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55.4K 5.3K 1.5K

Being the most beautiful omega and healer in a pack has its virtues and drawbacks. Scorned by omegas due to t... More

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2.7K 239 48


!Mention of blood!

A/N: betas have scents in this story, mention in form of wounds

Hours. For hours, there has been a sign of the thunderstorm that's been brewing above their lands. Earlier the head alpha had given out a warning to the pack members to remain in their huts. The sky appeared dark and everyone assumed it would be harmless rain, but the heavy clouds remained throughout the day. Therefore the head alpha concluded that it's best and for everyone's safety not to go out in case it becomes tumultuous.

True to his words, heavy rain was soon followed by strong gusty winds. Despite the fact that it is only the beginning of autumn, the weather is abnormally warm for this time of year. Humidity has been present in the air, making it more difficult to breathe in the stale air. Another disadvantage of the weather is that some pack members will be in their huts, wondering about what they can do next just to get rid of the boredom.

Just like Jungkook who lays in his bed, snuggled up under his fur and his eyes open as he stares at the ceiling. Suddenly thunder rumbles and lightning hits a tree not far from his hut mere seconds later. Jungkook hears cracking, but all he really wants to do is lie here for a few minutes. He curls himself deeper into the fur that's providing him comforting warmth. It's not like he's afraid of thunder; not any longer. However, it reminds him of someone who was a part of his life before.

"Don't be scared," Jimin said and patted Jungkook's head, who tried to hide underneath the bed. Jimin could see the fear shining in Jungkook's eyes, his hunched posture giving a sense of urgency to hug him and reassure him. At that point, Jungkook was taller than the other, yet he felt safe in his arms. With him close by, the thunderstorm seemed only to be in the background.

"Hold me," Jungkook whined and buried his head in Jimin's neck. The taller couldn't suppress the small sniffles or the tears that rolled down his cheeks when he layed in his embrace.

"Please don't cry. I'm here, Jungkookie." His soft voice went through his ears and caused the boy to whine in content.


The memory leaves him with a bitter feeling, although it's been some days since he has seen Jimin last. There were several moments they spent together. They also did some silly things, like running around in the mud as young wolves despite the rain or stealing some freshly baked pastry. They met each other early in the pups group and based on what their parents said, you'd expect they were best friends quite immediately.

Things changed as they grew older, and they seemed to drift apart. The time they spent together before, they started to spent elsewhere. Jungkook would sneak glances at the other when they were little, feeling the distance between them but that soon stopped when the hope in him died and they grew too distant from each other.

Jungkook cannot properly explain to himself the reason why this happened. Everything must have happened for a reason.

That is what he tells himself.

Soon after, they would present and by then, each had their own life. Jungkook often heard about the other wolf in the village as it was not very small, but as the son of the pack leader, he was often busy with new tasks and busy learning what it meant to be a pack leader. Thus he then lost interest in any things that occupied him before.

Jungkook hears the many raindrops pattering on his roof and on the moist forest floor, where puddles must have formed. Like back then, he still enjoys the sound of rain, sometimes shutting his eyes or shifting into his wolf form and running a few laps. The thunderstorm, however... is something he dreads since it takes away his freedom, forcing him to figure out how to pass the time.

With relaxation, he shuts his eyes and tries to switch his mind off, away from unpleasant experiences or the patrol he has to undertake with other pack members after the weather. Because by the sounds of it. It doesn't happen often, but it can happen in storms where a tree fell somewhere and destroyed something. This would make his work much more difficult.

Jungkook attempts to unwind and sleep a bit since he has to go on patrol the next day. Taking a deep breath, he realises how exhausted he is. Sleep settles on him after a few minutes.

The next morning, Jungkook wakes up with the smell of rain in his nose. His limbs are a little sore from cowering and straining in his sleep. The first thing he notices is that the sun is just rising, proven by the light that is streaming in through the window. Secondly, it is so quiet that he cannot hear anything, not even pups playing outside. This simply adds to his suspicions about how heavily it poured throughout the night.

Hesitantly, he gets up and gets ready to face the day. He eats leisurely and fills his belly with plenty of food so that he can get through the day without any problems. The Alpha exhales somewhat annoyed before opening the door to the outdoors and a breeze brushes his face, shifting his dark locks. The sun has risen higher in the sky, and Jungkook sees pack members emerging from their huts, taking in the surroundings.

He shakes his head slightly and walks over to the pack house where the wolves are meeting for today's patrol. Despite the fact that trees have fallen, Jungkook is relieved to note that none has hit any hut in sight and if anything had happened to anyone, he would certainly have known.

Jungkook is the first to arrive at the pack house with wet garments on his ankles and waits patiently for the others. Jungkook doesn't need his father to tell him everything that needs to be checked for damage or injured individuals. It is similar to common sense or routine.

After a few minutes, the other pack members arrive. Before they leave for their inspection, Jungkook asks if everything is alright. After an unmistakable nod or 'yes', they move towards the forest where they shift and move as wolves.

Hours seem to pass as they walk through their forest territory, but Jungkook knows it can't be possible when the sun is not even perpendicular above them. They have walked along so many muddy paths that Jungkook doesn't even want to look down at his paws and legs. Feeling the mud start to stick as soon as it begins to dry is enough for him to know that it must be a lot. He can't wait until they pass the lake or he can take the time to go swimming afterwards.

Taewoo barks - one of the Alpha's - giving everyone an alarmed look once he has their attention. He points to the paw print on the ground, he just found. The paw print seems relatively fresh, meaning after the thunderstorm. Nervous pheromones spread and quickly become clear. It puts everyone on the edge. No one knows where the paw print on the wet ground came from or who it is from, which makes everyone feel tense because even though the print could be from someone in the pack, it could also belong to an intruder.

Why is a rogue running around their lands? If it's a pack member, why are they this far out in the woods when there was a thunderstorm?

Insu grabs Jungkook's attention, having found a hint of a vanilla scent. It's barely there, but if they follow it, it might lead them to whoever they are searching for. Insu looks questioningly at Jungkook, waiting for further orders from the one in charge. The mood is tense in the group and everyone is making their own suspicions about what's going on.

Jungkook nods thankful and nods his head to Yongsun and back to the village, barking, 'Very good. Taewoo, Woosung, you and I, we will follow the scent trail as far as we can. Yongsun let the head alpha know.' Jungkook tries not to let his inner turmoil show in any form of distress in his scent. Not only does it trigger a flashback in him, but it makes him uneasy.

Jungkook gets lost in thoughts, contemplating what to do.

Should I tell them I was attacked not long ago or not?

Actually, he should have reported this to his father right away because it was a rogue and he could have done something, but his head was all over the place after Jimin had tended to him. He had pushed away from the conversation, the things Jimin had said, not paying attention until they returned to him.

He didn't know what to do with it, neither with the scenario in the forest where Jimin had gotten so near to him after such a long time, nor the dialogue in the healer's hut. Jungkook simply didn't know how to go about it.

Is it even something Jungkook wants to find out about, what's behind it? What Jimin was talking about?

His thoughts are circling, and he feels overwhelmed. All this time he's been of the firm belief that what everyone, including Seoyeon, has said about him is true. Is he suddenly beginning to doubt it? What reason could there be for that?

That Jimin acted differently than expected? That Jimin said things that irk him?

Woosung barks and looks at him with an expectant look, making Jungkook realise he has spaced out. The alpha shakes his head and follows Insu, who is already a little ahead of them. They cannot afford to lose time tracking down the owner of the paw print in the mud.

A distressing feeling runs through him, and as if his belly would tighten at the thought that nags him. If he now says that he encountered a rogue a few days earlier, the other wolves will undoubtedly think less of him. What would the pack think of his strength?

Keeping it a secret would be dishonest and unworthy of a man of his character, but it would be disappointing for anyone. He can only hope that Jimin has not or will not talk to his father about the experience. As far as he knows, he hasn't, and he's sure his father would have already sought out the conversation yesterday or the day before and most likely delivered a sermon.

It's all no use. No matter how much he beats around the bush, it will stab him in the back one day. Upon returning to his village, he intends to speak to his father. This conversation won't be pretty but the last time his father hasn't been strict about tasks on his soon-to-be head alpha position has been a while.

