My immortal, mortal Beginning

By ShonuaSDK

21.9K 1.1K 122

Finding their son after 205, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are over joyed, it does not last long however finding out... More

Gusu clan 3000 rules
Chapter one- How it all started
Five years later
Hua Ying
The truth about fate
Paradise manor and the ghost realm
Puqi Village and the heavenly court
The black forest
7th birthday
Lotus Pier
Library pavilion
Water-Bourne abyss
Shi Wudu
Caiyi Town
The Punishment
Lan Yi and the Yin iron
Mid-Autumn Festival
Dafan Mountain
Xuanwu of Slaughter
The fall of Lotus Pier
Burial mounds
Hi there, Just another notice

15th birthday

554 37 3
By ShonuaSDK

Walking the streets of the ghost realm not really noting anything or where he was going, heading into the brothel and walked up the stairs to the private room he claimed as his own, he fell on his bed thinking 5 years back when he climbed that tree.

"you're going to fall down if, you don't lean against the trunk said the man beside him

No, I won't with my ankle, my wraith butterflies won't allow me to get seriously hurt smiled Hua Ying as his Wraith butterflies came out to greet the man

Of course, I take it you're Hua Ying stated the man

I am and you are asked Hua Ying smiling brighter

Shi Wudu replied the man

Uncle Wudu the water tyrant? Asked Hua Ying surprised

That would be me, what are you doing in the rain? climbing a tree he asked as he took Hua Ying's ankle and examining it Asked Shi Wudu

I can't sleep, I am to use to the silence in paradise manor and the noise from the ghost market whined Hua Ying as he flinched when Shi Wudu, tried to move his ankle

Well, you didn't break anything just very swollen he said as he placed his hand on the swollen ankle, cold water seeped over and stopped the swelling while healing the injury, there that should be much better and back to normal. Said Shi Wudu as he placed his hand on Hua Ying's wet head.

Can we talk for a while please? asked Hua Ying

I have time, I am sorry I never came to see you at the martial hall said Shi Wudu

It's ok but what are you doing here in yunmeng? Aked Hua Ying

I had some business with the water spirits and was on my way back when I heard you fall. Taking the now almost sleeping boy in his arms and keeping him warm and dry, you stay out here any longer and you will catch your death. sighed Shi Wudu

I can't catch my death uncle Wudu, I am part mortal, part phoenix. I can only get sick in frozen weather replied Hua Ying as Shi Wudu jumped down with him in his arms.

Walking back to his bedroom that Hua Ying shared with Jiang Cheng they carried on talking

Shi Qingxuan says you're very strict and very scary but to me uncle Wudu looks nice

I am not nice little demon said Shi Wudu

Why do you and daddy call me that?

That you need to ask your father, for me it's you are appeal to my softer side which I long since buried and plus you're a tyrant for climbing in a tree, in the dark, while it's raining. Said Shi Wudu

A chestnut tree is not only sturdy, it's dry in the rain the inside branches almost never get wet, I just did not expect the moss to be as slippery as it was and I wanted to climb up to the top and speak to the stars. I always do when we are at Xianle palace I climb up to the roof, sometimes a ball of light floats down and speaks to me, she is nice, I was hoping to see her tonight but instead I got to see you which is better. Said Hua Ying

Then it's true what they saying the heaven about you! Stated Shi Wudu

What do they say about me? Asked Hua Ying

You are not what you think of yourself you are better, you are bright as the morning sun and gentle as the dew on the leaves and smarter than the phoenix herself, never think less of yourself. Said Shi Wudu

Falling asleep in Shi wudu arms taking off his outer robe he draped it over the sleeping Hua Ying and whispered you will do great things and I will always be watching"

The day after that he went back home and spoke about Shi Wudu because his mother asked about the water blue outer robe that he was wearing only to find out he died 200 years ago before he was born then talking to Shi Qingxuan they spend the day just sitting and talking.

I did see him, I did speak to him he said to no one but himself as he stroked the robe deep in though not realizing that Cuo cuo had come in and was now watching him, feeling his gaze, Cuo cuo you know you can't sneak up on me I will eventually catch you said Hua Ying

A-Xian is no fair said Cuo Cuo coming out of the shadows crawling on all fours

Laughing Hua Ying pats, him on the head no one bullied you? asked Hua Ying

Cuo cuo is safe, Cuo cuo has been safe since the bridge said Cuo cuo

And yet I still keep asking to make sure my friend will always be safe said Hua Ying, Cuo cuo I will be gone for a year I am going to study in the mortal realm father and mother has agreed seeing Cuo cuo was about to cry he quickly added I will be back and then we can play ok and I will ask Yin Yu to protect you said Hua Ying

Cuo cuo is not happy A-Xian is leaving, A-Xian must stay where it is safe stay with Cuo cuo whined cuo cuo pitifully

It doesn't matter, with everybody already protecting me I won't be harmed even uncle Qi Rong is on board with protecting me, I want to find myself and have fun before I ascend. Let's go catch some souls in the river, before I go home Said Hua Yin as he walked out the door going to the river of souls with Cuo Cuo right next to happy.

