Something Great (Ziam AU)

By megz1985

1.1M 42.5K 13.5K

Zayn is your average 21 year old waiter. Liam is an above average 21 year old popstar. When Zayn enters a con... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter Eighty Six

8K 298 149
By megz1985

Chapter Eighty Six — Liam

Liam groans and paces the length of his hotel room again, the bus arrived early in the morning and he and everyone else were ushered to their rooms quickly with strict instructions not to let anyone out without escorts for several hours. Liam is bored to say the least, he's bored and Zayn's not answering his phone, it's going to straight to voicemail so Liam figures he's let it die...again. There's a quick knock on his door, and Liam frowns and pulls it open to reveal Perrie, struggling to get past Jim, "Jim ease up" Liam groans, as Perrie practically falls into the room. "Sorry Liam, just worried about you is all" Jim answers and Liam rolls his eyes, closing his door again. Realistically he knows that as his head of security Jim is just looking out for his best interests, but on days like this when he just wants to be out, he doesn't like to think about things realistically. "What brings you to my prison?" Liam asks, gesturing around the large hotel suite, Perrie giggles and flops across his couch, "I know a secret, but mostly I'm bored too, and the other girls are all sleeping" she pouts, and Liam rolls his eyes. "Can't you go bug Lou?" he asks, he's joking, he loves Perrie's company, "wait? What kind of secret?" he asks suddenly. Perrie giggles again and shakes her head, "I can't tell you, but you should find out in about two hours" she shrugs. Liam groans and flops into the chair crossing his arms and pouting, "fine" he huffs, Perrie giggles and tosses one of her rings at him, it bounces off Liam's head and lands on the carpet, before rolling away. Liam narrows his eyes at her, before shaking his head and laughing lightly, "Netflix?" he asks and she grins nodding "sounds good" she answers as Liam flips open his laptop.

About ten minutes into the first episode of Supernatural Louis barges into the room claiming he was going to die if he didn't get some kind of human interaction, so now Liam, Louis, and Perrie are all sprawled across Liam's hotel suite watching episodes of Supernatural while eating junk food that Louis brought in. Liam's just started the third episode, rolling his eyes as both Louis and Perrie argue over who's more attractive, Jensen, or Jared, Liam personally thinks neither has anything on Zayn, when they hear a commotion in the hall, before there's a tapping on the door. Perrie grins widely, as Liam gets up to open the door, when he does, he's almost knocked over by someone throwing themselves into his arms, "Surprise" Perrie calls from behind him. Liam recognizes the scent instantly and pulls the boy back to look at him, "Zayn, what are you doing here?" he asks, Zayn shrugs as Harry pushes past them into the room, jumping on top of a surprised looking Louis. "I needed to see you" Zayn mumbles pushing himself back into Liam's neck, "needed to hug you" he adds, wrapping his arms tightly around Liam, Liam shivers as Zayn presses small kisses to his neck where his face is still pressed, "needed to kiss you" Zayn mumbles. Liam chuckles pulling Zayn out of his neck to kiss him properly, "I missed you" he mumbles against Zayn's lips.

Once they've properly said hello, Liam tucks Zayn into his side on the couch, looking around the room to see Harry snuggling into Louis, and Perrie watching them all with fond eyes. "How was travelling with this?" Liam asks, tapping gently on Zayn's cast, watching as Zayn shifts, "uncomfortable, but not as terrible as I imagined" he explains, and Liam nods, "so you could have come with me a week ago, then" he murmurs, laughing when Zayn sends him an exasperated look, and Liam thinks its adorable, much like everything Zayn does. "But seriously, I'm glad you're both ok" Zayn mumbles, looking towards Louis and Harry, who Liam notes are too wrapped up in each other to hear anyone. Liam kicks out at Louis with his foot, the older groaning before turning to glare at Liam, "not in my room Lou, you have your own you can violate" Liam insists, wrapping another arm around Zayn, who's laughing lightly. "Rude" Louis scoffs, before pulling Harry up the pair making their way back into the hall and no doubt towards Louis' room. "Thanks for the help by the way Pez" Zayn says and Liam turns to glare at the blonde, "you knew?" he asks shocked, making Perrie roll her eyes at him. "What other surprise did you think I was talking about? Of course I knew I told him what hotel everyone was at" Perrie exclaims, before rolling off the couch she's been laying on, "and on that note, I'm going to leave you two alone. Come find me later Zee" she winks, before practically skipping out of the room.