They follow the vanilla scent towards the river. Yet, the search takes a sharp turn when the vanilla smell mixes with blood. causing them to approach with caution and trepidation. None of them knows what to expect. Since they do not know every single scent of the pack members, it may as well be one of them. But, the blood indicates that the person is most likely lying injured near the river.

Jungkook tenses and lifts his muzzle, concentrating on the scent. It sticks to vanilla and blood and he wrinkles his snout at the smell of blood. Jungkook has never been a fan of it. If it were up to him, he would turn off the influence the smell of blood has on him. After all, it makes him slightly dizzy.

The alpha blinks to regain his focus and, closely followed by the others, steps towards an embankment near the river where the scent trail comes from. The whimper of another wolf freezes him, as well as the others. On the spot, they rush forward, around the embankment, and bump into a male Beta who appears to be about their age. His dark brown, almost black hair waves in the wind and tears have formed in the corner of his eyes.

"Alpha..." the beta whimpers in pain, scent turning sour once again. He has no problem recognizing Jungkook the head alpha's son. Only when the sour scent hits his nose does Jungkook notice the beta holding his foot in pain. To his relief, it's indeed someone from the pack, someone he's seen often at fests. What he is less pleased about, however, is that the beta is visibly injured and that shortly after a storm when everyone should be in their huts.

The beta seems to understand what Jungkook means when he tilts his head.

"I- I was going to the river to get some water for my brother who wasn't feeling well and I slipped on a sharp stone and got the wound," the beta tries to say without hoisting himself, but he doesn't quite succeed as he tries to straighten up a bit. Who knows how long he has been sitting in that position.

Jungkook glances at the other wolves and thinks about what would be smart to do next. They're pretty much done patrolling, so someone could carry him on their backs and take him back to the pack.

'Take him to the healer. I'll run ahead to get some water for his brother and talk to my father.'

The others nod in agreement and help the beta onto Woosung's back. The beta tries to cling to his fur as best he can and not slide down again. Jungkook hurriedly runs ahead to the pack. On the way there, he thinks about what he should do first. Should he send someone else to fetch water?

He shakes his head, deep in thought. A wolf's health comes first. The other might not know who to take the water to. His compassion takes over his feelings and he quickly slips on his clothes where they left them earlier. Jungkook takes a quick breath and considers how best to approach the matter.

A bowl.

He quickly grabs two bowls and a basket, in case the sick brother needs more. The alpha just wonders why he wasn't taken to the healer hut then. That is usually the first thing they should do.

Once he has filled the bowls with water and returns to the healer hut to ask the beta which hut to take the water to, he sees to his surprise that this time it is not Jimin who is tending the foot, but his grandfather.

He looks around and frowns when he cannot spot Jimin anywhere. Is he still sick? Maybe his grandparents told him to take some time off?

Jungkook's stomach drops. There's not even a trace of lavender and peonies in the hut. A second later he scoffs inwardly. Why the hell does he care? Why does he think of him again? It's like Jimin hasn't left his mind once and it's driving him crazy. None of the distractions helped. He is also still angry with Seoyeon, so she cannot distract him either.

He clears his throat, asking, "Where should I bring the bowls?"

✦ ° .

Grumbling, Jungkook approaches his parents' hut and kicks a small stone in front of him on his way there. He feels drained of his strength and wants to relax, just leaves qll his cares behind. The conversation with his father went loaded, and Jungkook thought he was going to nag him, but instead, he looked at him with a disappointed expression on his face, which hit Jungkook harder than he would like to admit.

It took some time for his father to speak up and sternly question him about his reckless behaviour. If the attack went badly, the rogue might have caused more harm. Jungkook then assured him that there were signs that he had come from another pack.

"Oh, what are you doing here already?" his mother's voice sounds, who is preparing food as he opens the door to his parents' hut. The comforting and familiar scent of roses hits his nose. He sighs with relief as he realises he can finally rest and take things off his mind.

"You look exhausted. Has there been much going on today?"

Jungkook has to suppress himself from snorting. "Isn't that every day?"

