Sinful Bite (A Clawful Love B...

By BellaDemont

9.1K 434 13

Skye had always lives as a runaway trying to keep her life safe, as a Demi-vampire most know as a half blood... More

a dark secret
first impression
meet my father
bite me
bitchy mode
family dinner
forgot to mention
new mates
I'm sorry
this heart
not the end


280 18 0
By BellaDemont

"Colleen, what are you doing here?" Skye asked her confused; her being here was not a good sign.

"I should ask you the same thing Skye, what you doing here surrounded by werewolves you are a vampire after all." Colleen told her with a smirk, she would have never imagined Skye in this situation.

Skye looked at her and gave a sight.

"It is my friend a long story, and quite ironic if you ask me." Skye told her with a small chuckle.

"I think I have all of the time to listen to it, I do bring a few stories with me as well. England has missed you." Colleen said as she looked at Skye.

"And I have sure missed England but once you get to meet this place and the people that are here you will understand why I ought to stay here and make this place my home, now would you like to join us inside?" Skye asked her politely.

Colleen looked at her and nodded.

"Of course, but please do tell them that I mean no harm. These werewolves have been staring at me for the past minutes as if I am about to jump on them." Colleen told her as she eyed the werewolves who were still staring at her like guardian dogs.

"We wouldn't be like that if you took off your guns." Emma said as she looked at the huntress.

"I can't do that darling, I should be prepared at all times, any vampire rebel could strike at any time you should always be prepared especially when it comes to protecting your life and the life of others." Colleen told her with a shrug, her weapons had saved her life endless times she was after all a huntress.

As they spoke Aiden looked at Colleen, she had brown hair and brown eyes quite plain as anyone would call but there was something dangerous about her and it wasn't just the simple fact that she was a huntress. But what seemed strange for him was that someone like Colleen who was a huntress acted so friendly with Skye who was the princess of vampires, vampires who were often killed by hunters like Colleen.

"Are you alright Aiden?" Skye asked as she noticed his odd behavior.

Aiden looked at her.

"I didn't know that you had befriended hunters." Aiden told her, this whole idea seemed quite odd to him.

"We don't, at least not quite often but you see as the vampire rebels seemed to gain strength the hunters had to look for allies and what better allies than vampires themselves, Skye's father has showed us that he as well as us has the best intention when it comes to living peacefully with humans, and with the vampires on our side the hunters have gain strength the last decade." Colleen told him, it was of course natural to be confused by their unnatural alliance.

"Decade, how old are you huntress?" Cyrus asked her confused, she seemed really young.

"I'm twenty-eight soon to be twenty-nine." Colleen told him flashing a charming smile.

"You seem younger." Cyrus told her, he had actually thought that she was his age.

"I've been told, and it does work when you are in mission's undercover." Colleen told him with a small smile.

"I still remember the day you and Ryan met; it was my fault after all." Skye told her as she smiled; they had met because of her.

"And I will always thank you for that." Colleen told her, she could never really forget that day.

"Who is Ryan?" Cyrus asked confused, was he the boyfriend?

"My husband, Ryan is my husband." Colleen said calmly, she didn't quite understand the sudden interest but either way answered.

"You're married?" Cyrus asked her shocked; she didn't seem like the type of girl that would settle down right away.

"Yes." Colleen said as she showed him her ring before she went inside with Skye and Aiden.

"They always have to be married." Cyrus murmured as he started to head to the house as well.

"Even if she wasn't what made you think that you had a shot on her?" Emma said before she entered the house.


"So, you came here to meet your grandfather and you ended up meeting your mate?" Colleen asked as she drank her coffee.

"Pretty much, what a great accident don't you think?" Skye said with a smile, it seemed odd but it was perfect in a way.

"A half-vampire and a werewolf, I believe there is always a first for everything." Colleen said as she looked at how Aiden grabbed Skye's hand.

