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Scuba Thief

The weather held a dramatic snap after Agatha's aftershock had completely cleared out. It was back to being unbearably hot. With no running AC available.

Sae had remained at the Cameron's for two days now. Rather enjoying her time spent with Sarah, and now Wheezie as well. The day after the boneyard, Sae and the two sisters had spent time out on the water, paddle boarding. Only in hopes that she could clear her mind of the previous nights events.

No such luck had occurred for the Ravenette. She'd mulled over the whole fight, and gun incident many times over the past two days.

But, with the hot sun blaring down upon them. The outdoor games became less enjoyable. And with nowhere to properly cool down, the girls had to get creative.
Which is when Sarah suggested staying on her fathers Yacht.

Sae was skeptical at first, unsure if Ward would be too pleased to have the three hanging out unsupervised.
But Sarah brushed her off, and left to check over the boat herself, before giving the green light.

Unbeknownst to Sae & Wheezie, Sarah had ran into John b that midday. He was acting rather suspicious, and only gave her vague replies. To which she accused him of spying on her & her family. Also noting the new shiner he wore.
But, Sarah hadn't felt the need to share her run in, and had kept it to herself.

So that's how the three girls found themselves staked  out on My Druthers that night & into the next morning. They'd found some old gaming systems in one of the guest rooms. Probably left & forgotten by Rafe.
They'd set them up in the main living area, and had passed their time attempting to play them.

But, late into the night, the girls had finally fallen asleep. Sarah & Sae had been head to toe on the large couch. While Wheezie had piled up extra blankets on the floor.

It was early morning now, and Wheezie was the first to wake up. Retreating downstairs to use the restroom. Leaving the two sleeping teens alone. Although only for a few minutes, before a inconspicuous boat pulled up just outside.
At least, he thought he was pretty inconspicuous?

Sliding the doors open, John b peeked inside. His eyes instantly landing onto the sleeping girls. He grit his teeth, as he attempted to sneak in quietly. But to no avail, seeing as the tanks clattered together as he walked.
Causing the two girls to stir.
Sae shuffling until her back was to him, Sarah groaning.

"Wheeze shut up!" She quipped, her eyes still closed.

And John b believed he still had a chance of sneaking by. Until his foot accidentally stepped onto one of the hanging tethers. Causing him to stumble, and drop one of the tanks.

Both girls jumped awake, now looking to him in surprise.

"John b?" Sarah questioned, her focus still groggy as she sat up. Sae rubbed the sleep from her eyes, not seeming as concerned to see him.

"Uh.. morning!" He gave a small wave. Dropping the remaining tanks to the floor as well.

"The hell are you doing?" Sae finally spoke up, her voice groggy. She sat up as well, although her gaze seemed heavier. As she continued to try and wake up.

"I— I was just returning these tanks. Yeah, I took them to top 'em off but the air unit was closed." He shrugged, although his tone hadn't seemed sincere to either girl watching him.

"So you're returning empty tanks?" Sarah quizzed, giving him a disbelieving look. One he promptly ignored

"Yeah, your dad told me just to leave them here—"

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