By jmhallewell

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Marcelle and Vittoria are on a path that challenges their union and choice to be in love. Will they cave into... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: For Love
Chapter Two: Locked Doors
Chapter Three: Incompetence
Chapter Four: Succumbing
Chapter Five: An Admission
Chapter Six: It's A Sin
Chapter Seven: Intention
Chapter Eight: Ex Wife
Chapter Nine: Aged Fine Wine
Chapter Ten: Untold Secrets Part 1
Chapter Eleven: Understanding
Chapter Twelve: An Older Friend
Chapter Thirteen: The Sister
Chapter Fourteen: The Siblings
Chapter Fifteen: The Bid
Chapter Sixteen: Si Signor
Chapter Seventeen: She Loves Me
Chapter Eighteen: He Loves Me Too!
Chapter Nineteen: Labelled
Chapter Twenty: Reactions
Chapter Twenty One: Silence
Chapter Twenty Two: Solved
Chapter Twenty Three: Precedence
Chapter Twenty Five: In Marseilles Part 1
Chapter Twenty Six: In Marseilles Part 2
Chapter Twenty Seven: Rehab
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Parents
Chapter Twenty Nine: Welcome Home
Chapter Thirty: Home Is Best
Chapter Thirty One: The Hit
Chapter Thirty Two: Messages For You
Chapter Thirty Three: Transition
Chapter Thirty Four: Her Jealousy Part 1
Chapter Thirty Five: She's Back
Chapter Thirty Six: Little Diavolo
Chapter Thirty Seven: It's Personal
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ciao Chica
Chapter Thirty Nine: Her sisters
Chapter Forty: Her Jealousy Part 2
Chapter Forty One: A Good Day?
Chapter Forty Two: Unexpected
Chapter Forty Three: Red Part 1
Chapter Forty Four: Red Part 2
Chapter Forty Five: Love Me Forever
Chapter Forty Six: A Good Streak
Chapter Forty Seven: A Dream
Chapter Forty Eight: Wake Up Dear
Chapter Forty Nine: The Parking Lot Beef
Chapter Fifty: Too Many Hands
Chapter Fifty One: The Mothers
Chapter Fifty Two: Bickering Pair
Chapter Fifty Three: Love Me Forever Part 1
Chapter Fifty Four: Love Me Forever Part 2
Chapter Sixty: Love Me Forever Part 3

Chapter Twenty Four: Untold Secrets Part 2

561 76 94
By jmhallewell

Vittoria's POV
Her eyes looked over me. I didn't pack any clothing that is pleasing to her. I only packed what Marcelle likes and I'm also beginning to like. This dress is short. The heels on my feet only elongate my legs more and I can't help but tug the neckline to hide the little cleavage. Her eyes are all over me in an accusing way. I didn't plan to see her, otherwise I would dress accordingly. I came straight here from Napa because I feel it's something I need to put behind me.

"Well..." She sighed. " look... different."

There are nuns in the compound looking my way. A few of them are familiar. We were supposed to take our vows together but I ran away. Now they look at me like I'm lesser and others are judging me. Only one is trying to wave at me but my hand feels heavy at my side.

I have become one if those worldly women she always warmed me not to become. There is even a slick car behind me to add to it.

"What did you want to say?" I got to the point. I'm nervous. "...over the phone when you called."

"Vittoria, I want things to go back to the way they were when you lived here... before you met him."

Is she mad? Things won't go back that way! How can they when I have fallen in love? When I have embraced this kind of life?

"And what were things like before him?"

"You were a simple beautiful girl!" Her eyes lit up. "You didn't put these things on your face. You didn't dress in these degrading clothes that make you look like a sex object. You were a good girl. Decent and pure. You were simple."