"So besides visiting me, what bring you here and how did you find me exactly?" Skye asked her as she frown, she hadn't exactly told everyone where she was going to begin with.

"I told Tyler to help me I hope that is alright with you and he told me where I could find you. I came here to discuss something very important with you, it is really deadly serious." Colleen said as she looked at her right in the eyes.

"What is it?" Skye asked her, this was a bad sign.

She was already getting concerned.

"I believe you already heard about Nigel and what he is up to right?" Colleen told her, she knew that word about it would've reached Skye by now.

Skye nodded as her face turn pale, that would always happen when Nigel's name was brought up.

"Well he recently attacked one of our facilities, the one that was up north to where your house was located, I think he thought that you were going to come back and when you did there was not going to be a single hunter to guard the area." Colleen told her as she shook her head, they had been stupid.

"You were being guarded by hunters?" Aiden asked Skye shocked, how come she had never mentioned that before?

Skye looked at him and nodded.

"Yes, how do you think that I was able to go to school and have what I could remotely call some normal life, I was babysat by hunters, vampires and my brother." Skye told him as she rolled her eyes, she had never liked that.

"Speaking of such how is Jace I haven't seen him ever since he left so unexpectedly but with great timing he left before the betrayal." Colleen told her nearly spitting the last words out.

"He is fine but about what betrayal are you going on about?" Skye asked her confused, there was a betrayal?

"Do you remember hunter Nicks?" Colleen asked her, he had been one of the hunters of Skye's defense.

"Yes, he was the one who taught me how to use the crossbow." Skye said remembering, he had been a great teacher.

"Well he was the one that told Nigel where your house was and he was also the one that told Nigel that you had a grandfather here in the States." Colleen told her as she shook her head in disapproval.

Skye looked at her shocked; this was hard to believe Nicks had been the hunter that had taught so many things to her so why would he ever do something that could harm her like that?

"What? Why would he do that?" Skye said shocked, was she talking about the same man?

"We don't know yet, but look what this means Skye, Nicks knew everything about you and were you could possibly hide if Nigel tried to strike again now with Nicks on his side there's nowhere you can hide." Colleen told her, Nicks had ruined any upper hand they had before.

"Are the hunters doing something about this?" Aiden asked Colleen, he needed to know if he could trust them with Skye's safety.

"There are search parties looking for Nicks and Nigel all over England as we speak and when we find Nicks he will be accused for high treason, but now all we can do is gather as much people as we can before Nigel attacks here. And you know what that means Skye." Colleen told her as she gave a knowing look at her.

Skye looked at her puzzled.

Now she truly was lost, she had no idea what Colleen was going on about.

"What does it mean?" Skye asked her confused, what was it now?

Colleen gave a sigh and rolled her eyes, she knew that Skye would eventually forget about this.

"We need Dylan, Meghan and Malia; you know that they promised they would be here for you when the time came." Colleen told her, they had after all made a deal.

"Are you sure?" Skye asked her, did she really need to call them?

"More than ever, you need to contact them. Ryan will be arriving soon as well with the Russians so please do call them. Now I have to head off." Colleen said as she got up.

"Do you need a place where to stay?" Skye asked her, she didn't want Colleen to struggle because of her.

Colleen shook her head.

"No, but it is kind of you to ask. I already have booked a room in the hotel right were your father and Jace are staying I will also have to speak with them but thank you for cup of coffee, I hope we meet again." Colleen said before she headed outside the house and got on her motorcycle.

"She sure is something." Cyrus said as he watched Colleen leave.

"And she is way out of your league." Spencer said as she looked at Cyrus with a smirk.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Cyrus asked them; couldn't he have a girl for once?

"Because it's the truth Cyrus, plus it's not like she was your mate." Emma said as she glared at her brother.

"She could've been." Cyrus murmured as he stared at the brunette beauty as she walked away.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asked as he looked at Skye.

Skye looked up from her phone and nodded.

