Chapter 40

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"We need more manpower, Erez. We wouldn't be able to hold the portal close for long" Lucas yelled from across the tower. It has been six months since the war against humans and demons started, six months since they've been trying to keep their gateway shut.

The portal appeared in Parvis, like it tore through space and time, then it suddenly started appearing everywhere. In Obelia, the Mertensia duchy, in the Pheophile empire, the Escelante duchy and even in Agriche.

The knights kept the demons at bay, not letting them breach the city walls of any of those empires or duchies. But as the war prolongs, more and more people get killed. Pheophile already lost their war demon, Zaylin Mad, and this just made Lucas even more worried than he already was. Because his parents are also on the battlefield.


There is still no news about the duke and duchess who went to war six months ago nor was there any sign they were even alive.

But the children held on to hope that their mother and father are still out there fending off demons for the sake of Agriche. "We will immediately inform you once the duke sends words" The butler told Leilin time and time again that they will inform her immediately once there has been news of the duke and duchess but this didn't bring her at peace.

The only reason that the house wasn't in total chaos right now was because of Benjamin. When Lucas left a couple of weeks after their parents did, Benjamin knew he would be entrusting the title of an Acting Junior Duke to him until he gets back. He left with the words "Don't worry, this will be over soon. But if I don't come back, make sure to take care of Agriche in my stead" Benjamin wanted to tell him off but he knew deep inside that there could still be a possibility.

"Sister" 15 year old Keira looked at Leilin after her conversation with the butler, Leilin didn't know how to comfort her, even though she's in her teens, she can feel how tense Keira was with the whole situation, everybody felt the same.

"Still nothing?" She asked and Leilin shook her head. Through the months, Keira slowly lost her light and her joyous spirit, nobody can blame her, the siblings started to lose their smiles when news of the demons started spreading and when their parents and oldest brother left. "I'm sure they're fine," Leilin said.

"C'mon lets get some rest" She walked towards Keira but ended up losing her footing because of a sudden quake. "What the" Keira was able to hold onto a wall, the entire house shook. Benjamin descended from the stairs that led to the rooftop and to his room, his younger sisters trailing behind him "What happened?" Leilin asked as Benjamin took his sword, "monsters, they've breached the wall" he put on the armor that he had in his closet.

How? How can those demons reach the city? The soldiers were fending them off. Then it dawned on Leilin, she shook her head while taking a step back.

Benjamin was looking at her with a sad expression, he looked like he was holding back tears, she didn't want to look at him, she didn't want to confirm her fears. Keira looked back between her siblings. "What?" She asked, looking at Leilin who had her hand over her mouth.

"Lin? What is it?" She was getting frustrated with the silence, Leilin looked at her, eyes filled with tears. "They've breached the wall, Keira" her breathing got heavier, she already had an idea on what they're trying to say, she didn't want to believe it but the silence made her confirm it even more.

"No," she said simply but Leilin nodded. "No, no, no" she said over and over again. She looked at Benjamin, "Tell her Brother, tell her that it's not true, tell her that they're still out there. Fighting." Benjamin stayed silent, he wanted to reassure them but he couldn't. He can't give them false hope.

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