You Not Me///JJMaybankXFemale...

By Maybank8sunset

4.9K 107 8

-BOOK ONE- -SEASON ONE- Sae Richmond is the IT girl. With the perfect Family, Friends, and Boyfriend. So, wha... More

-Twenty One-
-Twenty Two-
-Twenty Three-
-Twenty Four-
-Twenty Five-
-Twenty Six-
-Twenty Seven-
-Twenty Eight-
-Twenty Nine-
-Thirty One-


127 2 0
By Maybank8sunset

Night Between Friends

Sae had completely forgotten about Friday.
She was supposed to be going with her parents on a short weekend trip to Charleston. There was some new, fancy restaurant grand opening, and Anna wanted to go. So Ryan suggested that they make a weekend out of it. The Grand Opening was Saturday night.

So the plan was to leave Friday morning, get to Charleston around midday, then have the evening & next morning to enjoy the city. They'd attend the Grand Opening, then head back to Kildare Sunday evening...
And Sae had agreed to this nearly a month ago. But now? She couldn't stomach a trip with her parents now. It'd only been a full day since her, and Rafe's break up.

"Okay... and you're sure you're alright to stay by yourself?" Anna coddled her teenage daughter, who'd faked a temperature that morning. Dipping her thermometer into her hot tea.

Sae was currently wrapped up, underneath her comforter. With her mother sitting on the edge of her bed, patting her hair back.
"I'm almost nineteen mom, it's probably just a stomach bug... I'll be fine for a couple days."

Anna gave a huff, but nodding none the less. She stood, placing one of the house phones down onto Sae's nightstand.
"I suppose you could call Rose if you need anything. I'll give her a call, and tell her you're not going with us."

"Mom." Sae groaned, pulling the comforter up over her head.

"Alright, alright, if you feel like it might be a cold, the DayQuil is in the cabinet."

"I know!" Sae's voice was muffled from underneath her blanket.

"Relax Darling, she'll be fine on her own. She's right it's probably just a bug." Ryan had made his way into the girls room. Resting his hand onto his wife's shoulder.

"Oh alright, Sapphire I love you. I'm going to double check everything." Anna raised her hands in defense, swiftly making her exit.
Sae uncovered her face, once she heard her mother's footsteps retreating.

"Don't burn the house down yeah?" Ryan chuckled, leaning down to give a kiss to his daughters forehead.

"No promises." Sae quipped.

"I love you, we'll be back Sunday." Ryan patted her head gently, before standing straight.

"I love you too, have fun." Sae muttered, watching as her father shut the door behind him.

Sae closed her eyes, giving a heavy sigh. It was at least twenty more minutes before her parents had finally pulled out of the driveway. Sae didn't move from her spot until she was sure they'd left.

Flinging the heavy blanket off her body, she sat up. It was quiet in the house now... and suddenly she realized the weight of her plan.
She couldn't pretend to be fine all weekend, and she didn't want to ruin the trip because of her mood. So staying home was the only option... but it sure was quiet.

Since she'd be home alone, Sae didn't bother changing from her pajamas. Which consisted of a pair of pastel pink, baggy sweatpants, and a grey spaghetti string tank top. She pulled the hairband from her wrist, and tied her hair up into a lousy ponytail. Grabbing her phone, she headed downstairs. Ready to try and distract herself from her reality.

Anna Richmond hated boats, which was ironic, because she lived on an island & frequently vacationed on her friends yacht.. oh and her husbands idea of a good time, was going out on his prized sail boat?

So it was no surprise that the older couple decided to make a stop by the Country club. Allowing Anna to calm her nerves before their trip on the ferry. Alcohol being the only thing to do so.

JJ had been working since noon. Busting tables, and refilling drinks. Running in and out from the patio, to the dining room, then back to the kitchen. It was a hellacious routine that he'd become accustomed to over the last few summers...

He was actually on his way back inside from the patio, when he spotted the recognizable couple. They had just walked in from the foyer, and were making their way to the bar.
JJ took note, as he disappeared back into the kitchen.

The last he'd heard from Sae was Nearly a week ago, when she'd called him after that dinner. He'd been caught up with work all week, only managing to shoot her a few texts. To which he only received basic replies back. He took that as her 'taking the time' she needed to think things through.
So he gave it to her, and hadn't bothered her since Wednesday morning.

Today was his last shift before the weekend, which he'd asked for a few weekends off throughout the summer. He had planned to try & make plans with her one day, but wasn't sure?

JJ placed the two empty pitchers down, that he'd been carrying. Then grabbed a washcloth & spray bottle of cleaner. He wasn't quite sure why his feet took him in the direction of the bar, but that's where he headed once he exited the kitchen.

Ryan & Anna Richmond were now sat, both with a drink in front of them, as they talked. JJ eyed them, as he approached, moving behind the bar. He began wiping it down.
They were both dressed up, not formal, but still trying to impress. At least, that's the gist JJ got.

He moved closer, now right beside them. Ryan's shoulder was turned towards him, and JJ spotted his wrist watch. The boys eyes widening slightly, noting how expensive it probably was.
"That's a sweet watch Mr. Richmond." JJ whistled as he finally approached.

The man turned towards the boy, instantly recognizing JJ as Luke Maybanks kid. He'd heard all sorts of story's about JJ, and what a delinquent he'd turned into. Which wasn't too surprising considering he is Lukes kid. But, Ryan remembered JJ when he was just a child down by the docks.