"Yes, I just need to make a few calls." Skye said before she headed upstairs by herself.


When Skye woke up she was in the alone and Aiden was nowhere to be found.

Skye got up from the bed and walked around the dead quiet house until she found Aiden in his studio, he was there sitting in his chair staring outside at the forest.

"Aiden what are you doing up from bed so late?" Skye asked as she got near him.

"I should be asking you the same thing Luna." Aiden said as he looked at her with a small smile.

Skye knew the effort Aiden was doing to make that smile; he was worried after spending four years of her life being deadly worried about everything Skye knew how to recognize a worried face when she saw one.

"I started to get cold without you there to keep me warm." Skye told him as she got near him.

"Sorry, I just couldn't sleep." Aiden told her honestly.

"It's alright; you can keep me warm right here." Skye said as she sat on his lap facing him.

Aiden immediately placed his arms around Skye bringing her closer.

"I like how you think." Aiden told her with a smirk.

"You're welcome Alpha." Skye said before she leaned in to kiss him.

When Skye broke the kiss, she looked at him.

"What are you worried about Aiden?" Skye asked him in a soft voice, she hated seeing him like this.

"It's nothing Skye." Aiden told her brushing the matter off.

"Don't say that, I know that right now you have around million worries hovering around your head, do you regret having me here with you?" Skye asked him in a small voice.

"Skyler, tell me why would you say that or even think about it?" Aiden asked her as he looked at her confused.

"Because I'm placing your pack and your family into a huge danger, it's my fault that there are some huge chance bad things can happen to your pack." Skye told him as she looked down avoiding his gaze.

Aiden gave a sigh.

"That is not the way how I see it." Aiden told her as he looked down at her.

"That is the only possible way I can see it Aiden." Skye said in a flat tone.

She was beyond disappointed on herself, wherever she went the death and pain followed her.

There was no escape from this.

"Skye, my pack and family as you call it is now yours, you are part of my life you like it or not." Aiden told her as he forced Skye to meet his gaze.

"That is not what I meant." Skye said back, it wasn't her intention for it to come out like that.

"Then what is it because none of this makes sense." Aiden told her, why was she acting like this?

"Ever since I turned fifteen I have seen people close to me get hurt or killed because of me, I don't want that to happen to you and I know that if it happened to anyone in the pack you would hate me for that." Skye told him in a low voice, she would hate herself for it.

"I would never do that Skyler, I could never possibly hate you but you have to understand that you're mine now, nobody else's which means that my pack would do anything to protect you and we will, you have nothing to worry about." Aiden told her with a soft kiss on the lips.

"You don't know what Nigel is capable of, nothing will stop him." Skye said scared, she was a witness of it after all.

"And you don't know what I'm capable of doing for you, or what my pack will do to protect their Luna." Aiden told her, he would stop at nothing to keep her face.

Skye gave a small sigh.

"And that is what terrifies me the most, I'm scared of the things you'll do and how I won't be able to stop you from doing something reckless and dangerous." Skye told him as she closed her eyes.

"Skye, you have nothing to worry about my pack will protect you, you have the hunters, your dad's army, and we made an alliance with the nearby packs but most important I have you, with that everything will be okay." Aiden told her trying to make her smile.

Skye looked down and nodded.

"That didn't convince you, did it?" Aiden asked her after a few seconds of silence.

"I just-. I'm scared Aiden of what could happen and that you'll regret it." Skye said as she tried not to cry this time.

"I would never regret you Skyler." Aiden told her, he would never do that.

"Are you sure about that you don't know the future after all." Skye told him as she met his gaze.

"And neither do you so stop worrying, you know I might as well show you all the regrets I have about you." Aiden told her with a small smirk.

"What are you going to do?" Skye asked him confused, what was he talking about now?

"It's more like what am I not going to do?" Aiden said with a dark grin before he picked up Skye and took her back to the bedroom.


"Are you sure this is the right place?" Cyrus asked as he looked around at the empty space.

