His(Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

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Jungkook had been working as a home nurse for a wealthy business man who has given him nothing but trouble fr... More



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By LettyTK

A month later Jungkook went for his first ever appointment.He had finally gotten the courage after getting encouragement from Jimin and Jin.He  still couldn't get over the moment when two fetus appeared on the screen.What was he going to do with two children alone.He grew anxious.

"I bet Taehyung will be so thrilled.He only wanted one but he will be getting double.It would have been great if he were here"Irene said

"He is very lucky.He will have three children around the same time"

"Think about yourself and your happiness for once"


"Why aren't you thrilled.You are having twins.It might be scary at first but you will get used to it.Remember you were crazy sick because you wanted to conceive.Now that you have you don't seem happy about it.I must say I'm quite disappointed"

"I'm happy but I'm scared.The fear out weights the happiness though.I feel so bad.I think I'm gonna a an awful parent"Jungkook covered his eyes with his palms.

"You will have to tell him.I'm sure you will feel better if you do so"

"I wanted nothing more than to have a child for Taehyung .I was happy for a moment but everything changed in an instant.I wanted to do this with him.Not on my own"

"It was you who made the decision to do it on your own.If Taehyung knew don't you think he would be here with you"

"I'm so confused over everything.I don't even know what I want"

"Relax.Everything will be fine.You just have to take the initiative"Irene said as he offered the omega a tissue to wipe the gel from his stomach.

"Thank you Noona"

"I have prescribed some supplements for you.Get them at the pharmacy before you leave"


Since the day Taehyung left the house he had constantly texted Jungkook asking him how he was doing but the omega never responded.At the same time he couldn't bring himself to block the alpha or remove his wedding ring.

Jungkook left the OB/GYN 's room without taking his eyes off the sonogram.Gradually the fact that he was having twins was starting to sink and he couldn't help but smile.Those were his and Taehyung's baby.It felt surreal.At least he had found something that would make him happy.Permanent happiness.

"Whoa.Look at where you are going doctor Jeon"

"I'm sorry hyung"

"What are you lost in"

"The sonogram.I'm having twins"he screamed."Can you believed it hyung"

"Can you show it to me pretty please"

"No.I don't want to.Not like you ever showed me yours.This is only for my eyes"

"Twins.I'm so happy for you .I have always wanted to have twins but now its too late.I envy you"

"Will you please walk me to the pharmacy.I have to get some supplements that were prescribed to me by Dr Irene"

"Sure.I will walk you.I honesty think that those scrubs are becoming too smaller for you.Better ask for a bigger size"

"Am I getting fat?"

"How come you are the only one who doesn't see it"


"Just look at you.Did you ever believe for a second that you would ever go around with a baby bump.And expecting twins on top of that"

"Not really"Jungkook smiled and palmed his four months old baby bump.

"You are smiling a lot today and I guess that's a good thing"

"I'm happy hyung.Despite everything."

"You have every reason to be happy.Children are a gift from God"

"Yeah.If you get time please jot down some pregnancy tips.I could use some.I'm really nervous about being in the second trimester"

"Better ask your cousin.I don't have anything good to teach you.I have always struggled with both my pregnacies because I didn't know how to make them pleasant"

"That's a shame.I hope I don't have to be like you"

"Then be happy always.Only have happy thoughts for the sake of the two munchkins you are carrying.They are innocent you know.They deserve nothing but love and care"

"Thank you.I have finally made peace with my life"

"Now that you are showing ,I don't think you will be able to hide it from Taehyung.He will find out sooner or later"

"I know"

"How many milkshakes do you want today.I'm in a good mood so I will treat you"

"Hyung stop teasing me"

"Thinking back on it,How could you have been so oblivious.I mean didn't you feel anything for three months.The hints were there right in front of you but you were just being stubborn about it"

"I honestly didn't know.I didn't want to believe it because I had made peace with the fact that I can't have a child.I was in denial I guess"

Ten minutes after Jungkook left the room  ,Irene had her door being opened.She didnt have any appointment afterwards.The person he saw was the last person he expected to see.


"Hie cousin."

"What a surprise?I can see you are in good health"

"As you can see I didn't die"

"I'm really glad.Did you come to see your cousin or you have other business here"

"I have some business.With you?"


"Is that surprising?"

"I'm just shocked"

"You owe me remember?"


