Chapter 46

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A/n: this chapter and the next one will be focused on Medi and Dion cuz why not:>

"Make sure the flowers will be placed properly and neatly, I don't want to see them unorganized even in the slightest" Medea instructed the maid responsible for said flower arrangements, Dion watched quietly in the sidelines, waiting for the perfect opportunity to step in, "those don't go there, they go in the ballroom" she said and the other maid quickly rushed in to solve the problem, not wanting to see her angry.

"Okay, why don't we step out for a while and take a breather" Dion slid to her side, his hands holding her waist ever so gently. "We can't, Keira's birthday is within 48 hours, I don't think we can take a breather" the stress was evident on her face, Dion can clearly see it "Divide the hyacinths to different vases, don't just bundle them up together in one" she instructed again, forcing Dion to cup her face, "calm down, I'm sure they know what they're doing" "but-" she was about to protest when her husband stops her with a kiss, "No buts, lets go out to the capital or we can go and visit our spot, up to you"

Dion looked at her, some sort of mischief hidden within the light crimson of his eyes. "Okay" she agreed, "good, so what's your choice?" He held her hand, leading her away from the flower filled mess. "The willow tree" a smile appeared on Dion's face. "Alright, lets go" "shouldn't I go change first?" Medea stopped him before he took of running.

"No, what your wearing is perfect, plus nobody wouldn't mind, It'll be just you and me" Medea let out a slight chuckle. Dion rushed out the mansion and straight to the stables, his wife easily catching up with him. He takes out their horses and readies them for a long ride, packing in some sliced apples. "After you my lady" he offered his hand to help her up, she couldn't really sit the way she usually does since she was wearing a dress so she had to make do with sitting sideways.

Dion gets on his own horse and they take off, taking the path in the forest behind their house. It leads to the main forest, connecting multiple houses but being the Agriche's, its under their name thus giving them power over the other ducal homes. They reach a certain clearing, free from roots of the trees so they can keep their horses there since they wouldn't go any further into the trail. Dion gets off his horse first and heads to Medea's side to offer his hand, she jumps off and Dion catches her.

They tie their horses to a tree and head on their way, past plants of every kind, vines slinging down the barks of the trees, the sound of leaves swaying to the air filled their surroundings and just like that, it was like they were young adults again. Back when they were still looking for what love and to live truly feels like, back when their relationship was limited to only brief glances and accidental touches, before it turned into having to hide behind curtains and meeting at dusk.

"Watch your step" Dion held her hand firmly as they skipped their way past the stones and successfully landing on the base of the willow, "look" Medea pointed at a certain part of the bark, a part that sunset rays directly hit. It was their names engraved into the wood, Dion was the one to do it, 'a way to seal our love without the need of a contract' he once said, it was after they both ran away from their families. A day after Eros canceled their engagement, Dion stole Medea away from her father during their visit to the estate, he took her on his horse and rode off to this spot, where they-along with Claude- once called their playground.

Medea didn't want the engagement so she couldn't care less about who the prince picked, so when Dion swept her off her feet, she was more than happy. They went on the run, knowing that guards will be looking for them but those guards didn't know about the willow tree, nobody did, all they knew was the forest. Only the three of them knew about the hidden gem.

That afternoon, while the sun was setting, Dion held her hand and her gaze, the usual cold and terrifying eyes of his into turned into something unrecognizable, something filled with softness and warmth, then came the promise of forever. As she stood on the very same ground, memories came flooding back to her, like they were just unlocked from her mind "it never changed" she smiled, she wasn't a sentimental person, but just like the necklace from her nana, the willow grove had a special place in her heart.

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