"Really? Thanks, I figured I'd wear it for our trip." Ryan instantly broke into conversation. He knew JJ worked at the club every summer, so the kid had to have some sense of responsibility.

That peeked JJ's interest
"Trip? Where y'all headed?" JJ used his typical customer service voice. Feying interest, and building conversation.

"There's this restaurant in Charleston—our daughter was supposed to be going with us, but she's not feeling well." Anna chimed in, a buzz already started.

"She's sick? That's no good, so it's just you two then?" JJ continued, now wondering if he should go check up on her.

"Yeah, we're catching the next ferry. Then we'll be back Sunday." Ryan nodded, leaning back in his seat.

"I see, well I hope you have a great trip, and I hope your daughter feels better." JJ gave the couple a practiced smile, before turning on his heels. Making his way around the dining room, beginning to clean tables.
Already making up his mind. Planning on heading to the Richmond's house after his shift.

Sae had received a text from her mother, stating that Rose had been informed of Her stomach bug, and that she might be by tomorrow to check on her.
With that, Sae had tossed her phone onto the couch, and made her way to the kitchen. Using ALEXA to drown out the silence with music.
Sae then spent the next few minutes rummaging through the kitchen, as Pitbull played.

She managed to round up all the ingredients to make a tray of brownies. Which was surprising, considering Anna Richmond always had meals planned out, and brownies weren't on the meal chart hanging in the kitchen.
By the time she'd gotten the brownies mixed & into the oven, It was late evening.

She'd already received a text from her father, telling her that they were now on the ferry. But Sae hadn't heard her phone over the music.
Which also caused her to miss the call she'd just received from JJ as well.

His shift had finished, and he was getting ready to take his motor bike to her house. He just wanted to make sure she was okay with that, but she never picked up? Sending him to voicemail.
So he took it upon himself, to just go ahead and ride to her house unannounced. He'd just have to deal with her when he arrived.

Sae danced around her kitchen to 'Truth Hurts' by Lizzo. Swiftly snatching the house phone that rested by the refrigerator. She then danced her way to the sliding glass doors that led out to the pool. She stepped outside, as she dialed the islands only Pizza shop.
The warm breeze hit her bare arms in a sort of comforting embrace. As she placed the phone to her ear. Still with no idea that JJ was currently on his way to meet her.

So far, she'd been successful in distracting herself. Every time her mind would think back to Rafe, and what had happened Wednesday. She would just sing louder.
After her order was placed, she stepped back inside. Allowing the blaring music to drown her once more. She made sure to keep her eyes on the timer set by the stove, as she moved.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon, when JJ had arrived to the Richmond residence. He'd been there before, a few summers back when he was working with Guffy mowing lawns. Trying to make some extra cash.

As he shut his bike off. He could hear the music from inside. An amused smile crossing his features.
"Sick huh?" He chuckled to himself, stepping off his bike.

JJ walked up to the front door. He didn't know the layout of the house, but judging by the music. Sae must be on the other side?

So he gave a few heavy knocks onto the door. It was no surprise that he still received no response. She probably hadn't even heard him.
And since she still didn't know he was there, he felt kind of weird about making his way around the house.

There was a gravel pathway, and the music gradually became louder, the closer he'd gotten to the wooden fence.
There wasn't a lock or anything on the gate, so he had no trouble entering to the pool.
The patio lights suddenly flashing on, as the sun now barely shined in the distance. They must be solar charged?

He made his way towards the two sliding glass doors that led inside. He could see The entryway to the kitchen right inside.
A huff of laughter escaped him, as he spotted Sae twirl past. He could also hear her belting out the lyrics to 'Say Hey (I love you)' by Michael Frantis & Spearhead.
She was completely oblivious to his presence outside. So a mischievous idea popped into JJ's head.

"I say Heeeey!" Sae practicality yelled out, lifting one arm up into the air.
"I'll be back just a mile away!" She turned, shimmying her shoulders in a rather goofy manner. She'd yanked her hair loose of the band, in a dramatic move. Now her hair was free to fly around her as she continued spinning around.

"The more I see, the less I know!"
She was a little off beat, but that was because she'd made herself out of breath.
"But I know, one thing, that I love you!"

She spun around the counter once more, with her back turned towards the kitchen window.
"I love you, I love you, I love you!" With each verse, she pivoted towards the window that was placed above the sink.

She screamed, falling to her knees behind the sink. Her eyes had focused out the window, expecting to see the lights of the boat dock now cut on. But instead there was a person! Her scream was barely louder than the music still blaring.

Sae reached up, slowly pulling her gaze over the sink once more.
Relief washing over her once she saw who the intruder was.
JJ stood outside the window laughing his ass off. In fact, he had actual tears pricking his eyes, from the laughter.

Sae stood, glaring at the boy out the window.
"What the hell!?" She yelled, although he couldn't hear her over the music.
She stomped her way towards the sliding glass doors, shutting the music off as she did so.

"What the hell are you doing here!? You scared the shit out of me JJ!" She wasted no time in scolding him once she opened one of the doors. Her words only seeming to strengthen his amusement. He was doubled over in laughter, with one hand covering his eyes.

"You should've seen your face!" He could barely get out.

"That's not funny! Do you know what kind of psychos are out there!? I thought you were here to kill me!" She stomped closer to him, crossing her arms over her chest.

JJ stood straight once more, having to wipe his eyes, as his laughter finally began to die down,His cheeks were rosy.
"Relax Saby, it's just me." He couldn't contain his smile.

"Yeah I can see that. Why are you here?" She quipped, still giving him a stern look, with her hip jutted out.

"I haven't heard from you, and I talked to your folks at the club. They said you were staying home sick while they left on some trip? I just wanted to check up on you?" He shrugged, flipping his hat around on his head, turning it backwards.

Sae's annoyed demeanor faltered slightly, her arms falling to her sides.
"Oh... Y'know, you could have called first?"

"I did, but I'm assuming you were too caught up in your little dance party." He smirked motioning back towards the kitchen.

Sae rolled her eyes, running her hand through her hair.
"So you decided to scare me to death?"

"For me, it was funny?" He chuckled.

Sae gave him a deadpanned expression, before turning in her heels, headed back for the door. Ready to leave the boy outside.

"Hey, hey—" JJ jumped forwards, taking hold of her wrist gently.
"I'm sorry okay? No hard feelings?"

Sae's eyes met his, and she sighed.
Sliding the door open, she pulled him inside with her. The AC hitting him abruptly.
"So you just came by to check on me, huh?" She started for the kitchen again.

"Basically, had to make sure you weren't dying... turns out you're just lying." He followed behind her. Stopping to lean his elbows onto the end of the countertop. Watching as she walked over to the oven, cracking the door open to peek inside.

"I didn't feel like spending the weekend in Charleston." Sae shook her head, closing the oven. She then turned to face JJ. Leaning her hip up against the counter.

"So faking an illness, that was your brilliant plan?"

"It worked didn't it? Besides, I didn't want to ruin the trip for them." Her gaze fell to the counter. Her arm reaching out to adjust the cooking utensils she'd set out earlier.

JJ followed her movements, his smug smile faltering slightly.
"What happened to your arm?" He asked, gesturing towards the three dark marks that had been left on her forearm.

Sae's free hand moved to cover the bruising. She'd completely forgotten about the marks. They had shown up later Wednesday evening. She only noticed them after she'd gotten out of the shower, and spotted them in the mirror... which, at the time, had cause her to break down again.
She turned back towards the oven, unable to meet his gaze.

"Oh- I just hit it yesterday...doing something outside?"
She then moved to grab a cup from the cabinet, only to make herself seem busy.

JJ didn't quite believe her. She had three identical marks, right near one another? What could she have possibly hit her arm on to cause that? The fact she had to stop & think about it?
No, JJ didn't actually believe her, but he could let it slid.

"So what are you baking?" He abruptly changed the subject. Not wanting things to get too serious.

Sae was grateful for the change. Pouring herself a glass of water.

"I love brownies."
He rounded the counter, going to open the oven to see for himself.

"Oh I'm sure you do." She scoffed in amusement, turning to watch him. Making sure he didn't do anything stupid.

"What's that supposed to mean, miss smart ass?" He gently closed the oven, and turned to face her, crossing his arms mockingly.

"Nothing, I'm sure you love all kinds of brownies." She shrugged, laughing lightly, extenuating the 'all kinds'

"If you're referring to the special kind of brownies, you would be correct." He agreed, causing her to shake her head.

"Well these are just regular brownies." She informed, turning to walk towards the living room to grab her phone.

"I mean...I could make special—"

"No JJ." Sae cut him off, waving her hand dismissively.

"Damn, next time then?" He chuckled, following behind her. And taking it upon himself to, quite literally, flop down onto the large leather couch. Covering her phone before she could get to it.

"Really?" She gave him a pointed look, watching as he flipped onto his back. Looking up to her with a childish grin.

"Did you need something?" He teased, mocking oblivion.

Sae rolled her eyes
"Yeah my phone, that's probably half way up your ass now!"

He laughed, pulling one of his hands out from behind his head.
"This phone?" He waved her device between them.

Sae reached for it, only for JJ to yank it just out of reach, back towards him.
"You are such a child." She spoke, but held an amused look. She then was able to snatch it away from him, and she moved to sit on the empty end of the couch.

"So what've you been up to?" JJ broke off into completely casual conversation. Reaching towards the coffee table for the remote.

Sae brought her phone to life, and began checking her socials. Not that much was going on, considering the way all of her personal relationships were going...

She thought about his question for a moment. Trying to decide if she should tell him the truth? He had been the only person she'd kept up to date about her & Rafe.
But Sae didn't want to talk about Rafe at the moment.
"Nothing, I have a pizza coming, if you like Hawaiian."

JJ suddenly sat up onto his elbows to give her a disgusted look.
"Oh no, you're a pineapple on pizza girl?"
He even sounded disgusted, which caused Sae to laugh.

"Does that upset you?" She questioned, raising a brow towards him.

"Kinda, its gross."

"Good, I like it out of spite." She simply shrugged, turning towards the tv. He'd pulled up their Netflix account, and was browsing through movies.

"You're somethin' else Richmond." He scoffed, falling back down onto the couch. His head was only a few inches from her thigh.

"So like, did you come here to hang out? Because you've certainly made yourself at home." She commented, she didn't sound bothered by him. With her attention still on the tv, as he scrolled through.

