
By merq____

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What started off as a fifth-grade project turned into a series that I wanted to write. I thank my mother for... More

Stranded: The Start of a Prophecy
Prologue: The Perfect Family (Ignis's Backstory)
TSG: Chapter 1 The Beginning
TSG: Chapter 2: The Quad
TSG: Chapter 3: The Hamburger
TSG: Chapter 4: The Tiger
TSG: Chapter 5: New Beginning
TSG: Chapter 6: Preparation
TSG: Chapter 7: Amanda
TSG: Chapter 8: Tension
TSG: Chapter 9: A Mistake
TSG: Chapter 10: A Murder is Among Us
TSG: Chapter 11: A Secret Amongst Us

TSG: Chapter 12: The Art of Murder

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By merq____

My knife drove deeper into Sarah's skin. I didn't care how she was here at the camp, but I just knew that she was next on my list. A small gurgle sounded off from beneath her corpse as her limbs flailed around in agony. The throat was the easiest place to slit, and the easiest place to drive this specific knife into. A small pool of blood flew from her throat, catching onto my cheek. I smiled. I love my work! I didn't care that Trevor would be sad that his twin sister died! I would let him mourn her and then kill him myself! Breathe, Amanda. Just breathe.

She was dead. I could tell by the fact that her body stopped shaking so violently and instead jolted very frequently, the muscles still having life. I decided I wanted to fully separate her head from her body. I brought a bag of small tools with me and I took out which one I thought was best. I carefully made the incision at her throat and dove in with a butcher's knife. It's so much fun using different knives to kill! Maybe one of the teachers has a chainsaw! That would be very interesting. Her head was finally separated and I made an extra effort of tying a rope around it.

Her head was now in the air. Her beautiful hair was laying on the ground from when I tortured her earlier. She was so dumb. I can't believe I waited until now... I made some cuts into her body and made her beautiful. She was a corpse. I am happy. Now I can begin this. I took a small knife and carved two initials into her side. I smiled at my work. Maybe I don't have to kill one of them... I stood up and cleaned myself off. This is going to be a very interesting day... I thought to myself with a sneer. Poor Ignis doesn't know what's going to happen to her...

Ignis's PoV

I knew something was wrong as soon as I heard the screaming again. Amanda was still not here. Suspicious... I said, pulling myself up. Tasha was waking up but seemed uncomfortable. I slipped my hand in hers, attempting to calm her down from all this chaos.

"Ignis... I know that scream..." she said, pulling me to follow her.

"Who...?" I asked, struggling to keep up.

"Emma and Rylie!" she exclaimed, her body changing as she started sprinting across the area.

"But they didn't come...?" I questioned, my feet easily finding the ground. It was two days after my fall and my knees were almost better.

"They went to a different part of the camp," she breathlessly said, the run taking a toll on her, "but it's still not safe from any serial killer!"

I knew that Tasha deeply cared for her friends, so I planted my feet with vigor and pushed off, matching her speed directly. "Then let's go."

We ran, watching as kids ran the other way. I can't blame them... If a dead body appeared, I would also be running that other way.

I laughed, remember when the teachers told us not to do any funny business and be mature about these things... Yeah... I guess being mature about murder isn't the best... Still, I hope they find that killer... Truthfully, I don't think it's a student. Why now...?

We made it to the scene and Tasha recoiled in fear. I knew who it was. Sarah... My enemy... Tasha's friend... Why did this happen to you...?

"What did you do Ignis...?" Emma asked me, her eyes filled with a mixture of rage and agony. I stepped back, shocked.

"You heard her! What the fuck did you do to Sarah! Why did you kill her?" Rylie spat, stepping forward with a balled fist.

"W-what? It can't be me!?" I stuttered, "why are you accusing me so easily?"

"Take a closer look at your victim, bitch..." Emma snarled, pushing me closer to the scene.

Sarah's head hung limply on the noose with her body covered in different liquids and fabrics. Her clothes were torn and there were parts of her body that were exposing bone. Her head was completely dislodged from her body and showed that her eyes were completely gone. There was no sign of them anywhere. Her body had a large area missing that placed two initials there.


Ignis... But what did the N stand for...? What are all my friends' names... What are their last names...? Amanda... She has an N for the last name... Could it be her? No... It would never be her...

"Ignis!?" Tasha's voice thundered me out of my thoughts. She put her arms on my shoulders and swung me around, a look of confusion and hurt in her eyes.

"I-I didn't..." I trailed off.