"So you are going to tell me whatever I want to know"


"A patient of yours ,Kim Jungkook"

Irene's breath hitched.She didn't want to be the one to do this.What excatly did Taehyung want to know about Jungkook.Did he get a hint about the omega's pregnancy.Did he want her to confirm it .

Jungkook got home early and put on something warm.He went to the fridge and grabbed a tub of ice cream.He needed to relax.The day had been nerve wrecking.He was going with be a mom for real.He was still in denial about the fact that he was having twins.It was a pure blessing for his patience..

"Mommy doesn't feel like cooking.What shall we order guys?"Jungkook asked with his hand on his stomach as if the fetus could answer him.

"We can order pizza and chicken.No one is watching right.And maybe some soft drinks"

Jungkook went to grab his phone from his room and ordered up.Afterwards he sat on the couch and chose a very long movie to watch.He had been feeling lonely lately and he didn't want to admit it to himself.

The thought of going for shopping for his babies made his heart flutter.He really couldn't wait.It would just be memorable if he were to go with Taehyung.Despite everything that happened the alpha was the father of his two unborn children.

After twenty minutes his order had arrived.He met the delivery at the door to collect his food.He had already made the payment online.

Just when the delivery guy had left Jungkook realized that he was very familiar with the scent.He could never mistake his husband's scent for anything.It was him.

"Taehyung"he called out but the man was long gone .It was really his husband.Why didn't think it was weird that the delivery boy was trying to hide his face .

The love of his life had come to see him without him realizing.Did it mean that he now knew about the pregnancy.

"Did you guys see your dad.He came to see us.You will get to be with him as soon as you come out.For now it will be just the three of us"

Jungkook wanted to see Taehyung again.The longing was killing him.Maybe signing the divorce papers was a bad idea because clearly he can't live without the alpha.

When he sat down to eat he got a call from Irene.

"Hie Noona"

"Jungkook..Taehyung knows about your pregnancy.He cornered me to tell him.I'm really sorry"

"He wasn't angry was he?"

"Well he said he understand the reason why you hid it do he wasn't upset.He was happy rather"

"He came here disguised as a delivery boy.You should have seen him"

"When was that?"

"Just a while ago.I didn't know it was him until he left"

"I guess the cat is out of the bag?"

"Yeah he came to see it for himself"

"You aren't scared anymore right?"

"I don't know"

"I have to go .Take care"

"Thank you for calling Noona"

Just when Jungkook was about to go to bed he received a video call from Nana .His sister was having her internship in Japan

"Oppa,how are you?"

"I'm good and you?"

"I was waiting for you to give me the details of your appointment but I got nothing so I decided to call instead"

"Sorry I forgot to tell you.I had a lot on my mind lately.The doctor said the babies are healthy and in a good position"

"Did you just say babies"

"I'm having twins Nana.Isn't that exciting?"

"What get out of town.How did my brother in law take it"

"He...was elated.As expected"

"Congrats.I will call him so he can take extra care of you.Oppa you deserve to be pampered"

"Nana I can't with you"

"Where is he anyways?Still at work?"

"Yeah.He is working late these days"

"Don't worry.I will talk to him for you.He can't treat you like this"

"Don't bother him ,Nana"

"He is my brother in law,oppa"

"Fine whatever."

"Since you are in your fourth month that means I will be an aunt before my internship ends.This sucks"

"You can come home for a few days won't you"

"Yeah I will make sure I come home.I can't miss this for the world"

"Okay.Keep in touch"

"Bye oppa.Take care of yourself"

"I will.You too"

"I love you oppa."

"What's new .When did you start loving me?"

"You are making an aunt out of me so this is to show a little appreciation"

"Yeah whatever.I'm hanging up."

The omega exhaled after hanging up.Just how long was he going to lie to his family.When the truth gets out they will be so disappointed that he hid it from them.Either way his family was going to be hurt.He was torn and felt like running away from everything .Day by day he was becoming a very excellent liar and he was getting comfortable with it.He needed a vacation to relax

Jungkook went to the bathroom to pee and then came back to bed .He checked his phone and found a text from Taehyung.


He didn't know if he should reply to the text or not.He wasn't ready to explain why he had hid his pregnancy.So he switched his phone off and went to bed with a heavy heart .He had to be up on time so he could go to work.

"I'm sorry Taehyung"

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