"I mean... I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang sometime. But you sounded like you wanted to be left alone the last few days?" He replied, finally stopping on a comedy movie. It was a Adam Sandler classic.

Sae frowned slightly, glancing back down to her phone that rested in her lap. She had wanted to be by herself, but now that JJ was here. She didn't really mind his presence. He was a rather comfortable person to be around.

"Yeah... but now that my parents are gone I feel a little better. Which probably sounds awful, but I like having the house to myself sometimes."

"If you want me to go, I will?" He turned his head to look up to her. Their eyes met, and Sae sent him a small smile.

"No it's alright, I actually haven't had the house to myself in a long time. But, I forgot how creepy it can get when the sun goes down. That's why you scared me so bad."
She shrugged him off, glancing back to the movie that'd just started.

JJ kept his gaze on her for a moment longer. His eyes traveling over her features, then glancing down to her arm once more. The marks were relatively the same size, and lined up?

The oven timer dinged repeatedly, signaling that the brownies were ready.

"I'll be right back." Sae stood, tucking her phone into her sweatpants pocket. And disappeared into the kitchen. JJ sat up into a proper seated position. Looking from the kitchen entrance, then around her living room. It was a spacious area, with a whole section of the wall dedicated to books. Whoever decided on the interior design must be a total neat freak? Nothing in the whole home seemed out of place.

Suddenly the front doorbell rang, followed by two knocks. As if the bell wasn't good enough?
JJ watched in amusement, as Sae's footsteps could be heard racing across the kitchen. Then she stopped right behind the couch, rummaging through her bag that she'd set there.

"One second." She held up her pointer finger to JJ, before racing towards the Foyer. Disappearing once again. He laughed lightly to himself, waiting for her to appear once more.

He could hear the front door shut, and she rounded the corner holding a pizza box.
"You can pick the pineapples off, I'll take them." Was her only instructions, as she walked back into the kitchen.
JJ rose from his seat, following behind.

"Yes ma'am." JJ nodded, leaning up against the counter, as he watched her retrieve plates from the cabinet. She slid one towards him, and propped the pizza box open. She then placed two slices onto her own plate, and turned to grab her glass of water.

"There's drinks in the fridge." She motioned towards, probably the biggest refrigerator JJ had ever seen in his life.

"Drinks, as in...?" He raised a brow, beginning to pick the pineapples from his own slices of pizza, and placing them onto Sae's plate.

"As in soda, I'm not giving you my dads beer. He literally counts them, just to make sure I'm not drinking." She rolled her eyes. JJ noted that she did that a lot.

"Oh." JJ nodded, as he moved to the fridge. Sure enough the whole thing was full of groceries. He had to take a moment to admire, before grabbing his soda.

"Dr. Pepper?" He turned with a smug look, holding the can up.

"One of my guilty pleasures." She simply shrugged before passing him, moving back to the couch.

"Your guilty pleasure is Dr. Pepper?" He teased, grabbing his pizza, and following her.

"I said it's one of them." She corrected, taking her seat, and crossing her legs underneath her.

"Yeah? So what's the others?" He countered, taking his seat beside her.

"Why would I tell you?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, taking a bite of his pizza.
"I dunno? Think of it as a game."

"So like 20 questions?"


Sae thought about it for a moment. What could it hurt? He was wanting to be friends after all.

"Ok fine, I also hate that I enjoy, Taco Bell chicken quesadillas. Basically every romcom movie known to man, and dirty novels ."

A mischievous smile broke across his features.
"...dirty novels?" He glanced towards her.

"And why am I not surprised, that's the only thing you caught onto?" She deadpanned.

"Well I just- I wouldn't peg you as the filthy literature type of gal?" He chuckled.

Sae turned towards him, with a mock annoyed look.
"Ok mr Judgy, what about you?"

"What, My guilty pleasures?"

She nodded.

JJ sat back, looking to the ceiling, as he thought to himself.
"...probably, Sunsets & Reeces Cups?"

Sae's mouth fell agap slightly.
"That's it!? Sunsets & Reeces peanut butter cups?"

"What?" He laughed at her sudden irritation towards him.

"How am I supposed to make fun of you for that?" She huffed, turning back towards the tv.

"It's not embarrassing enough for you?" He teased.

"No, who's embarrassed about likening peanut butter cups!? And the fact that you enjoy sunsets isn't a bad thing? Do you know how many girls would find that really charming in a guy?" She countered, although her mouth was moving before she could actually think through what she was saying.

"Charming? Whoa Saby, what are you trying to say?" He smirked.

Sae paused, shooting him a wide eyed glance.
"Shut up, you know what I'm trying to say. I'm already tired of this game!" She argued.

JJ laughed at her expense, both teens turning back to the movie. They'd managed to finish eating, without anymore arguing. Both seeming to laugh at the same parts of the film, and adding in comments every now & then.
Sae had gotten up half way through, to grab them both a brownie. Neither of them paid much attention to the time, only knowing it was late. The sun was long gone from the sky, and both teens were too preoccupied with their idle chit chat to care.

They'd finished the movie soon enough, and JJ simply picked another. They were on a Adam Sandler roll it seemed.
As the next movie began, the two were quiet. Both enjoying the comfortable silence between them.

Sae had a lot of fun with JJ, he almost made her forget everything that'd happened over the last few days. He was always so upbeat, and always had something entertaining to say. She really liked hanging out with him...