Feeling better than he did this morning, Hua Ying said goodbye to a very unhappy Cuo cuo and walked home as evening was approaching.

As he entered the gates of paradise manor, red lanterns were sent flying in the air like every year with markings of good memories he shared with everyone and like every year seeing this always puts a big smile on this face.

Singing happy birthday, the small group came to greet Hua Ying once finished a female voice could be heard

Get out of my way or I will pin your carcasses to the wall as Hua Tianshi huffed

A-Shi? A- SHI! said Hua Ying as he gave his sister a hug

Careful brother, I have your birthday noodles said Hua Tianshi Smiling come on have some Tung Mei and I tried a new flower recipe she's sorry she couldn't make it

That's fine A-Shi, is her sister still after me with a wedding proposal? Did you see my lotus that I got 8-years-ago she has grown beautifully. Said Hua Ying

And that's why my gift to you is the lotus pond said Xie Lian smiling as he hugged Hua Ying before Hua Tianshi could answer.

Thank you, mother but where is it? Asked Hua Ying

Laughing look to your left Said Hua Cheng we placed it next to your herb garden so that everything is in place.

And we also put up a pavilion so that you can enjoy your hard work said Xie lain looking up at his already tall son. I hope you stop growing otherwise I would be facing the sky like I do when your father is in his original form grumbled Xie Lian making Hua Ying laugh

It's beautiful, wait let me go get her, she is going to love this said Hua Ying running inside to get the overflowing lotus bowl, letting his Wraith butterflies carry him over he gently puts his red and white lotus flower in the pond then caresses her petals, there a bigger pace for you to grow said Hua Ying and the latus flower opened her petals more revealing a soft-golden-balls-of-light dancing around her and Hua Ying Laughed she like it he beamed.

Where did you steal the pond from daddy? Asked Hua Ying

I did not steal it! It was a pond that I found just outside Yunmeng and decided to take it grinned Hua Cheng

Thank you it's beautiful said Hua Ying, won't they miss it though? Hua Ying asked

No, it was by the river in the forest so it belonged to no one said Hua Cheng

Now my turn said Hua Cheng as Hua Ying made his way back and made him sit down in front of was a long scabbard made from the wood in the black forest nobody work guess that, gently Hua Ying picked and the whole world faded:

"You are beautiful, you even sing as I unsheathe you, what's your name? You are light and swift, slender like you will break but I can feel you, you are strong not powerful but strong, what is your name?"

A-YING Hua Cheng screamed while shaking his son.

Breaking out of his trance he looks around, what? Stuttered Hua Ying

Everyone started laughing feeling a bit embarrassed and his cheeks tint pink he rubs the back of his neck, sorry she is beautiful, slender and strong Hua Ying said

What will you name her? Asked Hua Ying

Name? I name her? He asked confused

Yes, you name her.

Then whatever her name is, should be her name said Hua Ying with a smile

Feng Xin fainted as Hua Ying said that because as, he said that the name Suibian appeared on the scabbard. Unsheathing her again and looked at the detailed from the beginning of the hilt right up to ¾ away from the tip, a fusion of red, like someone drew a line and grafed on the sword following the red line was butterflies an image of a phoenix and at the hilt was a blooming lotus flower where the butterflies were exiting.

Daddy, Suibian is beautiful, she's perfect thank you said Hua Ying

Fen Xin is going to be out for a while looks like Mu Qing chuckled this is from me it's made from the wood from the silver forest the same inlay design as the suibian and the string I look from the first zither you played he said as he handed the bow to Hua Ying.

How I know the trees there you cannot cut down? Asked Hua Ying

That's correct, remember the training bow we gifted you, well I went to the same tree and met her sprite spirit she remembered me and was all too happy to ask her ward for the same but in the style of a long bow said Mu Qing

Excitedly the took out his quiver from his Qiankun bag slung it over his shoulder took out a flaming arrow, strung it, pulled, aimed, breathed, and let loose.... the bow sung it actually sung.