Skye gave a sigh.

"It is, this is the address they gave me besides you two know the place better than I do, is it here Aiden?" Skye asked him as she looked at him.

It had been a week since Colleen's visit and now finally after Skye had called them over Meghan, Dylan and Malia were arriving here in Washington to see Skyler, Aiden was honestly unsure of this but seeing the fact that Skye was actually looking forward for this somehow calmed Aiden.

"It is because this is the address you gave me but I don't see a plane." Aiden said as he looked around.

There was a sudden knocked on window on Skyler's side that made her jump startled.

"We have to go!" Cyrus said alarmed as Aiden started the car.

"No! Don't leave." Skye said as she undid her seatbelt and got out of the car to hug the girl that had knocked on the window.

Aiden got out of the car and looked at the girl that had short blonde hair and was all in black.

She was a huntress.

"So, this is your wolf boy?" The girl asked Skye as she looked at Aiden.

"Yes, this is Aiden and he is my cousin Cyrus. Guys, this is Dylan." Skyler told them with a grin.

"You're a girl but I thought Dylan was a guy." Cyrus said as he looked at her confused.

"Don't you think a girl is better?" Dylan asked him with a cocky smirk.

"Where are the others Dee?" Skye asked her as she rolled her eyes at Dylan's flirty ways.

"They're right over there." Dylan said as she gestured the two other girls that were heading their way, both of them had black hair that reached down to their waist and intense green eyes.

They were both twins.

"Great, they are all girls." Cyrus said with a smile, he was staring to like this.

"This is Meghan and Malia." Skye said as she gestured the two girls.

The only thing that differenced Meghan and Malia was the necklaces that they were wearing, Meghan had a green sun meanwhile Malia had the moon.

"You're witches." Aiden said as he looked at them.

"We prefer the term wizard just as you prefer werewolf over wolf boy." Meghan said in a calm voice as she looked at him.

"I'm glad the three of you could make it." Skye told them with a smile.

"We always keep promises Skyler besides we owed you." Malia told her with a shrug.

Skye answered them with a small smile.

"So, shall we get going; it was a long trip if you know what I mean?" Meghan said as she looked at them with a smirk.


"Are you okay?" Aiden said slightly startling Skye.

Skyler looked up and met his gaze.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said back as she shook her head taking away the unpleasant thoughts.

"Are you sure about that, you don't sound that certain about it? You have been awfully quiet ever since we got back from the airport." Aiden said as he got near her.

Skye cleared her throat and walked away.

"Yeah, I'm just worried but I'll be fine so don't worry about it Aiden." Skye said as she headed upstairs to take a shower.

She didn't need one but maybe when she was there staring at the shower's wall Skye would think of something, she just couldn't tell Aiden yet.

She couldn't tell anyone about it.

When Skye finished showering everything was still the same for her, she was still lost and had no idea how she would explain everything to the others; maybe it was the best if she didn't say anything to anyone.

"Skye, are you okay?" Spencer said as she entered the bedroom.

Skyler turned around and looked at her.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Skye asked confused, she had heard that question all day long.

"Maybe that would be because you have been acting weird lately, a lot." Spencer said as she got near her.

Skye gave a sigh and sat on the bed.

"How am I supposed to be acting? I mean there is after all a vampire that is after me, he wants to kill me and those whoever try to stop him, so am I supposed to be joyous because of that Spence?" Skye asked her as she glared at her.

Spencer looked at her and gave a small smirk.

"Alright you are partly right about that, you should be worried but not because of that you will be living in an ever-present funeral, and you're sulking all the time. And my duty as you sister in law is to get you up and stop worrying about everything." Spencer told her as she clapped and looked at her with a smile.

Skye looked at her.

"What so you have in mind exactly?" She asked her carefully, no one could never really know with Spencer.

"Your friends are coming over, right?" Spencer asked her as she sat on the bed.

