My immortal, mortal Beginning

By ShonuaSDK

21.9K 1.1K 122

Finding their son after 205, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are over joyed, it does not last long however finding out... More

Gusu clan 3000 rules
Chapter one- How it all started
Five years later
Hua Ying
Paradise manor and the ghost realm
Puqi Village and the heavenly court
The black forest
7th birthday
Lotus Pier
15th birthday
Library pavilion
Water-Bourne abyss
Shi Wudu
Caiyi Town
The Punishment
Lan Yi and the Yin iron
Mid-Autumn Festival
Dafan Mountain
Xuanwu of Slaughter
The fall of Lotus Pier
Burial mounds
Hi there, Just another notice

The truth about fate

1.2K 63 2
By ShonuaSDK

As Wei-Ying laid on the bed burning with a fever nothing helps, Xie Lian pours the needed amount of spiritual energy into is tiny body as he continuously wipes him with a cool damp cloth, on the verge of tears Hua Cheng walks in after having a brief discussion with Yin Yu, stand beside his husband and looks at the boy, finally having enough he bends down picks up Wei-Ying and cradles him against his chest, Wei-Ying feeling the coolness surrounding his body, he snuggles closer and lets out a small sigh while he barely whispers Daddy. As he said that Hua Cheng's wraith butterflies come out of their own accord and flutter around Wei-Ying not only cooling him down but also through the dust send healing energy and playing a sweet melody that was only ever played at their children's birth that makes a boy smile.

What, what did he just call me? Asked Hua Cheng as he looked at and even more surprised Xie Lian.

Before Xie Lian could even answer a small but clear voice pops up:

My Daddy you are my dad. You are the first person I saw the first time I opened my eyes said Wei-Ying

Xie Lian quickly took a fevered Wei-Ying and placed him back on the bed before he turned to his husband who has just crumbled down in complete shock whispering:

200 years, 200 years we have searched in vain and all this time he as reborn a mortal, looking up at Xie Lian with tears in his eyes. Is he, is he Hua Ying, is he truly our son? He asked as he broke down.

Xie Lian kneeled down before him and embraced him,

I felt it too the first time we met but, I wasn't sure, I am even more sure now but I still do not understand it said Xie Lian

As they stayed like that for a while they were broken out of their revere as Wei-Ying started thrashing on the bed screaming

Daddy...... Mommy...... SAVE ME.... IT'S TOO DARK.... IT HURTS.... Mother...... Father.... DON'T LEAVE ME..... SAVE ME..... THE WOLVES...... THEY WANT ME.... NOT YOU....

They call for my death not yours, please, please don't leave me Wei-Ying crying bitter tears, as the fevered nightmare continue.

The wraith butterflies once again turn to their son on laying on the bed playing the melody, they played for him when he as just born, fluttering their wings to send out the cool ghostly air and their own brand of healing magic.

I know he is my son, my love said Hua Cheng

How so San Lang? Asked Xie Lian

While you were helping our weak little girl, Hua Ying was crying and nothing could stop him until I set the same wraith butterflies free, that is the same melody and the same dance they played for him, I was the first person, he saw when he opened his eyes, I was the first person he gave a gummy smile to, walking up to A-Ying, I do also remember you he said as he kissed Hua Ying brow.

Before Xie Lian could even begin to understand what Hua Cheng just said a knock on the door broke them both out of the trance, Hua Cheng Quickly cleaned his face and once again took his nonchalant expression before saying: Enter, the door opened and a beautiful woman entered with hair as white as snow and her appearance reaching her early twenties but, the power that radiated from her told him that she was centuries old, just behind her Yin Yu entered and bowed.

Thank you, Yin Yu if you could look after A-Ying while we discuss recent events said not even looking back to see if he was obeyed, led the woman and his husband to the table and gesturing for her to sit, before he and his husband sat and placed a silence charm around them as to not bother the sleeping child.

Thank you for coming, Boashan Sanren said Hua Cheng

When one of the kings of the ghost realm calls you do not, not answer the call she said with a smirk

Seems as though my reputation proceeds me widely laughs Hua Cheng

I actually have something that might belong to you, although I am not sure? He said while taking out the silver clarity bell with the purple tussle and the golden flamed phoenix feather with a silver tussle and two pouches of ashes and passing it to the phoenix queen.

This, this.... where did you find these, she shakenly asked

Yin Yu found them...


Yin Yu, I need two things from you the first is I need you to go look for the bodies of a man and a woman if there is any chance, they are alive bring them to me if they are dead bury them, if their ghosts are there question them then let them move on assure them that their son is safe so it is easier for them to move on, the second is I want information on lotus pier the sect leader and his family the training all of it.

