My immortal, mortal Beginning

De ShonuaSDK

19.3K 1K 110

Finding their son after 205, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are over joyed, it does not last long however finding out... Mais

Gusu clan 3000 rules
Chapter one- How it all started
Hua Ying
The truth about fate
Paradise manor and the ghost realm
Puqi Village and the heavenly court
The black forest
7th birthday
Lotus Pier
15th birthday
Library pavilion
Water-Bourne abyss
Shi Wudu
Caiyi Town
The Punishment
Lan Yi and the Yin iron
Mid-Autumn Festival
Dafan Mountain
Xuanwu of Slaughter
The fall of Lotus Pier
Burial mounds
Hi there, Just another notice

Five years later

1.1K 61 1
De ShonuaSDK

While leading a donkey through the town of Yiling Wei Changze turned to look at his wife who was sitting on the donkey holding their sleeping two-year-old in her arms,

Don't you think he looks a lot like someone we know asked Wei Changze with a smile

Yes, he looks a lot like me when I was younger but with your nose, heaven only knows where the silver eyes come from but he is blessed said Chanse Saren as she laughs lightly

As they were talking about their son, he opens his eyes and looks around

Dad, where are we? Aren't we going to yunmeng? Asked Wei Ying

Yes but, we first have to stop here and help the town out with their problem said Wei Changze.

After buying some supplies for a few days they stopped at a little cottage and went inside. After cleaning they sat down for a meal did.

Mom, why do we help those that don't help themselves? Asked Wei Ying

His mother smiled and replied "remember the things others do for you, not the things you do for others. Only when people don't hold so much in their hearts would they finally feel free."

We help the people because we can and for that they are grateful for ourselves they know that if ever troubles come again, they can find us and ask we won't deny them what we get in return is gratitude that's all we ever ask for the rest falls into place explained his father.

While listening and thinking about but his parents said Wei Ying looks up smiles and says I understand, when I grow up, I want to help the world so that everyone can be free.

As laughter fills the cabin the sun starts fading on a beautiful family. As darkness falls the family set out towards the location the villagers spoke of.

It's to quite says Wei Changze

As he spoke growling could be heard and the next thing a pair of red eyes are illuminated by the torch he is holding, as he turns around, he sees eyes and more growling and quickly draws his sword

Changse take A-Ying and run I'll hold them off said Wei Changze

As she turned and ran holding her son in her arms,

Dad, DADDDYYYY screamed Wei Ying as he sees his father being overpowered by the big black dogs and pulled to the ground.

Running though the street to the cottage they shared Changse put her son down with tears in her eyes she smiled and spoke, A-Ying, mommy has to go back and help A-die please stay here I will be back she said

mom, please don't leave A-Ying Cried Wei Ying

Oh, A- Ying, mommy will just go help daddy and then come fetch you. (As she held the little boy tight), promise me, promise mommy that you will never cry in front of those who are not family and always smile no matter what, remember what we taught you ok she said in a loving voice.

At the same time during the hug A- Ying grabbed the ribbon that was carefully woven into his mother's hair and pulled on it successfully taking it out of her hair and into his own hands.

There now, just look at me she laughed with unshed tears in her eyes as she kissed his cheeks and ran out the door.

Just inside the forest clearing, two people lay dying holding onto each other's hand as the monstrous dire wolves that have been changed by resentful energy lingers a woman prays silently:

Please someone save my child,

Please heavenly emperor save, my son.

I can't see him for the last time,

Save my baby. Wei Ying.

Mommy and daddy can't see you or hold you,

A-Ying we are sorry.

Oh, please save my child, he is all alone in Yiling.


We love you A-Ying always

As she breathed her last with a smile on her face far below in the ghost realm Xie Lian woke up with tears in his eyes, holding his face hearing the mother's plea still lingering in his ears as he remembers his own prayer for his son that was lost 200 years ago.

As he turns, he saw his husband sleeping soundly and behind him his daughter who looks like she snuck in again. Taking a look at his surroundings he pushes gently off the bed and heads for the window to look out.

Two years and a woman's prayer about her son, with the same name. In my heart countless cries for help why is it that this sole prayer torments me so.

Grabbing his head and shaking with tears in his eyes trying to get rid of the painful voice that keeps replaying in his mind, when suddenly a pair of arms wraps around his waist holding him steady.


Xie Lian letting his arms fall on his side as he turns into the person holding him smiled and said sang Lang, I have a last wish to fulfill.

Xie Lian's smile fell and was replaced with a frown as he broke from their embrace to gather up his outer robes and shoes, getting ready to leave.

Hua Cheng quickly put on his outer robes, shoes and grabbed E-Ming, he could see the concern in Xie Lian's eyes as he started drawing the distance-shortening array, he understood that this was important to him as he knew the loss that they both felt.

My love what do you need asked Hua Cheng

To Yiling. Relied Xie Lian

Yiling in the mortal realm, Hua Cheng knew that place.

"If my love wants to go there now, I'll go with him" Hua Cheng thought

Xie Lian quickly finished his drawing and turned back to see that his husband is already dressed and has strapped E-Ming to his hips. He chuckled at his husband's enthusiasm.

I'll accompany you Hua Cheng smiled as he walked to the door and stood side by side with Xie Lian and took his hand and entwined their fingers. Xie Lian nodded once and smiled.

"By heaven official's blessing no paths are bound".

The distance shortening array lit up illuminating both their faces in warm golden light, as Hua Cheng opened the door, they both looked back at the sleeping child they left huddled in the blankets with a smile on her face, holding Xia Lian's hand, they turned back into the arrays and walked through, and stepped into the empty streets of yiling.

A chilly white wind greeted them as soon as they stepped onto Yiling, Ruoye snuggled closer and tightened around Xie Lian's wrist, Hua Cheng hugged Xie Lian closer as the cold wind brushed passed them. As Dawn was approaching, Xie Lian walked forward and Hua Cheng walked alongside him, as he glanced at his husband Hua Cheng saw the seriousness and the worry that lines Xia Lian's face as he searches the streets, corners and alley ways for a little boy no more than five years old.

"My love?"

"Mn" Xie Lian replied while walking forward searching

Why are we here? He asked

To find a child San Lang, a little five-year-old who is alone said Xie Lian

(As he could still hear the pleading mother's voice in his head)

What is his name? Asked Hua Cheng

A- Ying, Wei Ying Replied Xie Lian

Hua Cheng though about this and realized and although this is the first mortal to pray to him of a child which never happens, he is reminded about that day when Jun Wu ( Xie Lian's heavenly father) put their child in a dark array then transported him to who knows where, as he continued to go through the past where his son was only a couple hours old and happy to the screaming, crying newborn about to be thrown into the abyss Hua Cheng started going dark and as he looked at his husband, he could see that he was starting to panic while walking faster and faster almost running to find a little boy without his parents.

Suddenly Xie Lian stopped, San Lang we need to take him to Lotus pier once we find him, he has family over there said Xie Lang

Alright said Hua Cheng

As they continued walking and searching Hua Cheng falls a little behind not wanting his husband to know the conversation he was about to have.

YIN YU Called Hua Cheng, you need to go to yunmeng, to lotus pier you need to find the family of a boy called Wei Ying and let us know what they are like, then I need you to try find his deceased parents bury their bodies but make sure their souls don't linger if they do bring them to us so that we can put them to rest and give a dying mother's last wish.

As you wish crimson rain sought flower Replied Yin Yu as he vanished to do as he is told.

Hua then caught back up to his husband as the sun rose higher and the streets started getting busier with vendors setting up getting ready to sell their products and the early people and Travellers filing in to start buying so that they can continue their day, walking through the crowd Hua Cheng looked over to Xie Lian.

My love how do we find him? Hua Cheng suddenly asks as he looked around the market and the bustling surrounding,

(He was still in his real form with maple red robes, silver vambraces and black boots with silver chains dangling and the black eye patch across his face as he walked and, Xie Lian on the other hand was wearing his usual white Taoist robes looking very beautiful in the cool morning light of Yiling. Hua Cheng's extremely handsome face and pale while skin which glowed in the morning sunlight attracted attention towards them. The two handsome men walking through a common market place was a sight to behold.)

I really don't know San Lang Xie Lian replied honestly

There was a small a small village ahead of them. They reached the village at the end of Yiling market and there was an old man sitting on the Poarch of the first house, weaving bamboo straw.

Let's ask the man Hua Cheng said

Xie Lian nodded happy to be one step closer to finding Wei Ying, they walked to the old man. Seeing two handsome men walking towards him the old man stood up from his seat and smiling while brushing his robes.

Young masters do you need help from this old man? Asked the old man

Good master, we are looking for a family. Said Xie Lian with a smile

Ah! Yes, repaid the old man whilst nodding his head. His days were spent on just farming his piece of land and sitting idly, so he was excited to meet such good-looking people. He really liked telling stories to the towns children so he was quite happy to have someone to talk to him.

With the surname Wei, Xie Lian said

Seeing the old man's wide smile fall as he heard that, he looked confused for a few seconds because, with his age he practically knew every single person living in Yiling.

There are no townspeople with the surname Wei the old man said

Hearing this the happiness that he started to feeling vanished and the little hope he had in finding the child was crushed by a mere few words, he clearly remembered the woman saying Yiling. the old man saw the smile fading away from the boy Infront of him and his eyes starting to fill with tears, desperate to take those tears away the old man sat down and thought through the last couple of weeks that went by remembering why that surname sounded familiar "I think I have heard that surname before but where and when?".

Ah said the old man, yes now I know a couple of weeks ago there was two travelling cultivators who stayed at the small house at the end of the village they had a small son four maybe five years of age, sweet child always smiling.

We.... weeks stuttered Xie Lian shocked as he lost control almost falling if it wasn't for Hua Cheng catching him.

San Lang, he has been alone for weeks! Said Xie Lian panic and desperation on his face

"How is that possible the prayer only came this morning A-Ying has been alone in this cold for weeks" tears started running down Xie Lian's face, seeing this the old man feeling uncomfortable at the sight suggested.

Young masters I am not sure but I think I have seen the child roam the market these couple of days although I am not sure if it is the same child but I am willing to take you to their house and have a look in case said the old man.