As the opening started, Sae's eyes fell to the coffee table before them. Her mind beginning to drift back to everything that'd been weighing her down. Her hand subconsciously moving to rub the bruises on her arm.

She closed her eyes briefly, before deciding what to do. She then positioned herself to face JJ fully. Her sudden movement, catching his attention. Causing him to set his gaze on her.

"I broke up with Rafe..." she cut straight to the point. Her voice already sounding unsure of her decision to finally talk about it.

JJ's eyes widened, and he grabbed the remote, turning the tv's volume down. He still wanted the background noise, not quite sure he could handle a serious silence.
"Yeah, when did this happen?" He questioned, choosing to copy her actions, and sit facing her. Their legs barely brushing against each other.

"Well I had planned it all out for Friday. I was going to ask Rafe to meet up, and talk... but then he just showed up here Wednesday. Neither of my parents were home yet, and he'd obviously been under the influence...
He just started off super aggressive, and I guess I can't blame him. Because I hadn't spoken to him since that dinner?" She stopped suddenly, biting down onto her bottom lip. Her brows furrowed, as her nerves began to kick in.

JJ picked up on her hesitation. He didn't want to push her, but she seemed to want to talk, and he wanted to know what had gotten her all shaken up.

"What happened?" His tone was low, and serious. As his eyes stayed focused on her.

"We were arguing... then I told him I wanted to end things? then... he grabbed me, and was being super rough. He's never acted that way towards me before... he really freaked me out.
So then when I got him off me, I finally got him to leave. But, I haven't told anyone yet, and I'm not sure if he has either? I just... it wasn't good." She shook her head, her voice shakier than before. She had cried so much over the last two days, she didn't want to cry now.

JJ's jaw set, as he listened to her explain. His eyes falling to her bare arm once more. The bruising made sense now, it's where Rafe had grabbed her. Where he had hurt her.

"Are you okay?" He still sounded so serious, it surprised Sae. Seeing as she'd only ever experienced the upbeat, happy go lucky JJ Maybank.

Sae's eyes moved to him again, only to see his focused on her arm. She then lifted her hand to cover the marks. Causing him to shift his eyes to meet hers.
Her heart hammered against her ribs, as his gaze settled onto her. The look he held, was one she hadn't ever seen before.
"I'm fine..." her voice was almost a whisper.

The two teenagers were both quite, as their eyes searched each other. With only the movie playing lowly in the back.
Sae wasn't sure what to say now? She'd gotten everything off her chest, aside from the details of what had actually been said between her & Rafe.
Now it was JJ's turn to speak.

"You didn't tell your dad?"
The only reason JJ had brought up her father. Was  because Ryan Richmond was well known throughout the island. Sure, Rafe was considered big, and strong.
But Ryan Richmond, was bigger & stronger. Everyone knew of the man's old hobby as a competitive weight lifter back in the day.
Still, to this day, he worked out regularly, which was evident from his muscle mass. JJ was sure he'd wipe the floor with Rafe, if he knew what he'd done to his daughter...

Sae was surprised he'd brought her father up. In all honesty, she'd though about it Wednesday evening. When the whole situation was fresh, and she was super emotional.
She knew her dad would do anything for her... which included beating some sense into his best friends son, for putting his hands on her.

She knew her father wouldn't hesitate, but she had decided against telling him. Not wanting things to escalate any further. And not wanting to cause anything between her father & Ward Cameron.
So she shook her head lightly, picking at the fabric of her sweatpants.
"No... If things had gone differently then I might've, but, it's over now."

JJ opened his mouth to speak, but never got the chance. Sae's phone began ringing from her pocket. She jumped slightly, at the sudden loud noise, and pulled it out.

Was displayed across the screen, along with his contact picture. Which was of him, and Sae when she was in elementary school. He had been carrying her, and she held a huge grin, showing off her missing front teeth.

"Wow, speak of the devil." She spoke, pressing the green button, and placing it to her ear.

"Dad, hey."

"Hey sweetheart, I just wanted to check in on you. It's late, so I wasn't sure if you'd already be in bed or not?"
There was commotion in the background, so Sae could only imagine they were out on the town still.

"Yeah, I just ate, I'm headed to bed right now."

"Are you feeling any better?"

"A little, I think by tomorrow I should be okay." She lied.

"Okay sweetheart, get some rest. We love you, and Rose will be by tomorrow sometime."

"Alright, I love you too, bye."

When she hung up, she was able to see what time it was.
11:34 pm
Her eyes widening slightly, usually her mom wouldn't still be operational at this hour. So it was surprising that they would be out and about.

"It's almost twelve..." she spoke, setting her phone down onto the coffee table.

"Oh shit, really?" JJ pulled his own phone from his pocket, to check for himself.
Surprisingly for him, he hadn't received any texts from John B asking of his whereabouts. JJ had built up a routine of staying at the château most nights. If only to avoid his father.

"Do you need to go?" She questioned, watching him as he tucked his phone away once more.
Sae didn't know much of JJ's home life. Just that his mom had left a few years back, and there were rumors of his dad getting caught up in drugs. But Sae wasn't one to focus on rumors, considering she's had her fare share spread about herself.

JJ's eyes met hers, He couldn't tell how she was feeling now. She was looking at him, sort of expectantly?

"I-I mean, I'm staying at John B's so..?" He abruptly stood from the couch. And Sae watched as he slowly rounded behind, and was making his way towards the front door.

