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Night Between Friends

Sae had completely forgotten about Friday.
She was supposed to be going with her parents on a short weekend trip to Charleston. There was some new, fancy restaurant grand opening, and Anna wanted to go. So Ryan suggested that they make a weekend out of it. The Grand Opening was Saturday night.

So the plan was to leave Friday morning, get to Charleston around midday, then have the evening & next morning to enjoy the city. They'd attend the Grand Opening, then head back to Kildare Sunday evening...
And Sae had agreed to this nearly a month ago. But now? She couldn't stomach a trip with her parents now. It'd only been a full day since her, and Rafe's break up.

"Okay... and you're sure you're alright to stay by yourself?" Anna coddled her teenage daughter, who'd faked a temperature that morning. Dipping her thermometer into her hot tea.

Sae was currently wrapped up, underneath her comforter. With her mother sitting on the edge of her bed, patting her hair back.
"I'm almost nineteen mom, it's probably just a stomach bug... I'll be fine for a couple days."

Anna gave a huff, but nodding none the less. She stood, placing one of the house phones down onto Sae's nightstand.
"I suppose you could call Rose if you need anything. I'll give her a call, and tell her you're not going with us."

"Mom." Sae groaned, pulling the comforter up over her head.

"Alright, alright, if you feel like it might be a cold, the DayQuil is in the cabinet."

"I know!" Sae's voice was muffled from underneath her blanket.

"Relax Darling, she'll be fine on her own. She's right it's probably just a bug." Ryan had made his way into the girls room. Resting his hand onto his wife's shoulder.

"Oh alright, Sapphire I love you. I'm going to double check everything." Anna raised her hands in defense, swiftly making her exit.
Sae uncovered her face, once she heard her mother's footsteps retreating.

"Don't burn the house down yeah?" Ryan chuckled, leaning down to give a kiss to his daughters forehead.

"No promises." Sae quipped.

"I love you, we'll be back Sunday." Ryan patted her head gently, before standing straight.

"I love you too, have fun." Sae muttered, watching as her father shut the door behind him.

Sae closed her eyes, giving a heavy sigh. It was at least twenty more minutes before her parents had finally pulled out of the driveway. Sae didn't move from her spot until she was sure they'd left.

Flinging the heavy blanket off her body, she sat up. It was quiet in the house now... and suddenly she realized the weight of her plan.
She couldn't pretend to be fine all weekend, and she didn't want to ruin the trip because of her mood. So staying home was the only option... but it sure was quiet.

Since she'd be home alone, Sae didn't bother changing from her pajamas. Which consisted of a pair of pastel pink, baggy sweatpants, and a grey spaghetti string tank top. She pulled the hairband from her wrist, and tied her hair up into a lousy ponytail. Grabbing her phone, she headed downstairs. Ready to try and distract herself from her reality.

Anna Richmond hated boats, which was ironic, because she lived on an island & frequently vacationed on her friends yacht.. oh and her husbands idea of a good time, was going out on his prized sail boat?

So it was no surprise that the older couple decided to make a stop by the Country club. Allowing Anna to calm her nerves before their trip on the ferry. Alcohol being the only thing to do so.

You Not Me///JJMaybankXFemaleOCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz