
By thecongolesebarbie

222K 6.3K 447

Ana moves from her home with her mom and joins the Crest Moon Pack. Only to find out that she has an arrogant... More

Chapter 1- The beginning
Chapter 3- The party
Chapter 4- Mine
Chapter 5- I feel sick
Chapter 6- PASTA
Chapter 7- She Knows
Chapter 8 -The barbecue
Chapter 9- Paris ?
Chapter 10- EMMA ?!
Chapter 11 - Move with me ?
Chapter 13- Work for me ?
Authors Note: Ch 13
Chapter 14 Part 1*
Chapter 14 part 2*
Chapter 15- Babies ?
Chapter 16- Mates ?
Chapter 17- What ?
Chapter 18- Alexander Wess ?
Chapter 19- The sex ?
Chapter 20- Was I wrong ?
Chapter 21- His Loss
Chapter 22- The future ?
Chapter 23- Life
Chapter 24- Run
Chapter 25- Why
Chapter 26- He's Coming
Chapter 27- Ready, set, go
Chapter 28- Tomorrow

Chapter 2-Starting School

10.3K 280 38
By thecongolesebarbie


My iPhone alarm goes off for the second time and I decide that if i want to look at least decent for my first day of school I'd better get up and get ready. I get up grab a towel from the linen closet and shower I lather my body with my Head & Shoulders strawberries and cream body wash. I shave my legs and other needed areas .I wash my hair with my strawberries Suave shampoo and conditioner. I get out wrap a towel around my body brush my teeth. I then do my moisturize routine which keeps me looking glossy and polished.

I blow dry straighten my hair, then use my straightener to straighten those spots. I part my hair on the side, so I could flip it when I'm feeling flirty. I walk over to my closet and pick out my outfit which consists of a red almost maroon colored pencil skirt that has a gold band and black blouse with spaghetti straps and a leather jacket with black and gold heels, a black lace bra and matching thong. I don't really wear a lot of makeup so I put on some mascara, charcoal eye liner and clear lip gloss. I have this iffy feeling about today maybe because its a Friday.

Trying to look good for our mate I see- my wolf Trojan snickers


My wolf smirks at me and blocks the connection


I walk down stairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast, I don't really know where anything is so I look in the pantry and decide on a granola bar.

"good morning" Aria says as she walks in


"would you like to ride with me in my car to school, I mean I have a lot of space all of my friends have their own cars"

"Uh..... sure why not"

We arrive at school in less than five minutes and I see that the school isn't really far from the pack house I guess that's how it was made. It has a big plaque that says the name of the school Rosewood High

Aria Hops out of her Black BMW and takes off her cardigan to reveal a white crop top that says BOSS in gold letters with blue wash skinny jeans , the crop top like my corset shows off our flat toned stomachs.

"You like " She says

"I love" I state , we link hands as we make our way over to the main office

All eyes are on us as we make our way down the hall way

"Flip your hair"- Aria mind-links me, we flip our hair at the same time and all the boys stop and gawk at us.

"who is she" I hear girls whisper obviously jealous

" DONT HATE ! APPRECIATE" Aria and I say out loud , damn I love this girl already.

"ok, I'm going to have to leave you since I'm in all honors my classes start 10 minutes earlier than most, I'll see you at lunch "

"No problem see you later" I walk over to the office clerk and ask her for my schedule

"Hi sweetie what's your name"

"Anastasia Marie Baker"

"OK give me a moment while I print it out for you"

I start to think about all the guys gawking at Aria and I. Well my strawberry blonde hair, Piercing blue-green eyes and curvy busty figure sure helps out in that area, and Aria looks great herself with her Jet-black hair and crystal green eyes.

"here you go Anastasia"

"thank you"

I look at my schedule and I'm supposed to have English first period Room 203 and I'm at room 100. I just have to go up a flight of stairs. I run up the flight of stairs in less than 30 seconds being a wolf has its perks.

I take a deep breath and open the door

"Hello you must be the new student, class say hello to our new student-"

"Anastasia" most teachers like to shorten my name to Ana but I prefer my full name unless were friends.

"Hello Anastasia" I also hear a couple "inappropriate calls" as I sit down and smirk.

"so class we have this research project that is worth 50% of your grade" as soon as she says that I zone out and listen to music on my IPhone. I bob my head back and forth as I listen to my favorite song right now Sugar- maroon 5 and nicki minaj. I like her rap in the remix :

I got them Now & Laters, and them Jolly Ranchers too

It ain't a question, but I got the answers too

These shoes is Cavalli, and the pants is too

When I see him I'mma strip like the dancers do

I'mma show them how to do it like the pamphlets do

Show these girls how to do it off campus too

Yo, as long as you know he got the baddest I'm flattered

I'm the only one that he answers to

And if you need it then I'mma put it on ya

Ain't nothin' sweeter, you want this sugar, don't ya?

Up down, inside

Water park it, slip slide

Would'a, could'a, should 'a got ya sugar

Get ya sugar


It's currently lunch time and I look for Aria and I don't see her so I head over to the lunch line and order a Chicken Mango salad with a cold bottle of water. I see Aria waving her hands in the air motioning for me to come sit with her an these two girls.

I walk over to the table and Aria introduces me

"Guys this is Ana my newest friend, she and her mom just moved her from the Blue Moon Pack, Ana this is Spencer my sexy nerd and this is Emma my sporty babe"

we exchange greetings and they start talking about some girl who got expelled last year for some prank.

"So Ana are you going to Christians birthday bash" Spencer asks me

"I'm sorry who's Christian"

"Christian -" she says giving Aria a look that says why didn't you tell her "is Aria's older brother he's turning 20 and is currently mate-less"

"God he's so hot he's like a younger version of David Beckham" Emma states all dreamy eyed. I suddenly wonder what can be so good about this Christian,

"where is the party being held ?"

"At the pack house" Aria says giving me a please come look

"I don't know I still have to unpack my things I'm not nearly close to finishing"

Aria pouts and says " I could get a maid to finish for you" Aria says giving me puppy dog eyes and pouts.

"alright fine I'll come "

"great we can get ready in Ari's room later afterschool"

" I have nothing to wear, and I don't have time to go shopping today"

" I have the perfect dress for you" Aria states looking confident

"well ok, I have to go I have chemistry next, I'll meet up with you later Aria"


Aria and I drive home singing or more like screaming the old classic

She will be loved- Maroon 5

We go up to her room and get ready for the party

I do my shower routine I don't have to shave my legs since I shaved this morning.

I put on a red lace dress over my black lace bra and matching thong. I put on some black pumps that have gold studs at the end. The dress goes down to the tip of my knees but rides up a bit as I walk, I love it I love it I love it.

I walk out of Aria bathroom to see she has on a black dress with black pumps and a gold clutch. To think that the party was only downstairs and were all dresses up.

"you look HOT" Aria yells at me

"so do you"

"sit down let me do your makeup"

"keep it at a minimum please"

She does my makeup in 10 minutes. I got to admit we look hot.

"Ready " Aria asks me

"Ready as I'll ever be"
Don't forget to vomment and share thank you !

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