"Wait!" Sae sat onto her knees, now leaned over the back of the couch. JJ stopped in his tracks, turning to face her. Now he was the one expectantly waiting.

"I just... you um- you don't have to go? I'm not really looking forward to being here alone, is all? But, if you have somewhere to be—"

"Do you want me to stay?" He cut straight to the point. JJ was surprised at her words. The Sae Richmond was wanting him to stay the night at her house?

He'd had a lot of fun hanging out with her recently. Getting to know her, Beyond what everyone thought about her. Sure, she had her moments, where she could be uptight, and a total kook.
But mostly, she wasn't anything like he was expecting. She was funny, and although she held a tough demeanor, she always showed her emotions. She didn't take crap from anyone, and stuck up for what she believed in.

Sae's heartbeat seemed to quicken, as she chewed the inside of her cheek. She wouldn't beg him to stay, so if he had to leave, she wouldn't stop him. But, telling him that she wanted him to stay? It felt odd... personal even.
She slowly began to nod
"Yeah..." her eyes searched his features.

JJ couldn't help the small smile that formed. Yes, the two had been talking more, and hanging out. But, he wasn't sure where their newfound friendship was headed. But now, she was comfortable enough to ask Him to stay.

"I mean, I suppose I could stay. Y'know protect you from the boogie man & all?" He teased, trying to lighten the heavy mood.

Sae scoffed, rolling her eyes, as she turned back towards the tv.
"Y'know what, never mind, you can go." She waved over her shoulder.

JJ laughed as he made his way back around the couch.
He then made himself comfortable once more. Being sure to stretch out beside her. Causing her to shake her head.

"So I get the couch then?"

She hummed, standing from her spot.
"That or, we could both just stay down here?" She suggested, grabbing their empty plates from the table.

"Aw, so like a sleep over? Will there be a pillow fight?" He stood as well, following her to the kitchen.

"You're really making me regret asking you to stay." She was joking of course. Just playing into his teasing.

"I'll shape up then." He gave a mock salute. Sae giggling lightly, placing the dishes into the sink.

"We can get blankets and stuff from my room? There's also some in the upstairs hallway closet." She instructed, already moving passed him towards the stairs.

The two made their way up, JJ taking in the large house as they went. There were family photos, and paintings hung along the walls. It was the same as the rest of the house, with nothing seeming out of place.

So when they'd gotten to Sae's room, he was pleasantly surprised that her bedroom alone, was the messiest. Her bed wasn't made, she had clothes littering the floor, and her walls were covered in movie posters, photos that'd just been tacked to the wall.
There was a bookshelf, that seemed to be over flowing onto the desk beside it. At the foot of her bed, there were string lights hung up, with Polaroid pictures lining them, all hung by wooden clothes pins. Although, it seemed like it wasn't finished? There looked to be a few empty spaces between pictures. Like she was waiting to fill them, or she'd just removed some?

Sae moved to her bed, using the comforter to pile pillows, and all the throw blankets she had onto it.
JJ, on the other hand, began drifting around her room. He definitely wasn't expecting all of this? He pictured Sae as one of those minimalist decor types. With white walls, and tapestries.
So seeing how cluttered, and full her room was, peeked his interest.

He'd stopped at her desk. There were books piled onto the corner closest to the book shelf. There were make up containers scattered all over the top. Used makeup remover wipes, that'd missed the trash can. Then there were a few jewelry hangers on the side. Holding necklaces, rings, and earrings. Those seeming to be the most organized.

"These all your dirty novels?" He chided, motioning towards the bookshelf.

Sae paused, glancing towards him.
"I do read normal book too Y'know?"
She then sat herself onto the edge of her bed. Waiting for him to finish being nosey, so he would help her carry stuff downstairs. She didn't mind him wandering around her room. It's not like she had anything to hide anyways?

JJ hummed in response, looking back towards the desk. His eyes catching the gold '2002' necklace that she wore basically everyday. It was weird seeing it hung up, and not around her neck.
He reached down, taking it between his fingers.
She'd been watching him, and noticed what had caught his attention.

"My dad had that made when I was born. Then he gave it to me for my twelfth birthday." She explained.

"You wear it all the time." He commented, looking over his shoulder towards her.

"Well, you wear that necklace all the time?" She motioned towards the shark tooth that stayed around his neck.
And it was true, he wore it nearly everyday.

"Yeah, it's the first shark tooth I ever found. John B's dad helped me make the necklace." JJ took hold of the tooth.
Sae stood, moving to stand before him. Her eyes falling to the necklace.

"It's really cool." She reached out, taking the tooth between her fingers to examine it. She'd found plenty of shark teeth herself, but never any that were as big.

"It's also cool that you made the necklace, and didn't just buy it at a shop." She continued. Her fingers brushing against his neck, as she turned the tooth.

JJ's eyes stayed glued onto Sae. She was only a mere few inches away. He was able to see the faint freckles that decorated over the bridge of her nose. His chest tightened, as her fingers brushed his skin. He was struck silent in his spot. Only able to watch her. As she admired the tooth.

He watched as a mischievous smile crossed her features, and her eyes moved up to his.
She faltered slightly, noticing how he'd already been watching her intently. She had to blink a few times, in order to continue.

"What if we traded?" She suggested, her hand falling from his necklace.

