To Capture a Heart ✔️

Von depressedn0nce

1.8K 46 1

And then we're kissing and my fingers are running through his hair, and his heartbeat is merging with mine. A... Mehr

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Author's Note
To Break A Heart

Chapter 41

14 0 0
Von depressedn0nce

Me and Ferris freeze as the front door slams and we hear footsteps. Ferris jumps up just as my dad walks into the room, stopping at the doorway. He looks from Ferris to me to the bruise on my face. His face turns as red as a tomato as he assesses the room. I spot Louis behind him and I internally curse under my breath.

My little brother is about to witness whatever is about to happen. And so is Ferris. Speaking of, his hands turn into fists at his side and I see him take a step forward. I lurch toward Ferris, wrapping my hand around his fist and holding it behind his back. My thumb rubs against his knuckles and I hear his breathing slow as he takes a few deep breathes.

"What the fuck is going on?" Dad asks, but his anger is directed towards Ferris.

I freeze, closing my eyes. The punch replays in my head, but now, I don't think his fist is going to be aimed at me. I try to stand in front of him, but I feel him clasping his hand around mine, now. He's trying to stop me, protect me. He's not letting me feel the wrath of my own father.

"We were just..." I speak up, but my voice is weak. " We were just hanging out."

"Really? This is the same guy you were whoring around with the other month." Dad's glare turns to Ferris and he takes a step forward and I try to move but Ferris' hand tightens around mine. "What do you want with my daughter, huh? You give her that bruise?"

I'm slightly taken back. Dad knows that he punched me. He didn't... forget, did he? Does he seriously think that Ferris hit me?

"I'm sorry, what?" Ferris asks, his grip moving to my wrist, like he's trying to restrain himself. Like he's trying to stop himself from lurching forward and killing my father.

"Did you hit her? Did you put your hands on my daughter?"

"Did I put hands on her? Oh, that's so Goddamn rich of you-" I just wanted to tell Ferris to shut up but before I can, dad jumps forward, his hands gripping Ferris' neck.

I jump back, my hands instantly going over my mouth.

"What are you saying, boy? That I'd hit her? Is that that the bullshit she's been feeding you?" Dad screams, his hand striking Ferris across his face.

"Dad! Dad, stop it!" I yell, pushing him away from Ferris. Dad stumbles back but he doesn't lose his footing. He's on Ferris again, this time landing punch after punch onto his face and stomach.

Ferris is on the floor, hunched together as dad lands kicks and punches to his body. My brain shuts off. My heart stops beating and my body stills. I didn't know what to do. Louis is at the door to the room, crying his eyes out.

Everything is spiralling out of control and now, my boyfriend is on the ground because of my father.

I grab my phone and dial 999.

"Dad!" He glares up at me, and at the phone in my hand with the screen facing him. "I will call them! I will call the police if you don't get off of him!"

Dad staggers to his feet, a look of confusion and worry circles his face before he looks at Ferris and then, back at me. He runs out of the room and I immediately crouch down next to Ferris, holding his head in my lap.

Ferris looks at me, his face covered with blood and cuts.

"Hospital." He chokes out, his cheek was rubbing against my palm.

I help him to his feet and carry him out of the house and into the back of his car. Louis jumps into the passenger seat and I sit in the drivers seat.

"Uhh, Ferris?" I turn around to face him as he sits at the back, holding one hand on his stomach and the other on his leg. "I don't know how to drive."

Ferris stares at me, expressionless.

"Are you serious?" I nod my head, pursing my lips. He sighs and winces, moving to open the door. "Help me out. I'll drive."

"What? Are you sure-"

"Yes, Kay. Get the fuck out-" His gaze flickers to Louis. "Get out of the car."

I don't want Ferris to drive in his situation, but we don't have any other option. I slip out of the drivers seat, helping Ferris out of the car and behind the wheel. He winces as he starts the car and he hisses in pain when he lifts his arms up to grip the steering wheel.

I caused this. It's all my goddamn fault that Ferris is bloody and bruised. And I don't know what to do.


Taking out my phone, I bring up her number and call her. Quite frankly, it was time and I needed her right now.

She answers on the third ring.


"Mum?" I ask, my voice catching in my throat. There's silence on the other side and then I hear her speak.

"Kaylee? Is everything okay?" Mum asks.

"No, I... I need you to come to Haywood Hospital. I... I need you."

"I'm on my way. What's wrong?" She asks, her voice is frantic and rushed.

"I'll explain everything when you get here." I say. "See you soon." I hang up, standing from the chair I was sitting on and walking into the room that Ferris was stationed in.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his shirt off. His stomach was wrapped with a bandage and he had stitch tape on his cheekbone and his lip.

"Hey, darling." He whispers, holding his hand out for me. I slowly take it, approaching him with caution.

It's my fault he's in this state. I just... I feel like shit. My eyes waver when I feel Ferris' thumb stroke my cheek. The callousness contrasting with the smoothness of my skin. I hate that he's here because of my dad. I hate it. All of it.

I'm not sure I can carry on pretending everything is okay in my life when it's not. And now Ferris is dragged into my mess. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to act or what to say. Everything is falling apart and landing in a dirty puddle at my feet and I'm not sure whether I can swim through. I'm drowning, slowly, mercilessly, guiltily.

I feel Ferris lift my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't feel bad," he says, smiling sadly at me. "It wasn't your fault that it happened." His voice slowly turns into a whisper, and I feel my heart crack into two when my eyes flicker to the cut on his cheek.

I reach out, grazing the stitch tape with my fingers, cold air travelling through my body. Ferris closes his eyes, his jaw tightening and his grip on my face is sterner. I know it hurts him, I know he's in so much goddamn pain and all I can think to do is tell him that he'll be okay.

When the nurse re-enters the room, I have to leave and I sit outside the room, on one of the chairs. After a while, I see Ferris look over at me before he nods his head to the nurse. Then, my phone pings with a message.

I'm at the entrance. Where are you?

I quickly get up, rushing past a family that all looked like they were waiting for news, and go to the entrance. My mum is there, a worried look etched on her face. She looking around, frantically. When she spots me, her demeanour drops and she runs towards me, enveloping me in her arms.

"Is everything okay? What happened?" Her hands envelope my cheeks, and her eyes bore into mine, frantic and worried. "Kaylee?"

"I'm okay, mum. Thanks for coming." She shakes her slightly, the worried look in her eyes decreases slightly. "My... boyfriend... dad beat him up."

"What? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. Your remember Ferris, right?"

"Ferris Carson? The little boy you had a crush on?" My cheeks turn a deep red and I nod my head sheepishly. "Oh, I can't believe he's your boyfriend now! I always hoped you two would get together." A small smile etched onto her face before it drops slightly. "Your father beat him up?" She shivers slightly, closing her eyes and clenching her jaw.

"I just... I need you to take Louis home with you. He's here, he saw everything." I shake my head. "I'll collect him when everything's okay."

Mum looks at me, before looking away. Then, her head turns to Louis, who is sitting in the kids area, watching the other children read the books around him.

"I think he should stay with me for a while. The truth is... you're dad and I just signed our divorce papers and there might be more... tantrums. Louis might be safer with me for a while. Your dad won't like that, but... I'll deal with the consequences."

I blink a couple of times. She'll deal with the consequences? Does she not know that it'll be me getting the harsher end of it? Is she just ignoring the bruise on my face? Does she not care that it's not just Louis who lives with him?

I shake my head, this is about Louis, not me.

"Okay. Okay, he can stay with you for a while. Also- why has dad been visiting you?"

A look of confusion takes over her features. "Visiting me? The only time I see him is when he drops Louis off. Even then, he stays in the car and sends him up by himself."

So... f dad has lied about visiting mum, it means he's been somewhere else. Somewhere he doesn't want me to know about. Somewhere he probably shouldn't be.


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