"It is, but you appear to be more exhausted today than usual."

"Hmm... It's just... we found a footprint in the forest and believed it was another rogue or someone else trespassing on our territory at first, but it was a beta who had wounded his foot after coming to fetch water after the storm."

In the corner of his eye, Jungkook sees his mother's movements halt, and her scent brings palpable tension.

"What do you mean by again?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Jungkook asks, slightly confused, and their eyes meet.

"You said there might have been another rogue or someone else trespassing on our territory. What do you mean by again?" Jungkook buries his head in his hands at the table at her words and sighs loudly. Crap. He wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. Just when he thought he had gotten over the difficult barricade, the next one comes.

"A few days ago... A rogue attacked me. In the forest."

"Jungkook!" his mother admonishes him anxiously, striding towards him and taking his face in her hands to look more closely for injuries. Concern is written all over her face.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She looks at him with a piercing gaze, causing Jungkook to swallow hard. "I don't know whether to be angry or worried. Both for your own and the pack's sake. I could tell you, you should have come out with it sooner, but what's done is done. I'm sure your father already will hold you a speech. Still, it's nothing to joke about."

"I'm fine." Jungkook waves off, revealing a slight smile to her. "I'm sure he was just a rogue. The wolf wasn't wearing any scent that I recognised, and he didn't attack me like he had training every now and then. He could only have been a rogue."

"Did you tell your father?" She bites her lip nervously, knowing the relationship isn't the same as it used to be between them. "Yeah, he seemed disappointed because I didn't tell him sooner. I know it was reckless and dangerous of me to remain silent about it. But I also know I successfully fought him off and had the situation under control."

"Why didn't you tell him right away?"

"Because I was distracted and couldn't think straight," he says, trying not to think of the same person who has already been in his head far too often.

"But, you're fine?" she asks, her eyebrows drawing together. Jungkook nods convincingly. Before he knows it, though, his mother presses into one of the wounds on his stomach, and he has to hiss. "I knew it. Jungkook, you can't take me for a fool. I know you too well."

"I'm fine," he replies again, trying to convince her, making his mother raise an eyebrow and cross her arms in front of her chest.

"Clearly," she scoffs, not believing a word from her son. "Why are you even here if you're hurt? Don't get me wrong. As busy as your father keeps you, I'm glad you came by, but you're hurt. You should be seeing a healer."

"That's where I was. I'm here because I need a distraction."

"From what?" she asks, confused. He took his time telling his father about the problem because something distracted him, and now he's here because he needs a distraction?

"Nothing in particular. It's just very stressful at the moment." Jungkook shrugs indifferently and gnaws on the inside of his cheek. This is far from the truth and it seems even his mother sees it that way. Is he that transparent?

"Jungkook, you know you can talk to me about anything. So if something is bothering you, out with it."

He knows that. Jungkook is aware that he can talk to his mother about anything. But something inside him makes him afraid to talk to his mother about Jimin. She has often asked about Jimin, and Jungkook has often pushed it away. She probably always hoped to learn something new about Jimin. Back when they were kids, she was blown away by him. She loved it when he visited Jungkook. But when that was no longer the case, she often asked about him, and Jungkook always kept quiet or tried to deflect the topic.

"Anyway, you'll tell me when you're ready, hm?" She strokes his shoulder and then continues to concentrate on cooking.

Both talk about different things until the food is ready. Jungkook can truly unwind in the time that passes and not have to worry about anything. As time goes by, he also gets tired and lays his head back on the cosy back of the chair, his eyelashes fluttering shut and feeling like he could fall asleep at any moment. That is until his mother steps out of an adjoining room and expresses what is on her mind.

"I still think you should go back to the healer. You were hissing all the time during dinner."


"I know.... You said you were fine, but you don't seem fine. Think it over, hm? I can't make you go. This makes me think maybe you'll see Jimin..."

"Mother," Jungkook says emphatically and takes a deep breath, shoulders rising and falling. The subject he has been trying to avoid for days—years—is now the topic of conversation again. Somehow he has to put an end to it. This is the last topic he wants to talk about now. Jungkook begins to feel annoyance spreading through his body.