Aim again and this time add some spiritual energy to it and face your targets said Mu Qing and a second time Hua Ying did but this time instead of just one target it hit multiple and she sung lighter

Thank you, uncle Mu Qing, she is amazing said a grinning Hua Ying

What will you name her? asked Mu Qing

Uncle I will name her silver divine because of the silver wooden trees in the divine forest from the celestial forest where she was made said Hua Ying

This is from the ladies and myself they wanted to be here but you know how it goes with the mortals said Shi Qingxuan as he handed Hua Ying a fan.

But I have a fan uncle Shi QingXuan (who is in a male form) said Hua Ying Confused

Correction, you have a war fan A-Ying this is a fan and if you had spiritual energy it...Turns into a parasol and I added a bit of me into it so you can blow away the competition laughed Shi Qingxuan

This is wonderful, Beautiful as he changed it from fan to parasol then created a small tornado that danced just above the water before Hua Ying released it, does this mean I get to drop the veil now? Asked Hua Ying.

Yes, that means you can drop the veil, I thought you liked the veil I made that Said Hua Tianshi as she pouted

Going over I do like it A-Shi, it just makes it harder to fight seeing her look he quickly said I do fight with it but think of all the times I asked you to repair or make a new one? Hua Ying explained

I guess you right, anyway this is from me handing him a box, he opened it and his eyes lit up and the smile on his face got bigger, A-Shi this is like the one you got me the first time said Hua Ying

Yes, you were heartbroken the day you couldn't fit into it anymore so I decided to wait and give this to you today. Said Hua Tianshi

And the outer robe, that flowed like mommy's ceramonial ones, I remember it had an outer, outer robe. He whined

Do you really want to take something so precious with you? Asked Hua Tianshi

Yes, because knowing A-Shi like I do, it will be strong to handle a fight, warm for the cold nights, cool for hot days and light enough not to feel it. It also ties in the middle so it's large enough to hide my amazing girly figure and knowing the material it will be gauzed silk so the shadow of it will still be there. Hua Ying explained

You know me too well for someone that hasn't seen me in person since his 7th birthday said Hua Tianshi. Handing him the black material that feels like water now that I am home, you leaving.

It's only for a year plus, you know how I feel about how I look. Said Hua Ying

That's why you have me said Pei Ming, here A-Ying, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian can't say no to this now and I have been holding on to it for so long, it's the complete adult romance story of how the ghost king and the heavenly emperor met and fell in love and finally peace reigned said Pei Ming grinning as Hua Ying quickly grabbed it and shoved it into his bag as both Hua Cheng and Xie Lian shouted NO!! And went for the novel, thank you uncle Pei Ming laughed Hua Ying seeing his mother's face flush red and once in a lifetime his father looking uncomfortable.

Feng Xin finally waking up YOU, HOW COULD YOU? he roared at Hua Ying

I only meant for her to choose her own name not take Suibian as her name but, think of the fun I will have when people ask said a laughing Hua Ying

Thinking about it, Feng Xin finally smiled now I know why Hua Cheng calls you little demon, you are mischievous in the most wicked way, here A-Ying to suit the sword and your attire.

Looking at it confused for a moment then realized it was a red and black tussle for his sord as the put it on his sword, thank you uncle Feng Xin now her elegant look is complete said Hua Ying still smiling.

The tussle has got my spiritual essence in it so as she may look like weight, she will have the strength of a saber said Feng Xin

I also have something and it's for your lotus pond seeing as that you have one now said Wang fang taking a pure white lotus with golden tips it is a golden snow lotus one petal can almost cure anything except the dead, a broken heart and feelings you still own your own with that one and besides it being rare she is special, she will continuously make new flowers with time, care and patience.

Thank you, now I don't ever have to make potions said Hua Ying laughing as he earned a missed slap from Wang fang, don't worry uncle Wang fang, I will never forget your teachings because I already forgot them all. Said Hua Ying as he started running as the only old man chased after him.

Our A-Ying, he knows how-to pull-on Wang Fang nerves, doesn't he San Lang? said Xie Lian

Darling, as long as he gets the right reaction, he will forever pull on anyone to get a laugh said Hua Cheng smiling

When things finally calmed down again his grandmother Boashen gave Hua Ying a golden phoenix feather, as it was passed from me to your mother and now to you, carry it with pride and remember how you are, she said as she kissed his brow as he added to the tussle that Feng Xin gave him

Aunt Ling Wen? Asked Hua Ying

It's that you've grown up and I, I... Ling Wen started crying shocking all.