Skye looked at her and nodded.

"Yes, they are going to help us fight off Nigel and probably die in the process if they aren't smart enough and know the perfect time to bail on me." Skye told her as she shook her head, they had to leave before it was too late she didn't want any more people getting hurt because of her.

Spencer rolled her eyes at her.

"Really Skye, are you seriously going to start to be over dramatic now?" Spencer said with a groan.

"I am not being over dramatic, it's the truth and you know it so stop acting like it's not reality or that there are no possibilities on that happening." Skye said back, she was just facing the cold reality.

"Okay, I get it but cut of some slack, will you? Think about it like a family reunion." Spencer said with a smile maybe that would cheer her up.

"A family reunion, it's a family reunion now?" Skye asked, she sounded uncertain about it.

"Yeah, everyone will go tonight to have dinner here. We will get the pack together and make your family and friends come too, Skye we will all-." Spencer said before Skye silenced her with a look.

"Act like nothing bad is going on?" Skye said interrupting her, was Spencer really that naïve?

Spencer looked at her and gave a sight in exasperation.

"Skyler, you are a hard person to work with." Spencer said as she started to walk out of the bedroom.

"I know I am." Skye said proudly, she loved being like this.

"Well in ten minutes I want you ready and downstairs so you can help us out." Spencer said as she glared at her.

Skye gave a sigh and lay back on the bed.

"Can I just ditch you guys for the night?" Skye asked with a groan, she didn't want to do anything at all.

"Aiden would kill you if you did that." Spencer said as she stopped by the door.

Skye laughed at this.

"We both know that he would never do that." Skye said with a small grin.

"Then I will personally kill you and I mean it." Spencer called back as she looked at her.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to get in line for that." Skye said joking; there was a long line after all.

"I mean it Skye, cut it off!" Spencer called back before she slammed the door shut.

As Skye debated whenever or not to change her cell phone rang making her immediately answer.

"Hello?" Skye said scared, who could it be now?

"Skyler, you have to guess what happened." Colleen told her, this was odd of her to call.

"What?" Skye asked; she wasn't scared anymore since Colleen's tone said otherwise.

And she was right, as soon as Skye heard what Colleen said she had to bite her lips to suppress the scream coming out from her mouth.

"Shut up! That did not happen, are you even sure?" Skye asked shocked, she cursed herself for not seeing it happen to begin with.

"Positive, but believe me I am as well astonished." Colleen said with a laugh, she still wasn't over the shock.

"Astonished? I believe I'm about to have a major freak out, I can't wait until I see it by myself." Skye said with a smile as she got up the bed.

"You will." Colleen promised before she hanged up, now Skye had a reason to get up and attend this reunion Spencer had set up.

Skye quickly placed down her phone and headed to the closet where she searched for something to wear for tonight's dinner.

This was going to be something special.


"There you are." Aiden said as he wrapped his arms around Skye's waist.

Skye gave a small smile as she felt Aiden kiss her neck.

"You seem in a better mood than you were earlier, may I know what happened?" Aiden asked her curiously, what had changed.

Skye gave a small chuckle.

"The wonders hot water can do to a girl." Skye simply said trying to avoid the real answer.

"Next time you better invite me over, I might help you get all soaped up." Aiden whisper against her ear making Skye blush madly as she looked to the floor embarrassed, they were after all in the house with guests.

"Do you know if my brother has gotten here yet?" Skye asked him trying to change the subject.

"I don't know, why do you ask?" Aiden asked her puzzled, why was she suddenly talking about her brother?

"Colleen told me that he has a surprise for me." Skye said with a small giggle, she just couldn't wait.

"Such as, what type of surprise are we talking about here?" He asked her confused, what could this huntress give her so Skye was like this?

"A new addition to our family, Jace found her." Skye said with a smile before she gave a small kiss to Aiden and walked to where her dad was.

"You seem happy; I guess you have already heard." Skye's father said as he looked at his daughter.