The door has barely clicked shut behind Perrie when Zayn throws himself at Liam. Liam's slow to react at first, but then he's wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and pulling him tighter to him, "you didn't have to come out here" he murmurs, because it's true, as much as Liam loves to be with Zayn, and he's not upset he's here, he knows just how much Zayn didn't want to fly with his cast. Zayn pulls away slightly and rolls his eyes, "as if I wouldn't come after what happened, I know you told me you were ok, but I needed to see for myself" he murmurs back, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to the swollen part of Liam's lip. Liam tries not to wince, but it hurts and he knows he's unsuccessful when he sees the concern flash across Zayn's face, "no, baby, it's ok. Just still a little sore is all" Liam soothes, pulling a struggling Zayn back to his chest. Liam starts carding his fingers through Zayn's hair, loving how Zayn responds to it, pushing into his touch and relaxing into his arms, "how long do I have you for?" Liam asks quietly. Zayn bites his lip and Liam can't help it, Zayn knows how he feels about that, and leans down to kiss him deeply. When they pull apart a minute later both men are breathless, Zayn grins and reaches out to brush a finger down Liam's cheek, "I don't really know. Niall and Harry have to be back in three days for work. But I don't really have to be back anytime, so I guess I'm here until you get sick of me?" Zayn asks chewing on his bottom lip again. Liam chuckles "so you're staying until tour is over then" he states determinedly, laughing when Zayn hits him with a pillow and rolls his eyes.

Zayn has fallen asleep, sprawled across Liam's chest, it's only been an hour since he arrived but the boy seemed exhausted and Liam had insisted, running his fingers through the raven locks until Zayn's eyes slipped closed and his breathing evened out. The door bangs open and Louis and Harry are suddenly in his room, Liam sends them a look before turning his attention back to Zayn, Harry coos, "aww, I'm glad he's sleeping he didn't at all last night, or on the plane" he coos. Louis rolls his eyes and Liam's not sure who it's directed at, "anywaaays, back to why we're here. Given what happened last night, you are off until the concert tomorrow, use your time wisely" Louis smirks. Liam bites his lip and eyes his best friend, "what did you do?" he asks warily, knowing the look on Louis' face all too well, and not entirely trusting it. Louis laughs, loudly and Liam winces as he feels Zayn stir on his chest, "I may have suggested you were completely traumatized and wouldn't be able to properly rehearse" Louis shrugs, and Liam rolls his eyes, "thanks Lou" he mumbles. Louis grins, "thought you might want some uninterrupted time with him" he murmurs, gesturing to Zayn and Liam smiles softly, "yea, I do. Thanks. Now not to be rude, but get out" he says. Louis chuckles and grabs Harry by the wrist tugging him towards the door, "we have things to do anyways" Louis states, before they're gone, the door almost slamming behind them. Liam watches the spot they were in for another moment before pressing a kiss to Zayn's hair and allowing himself to slip into a much need rest.

When Liam wakes up it's a couple hours later, and it's to Zayn sitting on top of him, mouthing at his neck and collarbones, Liam growls and reaches up to grab at Zayn "I wouldn't start anything you aren't prepared to finish" he warns. Zayn pulls away and smirks down at him "who says I don't plan on finishing?" he asks, arching an eyebrow, Liam groans and pulls Zayn back down to kiss him. The kiss is sloppy, and needy and it's not long before they're licking into each other's mouths, needing to taste the other, Liam attempts to roll them over, and that's when it all goes wrong. Zayn's cast gets stuck in the blanket, pulling Zayn back with it, so he ends up falling off of Liam and landing beside him tangled in the sheets. "You alright?" Liam asks concerned, he's worried he's hurt Zayn, the other not saying anything, not really moving. Zayn starts laughing then, and Liam furrows his eyebrows confused, "I'm fine. Stupid, cock blocking cast" he chuckles, and Liam laughs with him, because now that he's sure Zayn isn't hurt it is kind of funny, when he thinks about it. "Well now that that's successfully ruined, do you want to go find some food?" Liam asks, because he's suddenly starving, Zayn sighs, and bites at his lip, before nodding his head slowly. Liam grins and stands up, before helping Zayn up, holding onto him until he's sure he's steady on his feet. As they make their way towards the door, Liam notices the pout on Zayn's face, "hey, we can pick that back up again later. Promise" he whispers, lips pressing right against Zayn's ear, not missing the way the older shivers slightly, before he nods his head.

