Chapter 1

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Short Author's Note
The names will be kept and will not be changed except for their middle names. I will not rename any of them so that it will be easy to identify who is who
Also, I haven't read 'Becoming The Hero's Rival' yet so the attitude that Benjamin has in this fic is solely based on how I think he acts or would act.
She could never forget the cold eyes that her father gave her. Ever since the beginning, she was always treated differently, she never received the same warmth that her father gave Cosette and worse of all, Cosette was the one who showed Beatrice's power and it all led to Keira's execution.

"Actually, you were the real one" Cosette admitted a day before her execution but it wasn't like the duke of Parvis would believe her, and although she wanted to try and tell the truth she couldn't. Her mouth was covered so no matter how much she yelled, it only came out as a muffled sound.

It's noisy. Wherever she may be, it's noisy. She can't see anything, only darkness and she's being surrounded by voices that she isn't familiar with. A voice of two males and a female, were they talking about how pitiful she looked? But something was wrong, she was sure that a body can no longer move once the blade of the guillotine has struck the neck.

"Did her fever go down?" A warm hand touched her forehead. Where was she? Why can she still feel such things when she's supposed to be dead? "It seems like it. Her body isn't so tense now" another voice comes in. She was sick?

"Be quiet, you'll wake her up" now a female voice joins them. She gained enough energy to open her eyes slightly. She locked eyes with three children who were looking right at her, they all looked similar to each other which made her safe to assume that they were siblings.

"Keira!" The boy near her bed immediately jumped to hug her. "Oi Benjamin! Be careful, she just woke up!" Another boy, who seemed to be the oldest, yelled at him. Keira couldn't move; she just took in the hug from Benjamin.

"Should we call the doctor?" The girl looked at the one who just yelled, he nodded his head and went outside to call for a maid. "I'm happy that you're finally better. You made us all nervous last night" the girl approached her and also hugged her from the side.

She was confused as hell. What was going on? Didn't she die a few seconds ago? "You're squishing her" the older boy looked at his younger siblings and Benjamin made a face "Aww older brother Lucas is bitter he couldn't join in the hug" he comments and Lucas looked like he was going to burn down the room. "I'm sorry Keira. You know that your older brothers are always this childish" the girl beside her looked at her with a smile.

"You're also childish sometimes, Leilin" Lucas murmurs and Benjamin chuckled. "But anyways, Keira is feeling better now. Right?" Lucas faced her and Keira nodded at the same time that a knock was heard from the door.

"My, I didn't expect the children of Agriche will all be here. I apologize for coming in late" the doctor entered along with the maids. "It's fine. You'll just do an examination right?" The doctor nodded. Leilin and Benjamin left the bed so that the doctor could do his job.

"Alice. Do you know where mom and dad are now?" She asked her maid "I'm sure they're already on the way" she assured the young lady. Although Medea and Dion gave a reasonable excuse to not attend the meeting, the emperor was stubborn and practically forced them to attend.

"It seems like Lady Keira has completely recovered. I recommend letting her have a walk in the garden so that she can regain the nutrients that she has lost while she was sick" the doctor was dismissed and the maids were asked to temporarily exit the room.

"Keira, are you okay? You look lost" Lucas approached her and she locked eyes with him. "I-I'm fine" she looked down at her sheets. "Don't worry Keira, your sister and brothers are here" Leilin smiled and so did the two older boys. Keira was dazed, they were her siblings? Looking back, their eyes and hair colors looked familiar. What did the doctor say as their last name was again? Agriche?

"Have some of this Keira" Lucas popped a fruit drop into her mouth. Keira's eyes sparkled, this was the first food she ate ever since she was arrested and was forced to starve in a cell. It tasted like lemons, it was sweet, not too sour. She looked at the people around her, they all looked at her with faces filled with relief and she could see that they had no malicious intentions towards her. She was alive. She was alive and she wasn't in the Parvis estate anymore, she smiled at them and Leilin started tearing up "Keira" she said, nearly a whisper. She hugged her tightly and Keira hugged her back, feeling comfortable in her arms. It all still felt new to her but one thing was for sure, this was already better than her experience in the dukedom of Parvis.

She was happy.

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