licked his lips. "Let's go to the bed" I helped him stand up as we walked to his small neat bedroom. "Lay down and spread your legs for me I need to see all of you" I did what he asked spreading my legs wide shamelessly.

Ev sat between my legs after pulling off his clothes and damn, pregnant Everett is so sexy and hot my cock was leaking so much just by looking at him like that. He sat upright making sure to not put pressure on his stomach.

"Wet your fingers baby for me, both your hands" I licked them immediately moaning when he passed his thumb over the tip of my leaking cock. "I need you to massage your nipples for me with those wet fingers, I would have done it but I can't" I understand him, he can't lean in because of his belly which is totally understandable.

I massaged my nipples softly aching my back on the bed when Ev passed a thumb over my sensitive hole. "Pull those nipples baby, pull them hard until they hurt so much you can't take it anymore do it baby" I cried out in ecstasy pulling on the nipples hard as he liked it until they were hard and sensitive I couldn't take it.

I moaned when he pushed his wet finger in my hole messaging softly while the other hand is stroking my cock and balls. The pleasure was too much my eyes watered, I was in heaven. This was pure heaven. I yelped when he smacked my butt hard adding pleasure to my body. Oh god he is gonna make me come so hard

"Ohh...Ev" I moaned opening my eyes to look at him and wow the sight was fantastic coz I couldn't look away. "Oh fuckkkkk" I moaned loudly when his fingers hit my spot inside making me shudder on the bed.

"Give those nipples pleasure Red" I hurriedly put my hands on them pulling on them hard as he messages my hole and cock. He smacked my butt again adding pleasure to the bliss, oh motherfuckin mary, I was lost in my world where Ev and I existed. "Oh God you're so sexy love, so hot with your back arched like that" he groaned pushing his fingers harder inside as I fucked myself on them.

"Ev oh shit yes" I panted out my eyes rolling as my body tensed up.

"Come for me baby" he commanded passing his hand on my tip and his hands torturing my spot as I came so hard, god knew I needed this. Weeks without this bliss. I was breathing so hard as he continued massaging my hole softly. "Are you ok"

"Yeah" I opened my eyes looking at him still out of breath.

"Come I want to come on your face" I nodded getting up as I cupped his cock stroking it up and down licking the tip. His body tensed up I knew he was gonna blow so I closed my eyes as he came onto my face like he wanted. The pleasurable moans coming out of his mouth showed that he liked it so much. But who am I kidding I also love it when he comes onto my face.

I captured his lips kissing him hard taking his breath away and by the minute I let his lips go, he was in panting fits. Not that I wasn't with him, hell I was trying to catch my breath.

"God I have missed you," I say

"Me too, so much" he replies cupping my face as he kisses my cheek.

"My soul was dying without you Ev, please promise to never leave me again"
I pleaded.

"This time I'm keeping you forever" I smiled at him kissing him again not minding the mess I  on my face. After making out so much, I helped Ev to the bathroom as we cleaned ourselves and I might have given him another blow job in there, sue me, but I couldn't resist. I'm at my happiness.

I can't believe that it took me all these years to know that with him I can be this happy. I didn't even think about what happened earlier coz he made it better and I'm glad I finally came out. Now I want to show off my husband and let everyone knows that he is mine and mine alone.


Ohhh they are back together.

It's coming to an end.

Sorry for the late update. I will update another chapter tomorrow. Love you guys, thanks for reading.

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