Wish (GenshinxReader)

By Krekit-67

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GenshinxReader Your old friend, the Traveler, awakens you to invite you to the upcoming Freedom Festival set... More

Child Bard | 1
Commission | 2
Darknight | 3
Delivery | 4
Family | 5
The Winds Truth | 6
Broken Song | 8
Intrusive | 9
Evocation | 10
Him | 11
Little Snowflake | 12
Contract | 13
Sixth | 14
Play Thing | 15
Fallacy | 16
Switch | 17
Suspicion | 18
Formerly | 19
Habit | 20
Raindrop | 21
Fade Away | 22
Tsaritsa | 23
Poisoned | 24
After | 25
Relief | 26
Interruption | 27
Interruption - Continued | 28

Moments Of Freedom | 7

180 12 3
By Krekit-67

You, Aether, Paimon and Diluc had met up outside the Tavern Diluc owned, planning to attend the festival as a small group. In the last few days, you kept yourself inside Mondstadt walls on the down low, deciding to keep safe except after evening broke and you would find Diluc for your daily destruction of monsters. A habit that was quickly becoming normal for you both.

Whilst your group walked slowly and admired all the decorations, chatting away, Jean, Kaeya and other Knights of Favonious were set on high alert, suspicious of everything. Jean wanted not just you to be safe but all of Mondstadt, which is why guards were patrolling all around, making sure of the safety of Mondstadt people. Then there was Venti, who had stated he would watch within the winds, any sign of trouble and he would be there quicker than a gust of wind.

As beautiful and eye-catching as the decor around was, your mind couldn't stop thinking of Zhongli, you had to bring him up to the one person you thought might have a chance of knowing him. "Does he sound familiar to you at all?" You questioned Aether and Paimon, eyes full of hope.

You knew the Traveler and his companion spent much time in each area of Teyvat, gaining knowledge and power that you wished to seek. You hoped he had come across the person you dreamt of, the man Venti named: Zhongli.

Aether could see in your eyes the need you were filled with, he compared it to his own when it came to his sister.

"Paimon knows Zhongli!"

Paimon announced before Aether could open his mouth to answer you, a common occurrence with the floating girl. You felt happiness spread within your being, a lead to your past lighting up.

"Zhongli lives in Liyue." Aether filled in next. "He is a consultant for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. We have met him quite a few times, he's a very...knowledgable man."

"Paimon thinks it's a bad idea to go to Liyue! Paimon knows that's what you're thinking!"

Paimon was right. This was the first lead you had since you even forgot your past and sure as Barbatos you would not let it escape your grasp. You needed to unlock your memories and this amber-eyed man must be someone who could help you, why else would he be so prominent in your mind?

A flash of blue eyes filtered into your mind but you pushed the eyes aside.

"Paimon is right. If the man who is after you is Childe, Liyue is not where you should be going right now as that's where he was residing the last time we met him."

Paimon nodded in agreement with Aether.

"You will be safer here, with us," Diluc crossed his arms. "It's better to stick in a group in times like these. Even with how well you fight, sometimes the enemy can get the upper hand and that's when you need someone who has your back. I will be that person, and so will Aether."

"Thank you for that," you nodded, a sad look falling on you. "It's just, it itches--my mind. I feel like I need to do this, need to finally break this curse upon my memory."

"You can still do it, just after the threat is neutralised," Diluc shrugged. "Be safe, then go."

You sighed gently, turning to Aether, "you called Childe a Fatui Harbinger?"

He nodded, "yes, the Eleventh. I fought him Y/N, he is strong and he keeps getting stronger."

Harbinger seemed to touch a nerve in the back of your mind, the same way when you thought of amber-coloured eyes did. It was hitting a locked door to one of your memories, meaning there must be something important to do with Harbingers hidden from you.

"Can I ask: what is he like?"

Aether seemed momentarily shocked at the question, but answered you anyway, "well, he's a man that gets what he wants. From when we fought, he was strong and determined, he loved the battle, and he seemed to crave the fight between us. I think the urge to cross blades almost guides him." Aether paused, looking at you seriously, "his scary side is his Foul Legacy form...he practically turns into a monster."

How does this man fit into my past? You pondered in your mind as Aether continued.

"But, I believe he has a softer side." As he spoke those words, Diluc grunted in surprise and you narrowed your eyes thinking Aether could be joking. "I met his younger brother. Childe cares deeply for his family, he protects them and even lies about who he is to the kid. He claimed he made toys, not made people suffer, just so his brother could keep his innocence."