"Ignis... tell me the truth... did you do this to Sarah...?" she pulled me close and looked into my eyes with a pleading look, "please..."

"I... I swear I didn't..." I responded; our faces close. I looked away. What can I say? 'No, I didn't murder your friend that bullied me for the longest time! No! Why would I ever murder Sarah? Sure, I hated her, but it was never to the point of murderous intentions. And what about the N? Why am I getting blamed when there's an N there? It could be for someone else!'

Tasha waved a hand in front of my eyes and I focused back in on real life. She had tears in her eyes. "I want to forget..." she muttered, turning away from me. "I want to forget this all happened... Maybe whoever is murdering people can get it over with and murder me. I don't want to live with this torture that all my friends are going to die..."

"T-tash?" I stuttered, grabbing her hand, "w-why are you speaking like this?"

"Because you're next! I can tell... Sofia had an S carved into her skin... I thought it was just her name... You're next..." Tears were spilling over, her body shaking. "I don't want to lose you..." she whispered, lowering her head. I glanced around; Rylie and Emma were gone. I saw the redhead grabbing a teacher.

"I don't want to lose you either..." I said, pulling her to me, "we can do this! We can survive this damning experience..." I placed my hands on her shoulders.

A small smile crooked onto her face, her eyes glistening with tears that slowed. One flowed down her cheek and I wiped it from her face. "Thanks... Ignis... for being such a great friend..." she muttered, her eyes going down to my lips. Lips that Amanda kissed... but also lips that Tasha kissed.

"You're... welcome..." I said and then we were kissing. This wasn't a normal kiss. This was a sorrowful one; one that was damning; one that meant goodbye. We knew that there was a high chance that we wouldn't survive the night, but we needed to finish up this godforsaken relationship. Again, I was cheating on Amanda, but I didn't give a damn. We separated after what felt like a century. It was only a couple of seconds, but emotions can do weird things to time.

"I knew it." A cold voice spoke from behind Tasha. Amanda was standing there, her fists curled up into balls. "Why... Why did you decide to date me than cheat on me? We're not even a month into our relationship! You bitch!" she exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes.

"A-amanda!" I stuttered. I was caught off-guard. "I-I can explain!"

"I don't want to hear it! I... I really thought better of you, Ignis."

"I-..." There was nothing I could say. I'm in the wrong. I cheated on my best friend; my girlfriend.

I know that emotions can make you do weird things, but this was something that Amanda should not have said, even with her being the way she was. "I hope you're next, so I don't ever see your ugly white hair ever again!"

I stood. I pushed past Tasha and raised my hand up. "Don't... Don't say that... Y-you don't mean that... Do you...?"

Actions can speak volumes. The quick slap I got said everything. She meant it. She wanted me to die; to atone for my sins. I had a mother who was waiting for me... I didn't want her to mourn again. She went through so much.

"I-Iggy?" Tasha muttered, shaking my shoulder, "your hair is... glowing!?"

I picked up a strand of my white hair and held it to my face. It was, in fact, glowing. Amanda looked insane, her fists balled up. I saw a glimpse of something silver in her hand and realized it was a knife. "What the hell?" I said, stepping back.

"You deserve to die!" she said, raising the knife, "and I will silence both of you guys!"

My eyes widened as Tasha stepped in, the knife breaching her right side. Blood splattered from the wound and Tasha yelped in pain, not exactly realizing that her body moved to guard me. Amanda's scowl turned into a smile as she raised the knife again: this time at her chest. I jumped in, grabbing her arm and disarming her.

"You bitch!" she said, kicking me in the stomach. I dropped her arm and placed my body around Tasha. I didn't know what to do, and when the slim metal object entered my back, I knew that this was probably it.

Small notes were made: the color of the tent—blue, just like Amanda's eyes--, the blood on Tasha's body, the pain flickering in and out of my body, and... the fact that I was standing over a cliff.

Stars sparkled in the sky as I stood motionless over the cliff. It was the one from my dreams. This time, I could call out, but no answer came from my pleas. I saw my body, bleeding heavily from my back. I knew that I'm dead.

"I'm dead."

"I'm fucking dead."

"That bastard killed me."

"What the hell is wrong with that bitch?"

Why is nobody hearing me... Am I really dead...? Was this really it?


"Someone... please help me..."


"' I can't believe you, Tasha! What------Ignis!?'"

"'It------------- swear!'"

"' Bu-----------------------to Ignis!'"

My eyes closed. I could hear voices. I... I wanted to wake up... I wanted to see Tasha again... She would help me... Just like before...


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