Chapter 14

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Never in my married years did I doubt Dion. I've always supported him and he does the same for me, I never felt the need to be suspicious or wary of him. Until that day. Rashta looked at him as if they were once lovers. When he announced that she'll be staying at the East Palace, my blood ran cold.

That same night he assured me again, he held me as close to him as possible that not a single space was left between us. He held me tight throughout the night as if I would vanish if a single finger of his isn't touching my skin. I trust him. I always have because he's proved his loyalty more than once.

But now I might end up doubting myself as well. I never really cared if Dion wouldn't share some parts of his day with me but lately he's becoming extremely quiet, I thought that there was something wrong with his siblings so I asked Roxanna but she said that everything was fine. I also asked the older children if their father might've told them something but they also just shook their heads no.

I'll admit that I'm starting to get worried but Dion is the type of guy who wouldn't share his problems with someone else, not even with me. So even if I drown him everyday with questions of concern, he'll just dismiss my worry and tell me not to think about it. I hate that about him. I hate how he completely shuts himself off whenever a problem arises, he may be strong but he still lacks the mentality that one man cannot do it all.

"Duchess? I didn't expect to see you here" Naomi, the butler of the east palace, greeted me at the entrance. "I got bored and wanted to see how our guest is doing, have she found the place comfortable?" The palace was sparkling clean, new flowers in vases were neatly placed upon a table, the red carpet was changed and not a single speck of dust was to be seen. Naomi seemed satisfied with my impressed look.

"Yes. She's also very helpful, she helps in maintaining the house and garden from time to time" I walked up the stairs and to the second floor, "There is one thing you have to know, Duchess" I stopped in my tracks and looked at the butler, she was hesitant in spilling the news but eventually took a deep breath and spoke "Lately, there was been some reports that a hooded figure was seen entering and leaving lady Rashta's room through her balcony every night for nearly a week now"

A hooded figure? Who could it be? It's definitely not Dion since he keeps me wrapped around him all night that he wouldn't be able to leave without me knowing. It can be one of her acquaintances who we do not know of but where would this person reside in?

"Thank you Naomi" She bowed and left. I stalled for a minute before walking forward again. It was strangely quiet, extremely quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat. It seemed like the maids weren't busy and everybody's taking a break. I walked past bedroom after bedroom, all of them were unoccupied an yet were clean. I guess Dion isn't here after all.

Wrong. I reached an open bedroom which I supposed was Rashta's, I wasn't planning on finding out what she was doing but curiosity is a dangerous enemy and it definitely killed me. Rashta was straddling Dion, I couldn't see his face but I could clearly see her's.

I can't move. My feet are completely glued to the ground. It was my anger that made me drive myself into that room, ready to curse the hell out of Dion except I couldn't really do that because he was passed out.

Rashta got off him as soon as I barged in "D-duchess" She looked at me nervously but I my attention was on the passed out man on the couch, his face was red and a wine glass was knocked over on the table. This damned drunk bastard. "What did you do?" I questioned and she stayed silent "I asked you a question, lady" she trembled in dread.

"I-I'm sorry. He got too drunk and I wanted to move him to my bed so that he'll be more comfortable but he took my hand and pulled me" she fidgets in her place, glancing at the half empty bottle of wine "Did you offer him the wine?" She nodded, she didn't offer, she forced him. He never drinks half a bottle of wine while he's working.

"You little-" I was about to lunge at her but Dion reached out to hold my pinky finger. "Medi" I lower my hand and sat beside him. "Medi smells like primroses" he pulled me closer to him but I use my arms to pull him away. "Let's get you back home" I pull on his arm and he stands up, swaying.

It was a journey but I managed to get Dion into our room and to the bed without him falling down. I turn to leave once he looked asleep but of course he wasn't "Stay with me" his eyes looked directly at mine "There's still some paperwork that needs to be done" I replied and he pouts "Please" I sighed, how can I say no when he's looking at me like a lost puppy.

"Fine, but once your sober you're going to fill eve- AHH" He pulled me down on the bed and I land on top of him. "Dion!" I yelled and he chuckled. "Your cute" his hands find a strand of my hair and he plays with it. "And you're drunk" I tried to get off him but his grip on me only tightened, he only had one hand on my waist but he has enough strength to put in it to keep me in place.

"I'll get you a thousand primroses" if I had a single gold coin every single time he mentioned that flower on our trip from the east palace to here, I would already have a million. "I'll look forward to it then" he smiled and pulled me down just to kiss my forehead.

"You smell like wine" I said, pointing out the obvious "I'm sorry" he started to pant. Oh shit. "It's getting hot, Medi" he unbuttoned the two top buttons of his shirt, I removed his suit a while ago to at least lessen the heat a little but it seemed like it wasn't enough.

"It's because your drunk. Go to sleep" I advise but this man is stubborn once he gets all tipsy. He grabbed both of my arms, switched positions with me and pinned me down. His entire face was red and his breathing got heavier. "It's really hot" he repeated his words as he hovered above me.

"Dion let me go" I move my wrists but he continues to add more strength to his hands. His head drops to the side of my neck, he started to cover my shoulder with kisses and I can't help but shiver. "I told you to go to sleep, not turn me on" I managed to free my right hand and I push Dion down beside me.

"Close your eyes. I'll be here till you wake up" he becomes uncontrollable once he gets this intoxicated and I found out that sleep helps him get his senses back. Thankfully, he listened this time and went to sleep but I still can't leave even if I wanted to. His arms is still around me and they aren't going to get weaker anytime soon.

Damnit Dion. Let me go, I'm still not done with that woman.

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