Nothing but trouble

By Raven0822

26K 955 521

*Very mature content*Altered timeline* Three people seen as nothing but trouble until they join the Avengers... More

You want a hug?
May I help you?
It's a twin thing
Unexpected flirting
Show and tell
I'm a little tired now
For mother's sake
Girls night
Tell me Kitten...
This isn't over
Tell me what you would do
Do you share, Sergeant?
Two birds one stone
We need to talk
Darling, we can explain
Do you trust me?
I feel...
It doesn't hurt anymore
I pinky promise
I told you!
A new arrangement
-New Story update-
Bind runes
Bagels and coffee
Being open minded

Horrible timing

773 30 11
By Raven0822

The moment Loki strode into the room Katherine was on him, her lips attaching to his much to the god's surprise and delight. Leaning down into her willing body he opened his mouth for her seeking tongue, helplessly giving in for a long moment before Loki gently pulled away. At the sound of her groan of disapproval he grinned, but kept a small amount of distance between them all the same until he found out what exactly was going on. When he received Stark's AI's message to meet with her and Bucky he was of course hopeful that they'd work things out. Although that didn't necessarily mean that's what this was. It could be possible that she had convinced Barnes to let the three of them have some playtime. The other man was already in love with her and while he'd lashed out at her earlier he and Barnes both knew he'd do anything she wanted. "As wonderful a welcome as this is darling, what brought this on?"

Answering for her, Bucky who was sitting on the bed, raised his eyebrows and inclined his head. "She's agreed to give us a chance." That was good news indeed.

He wondered what had happened to have her suddenly agree without much of a fight. Because this feisty stubborn woman didn't strike him as suddenly giving in to something that she'd already told him she wasn't sure she'd ever be ready for. Let alone her being in a relationship with two men and there not be some kind of argument or her fleeing from the conversation. Yet here they were less than an hour since she'd left him to find Bucky and she was more than willing. Standing up Barnes strides over to press his front to Katherine's back sandwiching the small woman between them making her breath hitch in her beautiful throat. Sharing meaningful eye contact he silently communicates that while she's eager she's nervous.

"Has she now? Is that true, Kitten, have you agreed to be ours?" Biting her lower lip Katherine slowly nods as she looks up at him from beneath her long lashes. The innocent look belied at the naughty intent within the depth of her gorgeous eyes. As exciting as this was for him he wanted no uncertainty between the three of them. If this was to work they all needed to be of one mind. He didn't want to invest himself or his heart if she would later decide that she no longer wanted him. Having had enough people he loved and cared about do that to him over the centuries Loki didn't think he could handle another doing so.

Trailing his fingers along her jaw he tips her head all the way back to rest against Bucky's chest so her eyes were firmly fixed on his. "What does that mean for you exactly?"

"It means you're mine just as much as I am both of yours." Licking her lips almost nervously she glances up at Barnes who encourages her to tell Loki what the other man clearly already knew by giving her a small smile. Swallowing roughly Katherine shifts her eyes back to his and hedges out slowly, "Buck mentioned that he was willing to share me with Steve and Nat if they were down with it. How do you feel about that?"

This was briefly discussed earlier. Obviously he knew about the Captain as he'd had nearly a front row seat to their activities the evening prior. As for Katherine and Romanoff… he had to say he was a tad surprised. The images that suddenly came to his mind of the two beautiful women entangled together in ecstasy had his already half hard shaft straining against his leather breeches. At his prolonged silence she shifted a little, drawing him back from his tantalizing thoughts.

Loki could tell that it took a lot for her to ask him this when she wasn't used to having to worry about factoring in someone else's comfortability like this before. It was because of this and because he could deny her nothing at at the moment that he grinned down at her. "I am more than fine with that, darling. I just ask that you keep Bucky and myself informed if you don't want a group setting so that we're all together on this. If there are secrets this won't work and I very much wish for it to be so."

Relief rolled off of her in nearly palpable waves at his answer. Cupping the side of her face he dipped his head to caress his lips across hers in a simple but meaningful way to seal their new bond. Katherine melted into his soft and slow seductive kiss like butter melting on a warm summer day. Now it was her turn to reluctantly pull away, but only so she could shift her head to bring Bucky down to kiss him in turn. The sight of the two of them left Loki harder than he'd been in a long time, eager to get them both naked and into the bed behind them. Again he has to remind himself to take this slowly as to not spook Bucky so gripping onto Katherine's hips he knelt before her. Pressing closed mouthed kisses along her chest over her shirt until he needed to feel her soft opal colored skin under his lips and hands.

Raising the hem of her shirt Loki left a trail of wet kisses up her taut stomach as he pushed the thin material up, up, up until it was bunched just above her breasts. Katherine's moans had both men keen to have her stripped bare so they could make love to her together for the first time. But before they could get her even halfway undressed FRIDAY was interrupting them. "Agent Blake, you've been summoned for an urgent mission. Please report to Captain Rogers in the hangar in ten minutes."

Groaning in frustration Katherine ran her fingers through his hair gripping her hand firmly in his curls to keep him there as he lightly bit down on her nipple through her bra. "Tell Spangles he has horrible timing and that I'll be there in just a minute."

Her sharp gasp had Loki's eyes snapping up to see that Barnes had copied Katherine by gripping a handful of her long hair, yanking her head back so he could devour her mouth as he gripped her throat with his metal hand. Her torso stretched backwards as she went on tiptoe to meet his demanding mouth, stomach muscles contracting at the spike of desire he's inflicting upon her with his farewell kiss. Not one to be left out and more than confident that between the two of them that they could bring her to rapturous bliss in the limited time frame given Loki made quick work on getting her jeans and panties down around her ankles. He was momentarily stopped inches away from her perfect pussy when Katherine clutched the hair in her fist. "Mischief, what are you doing? I have to go." She breathlessly pants down at him.

Gently grazing his teeth along her thigh as he looked up at her as he soothed the sting of his bite with a kiss. "The Captain said you have ten minutes. I think Bucky and myself can sate your desire until you return, my darling." Seeing where he was going with this Barnes nods with a wicked smirk as he tightens his grip on her hair and throat giving him the signal to begin.

Without another word Loki plunged his face into the throbbing wet apex of her thighs and begin to kiss, lick and pump his fingers deep into her silky sheath. While he worked Katherine's lower half Bucky worked her upper. Looking up as he sucked on her clit he watched as the other man plucked and rolled her now bared nipples as he kissed up and down the side of her neck. Trembling as she braced herself with one hand on his head the other she slung around Barnes' neck, Katherine let herself go. Her cries of pleasure filled the room along with the sounds of his sucking and rapid wet cacophony his fingers were making as her quivering inner muscles clenched around them. "Oh god! Loki, Bucky, I—"

She never finished her sentence because he'd nipped her clit just as his fingers hooked into her sweet spot deep inside, sending her screaming into her orgasm. In a move that almost felt choreographed Loki and Bucky switch positions just as Katherine's knees gave out. Kneeling down Barnes didn't give her any time to come down before he attacked her still sensitive clit and sheath with fingers and mouth while Loki held her tightly to his chest, kissing her making her taste herself upon his lips and tongue. Her keening moans getting lost as he ate each one as he wrapped his long fingers around her throat. Applying just the right amount of pressure that she loved while his free hand gripped around her waist to hold her up higher for the man between her thighs.

It took even less time for her to come again from being still so sensitive, Katherine's whole body spasmed as she let go on Bucky's tongue until she slumped into a limp flushed mess between them. At the sound of her unexpected sharp gasp Loki looks down her half bared body to see that Bucky had taken off his shirt to gently clean her up and then lovingly pulled her panties and jeans back up her legs into place, kissing her stomach as he did. "You gonna be alright, doll?"

"Mmhmm." Dazedly nodding Katherine's heavy lidded eyes stare down at the man still on his knees before her. Taking his cue from him, Loki righted her bra and shirt kissing her damp temple. Chuckling, Barnes stood up licking his lips to clean up her essence dampening his face. Loki had to restrain himself from dragging him closer to do it for him. The desire to taste the woman they both care deeply for as they kissed had him pressing his erection into Katherine's ass. Grinding her hips back into him she moaned, "I'm really annoyed that I have to go, but I have to go."

"Us too, darling, so hurry back." He whispers keeping his eyes on Bucky's, only letting her go once her legs could hold her up.

"Be safe, doll and we'll see you soon." Barnes presses a chaste kiss to her lips sending her on her way. Teleporting away with a look of regret that she had to go, Katherine leaves both men in her room to meet with Rogers with seconds to spare of the ten minute time limit she'd been given. A pleased grin spreads across his handsome face, Bucky slings his shirt over his shoulder. "That went well don't you think?"

