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Skye ran through the forest as she cried. She had been so stupid, Skye knew that this would happen if she let her guards down and now she had ruined everything, when Aiden found her he was going to kill her.

Before Skye could even get out completely of the lake Aiden's wolf form knocked her over, he shifted back as he got on top of her.

"Are you going to kill me?" Skye said between her tears.

Aiden looked at her, why would he kill her?

"Are you a vampire?" He simply asked her.

Skye nodded softly as the tears continue on streaming her face.

"But Jonathan is human how can-?" Aiden started to say confused.

"My mum was human but my dad is a vampire." Skye told him as she interrupted him.

"So what are you?" Aiden asked her confused.

"I'm a Demi-vampire, half vampire and half human. Aiden it wasn't my intention to do that I just couldn't hold back, did I hurt you?" Skye asked him worried.

Aiden shook his head as he looked at her bewildered.

"Is that why you wanted to leave, to Italy because of what you were?" Aiden asked her, things were no starting to make sense to him especially Skye's odd behavior.

Skye had stopped crying and she was under control now, she could speak better now.

"Yes, I was afraid that when you all found out what I was you would kill me that is why I fainted when you told me that you were a werewolf, I had never met one before but my father had warned me about them and how they would kill them if I gave them the chance to." Skye told him as she closed her eyes.

Aiden caressed her cheek.

"But we won't hurt you, why would I hurt you?" Aiden asked her, the thought was such a wild unimaginable thing in his head.

"Because that is what you do, you kill vampires and now because of me Tyler is going to die. Nothing happen between him and I, Tyler just came here in behalf of my father, he was going to take me to Italy and he saved me from this other vampire that was about to kill me and now he will die." Skye told him as she cried once again.

"He is just a prisoner Skye, we haven't hurt him. Did you attack the guy from the car?" Aiden asked her as he remembered what had happened that day.

Skye nodded silently.

"I didn't feed for almost a month and I was weak, he was going to take me to the airport but I couldn't handle it anymore so I drank some of his blood but I did not hurt him, I would never kill someone Aiden, I'm not capable of being a cold hearted monster, I'm not that. Vampires are not the killing parasites that you think they are Aiden." Skye told him as she remembered that awful term he used against her kind.

Aiden slowly got off her and looked at Skye.

"So this whole time you were holding back because-." Aiden said trailing off.

"If I gave in I would lose my control and bite you just like I did, so if you want to kill me now I will understand." Skye said as she met his brown eyes.

"What? I won't kill you Skye." Aiden told her for once relief that all this time Skye was rejecting him for fear and not because she did not what him as a mate.

"You won't?" Skye asked him confused.

That should make her glad but it actually made her get scared a bit, what Aiden was going to do with her?

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