Flashback ends

So, Yin Yu found their bodies but it was surrounded by resentful energy in the bite and claw marks, he had no choice but to burn the bodies before anymore contamination could occur. Then he went to lotus pier because that was the mother's dying wish and I can honestly say that I will not be sending my son there anytime soon the sect's wife is like a rabid dog and her son is just like her while her daughter has a calm and pleasant demeanor like her father, when I saw the Phoenix feather I knew where it belonged but not to who it belonged Explained Hua Cheng

The feather is my daughter's she fell in love with a mortal and decided to stay with him and help him reach any kind of core so that they could be together that was the last I knew of them they were setting out of Yunmeng before going to Gusu Said Boashan Sanren

Your daughter had a son, that son is our son but I just do not know how said Hua Cheng

I might be able to help with that said Xie Lian clearing this throat

In the middle of the table, he opens a communication array but who they saw made Hua Cheng immediately furious.


Well, well this is a surprise, my son and his husband contacting me after 200 years of banishment, what do you want? Said Jun Wu with a smirk

Father, we found him, we found Hua Ying Said Xie Lian

No, no. You weren't supposed to find him it to early the smirk fell off his face and panic sets in.

What do you mean we weren't supposed to find him asked Hua Cheng with a voice full of menace

Flashback 200 years ago

In the three realms a celebration is being held due to both kings finally expanding their own family, in a cocoon two little immortals are growing one a little princess and the other a little prince. Jun Wu is sitting in his room smiling thinking of all the things he can do with his grandchildren when a breeze flutters in spluttering the candles and a woman in white floating as her feet not touching the ground. Her ghostly pale skin could be seen although the woman herself is translucent.

Your majesty said the woman in a sweet voice as the spell takes place to entice the listener, I have come bearing the fates of your grandchildren.

Returning the bow Jun Wu invited the woman inside willing to listen to what she has to say.

The girl will be born and raised in great beauty and grace with a cunning mind to take to task any problem and turn it to her will the boy will suffer three lifetimes of betrayal, a broken heart and back stabbing.

Jun Wu starts panicking upon hearing what his grandson will suffer such a horrible fate.

What can I do to lessen the pain? Jun Wu asks the woman, seeing her now to be fate herself

Seal his powers as soon as he is born, he will suffer only one time, die once but he will ascend and all will have peace, and so she disappears onto nothing, Jun Wu never told his son about what the fate had said. The day came when the little ones was born beside him being there only the trusted few were allowed in paradise manor but Jun Wu being the grandfather was allowed in the room as the children were being born, their son came first and was given the name Hua Ying as the little girl was born she was weak that Xie Lian had to give her his spiritual to help her maintain the flux soon Hua Cheng left Hua Ying alone to help with their daughter and Jun Wu saw this as an opportunity took his grandson and fled to the black forest where the array was waiting little did he know that the array was changed while he was away, placing his grandson in the array and activating it he was hit with backlash making him cough up blood and hearing an evil laugh

You fool, killing the only person who could ever stop me said and evil laughing voice disappearing as soon as the door blew open and Hua Cheng and Xie Lian rushed in seeing the fate of their only son before vanishing.

Flashback ends

I tried many times, many, many times to change his fate he cried but, she had enough of me tampering with time and threw me back to the present of which I laid for my grandson, she said that he will be born mortal but, not mortal, he will have three lifetimes and in all three parish one to descend and become the crowned prince of the ghost realm stronger than anyone has ever seen and earn his familiar beast, second to ascend to the heavenly realm to be crowned prince and earn his silver core again and be granted his familiar spark and third to gain fire and his immortality to rein supreme and earn his celestial familiar beast. Nothing you do will change that nothing you do will change the outcome he will be happy but he will also be the one to suffer the most

And that's what she told me after weakening me and throwing me back to the forest to work on my banishment waiting for the day to see him and beg for his forgiveness in this time.


Xie Lian just stood up went to Hua Cheng held his hand and said Enough, enough with the anger, after listening I too would've fallen for it because it was about our son's fate so if you want to be angry be angry at us both, you would be the only one to delve deeper before making the rash decision, I on the other wouldn't think twice. Said Xie Lian

Hua Cheng turned to hold Xie Lian who at this time was pale at finding the whole truth and unfairly banishing his father.

