Hidden User (Persona Crossove...

By Kamaru_chan

26K 548 130

**** The first thing I wake up--- I was surrounded by strange-looking digital walls? Due to my depression -T... More

1- Rebirth
2- Enter
3- Status
4- Another Mission
6- The 2 Seniors
7- Him
8- Awakening The Fool
10- Hints
12- Damn System
13- My Luck
14- Shadows
15- New Recruit
16- Yukari's Curiosity
17- Yakushima!
18-Robot, A Boy And A Dog
19- Training Camp
20- Full Moon Gone Wrong

11- Few Days Before Full Moon

864 26 6
By Kamaru_chan

A/N- HIIII I'm so so sorry for not update for a very longg time now :') There's a lot of work for me to deal with and I also need some times to reread my stories before updating the chapter. And thank you so much for waiting!

29/4/2009( Wednesday)


At the Shrine, sitting alone on the swing, I was staring at the dark sky in deep thoughts. Few days have passed, Makoto and the others had improved their strengths and powers so far and I guess Makoto did a good job at becoming a leader. Although, I can see that he still needs to improve his trust in his teammates.

I know that this is the beginning of trust and friendships but Junpei seems to dislike him a lot.

I guess it takes time for them to get along well.

Sighing, why I was alone outside?

I just need some fresh air to clear my mind right now... because I'd just received another mission! Not just any ordinary mission but—

"What are you doing here?" A voice spoke up beside me.

Turn my head to see Makoto stands beside me with blank face. I smile at him, "Need fresh air." Noticing him wearing his jacket, "I should be asking you the same thing. What are you doing outside, Makoto-san?"

He hummed in respond before sit on the slide in front of me, "...walking.."

I chuckle at his simple replied. He really is a unique person now that I slowly get to know him face to face. The silence is not awkward but it was somehow comfortable for both of us.

That is until he breaks the silence, "...do you have a friend?"


He nods his head, "A friend that you can depends on and makes you want to care for someone..."

Tilting my head to the side in a thinking pose. Ah, I think he started to wanting to know what friends is. "Well, I do have a few close friends like Yuka-chan and Fuu-chan. Someone I can depends like Mitsuru-senpai and Akihiko-senpai too. Ah! Junpei is my partner in crime which mean we're close too."

While listening to me, he stares at the sand with an understanding expression, "It's sounds nice to have friends..."

Hearing him saying that, I pats his shoulder gently and smile at him, "You're also my friend, Makoto-san."

His eyes widen slightly.


[Your charmed has increased +20!]

"You are not alone. You have me and the others too." AS I said that, I stood up from the swing and reach my hand to him, "I think we're both outsides for too long now. Mitsuru-senpai and the others might be worried for us. Let's go home."


Grabbing his hand to make him stand up, "Yes, home."

I heard a sound of a familiar broken glass again at the background and if my guess if right, it must me my bond with him. My social link. Well, he is the main character so it was to be expected. But I wonder what is my arcana...

Right now, that thought is still in my head about my new mission because it's VEERRYYY ridiculous...!


[New mission! Make someone jealous! Complete the mission or die!]

I feel like I've been played by the system...!

Dorm, Lounge

The time we both arrived at the dorm, there stood Mitsuru with her arms crossed and sterns face, Akihiko with an irritated expression, Yukari looks both worried and relieved, and Junpei in curious looking at us.

"Did you know how long you've been out?" Mitsuru sternly asked.

I sweatdropped, "Umm... I didn't know it was late...?"

"And why are you with him?" Akihiko demand, stares at Makoto.

"On a walk." He blankly replied.

Before anything could gets any worse, Yukari steps in and grab my hand. "You must be cold outside! Let's get in my room, okay. I have a warmer and hot drink if you want."

"Thank you!" You are my life saver Yukari!

Third POV

Once the two girls went upstairs, Mitsuru sighed and said, "I was glad she's not alone outside but it seems there's no need to be worried now." She nodded her head to Makoto and join the girls.

Thus, it's just the boys in the lounge.

Akihiko scratch his head in frustration, "Tch, next time be more careful." Turns to the kitchen, mumble to himself, "...she must be hungry. I need check the fridge if the is anything for me to cook for her."

Junpei wrapped his arm around Makoto's shoulder with a wide grinned. "Damn, I didn't know you are so brave!"

"Personal space."

Laughing at received harsh glare, "Didn't expect you could make a move so fast HAHAHAH I was it man?"

"Personal space."

"Geez... Imma just curious." Junpei stil grinning at him, wanting an answer.

"Just talking." He replied, leaving Junpei alone.

"That's it? Man you're a boring guy."

Makoto was about to walking pass the kitchen, he glance at Akihiko and coincidentally made an eye contact with him. The two of them stares at each other which mean receiving negative aura from the both of them.

Junpei sweatsdropped at them, "Did I missed something?"

Yukari's room


[Mission completed!]

Minako was bewildered by the sudden completed quest in her screen.

"You okay, Mina-chan?" Yukari waves her hand in front of her face.

"Uh yeah I'm okay..."

'Completed?! But how?! When!? I didn't do anything!!! What the heck system?!!' Minako screams in her head.

1/5/2009 (Fri)


"FYI, Akihiko-san's at the hospital getting a checkup." Junpei proudly announce, "He called me earlier and asked me to bring something. Yup, he knows who to count on."

Yukari ruin his moment, "He only asked you cuz you don't have anything else to do after school or you might be the second option, maybe he doesn't want to burden Mina-chan."

"H-Hey, I resent that!"

She giggles at his reaction, "I'm just kidding. So, what'd he want you to bring?"

"Class roster for 2-E"

Frowned in curious, "What's he want that for?" Looking between Makoto and Junpei, she smile, "Well, I don't have practice today, so I'll go with you." Looking back at Makoto, "You're coming too, right?"

Nodding his head in response.

"Wait a minute!" Junpei exclaims, "Well, it was ME he asked—" about to argue but yukari glares at him to shut up. Just as they were about to leave the classroom, Makoto notice someone is missing.

"Where is she..?"

"Hm?" Yukari turn around in search if she caught a glimpse of a certain brunette, "Now that you mention, where is Mina-chan?"

Junpei check his cellphone, "Maybe she left early? You guys already know if Akihiko-san might be telling her first about his checkup before me."

The three of them sweatdropped and thought at the same time, 'He must be forcing her to do her checkup too.'


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