It takes a lot of convincing, (mostly whining) on Liam's part to get Jim to allow them out of the room, not to mention the hotel itself, Liam's aware he's throwing a bit of a tantrum about it, but he honestly doesn't care, he wants McDonald's, and he's going to get it. In the end Jim gives in, but Liam's not sure how he feels about having not only Jim and Alec shadowing them, but also Paddy and another security guard who's name Liam can't remember. Liam huffs as they enter the restaurant which was only about a block away from the hotel, Zayn chuckles beside him and squeezes his hand gently, "hey, it's not so bad, they just want to make sure your safe" he murmurs, and Liam rolls his eyes, he knows Zayn's right but it doesn't make it any less annoying. Zayn laughs, hazel eyes sparkling, "now you know how I feel about him following me everywhere" he teases pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at Paddy. Liam snorts and shakes his head, "I'm not calling him off, if that's what you're trying to ask" he murmurs, pressing a kiss to Zayn's cheek, before stepping up to the counter to order.

They're halfway through their meals, Liam pretending to ignore the fact that Zayn keeps stealing french fries from him, when a little girl approaches them timidly. Liam watches Jim tense and rolls his eyes, this girl can't be more than six, her dark hair pulled into pigtails, and her green eyes wide as she shyly steps close to the table. "You're Liam Payne" she mumbles and Liam grins at her, pulling Zayn into his side a little more, "yes, I am, and what's your name love?" he asks. Zayn coos quietly as the little girl blushes, "I'm Ella" she answers shyly. Liam smiles at her, "that's a beautiful name" he tells her, making her giggle, before she looks at Zayn. "Zayn" she gasps and Liam smiles as Zayn brightens a little beside him, "hey, lovely. How are you?" Zayn asks, "I'm good. I'm sorry, but I love Liam's music, and Zayn you're really cute" she rushes, Liam and Zayn both chuckle at that. "How old are you, love?" Liam asks, gesturing for Jim to find him a pen, Ella smiles, "six and a half" she answers, biting her lip, "ah the half is very important" Liam grins, taking the sharpie Jim offers him. 

Liam looks around the restaurant "who are you here with?" he asks, and Ella grins, "my brother, he's there" she says pointing to a bored looking teenager a few tables away, who's watching them closely, Liam nods and turns his attention back to the girl, "would you like me to sign something for you?" he asks. Ella's eyes light up, and Liam grins as she hands him a slightly crumpled paper, he smooths it out and quickly scribbles his name, with a short message, before handing it to the girl. Zayn straightens beside him, "why don't you go ask your brother to come over here and you can get a picture too?" he asks, Ella's eyes widen, "you'll be in it too, please?" she asks, and Liam watches as Zayn nods, "sure if you want" he shrugs. Ella grins and runs over to her brother, Liam watches as she talks animatedly with her hands, and the teenager rolls his eyes fondly before allowing himself to be pulled over to Liam.

"This is Travis" Ella states "hey, I'm sorry about her, I told her to leave you alone, but she was so excited to see you" Travis apologizes but Liam and Zayn both wave it away. "It's fine, really" Liam assures him, "she says you offered her a picture?" Travis asks and Liam nods, "if you don't mind taking one" he answers. Travis smiles and pulls his phone from his pocket as Ella scrambles closer to Liam, he reaches down and pulls her onto his lap, pulling Zayn in closer to his side. They all look towards the camera before Travis snaps the picture. "Thanks for this, now c'mon Ella say goodbye" Travis instructs. Ella pouts but slips from Liam's lap, "bye, Liam, bye Zayn" she mumbles Liam smiles leaning down to kiss her cheek, Zayn doing the same, "bye, lovely" Liam says. Before she gets to far away Zayn nudge him and arches an eyebrow, Liam understands right away and calls them back. Travis spins on his heel turning to face Liam again "are you coming to the show tomorrow?" he asks. Travis sighs shaking his head, holding onto Ella's hand, "Nah, I tried to get her tickets, but I couldn't afford them and didn't win any" he sighs. Liam smiles and turns to Jim who rolls his eyes, and pulls two tickets from his pocket, handing them to Liam, who holds them out to Travis, "well now you are, see you tomorrow" he grins. Travis takes them slowly "are you sure, I mean you didn't have to, thank you" he stammers, Liam shrugs "I want to, and your welcome" he says. Ella squeals and pulls Travis away from the table talking excitedly, Zayn leans over and kisses his cheek, "she was cute, and you're sweet" he murmurs and Liam grins, "she was" he agrees, watching fondly as the six year old fan drags her brother out of the building.

__________________________________________________________________A/N: Heyyy, sorry this took so long, but yay an update. I'm not even really sure how I feel about these chapters, but here they are. Eleanor still be crazy, and in hiding, and Liam and Zayn are being adorable. Please leave comments and likes are always appreciated too. Anyways until next time xoxo

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