Auntie Ling Wen, only difference is you can never be able to pick me up but, I will always your Little A-Ying said Hua Ying as he smiled sweetly at her.

alright I just went soft for a moment said Ling Wen

Who cannot go soft with him around everyone replied together causing the whole room to laugh.

You gift comes with your robes it's the black vambraces just add spiritual energy and that can harm a malice and savage almost to death while only giving damage on a wrath or devastation is slight with just one punch without harming yourself in fist combat Said Ling Wen

Thank you, aunt Ling Wen they are beautiful look daddy, like yours except mine is butterflies and lotus's said Hua Ying with a smirk, it is pretty.

Yes, and mine are? Asked Hua Cheng

Dark and beastly said Hua Ying giving a wider smirk

That's what I like and that is how your mother likes it said Hua Cheng smirking back

And here a though, that mother likes it soft and sweet said Hua Ying with and evil smile as Xie Lian hid his red face behind his hands.

YOU...... shouted Hua Cheng and started chasing his son as he realized just what Hua Ying meant and frustrated that he walked into that one blindly

I remember, I remember it all sang Hua Ying as he laughed and danced out of his father's clutches and hid behind his uncle Qi Rong.

Alright, alright you've had your fun now it's my turn said Qi Rong as he handed the black dagger to Hua Ying, in case you ever lose your sword no energy required and it can kill anything.

And mine said Jun Wu I heard you mastered the dizi among the other instruments so here is your spiritual weapon, chengqing will guard you with her life, practice with her and give her attention and she will end up being like Rouye and E-Ming spoiled but alive and she will take form as well I made sure of that.

Bowing thank you all for such wonderful amazing gifts I shall always cherish them said Hua Ying with tears in his eyes.

Later that evening Hua Ying was sitting on the roof of paradise hall and drinking while smiling thinking of his family.

What a weird and wonderful bunch he said to himself

And that is what makes us complete said Hua Cheng behind him

Daddy? how did you find me? Hua Ying asked

I will always find you, don't let your mother see you drinking said Hua Cheng

Laughing I started drinking the day uncle Pei Ming started teaching me how to woe mortals. Said Hua Ying, offering the bottle to his father

You know, as much as I wanted to bury your sister and I still do when she's near you, it is nothing compared to that man growled Hua Cheng

Daddy, I will be fine if anything happens you will know before I can contact you anyway, your Wraith butter-spies are always with me. Said Hua Ying

Smiling Hua Cheng handing the bottle back to his son, that is some strong liquor and how else am I supposed to watch over you and protect you? Asked Hua Cheng

You cannot protect me all your life father he said sadly

A-Ying I am immortal I will always protect you said Hua Cheng, looking at his son

Hua Ying looked at his father, I know about my fate, how there will be pain of losing the ones I care about, betrayal by my enemies and everyone will hate me I will the agony of it and it will break my heart I know all this will lead to my death and I will descend, then ascend to be immortal like you and mother, I think all that doesn't matter, what I find interesting is I will find my soulmate and like you and mother, it will have many misunderstandings but we will find a way he smiled sadly

How did you find out? Asked Hua Cheng

Mei Nainqiung tried to hide it from me so I got the shortened version of it from him what I just is what he told me word for word tonight, I'll most likely forget what he said because, because I believe a person chooses his own path only fate plays a part in their life and death.

What I want to know is why didn't you tell me? Never mind I guess if I was in your skin, I wouldn't say anything either, protection is key for family and I was young to place something like that on me would've tormented me and I wouldn't have grown up the way I did said Hua Ying smiling now I know why lone star visits me so often, because she believes that I to don't deserve the fate I was given.

Taking Hua Ying in his arms, my little demon ever since we found you, we have always kept you unrestrained but looked after you, we did not want you to grow up fearing everything. That is why Xie Lian and I never told you and were never going to tell you. All I can say is live your life to fullest and unrestrained and be happy. don't fear anything or anyone. Said Hua Cheng as he held Hua Ying tight who is lone star?

When mother use to take me to the heavens I use to sit on his palace roof and speak to the stars as I speak to you and mommy. One day a lone start came down and started talking to me that's when I found out I had a bad fate but she wouldn't tell me anything only that the stars listen never speak. Now I figured out who she is when she came just now after I found out crying and kept apologizing saying that if she could she would help and make everything easier said Hua Ying

That my son, you have made a great friend indeed cherish her. Said Hua Cheng as he got up dusted himself off, let me go and inform your mother. Don't stay out to long you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow said Hua Cheng 

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