"Many put family first before anything else, it doesn't make this man any less of a danger just because he protects family," Diluc stated, coming to a stop at the central waterfall. "I'm usually one to say let's get straight to the action, and fix it before it develops, but don't you want to enjoy this festival?" The Nobleman gestured around, at the happy people, the singing, and the brightly coloured decorations that hung effortlessly.

You did and you didn't. You wanted both to dive into the Festival, forgetting your woes and just live in the moment but at the same time, the itch was getting stronger. You were closer than ever to finding out what your past was, who you were--are and who the people in your fractured lost memories were.

You nodded, "I'll try Diluc."

It was like Paimon snapped into action. She clapped her small hands and demanded the first stop was the closest food vendor, everyone was to follow her. So you all did, Paimon's nose guiding the way as if she was a dog. Which, you couldn't lie, made you giggle slightly at the moment.

"Paimon, wait up--" Aether called as she quickly sped ahead, eager to fill her belly. Aether picked up his speed, winding through the crowded street.

"Typical Paimon," you laughed.

"She's an interesting one," Diluc nodded.

The crowd began to grow thicker and began to make you feel quite claustrophobic as you had grown accustomed to the space nature provided. You were slowly being pushed apart from Diluc, which sent a touch of worry through your mind at the idea of being separated. Not that you were far from anyone.

The idea of you being snatched up did always hover around in your mind, but it was a thought you didn't want to overcome your feelings. You felt protected, and safe and you knew you could protect yourself, but a feeling of impending doom gnawed at you, feeding on every time you worried.

"I got you," Diluc words were smooth as he forced his way to close the gap between you, slinking an arm around your waist. "Is this okay?" He asked as he held you close, enough that you wouldn't slip away again. You looked at him with widened eyes but nodded silently, thanking him with your facial expression.

Using the might of two bodies, you managed to push through easier, almost rudely shoving people. The eagerness of everyone for the festival made them all so happy clustered together, not necessarily meaning to cause such a hassle on purpose.

You momentarily imagined using your blade to help create space but realised that was quite an intrusive thought, so you locked it away. It was strange how small thoughts like these would keep occupying your mind. You noticed it becoming more often.

"Took your time!" Paimon exclaimed as she waved sticks of meaty goodies in the air, a huge smile on her face.

Aether looked to you with a smile too, holding out a stick. You took note of how his eyes briefly flickered to Diluc's arm wrapped around your waist, though he didn't say anything about it.

"Thank you!" You took it happily, pulling a piece of meat from the tip of the skewer. You offered Diluc a piece who declined politely, saying he was saving his stomach for a larger meal. After he spoke, he gently dropped his grip from you, his head then turning to survey the crowd.

You hadn't felt hungry in a long time, you always seemed to not feel such a need for it, but you fell in love with the scents and tastes within the walls of Mondstadt so a treat like this went down quickly.

"We should watch the performance that's being hosted later!" Paimon spoke as she chewed on her food. "Paimon heard it's a singer all the way from Liyue!"

Aether nodded, "if it is who I think, she is amazing. You should definitely join, Y/N."

"Singing? That sounds like a nice time." You could imagine yourself drifting away as you listened, as you would when listening to the winds on Starsnatch cliff.

That cast a thought in your mind, you often heard the subtle sound of a lyre in the winds and with your new information on just who exactly Barbatos was, you could guess He was the cause. To say you had been listening to the Bard for much longer than you had imagined, it was sweet in a way, like he sent his wind songs as a way to make you less lonely.

Maybe you were getting too lost in your thoughts.

"Will you come watch?" You asked the nobleman next to you.

"I'm stuck to your side today," he chuckled, "so of course."

You spent a good few more hours with the Traveler, Paimon and Diluc, filtering through different food stalls, and seeing small performances of dancing and acting. You even watched huge kites glide through the sky, ones that represented the winds and linked of course to Barbatos. You noticed how strong the winds were today, gentle down within the crowds but harsher pushing the kites around in dances and patterns. Barbatos' work for sure.

You sent a silent prayer, thanking him for the freedom here in Mondstadt and you may have felt a small gust push through your hair--a sign you were heard.

"It is time--" you heard a prominent feminine voice speak loud and proud, earning head spins and small gasps of excitement filling the air. You followed to the largest platform situated outside Mondstadt's walls, where the festivities continued. Both guys and Paimon were settled with you on either side, awaiting the coming performance.

"I, Yun Jin, will tell a tale. A tale older than us all. A tale of freedom. A tale of Mondstadt's beginning."

