The Maddest Obsession

By __anvesha

356K 9.3K 2.1K

"He'd burn the whole world down till he could dig me out of the ashes." I was ready to start a new life. Afte... More



8.5K 236 35
By __anvesha



"So, you're saying you have been kidnapped and the man who has kidnapped you has brought you here, to Paris?" The lady officer asked me.

Thankfully, she knew how to speak English.

And also thanks to Jesus, I was finally able to run away. The woman at the salon told me that the church had a back door which led straight to the police station. I knew Christian must have figured out till now that I had ran away and he must be looking for me so I didn't have much time either.

"Yes, his name is Christian Pierce. He kidnapped me and kept me locked away in his house until he brought me here a day ago. I have my family in Manhattan. I want you to contact my fiancé. His name is Liam Ellison. You have to hurry before Christian gets here, please."

"Okay, okay." She rummaged through some papers, "So, this man, Christian Pierce, you said, kidnapped you almost a month ago and he hasn't asked for any ransom. So why did he kidnapped you? For human trafficking?" She asked me.

I held back a groan. I knew I almost sounded stupid as I answered her. "No, he isn't going to use me for human trafficking. He kidnapped me because he's...obsessed with me. He's planning a future with me. He wants me to marry him and have his babies, and he says that he didn't have any other way to have me except kidnapping me."

She cocked a brow, looking at me like I had lost my mind. " he a psychopath or something?"

"Yes! He's a psychopath. He told me that himself. He doesn't feel but he feels for me. Now, please would you hurry? I need to call Liam."

She took a once over of me. There was a possibility that she thought I was lying. She obviously didn't buy what I was saying. But then she sighed, "Okay, I'll let you make one call to whoever you want."

I nearly jumped from my seat. "Thank you!"

She handed me the landline and I grabbed it with both hands. I was shaking by the time I dialed Liam's number. At the first ring, I almost cried out with joy.

We're getting out of here, bitch.


My blood went cold.



This couldn't be happening. Not so fast. He couldn't have found me that fast.

Long fingers took the phone from me as I watched, frozen in my seat. Then the same hand cupped my cheek as my face was turned to watch Christian on his knees to be eye level with me.

His forehead was creased, his eyes held something close to worry and panic. And when he caressed my cheek with his thumb, it was then I realized he was shaking. Badly.

"Why did you leave like that? I was worried. I thought...I thought you..." Instead of completing his sentence, Christian leaped to press a kiss on my cheek, then my head, eyes and finally my lips.

Someone cleared their throat and Christian's gaze snapped from mine.

"And you are?" The Officer asked him.

He stood up to his full height, taking me with him to stand beside him as his hand wrapped around my waist like a steel band.

Guess I was back to my cage.

"I'm Christian Pierce. Her boyfriend."

The officer's brows shot up, looking at me at then at him. I tried to tell her with my eyes See, I told you. Now, get rid of him.

But she obviously didn't get the idea because she said, "Mr. Pierce, this lady here claims that—"

"Mr. Pierce?" A voice—a man's voice—with a French accent echoed in the room.

I watched another Officer approaching us with a big smile plastered on his face.

"C'est si bon de te voir ici," he shook hands with Christian.

(So nice to see you here.)

I watched Christian putting up a forced smile as he said, "Officier Aubert, ravi de vous voir."

(Officer Aubert, nice to see you.)

The Officer glanced at me and then back at my boyfriend. Almost hesitating, he asked, "Puis-je vous aider avec quelque chose? Qui est cette jeune femme? Est-ce votre femme?"

(Can I help you with something? Who is this young lady? Is she your wife?)

I had no fucking idea what he was saying but it was clear that he knew Christian. Which was now a problem for me.

Christian's hand tightened on my waist as he said, "Non, pas encore ma femme. Mais bientôt. Elle vient de se perdre alors elle est venue ici pour demander de l'aide."

(No, not my wife, yet. But soon. She just got lost so she came here to ask for help.)

"Ah, je vois," he exclaimed.

(Ah, I see.)

I opened my mouth to tell him that this man standing beside me had kidnapped me but the lady officer spoke before me.

"Mais monsieur, cette femme ici prétend que M. Pierce l'a kidnappée et l'a amenée à Paris. Elle dit que la raison de son enlèvement était...l'obsession de M. Pierce envers elle. Elle a dit qu'elle voulait notre aide et qu'elle voulait aussi que nous contacter sa famille à Manhattan."

(But sir, this woman here claims that Mr. Pierce kidnapped her and brought her to Paris. She says the reason for her abduction was...Mr. Pierce's obsession with her. She said that she wants our help and she also wants us to contact her family in Manhattan.)

Officer Aubert gave a weird look to Christian and that was my cue that the lady officer had told him about my kidnapping.

"M. Pierce, que dit-elle? Vous l'avez kidnappée?" Aubert said.

(Mr. Pierce, what is this woman saying? You've kidnapped her?")