"With little to nothing. I was that girl from Napoli who saw the world from the little window of a shoe box apartment. I was naive. I believed in you. I had so much faith in you and almost every decision I made came down to what you would think of me." I paused. Her eyes are no longer bright. "And then you cast me out and you took that little window with you. I was left with a much much bigger window at the top of the world where the view is different. People are different. I am different. I cannot go back. I'm only moving forward."

"I left because you told me you slept with him!"

"Si." I shrugged.

"You lied. He was here and he assured me he has never had sex with you. So you see?" She took my hands. I remember her warm embrace. I remember it very much. This woman was like a mother to me. "You can still come back. I'll give you the apartment. I will see to it that you get another opportunity to take your vows-"

"I don't want to!" I pulled my hands free. "I dint want any of it. Even if we haven't had sex, it's only a matter of time."


"I love him! He loves me! He takes care of me! I have no one else in this world who has loved me the way he does!"

"That hurts my feelings." She sighed. "Because I have known you much longer. I have taken care of you through the years. Why would you think that he is the only one who loves you? I was strict because I was protecting you. He is liberal minded and he spoils you because he wants to sleep with you. He will do anything for your virtue even play the Angel when he's not! Do you understand who you are entangled with? This is the godfather of the Mafia you silly little girl! He is darkness personified deep in the works of the devil and you are prey that he will devour ruthlessly and them dump you! You will have nothing at that point."

"He l-loves me." I fought the tears in my eyes. "That is the only thing I care about. I don't care about what he does as long as he comes home to me. I cannot change him. He is what he is."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Including a liar."

"What are you talking about?"

She smiled to herself. "It's nothing. You go on living with your head in the clouds. When you fall, you know where to find me. I'll welcome you with open arms."

I pursued her to the open gate of the convent but I didn't get to enter. I can't.

"What do you mean Emilia? Why do you call him a liar?'

"I wasn't going to tell you but maybe I should. I have already lost you so I guess I should be truthful about where you came from." I folded my hands into fists. Why si she doing this now? I asked her repeatedly. I asked her where I came from and she never said anything to me. Now she has something to say? "It was a Friday night at around 8pm? I was putting some of the orphans to bed. You know the routine, it's tiring. It was raining heavily and strangely cold. I left the orphanage to return here to the convent. It was at this very spot you're standing in that I saw her. This is where your mother was standing with a baby in her arms. She had covered you well so that you don't get wet from the rain. I asked her what she wanted and she said she wants to giv you away. She said she didn't want you."


"I took you from her arms and as soon as I did, she told me your name is Vittoria. She left and she has never come back. I took you into the convent and took good care of you until you were old enough to go into the orphanage. I gave you my second name to complete you. You are very much a daughter to me. I taught you want everything you know. I taught you how to eat, how to write, how to speak, how to walk, how to do anything a child needs to learn and this is how you repay me?"

I covered my mouth and blinked over and over again to control my tears. I cannot believe this! She knew all along! She all along and yet she confined me to a life of struggles and poverty!

"You are selfish!" I screamed at her. "You lied to me over and over again!"

"What were you to be told when she didn't want you?"

"The truth! I deserved to know the truth! I had a right to it I ven if it was not going to change my circumstances! You kept that from me!"

"And so has Marcelle." She told me. "He came here asking about your parentage. I told him. From your reaction it looks like he hasn't told you anything. But I'm the liar you hate and he's the liar you love. I call that double standards."

"You lied to me for 25 years. I'm sure he will tell me when he's ready to have that conversation. That is the difference. The only reason you tell me this is to hurt me. It's to break my relationship with Marcelle. You have failed Emilia. What is my mother's name?"

"I don't know. She never said."

She turned her back at me but I grabbed her by the shoulder. "You had to have a name to tell Marcelle. Stop being spiteful! What is her name?'

"Why don't you wait for Marcelle to tell you since you trust him so much." She pushed me out of her way. "You and I are done. You are dead to me."

She closed the gate.

I didn't wait around anymore. The driver op Ned the door for me. I was settled in the back seat ready to leave this part of my life behind when a message came through.