What I do not understand is if the array was meant to kill the young prince how did he survive and more over be born 205 years later asked Boashan sanren

He changed the array said Jun Wu

Wait what? Asked a shocked Xie Lian

When you came in and shouted at me my eyes were on the kid with the black aura around him it wasn't in him he quite literally used the darkness and his immortality to change the array, he slept for 200 years because the array was meant to put him with a mother strong enough to accept him hence when and I am assuming when your daughter went through her last change she left the mountain and went in search for her soulmate explained Jun Wu also showing them where the original started and where the change Hua Ying made.

So, he killed his immortality to stop the death array and used the darkness to forcefully change his own fate? Boashan Sanren asked

Exactly no one realized that after he left the darkness in the forest was peaceful like there was none what so ever, when he was born it suffocated everything even the air if I don't have a shield, it will suffocate me as well that's how I knew and that's how I found him. Said Jun Wu

Why would the darkness be so profound asked Xie Lian

The Yin iron has disappeared the same night he vanished from the forest and then it resurfaced when the same night he was born in the mortal realm but I didn't at the time that it was linked to our son Said Hua Cheng

What how did it disappear Asked Xie Lian

Ask your father looking at Jun Wu with malicious contempt

Yes, it was under my care, I kept it well I never realized the back lash would corrupt the binding. Thus, she took it and gave it to one of her followers to bring the mortal world under her domain what she didn't expect however that the mortal would lead a rebellion and cut the Yin iron apart and separate it I went down and secretly look the fifth piece but I couldn't control it was to tainted with the resentment of living sacrifices, so I put it in the beast that could in the mortal realm and there they stayed said Jun Wu

Who is this woman asked Boashan Sanren

The same woman in your dungeon, and she is the same person that ordered all three to be killed that's why dire wolves will always be after him he is a threat and they are her pets explained Jun Wu.

Alright we heard enough, we now know the truth, father I am sorry for everything but I can't let you leave we can't let her know that San Lang and I know and plus I think it is safer until he calms down as well said Xie Lian

Of course, can I still see him asked Jun Wu slowly more to Hua Cheng then Xie Lain

I actually don't see why not, but if you hurt him in anyway E-Ming will taste you blood Said Hua Chen making Xie Lian smile

Closing the communication array, the three of them was dead silent thinking about what was said and what was revealed, their only son did a selfless act meaning that his death will revolve around selflessness, not that they would stop it, it's a good quality to have but in A-Ying case, self-sacrifice...

Well, I have thought enough about my grandson and I am telling you now, I do not care if he becomes a self-sacrificing bastard, I think the better option is to train him in all seven arts, everyone's history mortal, ghost, celestial and heaven see what spiritual energy he possesses and train that as well control. If he dies three times, we are there three times, help him grow stronger because, like true fate had said supreme of three realms and that includes the mortals. Said Boashan Sanren

No one and I mean no one is to discuss what was said here no one can find out his fate until it comes to pass said Hua Cheng

Yes, San Lang I agree but, right now we have another 205-year-old problem said Xie Lian

Being caught up with everything about their son Hua Cheng actually forgot about their daughter.

Guess that's my job he replied sheepishly

Standing up and breaking the barrier Hua Cheng kisses his husband and takes out his dice to open a door to paradise manor, leaving behind the butterflies fluttering around his son, while Boashan Sanren bids Xie Lian farewell returns to her mountain and her people and Xie Lian returns to his son's side to feed him plain congee.

He really needs a bath and new clothes thought Xie Lian as he looks at his son who has silver dust seeping into his skin alongside a few patches of dirt and grime, so he gets a small bath and Yin Yu starts filling it with warm water when it was ready Xie Lian tried to carefully remove the patches of clothing which unraveled in his hand and broke apart now only broken pieces rags lay on the floor and a child's drum which fell with a thud Examining the toy Xie Lian doesn't find anything special about it but since his A-Ying has it then it must be important, Yin Yu leaves the room quietly without being asked and hunts for clothes for a small person while Xie Lian Picks up A-Ying and gently puts him in the tub washing away any and all memories where he lived on the streets but his heart was torn at the scars and wounds left on his small body, scars that will never fade. He was busy getting A-Ying out the tub he saw that Yin Yu has bought clothes and is now standing guard outside the door waiting, the Wraith butterflies still fluttering but this time to dry A-Ying Ghostly pale Skin.

He really did starve out there on his own though Xie Lian looking at his son's chest with is skin and bone as he dressed A-Ying Yin Yu came and took the now black water out of the room, Xie just finished tucking A-Ying back under the blankets when the portal door opened and a sweet voice could be heard with the stomping sound of a man behind her. 

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