Taking this as a new ray of hope Xie Lian calmed down enough to nod and with the help of Hua Cheng, they walked down with the old man to the house that the Wei's stayed in, as they reached, they house the old man bowed ran to his house and locked the door and left the two alone as they stared at the small shabby house that the Wei's stayed in previously, Xie Lian knocks on the door but, there was no response. He knocks a couple more times thinking that the child might still be asleep yet there was still no response. Hua Cheng placed a hand on Xie Lian's shoulder and spoke

My love, let me

Hua Cheng stepped forward, he waved his right hand and a small wraith silver butterfly appeared in front of them. The translucent silver butterfly flapped its wings and flew through the gap into the house. Hua Cheng pressed his forehead with Xie Lian so they could see the inside of the house together, although no body answered the door there was still a slight possibility that the child was either asleep or too scared to open the door and if they opened the door, they might've frightened the poor child. They did not want to scare him by just barging in. The wraith butterfly flew around leaving a trail of silver dust as it flapped its wings. Both of them saw the inside clearly, the house was only just a big room that was faintly lit by the sunlight, they saw a bed with crinkled blankets on the one side, on the other side of the cottage was a place for cooking, the room had pots and clothes all arranged neatly. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng moved away from each other and nodded. Xie Lian thought that when the Wei Ying's parents left, they fully intended on returning the same night, he gently pushed open the door finding the door not locked he walked inside. Hua Cheng was about to enter but Yin Yu appeared beside the house catching Hua Chens attention, he slowly walked up to him not wanting to disturb Xie Lian.

And? Demanded Hua Cheng

I found the bodies they were torn by a pack of dire wolves but like none I have ever seen these had tainted energy I know this because it is still on the bodies where the claws and teeth made marks, I burned them instead of a burial in case someone came upon them I also found these, replied Yin Yu Handing the clarity bell and phoenix feather to Hua Cheng

Hua Cheng looked at the feather and instantly recognizing it as Sanren clan insignia "Well that's just great who was this woman and why does she have the feather?"

and the other task said Hua Cheng

The person you seek is the sect leader, a nice man but is wife, she is short tempered and doesn't want another man's son to interfere with their family, I watched the whole argument and have recorded it on the memory ball for you and tai zi dianxia to witness said Yin Yu as he handed the memory ball to Hua Cheng.

Before he could ask anymore Xie Lian called for him standing at the entrance,

You need to come sees this he said while staring at them both with suspicion.

What is it? asked Hua Cheng as he walked up to Xie Lian

From his hands he showed the pictures. Wei Ying must've drawn them said Xie Lian

He drew all these Asked Hua Cheng while combing through the pictures he spots one that doesn't look right, a man laying with darkness around him they have red eyes, "Dire wolves" thought Hua Cheng

"Mn" replied Xie Lian lost in thought and not seeing how Hua Cheng slipped one of the pictures into his sleeves before returning them to him

Taking the pictures from him he put them in his sleeves

Hua Cheng pressed Xie Lian close to him and kissed his hair, this day was torture for them both but more for the man that he loved being sad and not being able to help.

Let's go search the market and we won't stop until we find him said Hua Cheng

Alright Nodded Xie Lian

Walking back to the market and asking the shop owners if they had seen Wei Ying, at a food stall they were stopped by a small group of children. Xie Lian kneeled down and smiled

What is it? he asked

A little girl no more than four or five came forward with a serious face and replied you looking for Wei Ying

Hope filled both men and Xie Lian hastily replied yes, we are

She pointed at the kite, this is his she said, I haven't seen him this morning but when you find him, please be nice, he is also afraid of dogs, he gets chased by them a lot here we try protect him but they always manage to find him and hurt him she said with tears in her eyes

Hearing this Hua Cheng becomes angry knowing that these kids protect him while the adults to nothing but chase him

And older boy steps forward and asks you will bring him to play with us and teach us how to fly a kite

Yes, we will bring him to play with you he says a little white faced but still smiles at the children.

Standing up and starting to panic as the kids leave them, he turns to Hua Cheng

We need to find him before something happens San Lang dogs! He's been bitten and chased by dogs the horror in his voice brings Hua Cheng out of his dark revere.

Yin Yu Called Hua Cheng find a small boy around four maybe five, and watch the dogs, if you find him call for me as Yin Yu nodded and left with a wraith butterfly

I think we should split up said Xie Lian

Look out for yourself and call if you need help said Hua Cheng and he kissed him making Xie Lian flush bright red also leaving a wraith butterfly with him.

They went their separate ways looking for a boy that has lost everything.

Just as Xie Lian was about to walk in the opposite direction he felt a tug on his robes, he looked down and saw a very old man huddled in blankets, the old man removes his hand from the blanket and points down the alleyway "he is there" says the old man and falls back asleep Xie Lian says a Quick thank you to the sleeping man and quickly walks in the direction that was pointed.

As he stood in the dimly lit alley way, he heard loud barks, he saw four dire wolves closing on something that was laying in the corner on top of some trash, Xie Lian tensed up, seeing that it was a small boy he rushed forward Screaming:


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