[ON HIATUS]To Be The Duke's D...

By MysticalAuthor103

70.9K 3.1K 566

Summary: After the tragic end of Kierra Parvis's life, she was given another chance to live the life she alwa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 23

1K 56 0
By MysticalAuthor103

The clutch of her daughter around her arm loosened and so did the ropes that was holding onto her heart. She looked between the black haired man who she called her husband and the woman who was supposedly carrying his child.

She felt like all the hope she's held onto was shattered in a blink of an eye. Her feet moved on their own, she managed to get herself away from the kids before Dion grabbed her, calling her name.

He lets go eventually after that glare she gave him. She ran up to her study, "Leave me be for now, Bertie" she didn't look at the young brunette but it was enough for her to know that it wasn't the right time to ask questions. She walked out and Medea closed the door, she covered her mouth with her hand in an attempt to choke back her tears. They filled up behind her eyes but never overflowed.

She pushed her hair back with her hand and laughed at herself, "How can I be so stupid?" She continued to laugh like a maniac until she heard someone running and soon enough, her door swung open.

"Medea" Dion reached out for her.


He stood in his place, he placed a hand on his stinging cheek then looked at her, her cold eyes looked back at him. "Seriously? A fucking baby?!" She yelled.

His hand dropped to his side.

"Medi" he said. "Don't you ever call me by that name ever again" her voice was filled with anger . She used to love it when he called her by her nickname. It sounded so special but now, it sounds so disgusting.

"Medea please listen to me" she tried to approach her again but she started to lash out.

"Listen to you? I already know where this conversation is going. You're going to say that nothing happened will you?" She raised her voice.

"How am I meant to believe the words that will come out of your mouth? You lied to me. You told me I shouldn't worry about her."

"And you shouldn't. She's lying" he also raised his voice to the same level Medea had. "What were you doing in the East Place that day?" She crossed her arms.

"I received reports of possible rodent invasions in the kitchen. I went there and checked" she scoffed "And somehow ended up in her room? Don't you dare start that bullshit with me" she threatened.

"I'm not starting any bullshit with you because I'm telling the truth" he defended.

"You got drunk in another woman's room. An entire bottle of wine. Gone! Then your going to say that nothing happened? For fucks sake Dion!" She was close to throwing something at him, he was lucky she wasn't close to anything.

"What did she offer you?" Medea fought back angry tears "What?"

"What did she offer you? For you to end up inside her room, with her on your lap" he remained silent, trying to sift through his head about that event.

"We have four kids Dion. Four! You told me to trust you and I did, you made me look like a fucking fool" he approached her again but this time she didn't move as he held on her arms and dipped his head onto her shoulder.

"Did you know how betrayed I felt when you decided to keep her?"

"I'm sorry" he said, wrapping his hands around her waist.

"Why then?"

"Rashta approached me first. She said she wanted to try the wine with me, I tried to refuse her but she was persistent. You know that I have a high alcohol tolerance. I wouldn't get drunk with just one bottle of wine" he reasoned.

"But you didn't run away" Medea fought back "Why did you fall for her words?" Dion shook his head, "I don't know".

She turned her head to the other side even though Dion couldn't see her right now. "Is this the reason why you don't want to get rid of her? Why you placed in the East Palace?" Again, he shook his head in response.

"I know she has a hidden motive. I thought that it would be safer if she stayed here for a while"

"Look where that got us" She managed to detach him from her. "If you wanted a mistress then you could've just told me. You didn't need to make our children a witness"

"No. I never wanted one. You are and will always be enough for me" he said but she no longer listened.

"Don't make this any worse than it already is, Dion. Get out"

"please Medea" he begged, she closed her eyes to avoid seeing the face that he was giving her.

"Get out before I kill you" he stayed put, not being swayed by her threatening words.

"If that will make you feel better then do it" Medea looked at him in disbelief.

"Do anything you want. Hit me, curse me, stab me, I don't care. As long as it will cure the ache in your heart then I will endure it all" She sucked in a shaky breath.

"You made me question everything, Dion. The flowers that you gave me, the way that you touched me" She paused then looked at him straight in the eye, "Was it all genuine or just a way for you to forget about your 'mistake'"

"It was all true. I didn't even know she was pregnant around that time" he said.

"I need time alone. Get out, please" She turned her back to him and he knows that she doesn't want to talk to him anymore.

He left and Medea fell to her knees, cursing the day that woman ever came to them. Cursing the day she even trusted Dion. She wanted to believe him but she can't. She didn't want to blame him because he could have been drugged but she also couldn't find it in herself to forgive him.

The sharp pain in her heart was too much to handle, she felt like she might die. She's never felt like this before, at least not after the death of her nana. But this was entirely different.

She was betrayed by a person who promised his heart to her. Who promised to spend his entire life with her. It's just like the incident with Eros all over again.

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