"Sorry, I just miss him. His grandparents always tell how hard he works and takes care of others," she tells me with shining eyes, adding in a whisper, "And then there are things that are said about him..."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing. I just think maybe this would be a chance for you to talk again. Maybe you could convince him to come here..."

"He's not interested in coming here, but if you miss him, you're welcome to visit him in the healer's hut itself. I'm sure he wouldn't mind," Jungkook confesses while there's a turmoil in him. He scrunches his face in annoyance and restlessness before he releases, trying to regain calm.

"Too bad. Well, I've tried to talk to him several times, but every time he seems to be somewhere else." His mother sighs, crossing her arms over her chest and gazes at Jungkook. Seemingly to get an answer from him.

"Seems like he's not interested," Jungkook shrugs and bites into an apple his mother puts on the table. "Can we talk about something else?"


Another day on which he has managed to let the conversation go deeper. Without realising it, he sinks into thought as he leaves his parents' hut to go to the healer's hut. A scene then replays in his mind from his childhood.

"You won't get me~" Jungkook yelled across the green meadow and ran up a small hill where he had stopped momentarily until Jimin ran towards him. He started squealing when he realised how close Jimin was already and ran on again. They both laughed when Jimin finally caught Jungkook and tapped him.

"You are!" Jimin giggled and ran in the opposite direction. It was all fun and games until Jungkook missed a twig and stumbled down the slope. Luckily nothing had happened to him, but the shock was still great, so Jimin had cried along with him when they got to Jimin's grandparents' hut to check for injuries.

Jungkook shakes his head as he arrives and enters with a knock. Please don't let Jimin be there. Please don't let Jimin be there.

He's surprised to find no trace of him. There is just his grandfather present. Jungkook's brows furrow. Again, Jimin is not here. His wolf whimpers sadly, but Jungkook usually overlooks his antics when it comes to Jimin. Call him stubborn, childish or whatsoever. He's determined not to feel the same way, and his wolf has gotten strange ever since interacting with Jimin in the forest.

Is Jungkook relieved that he's not here? Jungkook is confused and doesn't know how he's supposed to be feeling. Somehow he feels his stomach drop another time.

"Oh, Jungkook. What brings you here?" The waft of sandalwood makes the elder look up from whatever he is doing with the herbs. A gentle smile graces the lips of Jimin's grandfather, and he straightens up to put the herbs aside and give Jungkook his attention.

"Um-" What Jungkook hadn't thought of before is, when he asks where he got the wounds, what does he say? He had the same problem with Jimin... could he lie this time too?

"You seem busy, I'll come later-"

"Oh come on, sit on the chair or lie down on the couch and tell me why you are here," his soft voice calms Jungkook a little and he settles down on the seat. He tells Jimin's grandfather why he is there, standing with one foot on the couch. His gaze is fixed on the ceiling as the healer sets to work. Time flies and the wounds are tended faster than he would have thought.

"Your wounds are healing well. Make sure you protect them well from the dirt."

"I will," Jungkook replies, biting his lip thoughtfully as he stands up. Should he ask? Before he can stop himself, the words he thought he would never say slip from his mouth. His wolf whimpers.

"Um- Where's Jimin?"

This seems to take the healer by surprise as he grasps the question. His lips part a little before they close. In Jungkook's eyes, it looks like he doesn't quite know what to answer or how to react. Does he know that Jimin and he have not been friends since childhood? If no one has told him, his actions must have spoken volumes. After all, Jimin must have stopped talking to him at some point too... If he ever did. The thought fills his upper body with a strange warmth.

"He has taken the days off. He deserves it after the stressful days and with his illness that I'm sure you've heard about..." he talks openly to Jungkook in a soft voice about the omega. Various things then run through his mind, Jungkook wondering why he speaks so sacredly of him when Jimin does things that are anything but sacred.

Jungkook suppresses the urge to ask how Jimin is doing. Instead, he comes out with an answer he is half satisfied with, even though his alpha repeatedly disagrees with him.

"That's... nice to hear."



Get ready for next chapter 🥺

I can see that we are slowly getting closer to the middle of the storyline

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