Christian's gripped tightened again and I went to speak to Officer Aubert that he needed to save him from this psychopath man but Christian beat me to it.

"Ma petite amie ici souffre d'une perte de mémoire à court terme. Elle oublie souvent notre relation et agit comme ça. Je vis à Manhattan, si vous voulez, vous pouvez faire une vérification des antécédents. Pensez-vous vraiment que je dois kidnapper une femme pour avoir elle, Officer Aubert? Elle est juste un peu perturbée, c'est tout. Elle ira mieux dans quelques minutes. Si vous voulez, vous pouvez aussi consulter son médecin à Manhattan."

(My girlfriend here is suffering from short term memory loss. She often forgets about our relationship and acts like that. I live in Manhattan, if you want, you can do a background check. Do you really think I have to kidnap a woman to get her, Officer Aubert? She's just a little confused, that's all. She'll be fine in a few minutes. If you want, you can also consult her doctor in Manhattan.)

I didn't understand a word Christian said, but whatever the fuck he said was not in my favor because both the officers passed me a pity glance.

What the fuck?

"Si tu veux, je peux te le prouver." Christian said further as he turned to me.

(If you want, I can prove it to you.)

"Sweetheart, do you remember our home in Manhattan?" Christian asked me.

I didn't. That was the point.

"I don't! Because he—"

Christian cut me off in between, "Voir? Elle ne se souvient pas."

(See? She doesn't remember.)

"Sweetheart, do you remember how we got here? Do you remember what flight we took?" He asked me again.

Again, I didn't know the answer. But why was he asking me all that? What was he trying to prove?

"Écoutez, je vous l'ai dit, Officier, elle est un peu perturbée. Elle ira bien. Je suis désolé pour votre dérangement mais je pense que nous devrions partir. Je ne veux plus d'elle ici." Christian babbled.

(Look, I told you, Officer, she's a little disturbed. She will be fine. I'm sorry for your inconvenience but I think we should leave. I don't want her here anymore.)

What. The. Fuck. Was. He. Saying?

Officer Aubert nodded to whatever Christian said. "You should take care of yourself, Miss. We are here to help you whenever you want. Mr. Pierce really cares about you. You shouldn't run away from him like that." Aubert said in his broken English accent.

Uh, what?

"But, Officer, he has—"

"Let's go. You need to rest." Christian grabbed my hand and started dragging me out.

"I don't need rest! I want—" I tried to pry my hand off his grip but he was so strong, "Officers, help me please! He's a fucking psychopath! He needs—"

There was no point of yelling because we were already out of the station with both the Officers throwing me pity glances as Christian pushed me inside his car.

And then Arnold fucked us off from there.

Now, what? Was he going to kill me now?

I looked back at Christian to watch him typing on his phone. Maybe he was asking someone to take care of my body after he got rid of me.

"We're heading back home, Arnold." He said, still busy on his phone.

"Yes, sir."

I watched Christian closely. He didn't seem mad. But then again, Christian didn't get mad. He went straight psycho. Period.

What was he going to do now? Scare me off with Liam? Or try to force himself again?

"Why did you go to the cops?" He asked me keeping his phone back in his pocket.

I scoffed as I looked away from him. "You kidnapped me, Christian. You certainly didn't expect me to accept all this, did you?"

"But I thought you had come to terms with it. With us. I thought you had accepted me the way I am." He said.

"I can't! You don't understand. I can't...I can't live like this. There's still time, Christian. Let me go, please. I won't tell anyone, I swear. I won't go to the police and tell them about you. I will never get you in trouble for this. I'll forget everything, I promise."

He looked at me for a long time with a blank expression before he said, "You'll forget me."


I didn't mean it like that.


Why did he have to make this so hard? Was I the only one who could see we didn't make sense? That this was never going to work out?

"Why am I the only one being practical about this?"

"Because you've never been in this as deeply as me." No emotion behind those words. Just cold hard fact. Though, a flicker of something passed through his eyes, something soft and soul-wrenching. Something I'd never seen in my own before. Something unrequited.

I went to rectify my statement but it was obvious he wasn't interested anymore because he put on his airpod, retreating back in the seat and looking out of the window.

Fucking fine.

The ride was silent until we reached the airport. Christian took my hand in his own as we walked up to the plane. I tried to snatch my hand way but that only made him tighten his grip on me.

The plane we were taking was a private jet and the pilot had disappeared inside the cockpit with Arnold.

So it was just me and my kidnapper.

I was sulking in my seat by the time we were in the air.

I wouldn't be here if my kidnapper hadn't found me. How the fuck did he even find me? If I'd have just two more minutes, I would've called Liam. And I didn't even know what he told those cops which made them look at me with pity.

Did he say I was mad? That I had lost my mind?

Probably yes, and yes.

And now I was stuck with him again.

