Sorry | Murphamy AU | vol.1

By mumblingmurphy

60.7K 3.1K 1.5K

[ THIS IS UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION !! ] "Would you stop romanticizing this?" "Why? We're going to die anyway... More

Author's Note {Please Read}
1. Project
2. Like morbid butterflies
3. The art of time
4. Broken noses and butterflies
5. Comedically and tragically beautiful
6. Permanent solutions for temporary problems
7. Irrationality killed the cat
8. An affair with the huntsman
9. Everything will be okay, one day
10. Berlin, 1848
11. Years of subliminal messaging
12. Death isn't colder than heartbreak (it isn't)
13. A worthless apology
14. Hold on tighter for a better kiss
15. Written in bark
16. Young and ignorant
17. Behind whatever shows
18. Touches like glass
19. Naive for things of choice
20. Sobriety with hands of gold
!!please read!!
21. Stay awake for another confession
22. Asleep too soon
23. A familiar face is always odd
[Ch.25 • Gonplei1]
[Ch.26 - Gonplei2]
[Ch.27 - Gonplei3]
[Ch.28 - Gonplei4]
Ch.29 - Camp Gonplei #5
Ch.30 - Hello Jake.
Ch.31 - Not Again
Ch.32 - Tattoo
Ch.33 - Nicer ones
Ch.34 - Memes
Ch.35 - Chef
Ch.36 - Date
Ch.37- The Truth
Ch.38 - You'll Celebrate It
Ch.39 - Too Good
Ch.40 - Visual Learner
Ch.41- Teddy Bear
Ch.42 - 'Cute'
Ch.43 - Mortified
Ch.44 - I Pray
Ch.45 - HIM
Ch.46 - The Story of Mbege
Ch.48 - Tease
Ch.49 - Trigger
Ch.50 - Impossible
Ch.51 - Running out of sass
Ch.52 - F-boy Bell
Ch.53 - Taking a break
Ch.54 - Just One Yesterday
Ch.55 - "It"
Ch.56 - I swear
Ch.57 - Sinclair
Ch.58 - Mystery man
Ch.59 - Rebecca and Mark
Ch.60 - Best Friend
Ch.61 - Torn
Ch.62 - Win
Ch.64 - Stupidity
Ch. 65 - Out in the open
Ch. 66 - You Broke My Nose!
Ch. 67 - Medicine Cabinet
Ch. 68 - Five
Ch. 69 - Say your prayer
Ch.70 - Paint
Ch. 71 - Metal Tracks

Ch.47 - Pull A Dante

449 26 0
By mumblingmurphy

new years eve

Bellamy P.o.v.

I smile into the back of the guy I am marrying, and pull him closer to me. I feel him move a bit, getting comfortable. "Hey," I hum to him. "Morning." he replies, still asleep. "Well, actually it's like 4 in the afternoon." I inform him and he sighs, turning over to face me. "It's new years tonight right?" he asks, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, Finn's throwing another party, and we know that Jake won't be there. Wanna go?" I asks and I see Murphy bite the inside of cheek, thinking it over. "Yeah, sure, why not." he answers, shrugging. "Really?" I'm surprised by his answer. He nods. "Oh, but please go easy on the drinking." I advise, sitting up in the bed, running a hand through my hair.  I hear Murphy sigh in annoyance, but he knows he should listen to me. He never has good experiences when he's drunk.

Murphy P.o.v.

"Did you, like... just not feel, like waking us up?" Bellamy asks Jason, when we walk downstairs. He looks up from his book. "Well, actually, I tried to twice, but you guys were just so cute I couldn't." Susan answers, and I roll my eyes, groaning. "I'm not cute." I say in a huff, walking into the kitchen, and Bellamy, laughs, taking a seat on the sofa next to his parents. 

"Babe?" he coos, and I pull my head from the fridge, "Wanna make me pancakes?" he asks and my neutral expression falls into a glare. He wants to do this here? In front of his parents? "Make'em yourself." I retort, grabbing an apple from the fridge. "Please?" he whines, and I wonder why his parents don't scold him. "Why can't you do it?" I ask, leaning on the counter, looking at him. "Well... I can, but you make better ones than I do." he says and I sigh. "Dinner's in an hour anyways, you don't want to fill up now." I advise him, and his parents look up at me. "Actually, we don't really do dinner on New Years eve. We just have snacks until the ball drops." Jason says, not helping my case. "Yeah, plus we're going to a party and I dunno if I want to eat the food there." Bellamy says, getting up, walking, and stopping right in front of me. I take a bite of the fruit, and eye him up and down. "What do I get?" I ask. I'm not gonna make him shit, for free. I'm not his  slave. "My undying love an affection?" he offers, and I groan, pushing past him. "You guys already act married." Jason comments from the couch, and Susan whacks him with her paper, laughing. "Fine, but you owe me." I give in, "Oh, this is your shirt, and I'm not wearing the apron." I add on, and Bell, raises an eyebrow. "Just do what you did last time. It worked out pretty well." he suggests with a smirk and I glare at him. The last time, I didn't wear a shirt. I would do that now, but his parents are no more than twenty feet away. "Nah," I shrug and he sighs. 

I make him his food and he eats happily. "Bell's lucky to have you, Murphy." Susan compliments, still seated on the couch, and I can't help but let out a laugh. "I am." Bellamy agrees and I blush, looking down at my fingers, playing with my nails. 