JJ furrowed his brows, as he studied her green eyes. Neither of the teens moving away from each other.
"Traded?" He clarified, his voice low, choosing not to speak as loud. Considering their close proximity.

She nodded softly, then reached out to take her gold necklace from between his fingers. She then held it up between them.

"Yeah... think of it like... friendship bracelets or something? Okay wait, that sounds stupid—" she backtracked, causing JJ to release a huff of amusement.
He watched as she unclasped her gold necklace.
"Do you get what I'm trying to say?" She had to laugh at herself as well.

JJ glanced from the gold necklace, back to her expectant gaze.
"I get what you're saying. So you want to trade, kind of like a tie or something?"

"Yeah... I mean, we haven't been friends long, but, I really like hanging out with you?" She admitted, shrugging lightly. And she honestly wasn't scared or embarrassed to admit that to him. They still might not know much about each other. They might have only hung out a handful of times over the past few weeks. But Sae really enjoyed his company.
And she was beginning to wonder, why it'd taken them so long to become friends? She chopped it up to their drastically different statuses, and the fact that they'd only ever spoken at parties?

The two teens had grown up total opposite to one another. Never really interacting as kids, but as they became older, they'd begun to see more of each other. By high school, they'd begun speaking in passing. Although Sae only ever thought he was a rowdy surfer boy, who seemed to flirt with anything with two legs.
By her jr. & Senior year, is when they'd begun having short lived conversations. Then suddenly here he was, wanting to befriend her?

She still wasn't really sure why? But, he'd been there for her to talk to & confide in during the past few weeks. So for Sae, that was a big deal.

It was quiet between them, as she held the unclasped necklace. Her eyes searching his, as his fell towards the gold '2002'
"You're a year older than me..." he stated, a small smirk crossing his features. His gaze rising to hers once more.


"So what if I'm wearing this, and someone realizes?"

Her heart felt as if it'd dropped into her stomach. Suddenly she was embarrassed, because she assumed he was just trying to make up an excuse to reject her. Sae considers herself to be a fairly confident girl, and she never cared what others think of her. She'd never been afraid of rejection, or people not liking her... so why was she so worried now?

"We don't have to trade, if you don't want to?" She hated that her disappointment could be heard in her tone. Her hands dropping slightly. She was ready to step away from him, when JJ lifted his arms. His hands going to the clasp on his own necklace.

She watched as he undid the back, and held out his shark tooth necklace to her.

A flood of relief washed over Sae, as she smiled up to him. She shifted her necklace to one hand, holding it out for him. JJ made a point of gently clasping his hand around hers, as he took the gold chain from her. Sae's breath hitching in her throat, as her eyes watched his every move.

"I don't really give a shit if someone notices." He stated, laying his hand flat for her to take his necklace.

Sae reached out, gently plucking the shark tooth from his palm. Acting as if she shouldn't touch him.
They each now held something the other valued.

JJ didn't hesitate to put the necklace on. Lifting his arms once more, clasping the gold hook at the back. It was about the same length as his, so it fit the same.
Sae's eyes lifted from her necklace, to his features, with an amused smile.

"There, now you'll have something to pawn if you're ever in need of cash." She joked, causing JJ to give a huff.

He gently took hold of the shark tooth necklace, looking to her expectantly. Sae's eyes widened slightly, as she realized what he wanted. She allowed him to take the necklace from her, and she slowly turned her back to him. Lifting her hair off her shoulders, she felt him place the necklace around her neck. And his fingers gently brush her nape, as he clasp the back.
It was heavier than her own necklace, and seemed to hang lower because of the fact.
She dropped her hair back over her shoulders. Taking the tooth between her fingers, she turned back to him.

"I don't think I'd get much if I pawned this?"

JJ rolled his eyes at her statement, causing her to laugh.

It all seemed so natural between them. All the teasing, and jokes, the late night calls, and constant texts. None of it ever felt forced, or awkward. And neither of them noticed how comfortable it seemed.

"I piled up all the blankets and stuff." Sae motioned back towards her bed. A massive pile of blankets & pillows, and even some large squishmallows she'd thrown in.

He nodded, moving towards the bed. Although his eyes found something else to focus on. There was an old photo pinned to the wall, right by her door.

"Is this you?" He knew it most likely was, but he wanted the backstory.
Sae turned, spotting the picture that currently held his attention. She gave a sigh.

"Yeah, we all had to preform in the Academy's talent show eighth grade year." She rolled her eyes at the memory.

"So... you played the ukulele?" He chuckled, turning back towards her.

Sae walked over to the photo, examining it.
She had way shorter hair in eighth grade. It barely hit her shoulders. She'd pulled it back with two flowery ribbons.
She wore a cheap lei, that her mother had found at one of the islands shops, and a white dress.

"My mom was trying to get me to take piano lessons four times a week. I was not interested in that. So, I talked to my dad, and ended up with a ukulele? I found a bunch of videos online, teaching people how to tune, and actually play the thing. I just played one song, and got my participation grade." She explained.

"Were you any good?" He teased, side eyeing her. She scoffed, shooting him a glare.

"I was, thank you very much. I tied for fourth place with Poppy Marcs." She stated matter of factly.

"Tied for fourth?" He quirked a brow.

"Yes, out of thirty plus eighth graders. So hop off my fourth place." She quipped, pointing towards the pile on her bed.
JJ laughing to himself.