"Where is he? Why do I feel like he is hiding from me?" Skye asked with a groan, she really wanted to see her brother.

"He isn't hiding from you." Her father said reassuring her.

Skye rolled her eyes.

"Dad, where is my brother?" Skye said as she placed her hands in her hips.

"He is on his way here, give it some time." He suggested as he shook his head at his corky daughter.

"Dad, we both know that I'm not patient at all." Skye said before she went outside.

When they finally arrived, Skye was the first one there, she stood there outside in her gray sundress.

"I knew you would be outside waiting." Colleen said as she got off the car shaking her head in amusement.

"Where is he?" Skye asked her as she looked around.

"He is helping the girls with the whole concept of you involving the werewolf world." Colleen said as she laughed at Skye's inpatients.

"Really, is that the only reason why he is taking so long?" Skye asked as she rolled her eyes at her.

"Skye, why are you out here?" Aiden said as he went outside with her.

"I'm waiting for Jace and Christine." Skye said as she looked for any signs of her brother.

"Who is Christine?" Aiden asked her confused, he had never heard of her before.

"She is a friend that I met in Russia when my dad sent me one summer to a boarding school, Christine is half French and half Russian but she was born and raised in England." Skye said explaining, she and Christine had actually been good friends when she was in Russia.

"Is she the new addition you were talking about earlier?" Aiden asked finally seeing why Skye was so inpatient.

"I never thought that Chris would be my brother's mate." Skye said honestly as she shook her head, it seemed odd.

"It's your fault for keeping us apart all this years." Christine said as she came into view.

She was pale, she had dark hair and intense hazel eyes that seemed to glisten in the dark; she was a vampire.

"How the hell was I supposed to know?" Skye said in her defense.

"The good thing is that we finally met, now let's go inside we can't keep everyone waiting on us." Jace said as he got near them.

"Wait, where is Oksana?" Skye asked noticing that she wasn't here.

"She is in the hotel room." Christine said with a small apologetic smile.

"Why, why isn't she joining us?" Skye asked confused, she had after all invited her.

"Oksana said if you could excuse her for tonight, she wasn't feeling that well. You know how she is Skyler, and besides it was a long trip." Christine said with a sight, she didn't know how else to put it.

"Fine, but she will be with us, right?" Skye asked as she met her gaze, if Oksana wasn't here something bad was going on.

Aiden noticed that she sounded nervous.

Christine nodded.

"Yes, she said she would be here first thing in the morning to train and of course to give you that private session you asked for." Christine said before they all entered inside leaving Skye and Aiden there alone.

"What did you friend mean by that?" Aiden asked her, why would Skye want a private session from that girl?

"About what, what do you mean?" Skye asked him confused, she had been thinking about Oksana.

"That private session, what did she mean?" Aiden said as he gestured Christine who had already entered the house.

"Oksana, she isn't a vampire, neither is she a human. She is special and I need her." Skye admitted in a low voice, she needed to see her soon.

"Why?" Aiden asked her confused, why would Skye need her?

"Oksana is second-sighted; she can see more than there really is. She knows what will happen in the future." Skye said in a soft voice.

"You're going to ask her if she can see your future." Aiden asked finally seeing what she meant.

Skye shook her head.

"I wish it was that simple but you see things come to Oksana like visions sometimes just little simple things but there are times when the strong and horrible visions come, they take all of Oksana's strength away from her, she gets sick and weak. I think that happened tonight." Skye said as she frowned, she didn't like this at all.

"What do you think she saw?" Aiden asked as he placed his arm around Skye.

Skye shrugged.

"I don't know but it must've been a very horrible one since I know Oksana would never bail on me, especially not since I haven't seen her since almost a year, I'm frighten of what is now tormenting her." Skye admitted before Aiden wrapped his arms tighter around her.

"Don't worry Skye, we'll be fine." Aiden promised her as he kissed the top of her head.

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