-Twenty Four-

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The Scope Out

Heaving a heavy sigh, Sae fell flat onto her bed. Staring up at the ceiling blankly. Her mind playing through the events of last night.

"Stay with me John b." Sarah cried, cupping the boys features.

Pope had been gone for a while now. The rain beginning to pick up with each passing moment.

"Fuck, where is he!?" JJ cursed. Glancing over his shoulder. Back in the direction of the Heyward boys retreat.

"We can't leave him out here." Sae murmured. Absentmindedly shuffling closer against JJ as the rain fell. Her gaze shifting towards Kiara, who'd been stood by quietly watching Sarah & John b.

"Please John b, stay with me." Sarah cried. Leaning down, and gently placing her lips against his.

Kiara's nose scrunched at the action. But she still remained silent.

Everyone seemed to jump to attention at the sound of sirens. Sae released JJ, turning to face the gravel pathway. Where they could clearly spot the ambulance, and first responder.

As the vehicles approached, Sae moved to Sarah's side. Gently pulling her to her feet.

"Oh shit..." Sae muttered, as JJ pulled the van into her driveway. Where the headlights illuminated a very angry looking Ryan Richmond.
He stood in front of the garage doors, arms crossed.

Where he'd been waiting on his daughter for hours.

"We should get outta here." JJ spoke. Already shifting the van into reverse.

Sae glanced over her shoulder, to Pope & Kiara seated in the back.
"Let me know the move."

"I'll text you." Kiara assured, seeing as she was the only other in the group with a usable phone.
Although her thoughts still ran rampant over the last few hours.

Glancing back to JJ beside her. Sae offered a faint smile.

"Good luck Saby." JJ teased, even with genuine concern emitted from him.
Ryan didn't seem too pleased at the moment...

Sae took in a deep breath, before exiting the van. She was already soaked from head to toe. So the continuous rain hadn't effected her. She didn't spare the van another glance as she moved to meet her father. Already hearing the wheels reversing behind her.

Ryan remained silent, as his daughter approached. He'd been mulling over her actions for hours.
Anna had tried everything to calm him, but to no avail.

"Hey Dad..." Sae sighed.
Coming to a stop before him. Noting his rather damp appearance as well. She knew she'd messed up big time.

"In the house. Now." Ryan demanded.
His voice low as he spoke. Causing Sae to feel small before him. Wordlessly moving ahead of him into the home.

Anna wasn't anywhere in sight, once Sae had entered into the foyer. Leading her to assume Ryan had shewed her away upstairs. Sae dropped her heels by the door. Her bare feet slick on the tiles below.

She stayed quiet, as she turned to face her father. Her hands clasped behind her back. Bottom lip pulled between her teeth.

"I cannot begin to tell you, how upset I am right now Sapphire."
The use of her full name, caused her gaze to fall to the floor.

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