"Indeed. Very well." Conjuring a black button up he handed it to Bucky to replace his now soiled shirt. It was very tight across his chest and arms as the other man was much more bulky in muscle than he was, but it would do until he could get back to his apartment. Making sure to keep his eyes on Bucky's, Loki ran his hands through his tangled curls trying to tame them as he crossed the room to the door. "I'm going to clean up, but we should talk soon about what it was you said to convince her to agree to this arrangement." The other man follows behind him, laughing a little.

"It was simple really. She got jealous when two female agents were talking to me. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. Practically melted them through the glass wall of my office as she came to apologize." Shaking his head like even he couldn't believe their luck, Bucky closed Katherine's door as they made their way to the elevator. A sober expression came over his face as he looked at Loki. "We can't mess this up. She's so convinced that this will fail so if either of us does anything to spook her then she'll toss us both to the curb and run."

Wholeheartedly agreeing with him Loki nods. "So then we do our best not to fail. I refuse to lose her, if I do or say something then come to me and vice versa. We will hold each other accountable." Half turning towards him as they step into the elevator and press the button for their floor he opens his mouth before shutting it. Trying again he asks, "How often is Katherine thinking of adding Rogers and Natasha to her bed?"

Threading his metal hand through his hair Bucky shrugs. "We didn't get that far. With Natasha that's something that doesn't happen all that often now that I know their code word for their rendezvous. As for Steve… I'm not sure he'd be comfortable once it's known that she's sort of exclusive with the two of us. To be honest I'm still working out how I feel sharing her with someone I don't know or particularly like." He gives Loki a hard once over as he leaned back against the hand railing. "I don't think you understand the amount of trust I'm having to give you that you haven't earned when it comes to the effect you'll have on my life and my happiness. I don't trust easily or often so I mean it when I say don't sabotage this for me or we'll be finding out how durable you really are."

Giving him his full attention Loki briefly drops his aloof nature and was honest with Bucky to show him that he did get what he was saying. "I understand completely what you mean as I am the same. But know that contrary to what you may think of me I really do want her to be happy. As I said earlier, if sharing her affections with you is what does that then that's what I will do. It's not often I am given a second chance such as this and I don't mean to muck this up. I care for her deeply. More deeply for a stranger than I've ever done. I don't know why her, but if I have even a fleeting moment of happiness with Katherine I'll do anything to keep it." He promises him as they stepped out onto their floor.

"Good, then we're on the same page." A more relaxed set of his shoulders let's Loki know that Barnes believed him as much as he could at the moment. Like with Katherine and the others he would have to prove himself only it was her and Bucky's who's opinions that mattered to him, the rest of Midgard could go hang for all he cared. Giving him a small smile in farewell as he goes to close his door he says, "I guess I'll see you later then."

"Indeed." Going inside his room across the hall Loki tossed his jacket onto the foot of his bed as he made his way to his bathroom. Quickly washing his face and brushing his teeth he stared long and hard at his reflection in the mirror.

Today certainly has been a whirlwind and it's barely half over, he thinks to himself. Hopefully Katherine's mission wouldn't be too long and she came back safely so they could pick up where they left off. Although now that she was gone he'd wished he had offered to go along with them so as to protect her while she was out endangering her life for others. She was mortal. Their short lives were so easily snuffed out that he instantly saw red at the mere thought of her coming to harm. Loki was going to have to learn to trust that the others would keep her safe for him while she was away. He chuckles warily to himself at how things had turned out as he runs a wet comb through his hair.

He, Loki Odinson the bane of Midgard's mightiest heroes, was going to trust the people he'd onced tried to kill with the woman he'd met a mere week ago that he suspected he was falling in love with. It was absolutely absurd and yet here he was acting like a lovesick fool about to do just that. Nothing in his life had gone according to plan, but if he had any say in the matter now he would do whatever it took to make Katherine happy and safe. Even.. sigh.. actively try to make amends. Barton and Selvig immediately came to mind as that word floated inside his head.

He'd dreadfully wronged both men when he was last here and while he didn't know where Selvig was he knew Barton was just a few floors away. Grabbing his jacket he slipped it on and went to find Romanoff like Barnes had said to do. If he could talk to her then maybe she could direct him as to how to go about earning her friends forgiveness. The things he did for love both for his mother and for Katherine and ever so slightly maybe for Bucky...

-Authors note-

Short, kinda hot and a little tense at the end here. I have the rough draft of the next chapter sketched out in my head all I have to do is find the time to write it out. Unsure when it'll be published as I'm going to be editing Lark and will be on vacation for the next week, but as soon as it's done I'll get out to you guys.

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