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The Exchange

"You look precious, Sapphire." Anna Richmond clapped in excitement, once her daughter walked out of the country club changing room.

Sae merely sent a glare towards her mother. "I look like a buttercup." She grumbled.

Today was another one of her mothers charity days. Anna arranged for the whole country club to be reserved for the two old folks homes on Kildare Island. The elderly would be showing up soon to enjoy a day playing games, eating good food, and a whole slew of other activities Anna Richmond had come up with.

Sae, along with other young girls from the community, were volunteering to help out. Even  Sarah was present, wearing the exact same get up.
The outfit was a pastel yellow,  a sort of diner dress, with a little apron on the front, and pockets. She wore white tennis shoes to match.
Anna had insisted that Sae pull her hair up, so she settled on having it set into two French braids.
She looked like she was a character in a tv show that worked late hours in a local diner?

"They will eat you up." Anna cooed, referring to the elderly who were set to arrive at any moment.
Sae was ready to retort back with a smart ass comment. But, just as she'd opened her mouth to speak, she was cut off.

"Hey! I was hoping to see you here." Sarah Cameron had appeared from the dining area. With her similar get up, except she'd chosen to pull her hair up into a bun. Anna Richmond simply smiled between the girls, before disappearing outside with her clipboard.

"Can you believe this?" Sae's voice had risen once her mother was out of ear shot, turning towards the blonde girl. She began picking at her outfit.

"I don't think they're that bad, I mean, at least they have shorts." Sarah then flapped the front of her skirt up to show off the yellow shorts.
This caused an amused huff to leave Sae, as she nodded.

"I guess I have that to be grateful for. Better than last year when mr. Johnson kept mistaking me for his wife, and trying to grab my butt."

"Oh my gosh!" Sarah had to cover her hand over her mouth to stop herself from bursting into laughter. Sae merely rolled her eyes playfully at the girl.

"At least I'll have someone to talk to this year. My friend Wren volunteered once, three years ago, and swore never again." Sae laughed lightly at the memories.

"I just hope we're in the same group." Sarah added in, as commotion began outside.

"What's your station?" Sae asked.

"I'm supposed to help with outdoor activities for the morning, then help escort across the golf course in the evening." Sarah explained.

Sae groaned loudly, slumping in her posture.
"I'm helping with crafts this morning, then switching to outdoor activities after lunch." She whined.

"Damn, well at least we can eat lunch together." Sarah shrugged, not seeming as upset as Sae.

"Awesome, I won't have to sit with my mom." Sae nodded.
Before anything else could be said, the double doors to the entrance opened. Anna Richmond walked through with groups of Elderly people and nurses following her.

"We should go." Sae suggested, already turning on her heels towards the dining area. Sarah following quickly behind her.

The room was already coordinated for each group. Sae's group, was group two, with each table covered in a pastel blue tablecloth... at least they're supposed to be?
Now standing before them, she noticed two tables were missing their clothes?
Not thinking much of it, she moved to stand next to her fellow group two leaders. Three other girls who'd volunteered their time for the day, two of them were around Sae's age, the third was younger, probably just getting out of middle school.
So she moved to stand by the youngest girl, then began picking at her outfit once more. Smoothing it out, as they waited for the old folks to make their official entrance.

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