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Apology Contest


"Do you know that kid?" Sae motioned with a nod, towards the small girl. Sarah turned over her shoulder, instantly spotting the child.

"She's our neighbors daughter." Sarah informed, already stepping to make her way over. Sae wordlessly following behind.

She wasn't wanting to stray too far from Sarah, seeing as Rafe had been home all day. He was currently wandering around with Topper & Kelce.
Needless to say, she wasn't really interested in a one on one with him, if she could help it.

"Hey Lainey, what's wrong?" Sarah's voice became softer as she approached the girl. Sae wasn't great with kids, so she kept quiet, allowing Sarah to help.

The girl, Lainey, sniffled as she looked up to the two older girls.
"I forgot my elephant on daddy's boat." She whimpered, her bottom lip poking out as she pouted.

"Really? Which boat is your dads?" Sarah questioned, glancing out to the scattered mess in the water. A power line had fallen over the destroyed dock, and damaged boats.
Sae narrowed her eyes on her friend, not liking where this could go.

Lainey pointed to the closest boat, the one directly under the down power line.
"That one."

Sarah stood tall, her hands on her hips. Sae eyed her suspiciously, a bad feeling washing over her.

"Where did you leave her?" Was the blondes next question.

"I think behind the seat?" Was Lainey's poor directions.

"I'll tell you what, I'll go rescue her for you, okay?" Sarah leaned slightly closer to the small girl. Lainey's face lit up in hope.

"Sarah, the power line." Sae tried to reason.

The blonde merely giving a shrug, as she began towards the boat.
"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Sae shook her head
"Sarah you touch that thing it could kill you!" Sae's voice was stern as she tried again. But Sarah had already stepped onto the damaged dock. Her foot mere inches from the line.

"Sarah what the hell are you doing!?"
Rose called from the patio. Sae glanced over her shoulder to see the woman, drink in hand.

"It's fine!" Sarah called back, a wild smile across her features. Her arms stretched out on either side of her for balance.

"Those lines hold 1400 volts, get the hell off of there!" Rose sounded less and less amused. Sae turned back, only to see Sarah step onto the dodgy looking boat.

"Sae get her off of there!" Rose called out, causing Sae to shoot her a wide eyed look. What the hell was she supposed to do!?

"Sarah what are you doing?"

Sae's attention traveled from the woman, over to the three boys that'd just rounded the house. Topper being the one to call after the girl. Sae didn't allow her eyes to linger, once they'd met Rafe's.
He wasn't too concerned about his sister.

"I see her!" Sarah assured, little Lainey clapping her hands together in excitement.

"Sarah seriously!" Sae grumbled, watching as she leaned downwards. The power line running directly underneath her.
Sae watched her like a hawk, as she stretched her arm out to grasp the toy.

A high pitched scream was heard, as Sarah collapsed. Sae's heart rate quickening.

"Sarah!?" She called out, already moving closer towards the boat.

You Not Me///JJMaybankXFemaleOCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora