Chapter 44

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"Gold or blue?" Allison asked me, "uh blue" I said and she ticked off something on her paper "butterflies or foxes?" She asked again, "huh?" Is that a common question when planning for your birthday? "Its for the design" she clarifies "oh uh, butterflies I guess" another tick, "silk or cotton?" Another face full of confusion formed "for the cloth" she said, "yeah I get that but why?"

"Well this is your party, it should be designed according to your liking" she smiled excitedly, "cotton, I guess" I answered her earlier question. Before she can ask another, mom walked in "I think it's time to put the party planning to a halt for now" another day, another rescue by my mother. Allison excuses herself and leaves the room while mom hands me some ice cream.

"When you told me I had to party plan, I didn't expect so many questions" I said as I gobbled up some vanilla ice cream, "its all part of the process dear" she said. Well this is a very excruciating process filled with questions. Sure, I wouldn't have to trouble myself with setting up decorations but the QnA parts are as close to unnecessary as possible, especially since it was Allison questioning me, as if she didn't watch me grow up, I mean, the original Keira, up until I reincarnated into her body.

"I can ask Allison to stop with the questions if that's what you want" she said as if reading my mind. I thought about it for a while, will it be rude? Will she think that I think she's annoying? "I don't know mom, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings" I sadly ate a spoon of ice cream before turning to face my mother, "Allison will understand, plus half of the questions are already answered, I suppose she knows you well enough to know the answer to the next questions" I took another spoonful before nodding hesitantly. If she says that's its okay then it'll be okay.

"You're growing up too quickly" mom said with a smile as the maids behind us started to leave the room one by one. "I'll slow it down if I can" She chuckled, I meant it. I don't want to grow up yet, I don't want to be a year older, I just want to stay like this, where everything is still as innocent as it can be.

"Hurry up with your ice cream, its melting" I looked down at the glass and realized a small puddle has already formed around the remaining solid parts of the ice cream. I took my time in eating though half of it has already turned to liquid, after that I left all the preparations to Allison and headed to the garden. "I thought you were busy with Allison" Lucas appeared, it looked like he just came from the greenhouse.

"I was, but mom told me I can go" I said with a smile Lucas walked beside me, we really had no clear destination, we just kept walking until something forces us to stop. "I really wish you can stay as a child" he said, I turned to him, "funny, mom said the same thing"

"Well you know what they say, great minds think alike" he smiled smugly as I shook my head with a chuckle. Cosette has been easy to handle so far, she has disrupted a couple of swordsmanship lessons between my brothers, she also-at some point- was nearly killed by Leilin's arrow because of how she suddenly appeared out of nowhere and startled Lin. She's befriended sir Lance, though I'm not sure if that's the right word to use since sir Lance seems to only talk to her out of politeness.

We've received news that those of Agriche's side of the family will be arriving some time this week, same with the ones from Vasilios. Rashta still acts like herself, complaining about stomach pains here and there but the doctor only advises her to take rests and to not stress about anything. Not that there's anything that might reach her concerns here since everything is being beautifully handled by my mother.

"Dad's taking us to the beach after your birthday" Lucas revealed, "Really?" I tried not to sound too overjoyed but I failed, Lucas got a good laugh from my reaction which annoys me but also makes me smile at the same time. "Yeah, he said it was meant to be a surprise"

"Ugh, thanks alot for ruining it" I said, being upset in dad's stead. "Hey it's not my fault, you'd do the same thing" I scoffed "No I wouldn't, unlike you, I'm actually good at keeping secrets" I said.

"What's going on between mom and dad?" I asked Lucas and he shrugged "I don't know, I mean they're still all lovey dovey sometimes" I chuckled, lovey dovey is one way to describe it. "But there's something about their actions, especially since Rashta's, you know, untimely announcement" I nodded, agreeing to his observation.

They haven't been completely ignoring each other. Its more like, stolen glances, distancing themselves whenever a certain topic comes up, getting closer whenever we're around, those types of things. "We really need to save them before you guys leave" I said, settling on the swing, "yeah no kidding" Lucas went behind me then gently pushed the swing.

"Was Rashta also in the past?" I asked, the hand that meets my back whenever the swings goes backwards stiffened, "brother?" I looked over my shoulder, "hm?" He looked at me like he just got out of a trance, "was Rashta in the past?" I asked again. "No" he answered, short and simple.

"Then how come she's here now?" Lucas shrugged, regaining his gentle pace in pushing. "I don't know, maybe she was supposed to find her way to us in the past but something happened along the way" hm, interesting. "Ugh, Hugh, hold that box carefully will ya! If one of those swords break you might not see the light of day again!" A voice rumbled through the silence, ah right, they were expecting a delivery of new swords this week, just like they do every single month.

"Go help them brother" I gestured Lucas to their direction "what about you?" "I'll be fine" I smiled "but- oh fine, stay there, I'll be back" he rushed through some bushes to reach the soldiers, I know he's met them when one of them exclaimed his name and thanked him.

So then, I was left alone, only managing to swing a little using my feet. "I thought you were more focused on keeping a low profile" I said over my shoulder, knowing full well she was there.

"Why would I?" Cossette's voice rang clear in my ear. "Well considering how my mother embarrassed you and your father behind the crowd of people, I thought you'd have atleast the decency to keep your distance. My mother did it once and trust me she can do it twice" I looked at her, nothing about her appearance changed, she's still a complete carbon copy of that joke of a father.

"Oh please. Don't flatter yourself into thinking that you're the reason I'm here" she chuckled. "I saw sir Lucas make his way here so I decided to follow him" a smile that I knew all too well appeared. Oh so she's a stalker now? "Save yourself the energy, the last thing my brother wants to do is have any slither of interest towards you" I cringed, somehow, an image of my brother and Cossette together appeared in my mind.

Cossette's cheeks were red, she looked like a tomato, a blond tomato in this narrative. "Now if you won't mind, I'd like to spend the rest of my time waiting for my brother in peace" I turned around again so now I am facing nothing but green grass and some trees. I hummed softly, closing my eyes and pushing my feet against the ground so that I can move.

"Let me help you there princess" Cossette's sudden charge towards me left me in no place to move, my eyes opened and before I knew it, she had her hands on the rope and pushed the swing so hard it felt like I was about to hit a branch. "COSSETTE" I yelled when the swing fell backwards and towards her, once again she pushed me with so much strength I actually thought of just winging it and jumping off.

Another hard push and this time, the swing nearly did a 360 "You thought you can scare me?" Cossette hollered in laughter as she watched me panic. Shit shit shit. As the swing fell back another time, I breathed in the strength to just jump off and I did, I ended up rolling on the ground and causing more nausea but at least I'm off that swing.

"What? Can't handle a little fun?" Her annoying voice took over. She stopped the swing with her hand while I regained the air that my lungs lost. "This is a very dangerous game your playing, Parvis" I warned but she just returned me with a very smug smile. "Your not so scary anymore Agriche" she chuckled just in time for my brother to walk in again. "What's going on here?" He asked, my eyes darted on the sword placed on his belt, without thinking, I grabbed it immediately and pointed it to Cossette's neck.

"Just telling our little guest here to choose who she fights carefully" I smiled at my brother and at Cossette "remember, one wrong move and this blade might find its way right through your neck" I threatened before lowering it and handing it to Lucas. "I want to go see Benjamin haul the things he got at the bookshop" I said as if nothing happened and just turned around to head back to the mansion, Lucas following closely behind me.

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