Just because I had consensual sex with him twice, and I was probably developing some kind of fucked up feelings towards him, and im my defense, I would say that he had Stockholm Syndromed me. But that wasn't going to make me stay. I had my own life. I had my Liam.

A hand appeared in front of me and I looked up to watch Christian looking down at me with a neutral expression.

"What?" I snapped.

"Come with me." He tilted his head to his right, which I think probably led to the bedroom.

I glared at him. "Why?"

"Because I'm hard and I want to fuck you." He said bluntly. I swear I stopped myself from flinching and involuntary my eyes went down to the bulge in his pants.

"I'm not a whore, Christian. You can't come to me and say you want to fuck just because you're hard. I am not having sex with you. Not now, not ever."

He sighed, "Perhaps you're a good girl, then. Now, join me like one. I promise I'll lick your p*ssy."

God, this infuriating man!

"Did you just—" my sentence ended in a shriek because Christian picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder so that I had a perfect view of his fabric cladded ass.

"Christian! Put me down!" I banged my fists on his back but he kept walking in all his mighty until we were inside the bedroom and he sat on the bed with me straddling his lap.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled.

"Everything." He smiled.

I attempted to slide back and off his thighs but he jerked me forward and I went flush with his body, my hands coming to fist his jacket on his shoulders.

Frowning, he growled, "You're sitting right here."

I glared at him, "Let me go."

He smiled again. "Never."

And then he adjusted me futher on his lap until I was sitting on his erection and my n*pples brushed against his chest.

"You only agreed to sex with me the first time because I'd take the tracker off." It wasn't a question so I didn't say anything.

"But why did you ride my c*ck the second time, Stella? You didn't get anything out of it. Except orgasms."

Uh, yes. I didn't want to answer that question.

So remained silent. If I wouldn't talk to him, he'd eventually get frustrated and let me go.

His lip twitched as he twirled my hair. "Seems like you fancy a mouth-fuck, since you clearly aren't able to use it to speak. I've never fucked anyone's mouth before, you know. The women I've been with never sucked my c*ck."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had never received oral?

"I'll put my d*ck between these lips and hump your mouth like a fucking animal. But we both know I won't stop at your mouth, don't we?"

I gulped.

"No, Stella," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Your mouth won't be enough for me." With his thumb, he traced the lines of my throat; he even glanced down at it. "You're going to have to let me throat fuck you."

Throat fuck.

His thumb digged on my pulse. "Yeah. You know what that is, sweetheart?"

Fuck, did I say that out loud?

But when I didn't say anything, he continued, "Well, sweetheart," he licked his lips, still staring at my throat, pulling my neck back even, stretching it as if he wanted to examine every inch of my pale skin and my tendons, "it's when a desperate and horny man with a big c*ck—let's call him Christian, okay? — slides that d*ck into the pink mouth of a doe-eyed diva or his sweetheart—let's call her Stella. But just sliding that d*ck in Stella's mouth is not enough for Christian. He is too horny, too fucking insane for Stella. Because her mouth is fire, yeah? Her tongue is fucking insane and it drives Christian crazy. So then, he goes in further. He grabs the back of her head, fists her pretty hair and shoves that c*ck down her sexy little throat."

His fingers touched the center of it, my throat, as if to point it out. "See? Here. He shoves his d*ck right here, and then fucks her throat like he owns it. Like he'd die without it. Like he'd expire right that second if he didn’t hump and ride Stella's throat until his balls are smacking her chin and she's moaning with every jab, her nose buried in his pelvis, gagging and salivating."

"But Stella's gonna have to struggle. You know why, sweetheart? Because Christian has a fat c*ck. It's not gonna fit inside her narrow throat. But that is not gonna stop Christian. He is going to make Stella take every inch. He's gonna make her take all of it. Not just the tip, alright? And you know what else? Stella is a good girl. So, like a good girl, she is going to take all of it. And when Christian comes down her throat, she is gonna swallow all of it as well. She is not going to waste a drop."

"And it's gonna hurt, her throat. But Christian cares too much about his Stella. So even if it does hurt, he'll cup her in his hand. Right where it's sore. He'll apologize and give her a nice, easy rub. Kiss the sexy mouth that took him to the throat."

By the time he was done, I was wiggling in his lap and my throat was parched. For someone who had trouble expressing his emotions, Christian was by far the best when he was horny.

But his Stella's and Christian's little horny love story was not going to sway me.

"You know you should—"

"But Christian is debating." He continued.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Would he stop torturing me?

"He's debating whether he should fuck Stella's mouth or her ass for the little stunt she pulled that bothered Christian." He frowned.

Oh, no, no, no. He was not going there.

"So what do you think, sweetheart?" He pulled my bottom lip in his mouth, sucking on it. "Do you think Christian should fuck her virgin asshole until it's throbbing, or he should fuck her sexy little throat until it hurts, hmm?"


Phew, little spoiler,
Next chapter is going to make you a little...sweaty(We hope so) =P~

And find out our mistakes too :)

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