When we get to the party, like last time, there are several people. Bellamy had told me not go wandering off, and at first I was upset cause I'm an adult and I can do what I want, but I realized he's only trying to prevent last party's event from happening again. 

We watch the ball drop, counting down from ten, and when New Years rings, Bell and I share a kiss.

There are so many party goers, and we inevitably get separated.

I talk to a few people, when out of the corner of my eye, I see Bellamy, leave the house. I excuse myself, and follow him. I see him stumble onto the lawn, "For fuck's sake. Seriously Bell?" I call to him and he spins around on his heel. "John!" he shouts angrily and I narrow my eyes at his drunken state. He has never called me, John, before. "How much have you had to drink?" I ask, trying to estimate for myself. "Why do you care?" he spits and I sigh. In my presence, he'd only gotten drunk once before, and I know that he's a lightweight and he knows that he shouldn't drink. I also didn't know that when he drinks, and I mean, like, really drinks, that he's an angry drunk. "How much?" I ask and he shrugs. "I had... none of your business, John." he states and I whack him upside the head. "My name, is Murphy." I state, dragging him onto the sidewalk. I give up on asking how much he's had, and I shove him into the passenger seat. "Give me your keys." I tell him and he huffs, crossing his arms over his chest like a fussy toddler. "Give me, your keys, Bellamy." I tell him again, and he just stares at me. I reach into his pocket, taking them myself. "Hey, those aren't yours." he whines, as I put them into the ignition, and start to drive. I ignore his fact. 

When we get back, I pull him out of the passenger seat, and he flails his arms, convinced that he can do it himself. "Fine! Do it yourself!" I shout at him, taking a step back, and I watch him fall out onto the pavement. I suppress my laugh as he somewhat composes himself, and he stumbles to the front door, his mother opens it before he can. She sighs when she sees him, and then gives me a death glare, and I reluctantly follow them into the kitchen. "You know that he can't drink." she scold me and I sigh, looking to Bell who had his head on the counter. "Yeah, we kinda lost track of each other." I tell her and Bellamy springs up. "I'm aloud to drink, I'm an adult!" he protests and I sigh.

When we're done in the kitchen, I try to helpBell to his room, but he, again, thinks he can do it himself, so I stand behind him as he pulls himself up the stairs. "I love you." Bellamy snarls angrily to me as he stumbles to his room and sits on the bed. I stand in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Is that suppose to be an insult?" I ask, genuinely confused. The words didn't match the tone. "No. I just don't get why you don't get it." he admits, letting out a desperate breath, smelling of alcohol. His words are honest, due to the lack of filter he has at this moment. "What do you mean?" I ask him and he stands up, wobbling a bit. "I do everything for you, why don't you get that I do, in fact, love you?" he speaks, voice raised in frustration and I gulp, really not wanting to be around Bellamy right now. I remember that when my father used to get drunk, he'd act like this... and I would usually end up physically and emotionally damaged by the end of the night. "Bellamy, you're drunk, and I would really really appreciate it if you were to calm down." I tell him and he heaves heavily. "How am I suppose to calm down? What can I do to show you that I love you?!" he shouts and I bite my tongue, starting to feel like we were in elementary school. "I think Jake, I, I think Jake is still in your head." he slurs out, and I clench my jaw. "Just calm down." I try to calm him, for the first time, being the rational one. "But I want to know now!" He shouts, and I can't do this anymore, I feel like I'm gonna get hurt. I leave the room, and I make my way to the living room, sitting down, placing my head in my hands. 

"What happened?" I hear Susan ask, placing a hand on my back in concern. "Nothing, he's just not the nicest when he's drunk." I scoff and she sighs. "Do you want me to talk to him?" she asks and I shake my head. "Thanks, though." I tell her.


Bellamy P.o.v.

I wake up with a splitting headache, and the clock reads 1:00P.M.. I also notice that Murphy's not here either. I groan as I sit up, kind of remembering last night. "Shit..." I mutter to myself. I think I shouted some pretty intense shit at Murphy. 

I get up, and I walk downstairs, my mother, in the kitchen. "Where's Murphy?" I ask and she notices my presence. "He went out. Come here." she tells me. "You cannot drink like that." she warns me and I nod. "I know." I tell herm understanding. "Like, you can, but... Bellamy, not around him. You know his mother had a problem with alcohol... I think his father as well." she tells me and my eyes widen. His dad was an angry drunk, and I'm still not sure what I had told him. I hope it wasn't anything too bad. 

I place my head in my hands. I had made a huge mistake. I had never had that much to drink, and I guess I really can't handle it well. "What happened?" I ask my mom. "Well, Murphy drove you guys home, and I scolded him for letting you drink so much... Then tried to help you upstairs, but you shoved him off, telling him you could do it yourself, and that you didn't need any help, and then you shouted a lot, and Murphy just came downstairs, sat on the couch and told me what you'd said. I think he slept in his old bedroom." she tells me, and I feel sick, and not just because of the hangover. "What did I tell him?" I ask, really hoping I didn't cause too much damage. "Uh, he said something about you not understanding why he couldn't believe you love him, and you told him that you were tired of trying to prove it, and that you were worried that Jake is still causing problems." she tells me, looking disappointed. I am too. "Oh, god. What do I do?" I ask, needing her advise. She shrugs, "I'd start by apologizing if I were you." she says and I nod. "Where is he?" I ask. "He said he was going to pull a Dante on Jake. Whatever that means." 

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