The two divided the load, although JJ insisted on carrying most of it. They'd managed to get everything downstairs without incident. Even if JJ had almost tripped himself down the stairs.
They'd moved the coffee table, and spread out a few blankets. Then Sae insisted on organizing the pillows & her squishmallows. Being sure the large frog 'wendy' would be on her side of the set up.

"Geeze you're obsessed with stuffed animals too?" JJ chided, as he stood watching her organize.

"What? No! These are just super soft, and I love them." She held up the large 'Rodney' the cow. Hugging him to her, as if to demonstrate. JJ merely raised a brow in question.

They'd already started another movie. It had been playing throughout their whole set up. Sae had picked this time, choosing one of her go-to romcoms. By the time she'd finished laying out her comforter, the movie was nearly at its halfway point.

"There, bed, sweet bed." She mocked, choosing to make herself comfortable. She crawled under her comforter, and shimmied into the mound of pillows behind her.

JJ began laughing, causing her to send him a questioning look. He then pulled his phone from his pocket, holding it up, she could hear his camera click.

"Excuse me!?" She argued, watching as he smiled down to his phone.

"You look funny?"
He shrugged her off. He still wore his work attire, seeing as he hadn't gone back to the château. Sae had offered him some of her dads cloths, but he declined. So she watched as he made himself comfortable on top of the comforter, rather than underneath.
Her eyes falling back to the movie. Since she'd seen it so many times, she wasn't lost, considering it was half way through now.

"What is this?" JJ asked, finally focusing onto the movie.

"Something borrowed, with a Kate Hudson, and Gennifer Goodwin.. oh and John Krasinski." Sae emphasized the actors name.

JJ glanced her way, noting her smug smile.
"John Krasinski?"

"I like John Krasinski."
She hummed contently, just as the man appeared onto the screen. JJ scoffed, turning back to the film. He wasn't sure what was going on for the remainder, but it was funny enough for him not to complain.

They were reeling into the last portion of the movie. Right when Darcy realizes Rachel had been seeing Dex behind her back. Their argument commenced, with Darcy stating she never wanted to see Rachel again, and stormed out. Leaving Rachel alone, and upset herself.

As Sae watched the scene unfold, for probably the hundredth time. Her mind wandered to Wren & Emma.
They hadn't spoken since the failed shopping trip. Sae had decided she wasn't going to beg for their attention. If they were avoiding her, and not even giving her a reason as to why? She wasn't going to waste her time.

But, she did miss them. It'd been hard not having them around the last few weeks. With everything going on, the only person she had to confide in was JJ...
He'd listened to her ramble on & on about her relationship problems, without complaint. And here he was now, showing up to her house, just to check in on her? He'd even given her space, when she hadn't asked for it...

Sae's eyes slowly traveled from the tv, and over to JJ beside her. He was lounged out across his own pile of pillows, with his arms behind his head. He seemed totally focused on the ending of the movie, he hadn't even noticed her gaze.

So she quietly admired him. Still trying to understand why he was putting in so much effort?
Her hand absentmindedly traveled to the shark tooth around her neck. Gently taking it between her fingers.

"Wait, so Rachel chooses Dex?" JJ's voice broke Sae from her stare. She'd even jumped slightly, glancing back to see the ending.

"Yeah, she's liked him since college..." Sae explained, knowing JJ hadn't seen the whole movie.

"Personally, I would have picked Ethan." Sae stated, sitting up and reaching for the remote.

"Why, because it's John Krasinski?" JJ teased, watching as she shut the tv off. Grabbing her phone to check the time.

"I mean... that's just a bonus?" She shrugged, pulling her comforter back over herself.

JJ yawned, stretching his arms above his head.
"We should probably go to sleep." He fell back against the pillows, looking over to her.

"Yeah, it's almost three in the morning, and Rose is coming over tomorrow—today?" She furrowed her brows in realization. The lights had already been turned off, all except the kitchen. Sae had conned JJ into leaving it on. Allowing some illumination to the living room.

"Pope, John B, and I are supposed to help Popes dad deliver around the island tomorrow—today." He mimicked her.

"No Kiara?" Sae knew his friend group was close. So she wondered why he hadn't mentioned her.

"Nah, she works all day Saturdays. Especially during the summer, it's prime tourist time." He explained.

"Oh yeah, I forgot her parents own The Wreck?"

"Yeah..." he nodded.

"Hey JJ..." Sae turned onto her side to face him. Tucking her arm under her head.

He hummed in response, his eyes finding her tired ones.

"I'm really happy that you came over, and thanks for staying." She gave a small smile. Her eyes becoming heavier with each passing minute.

"What are friends for?" His voice was quiet, as he watched her.
Sae's smile slowly faltered, as her eyes began to droop shut.

"Yeah..." her voice trailed off.

JJ smiled to himself, as he admired her. She was almost buried underneath all the pillows, and comforter. Although with the AC on, it was kinda cold now.
Her hair was a mess, sticking in all directions. He soon found himself under the blankets as well.
It was odd for him, staying in such a nice house.

In Sae Richmond's house, with her laying beside him...
She was out cold, with light breaths being heard from her.
JJ reach for his phone once more. Being sure to turn the system sounds off, he snapped another picture of her.
He'd been collecting quite the arsenal.

"Good Night Sae." His voice was barely a whisper. As he settled down himself.

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