Same Same | HoonSuk [✓]

By rubon_nobur

29.6K 1.6K 127

"Even if you try to hide it, it's obvious I'm busy pretending not to notice" Jihoon noticed that Hyunsuk has... More



3.9K 96 14
By rubon_nobur

"Why is it so noisy?" I asked. I can hear some noise as soon as we walked out from our classroom. I don't remember our school having any trainees from big companies or something. There's no famous idols have ever attended this school too.

"Probably there's a soccer friendly match. My friend said that his school will have a friendly match with our school team this week. Probably today," Junghwan said while looking at his watch, confirming the date today probably.

"And why is that will make the kids here being noisy like this?" I asked. Are they an idol or something? I don't think so?

"Well. Because the kids in my friend's school's team are hot, I guess. My friend is quite good looking too," Junghwan said. "Want to take a look?"

"I don't want to. I have something to do at home," I said. I just don't feel like it. I bet there's a lot of people will be there to watch the match. I can see some kids wearing a different school's uniform. Not just one school but plenty of it. I didn't know that our soccer team is that famous. Or is it the team they're having a match with today is the one that's famous? I don't know. I don't want to know.

"You really won't watch it?" Junghwan asked.

"I'm not that crazy about soccer," I said. "I'll go home first,"

"Okay then," Junghwan said. I walked toward the main gate. Right before I step out, I mentally slapped my forehead as I just remembered that Junghwan haven't give me back my English note book. And we have a homework that we need to submit tomorrow too. I took out my phone and dialed Junghwan's number.

"Pick it up, So Junghwan," I said impatiently waiting for him to answer my call. No hope. I guess I need to find him at the field. I sighed and walked toward the field. I'm not in a mood to watch any sport right now. Plus I don't even have anyone that I actually know in our school's soccer team.

It's okay, Jihoon-ah. You'll just go there, look for Junghwan. And after you found Junghwan, ask him for your book and mission completed. I told myself so I'll actually have a willing to go there. I can just let our English teacher punish me for not doing his homework. But no. I don't want to make my parents upset with my attitude in school so they'll let me to live alone when I'm going to the college soon.

As I walked toward the field, I can see there's a lot of students, girls and boys, from other schools since there's many different school uniforms worn by them. I remember watching some of the friendly match that our school have held but I don't see this much of attention from other schools' students as much as this.

My guess is, it's the visitor's team. I wonder how good looking the visitor's team that make these many spectators coming to our school just for them. But I don't really that interested to know. I'm here just to look for Junghwan and just go back home.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard someone shouted before there's a sound like the soccer ball hitting something. I don't think the match already started. I looked at my left. "Are you alright?"

One of the visitor's team's players asked. My eyes widened as I saw his face. Beautiful. I just nodded. I guess the ball nearly hit me or something but he quickly headed the ball away from me. He smiled and ran toward where his teammates are.

"Choi Bomin! I've told you so many time not to kick the ball mindlessly!" I saw him scolding one of his teammates.

"Choi Hyunsuk! Stop scolding Choi Bomin!" on of his teammates who looked like their leader shouted.

"What the f-" before he able to complete his sentence, someone cut him.

"No cursing. We're not at our school," the other teammate said.

"But Bomin-"

I saw the other teammate talked to this Hyunsuk guy and pointed at the leader who's now scolding the guy who I believe is Bomin. But Hyunsuk still pouting. Why is he being so damn cute. Eh?! Why am I watching the visitor's team's members? Didn't I come here to look for Junghwan? I looked around and saw Junghwan already sitting with our school's soccer team's members. They probably asked him to help them or something because everyone in this school knew that So Junghwan guy is a sport prodigy and genius.

"You're playing?" I asked as I approached him. Junghwan looked at me.

"Eh? Didn't you said you have something to do and want to go back home?" Junghwan asked. He didn't even answered my question earlier.

"I forgot my English note book," I said.

"Ah! It's in the locker," Junghwan said. "But the match is going to start,"

"I'll wait for you then," I said. "I can sit here right?"

"Yes yes! Wish us luck, Jihoon-ah," Junghwan said. Yeah, yeah. I'm here just to wait for Junghwan so he can give me back my book. Not to watch some random guy I just saw on a bright sunny day.

I can hear some kids cheering Hyunsuk's name. He's pretty famous I guess. Of course he is. Just look at that face. He look so good to not be popular. Not to mention his skill. He has been carrying to ball quite a lot throughout the first half. I'm quite impressed that I actually am watching this match. Something about this match drew me in.

Choi Hyunsuk.

He drew me in. I just want to keep looking at him. Not only his face, everything about him. His movements, his habits, his voice, his expression. Everything. I want to see everything related to Choi Hyunsuk.

What the hell is happening to me? Am I sick? Who is this Choi Hyunsuk guy? Why I can't stop to look at him? I can't believe that I'm here till the game ended. Just to look at him. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Let's go, Jihoon," Junghwan said not long after the game ended where the score is 0-5, our school's team lost. And 2 of the goals are from Choi Hyunsuk.

"You didn't join the briefing?" I asked.

"I'm not the official member. I just helped them with it," Junghwan said. I glanced at the visitor's team. I saw Hyunsuk is nodding while listening to his team's I don't know, probably coach? Or advisor? But yeah. He's listening to that adult while nodding at wiping his sweats. Somehow it make him more attractive.

I blinked a few times as I just realized what I just thought. Am I attracted to this guy?

"What are you waiting for?" Junghwan asked. I looked at Junghwan who already a few steps leaving me.

"Oh," I walked toward Junghwan. Even though I still want to be here, to look at that Choi Hyunsuk guy, I need to control myself. This is so unlike me. How can I attracted to a person this fast? I don't even know how he's actually is. Is this how it felt like to have a crush on someone?

I guess, I have a crush on you, Choi Hyunsuk....


A/N- Welcome!! This book will be the Park Jihoon's POV. This book is related to my just ended book, Sour Grapes. Bear with some similar events between this and the other book. Song of The Book, Same Same by StayC.  Thank you for reading and supporting. Enjoy and have a nice day!!

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