A woman dressed in mostly purple began to drift into a song about Barbatos and Mondstadt, her words light and full of emotion. She danced along the stage as she sang, her movements and words captivating all that watched. Even you found it hard to remove your eyes from her and your ears felt at peace. Aether was right, this performer, Yun Jin, was amazing. You had also noticed before you became too engrossed how the winds had come to a stop, a stagnant feeling to the air instead but the thought disappeared as you were hooked by the song too quickly.

Whilst everyone in the crowd was memorised, it left you all vulnerable to any and all watchful eyes. You didn't think in such a crowd you would still need to be on alert and stupidly, you had let yourself go freely into the song, just as distracted as all others.

It didn't take long for bodies to sneak into the crowd, for a hand to snake up to your mouth, silencing you as your body was snatched away from the guard of your...friends. They noticed, but late, the distraction of the performance giving the kidnappers too many seconds of leeway to snatch you.

The last thing you remembered was Diluc's gloved hand stretched out to you before everything went black.


Your eyes slowly opened, the pressure of a hand holding your chin becoming apparent very quickly. Immediately bright ocean blue eyes locked against yours, ones that were full of fake(?) kindness--the grasp of your chin proved that.

"Hello, Y/N," he tilted your head, eyes gliding over your facial features. "The same as always," he murmured, "beautiful." Strangely, his words didn't seem perverted as if your encounter was going to lead somewhere dark, more so as if he was being simply honest.

You pulled your brows inwards in confusion, finally pulling his hand away from your chin. Backing up against the wall you were close to, you spoke, "who--"

"Don't even say it," the man growled, looking off to the side. "Don't even ask who I am." His words held something deep, something distraught, something true.

You clamped your lips shut, sitting in silence.

Who is this man?

A man with ginger hair, a red mask tilted on the side of his head and a grey suit. He seemed not to be dangerous at all, just a man around your age, seemingly innocent looking.

"Maybe it's been too long that you truly have forgotten me," the man looked back to you, crouching down. His eyes changed from the fake softness as he watched your face. Now you could see his real feelings, his real warmth towards you.

"I--" you paused, reaching out tentatively, careful not to startle the man in front of you. You hooked your fingers on the mask that leant against his head and slowly slid it around and off. You held it in front of his face for a moment then brought it down to look at in detail.

It was an odd-looking mask, red, with a sharp point at the bottom and three different ones at the top, those three separate by slopes dipping between. It had multiple cutouts, the largest being on the bottom half, mirrored on each side in an almost smile-like design. It also had a diamond-like shape in the middle, a golden colour instead of red.

You knew of this mask, you tried to think how. It was as if these memories you possessed were locked inside padlocked boxes.

Your e/c eyes fleeted to the man in front of you who waited patiently, those deep ocean orbs of his never leaving your face, trying to read every expression you made.

Those eyes of his...

"This...is familiar," you lifted it towards him, offering it back, "but I'm really sorry, I don't remember who you are."

You tried to be gentle with your words, not wanting to cause the man in front of you to become reactive and cruel. You didn't know him so you couldn't risk a fight, plus you had no weapon to help yourself.

His eyes hardened slightly at your words, though it seemed he fought against anger lingering inside him, he seemed to try to smile. "So you recognise my mask, but not my face? I suppose that's a start..." he drifted off, taking the mask from your hands and placing it back on his head.

"I'm truly sorry about the circumstances in which you find yourself here." He stood from his crouched position. The man then gave you his hand in an offer to help you up, "I'd like you to forget those circumstances, take my hand and trust me. As a step to help that trust, I will give you my birth name."

You thought about it. If this man was truly going to hurt you or worse, wouldn't he have already? Let alone the fact that he did seem somewhat familiar and not in a negative way. Plus, his mask, it was wedged in your mind for some reason.

You wanted to know who this man was and why you recognised his mask so much. So, you took his hand, hesitantly though.

"Ajax, my name is Ajax."

"Ajax," you repeated, hoping for memories to suddenly flood your mind. You sighed, as little changed.

"I actually requested specifically for you to be unharmed, so those that hurt you have been rid of." He began to walk away, towards a large wooden door, then turned around. With a smile, he gestured to follow, "come along, you are not a prisoner."

"You did just kidnap me you know," you commented, slowly beginning to join him. You ignored his first comment about dispatching those who hurt you. You weren't surprised already, this man--Ajax--didn't seem like the kind to take kindly to orders not being followed, yet his eyes when he looked at you were soft and spoke he wouldn't hurt you.

You kept in mind you had no weapon to protect yourself as you followed him through the doors, so you prayed to Barbatos that all things leading forward would be safe and that if things turned sour, your fists and Cryo vision would be enough.

Words : 2829

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