Hello Vittoria.
Did you get my gift?

Who is this?

A man who wants you very much.
You slipped through my fingers once, but I'll have you soon.
Kisses chica. See you soon.

My heart isn't beating. I pressed my palm on my chest. Who is this man?

Stay away from me. I don't want you or your gifts.

I blocked th number.

"Signorina, where to?" The driver asked me.

"Just drive. I'll direct you." Since I'm in Naples, I may as well see Damian.

The way he left, we never got to really speak. I messed up and he paid the price.

Hi. Can you talk?

I feel I have to unburden my soul. I need to tell someone what has happened today.

Do you want to text or call?

Anything. Text. Yes text.

All ears. BTW congrats 🎉🎉🎉
You and Marcelle are official!

Thank you.
I found out something. I have a mother Sherry.

Uh ... Wow! Can we do this in person? I think it may be sensitive?

Sure. Then some man sent me a diamond necklace and he says he wants to have me.

Tell Marcelle

He's stressed out over his daughter threatening to jump from the roof. I don't want to add to it.

I saw her picture flashing on the screen of my phone. I hesitated before I answered.


"Oh Vee! Cheers to you for having the most moody shift of events. Are you okay?"


"Left." I told the driver. "No I'm not okay. I'm so... I don't even know how I feel but I'm not okay. Emilia told me I'm dead to her and that Marcelle knows who my mother is. Then this strange man sending me things. I am upset. I think."

"About your parents, we can talk about that. I know a thing or two about meeting my father later on in life. About Emilia, fuck her. Don't even think about her anymore!" I laughed. "That's it, laugh about it. About Marcelle not telling you, well, you can either confront him or let him tell you. I don't think he's the kind to lie so he will eventually tell you. Now, about that man, that you have to tell Marcelle. You have to Vee. This man has the balls to send Marcelle's girlfriend a diamond necklace. This man can afford a diamond necklace. Money and intention and guts. Not good. Tell on him as soon as you can."

"I will."

"I'll see you soon?"

"Si. Thank you. Bye." I hanged up. "Stop here."

"Signorina, I don't advise on getting out of the car. It's not a good neighborhood."

"I used to live here." I told him. "I'll be okay. You can accompany me to that group of young men playing football."

He got the door for me. I walked along the pavement looking around at the houses. After living in Marcelle's world, these houses look small and the neighborhood scary. I have gotten used to my new life. It's even hard to believe that this is where I came from.

The young men playing football have stopped their game to pay attention to me. I slowed down to a stop allowing my bodyguard to stand beside me. "Who among them do you wish to speak to?"

I can see Damian pushing his way through. He stepped in front of them. A smile grew on my face. He looks surprised but he smiled at me too. "Vittoria."

We met half way and we hugged.

"I'm so happy to see you!"

"What are you doing here?" He pulled away.

"I... I wanted to see you. I wanted to talk to you. Damian I owe you an apology. I'm so sorry for how things turned out."

He chuckled. "That's water under the bridge."

"But you lost your job. You lost your livelihood. I feel bad about it."

"I took a cut on my pay check and of cause my status but Rocco gives me other small assignments. I'm okay."

I looked around. "I will ask again and again that Marcelle let's you come back."

"I am not supposed to tell you this but I'll come back when my suspension is over."


"Rocco told me that he reconsidered and it is just a suspension. I'll be back in New York in a few weeks."

"That is good! That is really good news! I can't wait! I promise I'll be good. I don't cause trouble any more."

"Congratulations. On you know... the thing between you and Signor. I told you it will be okay." He looked back at his friends who are all waving at me. "If you wave back they will be happy."

I waved briefly and they broke into celebration. I used to walk down these streets unnoticed. I was invisible. Now people see me and I'm not sure if I like that.

"I have to go now. Take care and I'll be happy to see you again. Ciao."

"Ciao Signorina."

At least one good thing today. It's something to be grateful for.

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